Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kobato Episode 2

WOOT for Wednesday! Wednesdays mean a short day at work and that I get to home to a cute episode of Kobato. XD Happiness for me.


Kobato is fun and random. WATCH IT NOW!

Now I wrote the rest of the post before I wrote my starter. And the post is…long. Not epic long but apparently I got a little wordy. Since it is so long there shall be no summary. I think I covered all the major plot points without having to make a summary. XD It has nothing to do with the fact that I am lazy no no no.

So….on to episode 2. Where I am trying my best to keep the manga separate from the anime.

Okay. So this episode wasn’t as wonderful and magical as the last one. It happens. You get excited about a series and your expectations are so high no show could reach them no matter what. That and it’s a weird transition between the first episode “let’s get to know you” and the second episode “let’s get down to business”.


Just shut up and enjoy the cuteness Tenchi!

That and it might be harder for me to enjoy this series since I am up to date on the manga. I have to hold in my screams “that’s not right!!!”. I will also have to hold back mentioning manga spoilers in the anime posts.

The fact is that things are going to be different in the anime verses the manga. And I would think most people would want SOME slight differences. We don’t want 5734867 fillers and obvious character changes but going word for word with the manga would make the anime boring. Besides they already did that with Dragon Ball Z.


It is hard to have super secret meetings when there are no walls to your secret base.

With that said the only WTF thing that the anime needs to cover is Kobato and the park. Is she seriously going to live in that tube in the park for the entire series? Because err….yeah she shouldn’t be at this point. Kobato needs a proper place to sleep! It might have been cute when she was getting use to living on Earth and proving to Ioryogi that she belongs here with all the humans but now not so much. Kobato is going to be staying here for the near future to collect....candy so she needs to have a proper place to stay. Bring forth her living arrangements!

Oh Lord. A commercial for SAW VI just came on. I got so angry I lost my train of thought for a minute. Focus on Kobato and not a movie series that should have DIED at IV. Rage fills my heart. Heal me Kobato and help me not to see this movie when deep down we both know I am going to anyway.


CLAMP has made me crazy I swear.

Something that was not in the manga and I found interesting was Ioryogi’s pep talk with Kobato. Not so much a pep talk but a reminder of why Kobato is here on Earth and her whole wish/bottle thing. In case we forgot since episode 1. But anyway here is what he said.

“Since you lack any memory, knowledge, or common sense, I’ll explain”.

I tend to read too much into things all the time (especially when it comes to Fai and Kurogane) but why would Ioryogi mention anything about Kobato’s memories? Yes she lacks common sense and knowledge of this new world but memories? The translation may be off and perhaps it could mean she lacks memories of Earth, which could mean experience. That would make sense. But I tend to go crazy with theories and wonder if Kobato has NO MEMORIES AT ALL. See how everything is big and scary? Yeah that means I really wonder about this. Of course it was just one sentence in the entire episode. But I know CLAMP. This tiny detail might be important later down the line. I shall over think this issue to death. XD

Of course…if she really had no memories…she wouldn’t know what her wish was…or the place she wants to go. I am sensing fail in my general direction.


I think much better when my brains are blasted into mush. Wait did someone mention SAW?!

So on to the meat of this episode. Kobato has earned her bottle YAY. At first she forgets that she has to earn the hearts…I mean candy. But Ioryogi blasts the sense back into her. Isn’t that sweet of him? Such a kind and sweet stuffed animal. But yes now Kobato knows that she has actively go out and heal people. This is a CLAMP universe Kobato. Everyone you talk to will have a problem so don’t worry too much about finding people.



But of course this is Kobato. She can’t heal anyone because she is freaking them out when she runs up to them and demands to help heal them. XD I want to blame Ioryogi for this one as he is more up to speed on the human world. After all Kobato has no common sense right? How about you guide Kobato and teach her that the way to heal people isn’t to randomly walk up to them and demand right away they pour their heart and soul out to a stranger. You have to at least know a person for 5 minutes before you do that GOSH!


I have been LIED to! All tissues are handed out by cute girls in maid outfits! It is a LIE!

I liked the tissue scene. It was completely random and Kobato like. I am not sure why home boy didn’t just throw the tissues in the trash and call it a day. He didn’t really care about promoting the product anyway…but if he did that then we wouldn’t have gotten to see Kobato try to pass out the tissues and fail. And drop the entire box two times. XD I love Kobato and her clumsy nature.


Look at me, walking away like I'm awesome.

Fujimoto is a jerk. Kobato dropping all the tissues on the ground really didn’t affect him. You don’t upset a person already flustered over their mistake. Considering that he is part of the reason she dropped them all he could lay off the attitude. All he had to do was step aside and avoid her mess. But then we wouldn’t have the misunderstood angry guy.


Hello personal space?

