Saturday, May 15, 2010

I like.....

This has been a weird week for me. Not feeling really motivated to do anything fun or necessary. So that means the chores are piling up and the mangas are going unread. I don't feel sad per say. Just....meh.

I tried to think of something interesting to blog about. Truly I did. Maybe a list of anime characters I really like/hate. Perhaps something deep and meaningful. But even blogging about stupid customers at work didn't get me excited. I can I pass on a chance to wank on my customers?!

So while trying to think of something to blog about I decided to jump start my brain by thinking of things that I like. Something that would make me smile and want to write about. And BAM a post was born. Not the most interesting post in the world but it has made me a little less meh. Sometimes blog posts don't have to be 1000 words long covered in 576 screenies (although I do like those kinds of posts). Sometimes they can be tiny little posts that get straight to the point.

This post is brought to you by the simple things in life. The simple things in life. The stuff that makes life worth living.

Code Red.

New mangas with their new manga smells.

Cutting the tags off newly purchased items.

My favorite anime series being blogged earlier than expected.


Really crappy horror/sci-fi movies.

Watching people I hate lose on reality TV shows.

My cat hiding under blankets and pretending I can’t see her.

Flat shoes and boot cut jeans.

Hello Kitty.

Opening the door for other people.

My husband brushing my hair.

People sitting on the same side of the table at restaurants.

Finding a hidden dollar at the bottom of my purse.

Getting in the car and my favorite song just starts on the radio.

Random pieces of paper at conventions.

When my brother calls me Tina.

Taking ornaments out of their boxes.

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