Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kamisama Dolls episode 11

The second part of my day was pretty smooth and relaxing. Exactly what I needed. My husband keeps telling me I don’t need to justify the fact that I needed some time to de-stress. Take a breather and relax. And then we watched like 4 reality shows together. XD Because apparently that is all I watch folks. Anime and reality shows. I am a well-rounded person. Does the news count?

I just realized that Kamisama Dolls has 13 episodes. Of course after this episode I see they need all the episodes they can get to explain/wrap up this hot mess. But part of me is like….really? How much more of this show can I take? XD So positive I am.


WEEEE! 4 months later and I still get excited over things like this. I have BEEN there. XD

Since I missed last week for some reason (I have no reason actually, I have no idea how it happened) we are only on episode 11. Spoilers for Shiba’s boobies.


You mean before Kyouhei ran away from home he needed to tell you all his deep dark secrets?

Episode Summary: Mahiru further explains to the audience (as Aki was THERE) that the adults did not save the day. No no it was Kyouhei and his RARW face that overpowered the random god doll. Mahiru explains that she is here to get a team together and destroy the village’s old way of life. Aki is like um dude Kyouhei is in love with Shiba so good luck with that. Mahiru responds to that information by tazing Aki. Back at home Utao has made a flow cart on what the heck is going on with this show because she is confused. Shiba decides that lists are hard and suggest that Utao should get back on her big sister plan. Utao decides that involves making candy. Kyouhei returns home and explains that Koushiro has told him how awesome he is. Everyone is so jealous.

Koushiro is at his house worrying that telling Kyouhei about his own past was too soon. Kirio enters the room and is surprised to see Moyako there. Covering up “his” chest Kirio is all embarrassed as Moyako is like wtf is all this? But she doesn’t pay too much attention to that as she has a shopping trip with Shiba tomorrow. All is going well in spending too much money land until Mahiru kidnaps Shiba. Utao and her candy making self is told of the news with Kyouhei. Mahiru proceeds to molest Shiba and her nasty boobies saying she is the right choice for Kyouhei. Shiba disagrees. Mahiru appears in Shiba’s dads place (on top of Utao’s candies) and wants to go on a date with Kyouhei. Kyouhei says that will be impossible as you just kidnapped Shiba. Things don’t go well and Mahiru disappears. It takes minutes for Kyouhei to decide that Utao and he should track Mahiru down. Moyako hops along for the ride. But they better hurry as Mahiru’s random minion wants to see Shiba’s boobies close up. THE END!

This entire episode was almost all about Shiba. This post might be short folks.


You say boobs and everyone knows who you are talking about.

Actually most of the dialogue in this episode had to do with Shiba’s breasts. Some of the other female characters have ….shall we say rather impossible chests but even they recognize that Shiba’s figure is something from nightmares.


Stop drinking all that milk!!!

However poor Mahiru is under the impression that these crazy….life forms are seducing Kyouhei. I hope that is not the case as Shiba is a murderer of many nice shirts but Kyouhei is rather stupid. Anything is possible. I guess I find it funny that everyone had something to say about Shiba and it was all the same thing.


Destroying a crazy god doll is not the same as destroying an entire village.

Mahiru’s further explanation of Kyouhei was meh. I don’t like Kyouhei to begin with so seeing further evidence of his awesomeness. But even if Kyouhei is a loser in my eyes I don’t see his bravery as him slipping into darkness. I didn’t see him as violent. I saw him trying to protect his friends and maybe slightly losing his mind. I don’t see that as evidence of him being on the dark side. I do see Kyouhei has having potential to being the strongest Seki but that doesn’t necessarily mean he will use his powers for evil.


Why does everyone thinks Romeo and Juliet is the way to go?

That means Mahiru’s sad plan will not work. I do think the village needs to be torn down and started anew. But Kyouhei is a coward and does not want change. He gets that from his lazy father. I don’t think all issues can be solved with rainbows and happy thoughts. Sometimes you do need to fight back. I just don’t see Kyouhei leading the charge in this new revolution. He certainly didn’t have his best friends back so I can’t expect him to go the mile for the entire village.

Also Kyouhei is insane. Like truly insane. Mahiru is not a violent girl? How do you know that Kyouhei? YOU LEFT THE VILLAGE. Aki is being tazed as we speak. Also Shiba has just been kidnapped. How about you stop saying such stupid things and get with the program?


Oh I see. Unless Kirio is a boy. Then him holding the towel like that is weird.

So…Kirio is a girl? Interesting. Interesting indeed.


So everyone from the village is insane? Guess he doesn't remember what happened the last time someone was rapped.

Oh and we know who that random guy is now. Remember the five seconds where Kyouhei was talking on the ground to someone? No? Yeah I barely remember either. So at least he has a reason for being there. Only we still don’t know how he met up with Kuuko.


ALL THAT HARD WORK?! This is why I buy food at the store. That way if it sucks or something happens to it I personally won't be sad.

Utao and her continuing attempts to be a great big sister are special. But I would have been pissed if I took so much time and effort into making something and it got all stepped on. I think NOT folks. Just no. Do not come between me and my noms.


Why is it all about Kyouhei?!

Overall this episode was pretty disappointing. The focus should really be on the crazy people in the village. Instead their crazy offspring are busy trying to get with Kyouhei. There seems to be a real lack of focus with this show. Aki seems to be a second thought now and Shiba’s boobs seem to be the main character. Not amused folks.

But I am jealous of all the shopping Moyako got to do. One day I dream of the day when I wake up and have the desire to buy overly expensive clothes at nice shops. XD Shopping in Tokyo is a real sport. So that was the best part of the show for me. Oh and Utao getting hit by the table was pretty awesome too.

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