Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ookami Kakushi Episode 8

Can’t I do my To Aru Kagaku no Railgun post instead?

FINE!!! Let me see what I can muster up….


See someone finds this funny.

Do not be afraid of my unenthusiastic intro. I am sure deep down this was a great episode and I am just being evil. Or honest. Evilly honest probably. Proceed!


Sure. I will forget about all this mess. Right on that.

Nemuru decides to release Kaname. But not before doing something really, REALLY annoying. You know back when Hiroshi first moved to town and Nemuru and Isuzu had a fight in a room but we the viewers didn’t get to hear what is going on? Yeah that happened again. This time Nemuru whispered something to Kaname and we don’t get to find out what until the last episode. Well probably anyway. This series does kinda suck at the suspense portion of a drama/horror anime.


See the shocked eyes?! That means something important was said!

The point is what was told? I am sure it has something to do with Hiroshi. What with Kaname’s huge eyes and all. Of course it would have been nice if Kaname had looked a little shocked at the fact that 99 percent of her friends are werewolves. Or whatever Nemuru refers to herself as. But Kaname handles all that shocking information pretty well so whatever Nemuru whispered to her must be really bad. Like Hiroshi is the one who can destroy all the wolves and he must die. Or he can really save all the wolves but in the process he will be destroyed. Whatever the case may be Kaname will now start ignoring Hiroshi and treating him different as she can’t bear to look at his unlucky self.

I say all of this and it will probably turn out the huge secret Nemuru is telling everyone is no big deal and is fairly obvious. That Hiroshi just smells too tasty for these wolves to handle. Woot what a secret. Go me.


Wait I was right? X_x

But seriously Nemuru. Why were you telling Kaname anything? Why didn’t you just release her back into town with strict orders to not tell anyone anything? Or you know just kill her like you killed your other classmates? Or maybe make her forget about this whole mess and remove that lame book from the library? No? You rather blab all your secrets? Yay for Nemuru.


Keeping on doing that plan...whatever it is. Yeah.

I am totally confused on the Sakaki issue. I think he looks too similar to the one wolf dude that likes to talk back to Nemuru. So I am confused on that issue and I am confused on what his objective really is. He wants to prove to Hiroshi that Nemuru is bad by…..locking him in a room with her so she can eat his brains? That is not the way to make friends my dear crazy person.


Maybe she is being escorted back to the old part of town? Goodbye boring lady.

The entire Kaori issue was interesting. And by interesting I mean confusing. We never saw her losing control right? Just that gross looking scar growing on her arm. And that happened every day we saw her. If the wolves have a certain moon that makes them look gross/act crazy Kaori should have been fine most of the time. We never saw her try to make out with anyone but she might be too awesome for words. Kaori plays the violin so she has more self control than the normal person. That is why she went quietly into that gentle night instead of throwing a big fit like the other wolves. How special is it that Kaori gets special treatment and a parade to her death.

Also how creepy is it that Nemuru’s family keeps tabs on all their wolves like that? Big brother anyone?! X_X


Let's move closer to the danger.

What was Hiroshi doing this episode? Well he was busy not worrying about Kaname being absent from school. He was not worrying that Isuzu was going to chase after him and eat his soul. And he did not run when Nemuru said OH HAI my people are here to kill you. But he did contact Sakaki and get himself kidnapped. Or at least he looks kidnapped. Either way Hiroshi is having a really sucky life.

Also can I get an explanation on why that book was even in the library in the first place? No? Okay then….


Wolves get run in a pack and threaten stupid boys with sticks.

Maybe I can get an explanation on why one would WANT to be a wolf? Perhaps that is why there are such strict laws, because they don’t want to make other people suffer? But yeah….being born a wolf seems really, really lame. Okay I guess they get some super powers…but the curse that makes most of the wolves die at a young age is no fun. Sign me up for being a normal human.


Someone is going to get kicked later.

I would like to know why Nemuru was getting her orders questioned. I thought her family was top dog. I guess I was wrong as she was quickly stripped of her powers and told BAD WOLF BAD. So who is going to go around slashing wolves now? Questions questions.


Go secrets!!!

I think the problem with this series is the suspense. And the fact that Hiroshi is not very concerned about the dangerous situation he is in. Maybe next week will be better. Or maybe next week Hiroshi will just go lalala when faced with danger again and the entire town can be suspicious while leaving important documents for humans to find. WOOHOO for surprises!

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