Kobato finally makes it over to FallingApart Nursery school. She drops her tissues again and some kids laugh at her. Because kids are awesome. Sayaka comes and rescues Kobato from the sheet monster because sheets are hard. Sayaka was really smooth about hiding her problems from a stranger. Hello Sayaka, didn’t you hear the 5 minute rule?! No? Okay, just tell Kobato that your school is losing students and it’s old and you can’t afford help. I will let it slide this time since you are the kind of person Kobato was looking for anyway. Look Kobato! Time to heal someone!


It would be easier to support Fujimoto if he didn't say such stupid things...

Now a lot of people are going to tell Fujimoto a jerk for the way he treated Kobato when he found out she “works” at the nursery. Even though Fujimoto didn’t go about it in the kindest way….he does have a point. You really shouldn’t let complete strangers watch children. I am not sure how the hiring process works in Japan but I would think it would be just as strict if not more so than it is in the US. And that means not letting cute and innocent strangers watch children after only knowing them for 3 seconds. So yes Fujimoto is a jerk but he is right on this one.


Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto?

But it doesn’t matter ya’ll! Because Sayaka just knows she is a kind heart soul and good with kids. Oh and she is free labor. Watch as she dances the dance of her people. I am not sure who her people are but look at her dance!


Err...I would fear more for the person who found you...

After playing with the kids Sayaka thanks Kobato for her help and mentions the whole NO MONEY issue again. Because she is poor ya'll. Watching Kobato freak out because she forgot Ioryogi on the side of the road. She is stopped by Fujimoto who once again has kind words for Kobato. The whole “Don’t work here and mess around with us and feel sorry for us” spiel. Simply lovely. The fun keeps on coming when Ioryogi crawls up inside Kobato’s purse and unleashes some fire balls on our sad heroine.

But to be fair Kobato did leave Ioryogi alone on the streets. And left her bottle behind. You got to keep track of the important stuff silly!


AW Sad Kobato is sad. :(

After getting yelled at some more Kobato realizes she didn’t earn a broken heart today. Ioryogi yells some more, that Kobato has to do more than play with a few kids. Kobato is disappointed. Yeah she really didn’t do much but this girl thought she was helping out the evil crows with the trash. She really does lack common sense…so why don’t you help her out Ioryogi?!

Also important to note Kobato has decided to heal Fujimoto’s broken heart instead of Sayaka’s. In the manga she seems angrier at Fujimoto and doesn’t mention the fact he might be hurting until later. But the way the anime has set up the scenes so far it makes more sense for her to worry more about Fujimoto than Sayaka at this point. Also more MOG coupleness for the viewers.


Wait until he is finished talking!

I guess the scene I was looking forward to most was the Takashi heart scene…and it wasn’t as powerful as it was in the manga. I think it really has to do with Kobato’s dialogue. What was up with the weird clapping? It just seemed out of place. I think it would have been better had she clapped her hands together ONCE and said “your mom sounds great”. Not your mom sounds great 15 times in the short conversation. :( It almost sounded fake because Kobato was giving her opinion before she even knew the whole situation.


Must....not...look into...the eyes...

But Takashi was 10 kinds of cute! Seriously I hate kids and I wanted to hold that kid tight. He really stole the scene from Kobato. And WTF was up with those moms? They fail at being passive aggressive. If you want to say snide things that SOUND like concern you say so IN FRONT OF THE MOM! Not in front of the kid. And what the hell was up with “If your mom cared about you more?”. WTF lady? Why don’t you help a working mother out and offer to have a play date with your kid and Takashi? Or is it easier to be an asshole? Yeah I thought so. Don’t cry too hard Takashi. You got the best mom in the entire daycare.


It's almost like it's magical or something?!

So after Kobato did…nothing she arrives back at her home and discovers she had earned a broken heart! Again the scene was cuter in the manga with the SDness and her overall shock. But it was still cute. Ioryogi wasn’t very helpful in explaining why Kobato was able to earn a heart this time when she wasn’t meaning to but couldn’t earn one during her time at the nursery when she was giving it all. It’s just because okay?!


Yes Kobato, you are nice.

But I really do get it. Sometimes a gesture means more when it is from the heart and unexpected rather than sought out. You expect people to help out near the holidays. But it means more when you help people out on a random Tuesday when they tend to be forgotten. And that is what Kobato will be good at. In her house in the park.


Just don't eat them!

So our episode ends with Kobato getting a 100 from Ioryogi (WTF that was for the tests silly anime people) and Kobato nicknaming the broken hearts candy. A good episode overall. Could have been stronger at some parts but I tend to be a bit harsh on…everyone and everything. XD But yeah they are going through the manga pretty fast. X_X More than half the anime series is going to be anime original at this point. It will be interesting to see where this ends up. Thanks for reading!