Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitte Iru Episode 5


We are always serious when it comes to anime.

Lazy Tuesdays are lazy. I also get a bit sad on Tuesday nights because that means that my work week is about to start. I wonder where my wonderful days off went to as it feels they just started. I guess if I spent more time awake doing fun stuff and less time sleeping I would feel more productive. But I like sleep!

But at least I can end my days off on a good note right? Bring on the sparkle demons and boys in distress woohoo!


GUESS WHAT HE SAYS! You will never be able to guess what he said!

Episode Summary: Boy Yuki is having a dream in which he hears girl Yuki saying that Luka is waiting for them. We then see Luka kissing girl Yuki has she has a bad dream. Boy Yuki wakes up and Luka is on his shoulder resting AWWW. Touko thinks the scene is cute and proves that Luka really trusts Yuki and can rest easy now that Yuki is by his side. Yuki is a bit bummed that Luka refused to let him heal the massive wound he suffered in the last episode. Touko explains that Luka wouldn’t want to hurt Yuki as using his powers makes him feel the pain from the other person. Off in Tokyo a cop is explaining to a newbie cop when there are unsolved murders and crimes they send the cases over to the Giou Clan as they work with the supernatural. Two boys (Hotsuma and Shuusei) are seen walking to the building. Shuusei uses his crystal ball to locate the baddies while Hotsuma worries over Shuusei and talks about hating Yuki.


Touko loves all!

Back in the car Touka explains what a Zweilt Guardian is and that they work in pairs. They are on their way to the Twilight (MOG NOOOOO) Mansion to live with the other Guardians. Touko tells Yuki to get some rest as they depend on his power. She and her brother feel a little guilty about the situation but Yuki is just happy to belong to a group. Luka wakes up and floors the audience with his “I am with you” act. But instead of going to the Twilight Mansion first Luka and Yuki have to go meet up with Takashiro at the police station. Touko tries to explain that Hotsuma is a jerk before they are forced to leave him. Yuki reunited with his brother Takashiro and it is all kittens and rainbows. Takashiro then pulls Luka aside to give him the DON’T HURT MY BROTHER SPEECH! It was highly necessary. Meanwhile Yuki ventures outside to help a kid who apparently can’t walk and carry a balloon at the same time. She has a strange injury on her arm that she won’t let Yuki see but that doesn’t matter as they are almost eaten by sparkle demons. Hotsuma blows the sparkle demon away but refuses to let Yuki touch him. After he has a bit of attitude onYuki Luka comes outside to protect his precious. Hotsuma leaves but not before giving the girl a strange look. THE END!

This episode really didn’t have a lot of action going on. Which is fine with me as we got a tiny bit of back story of what the heck is going on. Explanations > random battles any day for me.

I think I was expecting something more complicated when it came to the Zweilt Guardians. The name threw me off I suppose. But know we know what the term refers to so I am happy. It simply means pairs of people who are chosen to fight the Duras. Or the sparkly demon dogs and other demon like creations. I am sure as time goes one we will be given a more concrete definition or at the very least why these teenagers were chosen to be Zweilt Guardians. Zweilt is a hard word to type. :(


Yuki look cuter!

Everyone say AW to Luka sleeping on Yuki’s shoulder. Of course the moment was a bit ruined by the fact that boy Yuki just had a dream about girl Yuki and Luka getting it on but whatever. It is still cute. And she’s dead. You can’t be jealous of dead people right? Even if she is not really dead and part of her is boy Yuki. I guess I should wait for Yuki to have problems in regards to Luka’s and girl Yuki’s past relationship before I start hating her right? Back to the point…..Luka resting on Yuki’s shoulder was cute. It was a small moment but as Touko pointed out Luka really trusts Yuki so all is well.


Even without the sparkles....I sense a sparkle moment.

I am surprised that Luka is still injured. I thought he had some awesome demon powers and that is why he isn’t dead in a ditch somewhere. Maybe he does have awesome demon powers but not as awesome as I thought. The point being that he didn’t take Yuki up on his offer of healing because Luka knows it would cause Yuki pain. I am sure eventually Luka will require Yuki’s healing abilities and Luka will be all sad about hurting his Yuki but for now I think it is smart that Luka is protecting Yuki. Yuki used his new powers to heal Tsukumo and that was bit much for him. So even though Luka lost like 5 pints of blood last week he is going to be a trooper and sleep it off. On Yuki’s shoulder. Yuki could have taken Luka’s refusal in a sad way but since there was shoulder napping all was well.



Besides the term Zweilt Guardian being explained we were also shown a bit of what the purpose of the Giou Clan is. Basically the cops use them to solve crimes that are unsolvable. Meaning that murders and crimes that are done by demons and other supernatural things are passed along to Takashiro and he has his team solve them. So our heroes have to deal with grudges of the past and crimes taking place in the present. Maybe it will all tie in together in the end but for now I enjoy the two separate issues. If they tie in together in the end fine but if they don’t it will be fine too.


Someone lost the power contest....

We are introduced to another Zweilt Guardian group (as they work in pairs). We didn’t really see a lot of Shuusei in this episode. But he doesn’t seem like a strong partner. More like his abilities lie in being able to find the baddies with his crystal ball and other psychic stuff. He seems to be the calmer member which will work well with a partner like Hotsuma. In any event he seems very fond of Shuusei.


Don't show your caring side!

Hotsuma had a bit more screen time. Probably because Touko warned Yuki that Hotsuma was a jerk. Jerks also get more screen time. Also jerks usually end up being sweet guys deep down (if they are on the good guy side from the start) so I won’t waste any time hating on Hotsuma. Also according to wiki Hotsuma hated girl Yuki so there is promise that he will turn around and like boy Yuki. His powers seem to be a little cooler than his partners as he can randomly pull fire out of his pocket. He and Luka should get along given their personality but I think there is a bit of hating going on.


This came off as "you better bone my brother OR ELSE". Maybe it was just me...

Takashiro pulling Luka aside to defend his brother’s honor or some jazz. He just met his brother and already he is pulling out the Don’t hurt my baby brother card. How sweet. It would have been sweeter had Luka actually said he loved Yuki since Yuki is the same person but we got stuck with I will protect him and never betray him stuff. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But then Shuusei and Hotsuma gave me yaoi vibes and all was well.


The face of a demon.

Yuki, being the kind soul he is, left the building he and Luka were in to help a girl. She lost her balloon and balloons are serious business. They are almost attacked by a sparkle demon but Hotsuma saves them. Before he stomps away because Luka is too awesome he stares at the girl. That means that something is wrong with the girl and Yuki will insist on saving her even though Luka will want to do the logical thing and kill her. Good times going into next week WOOHOO!

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