Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kamisama Dolls episode 13 FINAL EPISODE?

So much to do and so little time. But I am glad it was just a false alarm with all the Fall Animes coming out. Apparently episode 1 really means 1:30 minute promo. I was like OH CRAP. But apparently I am just far behind on everything else in life and not anime.

But the super good news is that despite the husband still having to work on Thursday despite asking for the day off…I got my way and he will leave at 2. Which will put us in Atlanta around 8pm so we can check in, get our badges, and still go to the SuperHappyFunSell. Not perfect and my husband might not be as rested as I would like him to be for such a long drive but it is better than him leaving at his normal time.


As you can see all the important issues are covered in this final episode.

So on that happy note…let’s get Kamisama Dolls out of the way. XD Spoilers for THE END!


Utao is a genius!

Episode Summary: Utao’s god doll decides to get up and attack Mahiru’s god doll. Only neither one are controlling said god dolls. Shiba and bleeding Kyouhei are tossed aside but Koushiro makes sure to save them before they go squish. Kirio takes off in the middle of the battle and is not seen again. Utao’s god doll completely smashes Mahiru’s god doll into tiny pieces and that makes Mahiru a little…unhappy. Koushiro and Moyako get Utao and Mahiru out of there but Utao’s god doll follows anyway. Shiba can be seen crying over unconscious Kyouhei. He is taken to the hospital where everyone waits and worries over him. We learn that Mahuri has gotten away and we later see her waiting at the train station. While unconscious Kyouhei has several revelations about his life, like that he is a giant liar and loser. He was full of RAGE when he found about Teacher doing Aki, he attacked people with his god doll, and he stopped being a Seki because Utao gained control over his. But he really wants to protect Shiba now so all will be okay. He wakes up to groping Shiba and it is all embarrassing.


Every show this season has had some major parent fail. X___X

Kyouhei goes to the roof to think about how sad his life is. Shiba joins him and wants him to stay in town because they are in LOVE. Yay for kisses? Upon returning home Moyako explains that she can’t find anything wrong with Utao’s god doll. Utao automatically assumes it has something to do with her. Which is probably true. Shiba says all will be okay and Utao is like bitch you don’t know my life?! Kyouhei thinks everything is his fault and I approve of that statement. Aki shows up and Kyouhei starts to scream at him for things that are not his fault. Aki explains that he is going back to the village and Kyouhei is like MOVE ON DUDE. Aki explains that um that god doll that tried to fry us is still alive and Kyouhei is like oh….They reminisce about old times and part on good terms. Utao and Kyouhei spend the night wonder about their god doll’s previous owners and how much he remembers. There is a brief scene showing what all the other characters are doing before OH NO The End!

This episode was great. We found out exactly what the god dolls are, Kyouhei went to the village and kicked some ass, and every conflict/plot point was touched upon and resolved.

Or none of that happened at all. Which do you think happened?


Still don't know WHAT a god doll is.....

Apparently or…obviously there is going to be a second season. Not sure why they didn’t wait until they had enough material for 24 episodes. I see people are saying this was a great ending. Um I really didn’t see an ending at all. Kyouhei and Aki saying Peace Out at the end was thrown together so fast I doubt that counts. But that is all I have to go on for an ending.

However this was episode 13. It feels like episode 14 will air next week. But according to the interwebs there is not enough material for another season yet. So we will just leave things…..opened?


Maybe you would have found out had you stuck around?

I mean we got Kirio and Mahuri both on the run. Not sure how Kirio managed to run into Kuuko’s dad. Guess he has to be relevant despite the fact that NOTHING he did in the first 13 episodes mattered at all. Maybe he will have more to do in season two? For now he is waste of space. I guess I am more confused on why Kirio ran from battle. He had three people he considered siblings there. It was probably safer for him to stay there with people than hide alone and risk being picked off alone.

As for Mahuri….well she is sad and has reasons to run. No more god doll, Kyouhei wants Shiba, and her ticket to destroying the old ways in the village has been shot. So on the way home she goes to regroup and find that person in the “preview clip”.


From the mouths of babes....

Also we really hate Shiba right? Wasn’t she running outside to call for help for Kuuko. Was Kuuko mentioned AT ALL in this episode? Shiba thought she was shot. Yet all I saw was her crying all over Kyouhei. Shiba is the best friend ever.


Life must be tough when everyone has to listen to you. :( Poor Kyouhei.

I really liked Kyouhei being unconscious. We really learned a lot about him. Like he is a liar. He didn’t STOP being a Seki. Utao was able to take control over his god doll so done lost his spot. And if he didn’t lose his spot for that reason he surely got his god doll taken away because he attacked people. And after Aki killed half a room full of citizens they weren’t going to take any chances with Kyouhei. Oh and Kyouhei was pissed at Aki for sleeping with teacher which explains A LOT of his rage towards Aki even after finding out Aki didn’t kill Ms. CradleRobber.

So in conclusion Kyouhei and his emo I DON’T BELONG speech can bite me. He did belong, he was not an outsider. Aki and Teacher were including Kyouhei in their life….just not their bedroom. So his woe is me speech means nothing and is too stupid for words.


It would probably be more romantic if there wasn't a mile between them.

The only one buying his story is Shiba. Whom loves him back so I guess that works out for Kyouhei. Although I am surprised they manage to kiss what with the big hindrance in the way. You know…the balloons attached to her body?


What's a few dead bodies between friends right?

So I guess the only good thing about this episode was the scene with Aki and Kyouhei at the end. Kyouhei really has no idea what is going on despite thinking he is carrying the world on his shoulders. Aki really has a lot of reasons to be upset with Kyouhei yet he could sit there and laugh with Kyouhei about good times. And I am sure there were good times. There might have been more had people not tried to kill Aki and rape teachers and generally treat Aki like the plague. Kyouhei probably could have done more but in the end he was just one kid against the village. So while this was the ONLY moment that felt like a to be continued…it was done well. Aki acted almost…vulnerable and Kyouhei was only half an asshole.


Little kids can't see dead people. They can only operate deadly weapons. Duh.

So in conclusion this was not a conclusion at all. The little “what are they doing now” clips were just a lame way to work us into the next season. A season people don’t think is coming for a while. So we got a missing in action Kuuko and Kirio, no one is after Aki at this point, Kyouhei is still acting like MY LIFE IS HORRIBLE, and the Old Dude is still alive. Yes. A great ending indeed.


Poor misunderstood Aki. Go get the real crazies!

I can’t wait to see how Blood-C ends. Is this the season of Meh anime for me? :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

after the ending song, there was a scene where kyouhei was with kukuri and he was fighting the 4 leged god doll