Super Happy Fun Sell buys. Don't look friend as your Christmas Present is among this loot. I save my tips so I have plenty of 1's and 5's for this event. Probably should have brought a bigger bag. Supply bags booth people. XD Had I remembered to update my darn manga list I probably would have bought more. But yes so many good deals were had. $5 art book? YES PLEASE!

What? Disney merchandise at an anime event? BAD TENCHI! But they are so cute....and so much easier to get them when they are not in the blind boxes. I hope everyone made some decent amount of money at the Super Happy Fun Sell.

Only regular sized Nendoroid of the weekend. I think I need to raise my price point to $50 being the breaking point for Dealer's and even if I bought and had it shipped over from Japan. So Inori was the only Nendoroid that met my breaking point and that is only because the man knocked $5 off.

While the series ended on many special notes....Inori was pretty cute. Although I am not sure if I like her outfit in this version or if I would have preferred her "singer" outfit. Maybe some petites are on the way? The husband was like wft is that robot thing? I might have gotten him interested in the show.

All the petites I walked away with this weekend. Will do another post with my nendoroid lovelies. Spoiler Alert: Got a secret one on my first box. Makes up for the fact that one Dealer was selling bootlegs. Must have already had the ConFlu for not telling by the box. Silly Tenchi.

Mangas from the Dealer's Room. I am not sure I would have bought more even if I had the list as I think the days of Sunday sales are gone. I remember walking away with arm loads of mangas at certain booths that were buy one get one free. Both those booths didn't do that this weekend thus me and my money went somewhere else. I mean I know THEY have to make money. XD I just can't stretch my dollar anymore with all my interests adding up.

Ah! My love of plushies. Can't walk away without buying at least one a convention right? I love this Leafeon. It is always important to go through the Dealer's Room more than once because the Eevee forms were NOT out at this booth on Friday. So cute wish I could have afforded them all. And the giraffe? Um....I love giraffes. So yes this is an anime convention but CUTE GIRAFFE PLUSHIE! There was like 10 different kinds so I am surprised I only came away with one.

For some reason the husband always feels bad when I run out of money and he still has his left. So he runs out and buys me things right before we leave. I AM SPOILED! So this time I got magazines that I thought were actually reasonably priced for the Dealer to make money and for me not to be ripped off. Also Saber petite nendoroid? WOOT!

Artist Alley treasures. I also got a Stitch necklace that I was wearing at the time of picture taking. Not too much this year. :( I meant to buy something from the girl who upgraded to the Dealer's Room this year but I forgot to buy her cute sheep plushie before I spent all my mesos. I really love this year's Eevee fanart. Hopefully I can get one once a year if I got to anime conventions. Love my two other pieces too, also get something from her. Other than that...yeah. A lot of special. But the squid plushies everyone had were cute too.

My favorite shirt people were not here AGAIN! Now I really wish I had bought from them back at Otakon. But I got three this year so that makes me happy. Finally got a Piglu shirt weee! I wish they had more girl sized shirts instead of the "unisex" shirts they try to sell us. Like um no we are not all built the same folks.

Close of my Madoka pins. They had a witch set too but at that point I was super poor. But I am glad I got them all. And once I venture outside again they shall be placed in my car with my other anime pins.
It's incredible that you have all that money to spend between Disneyland and Anime Atlanta. I'm quite jealous that you saved up that much cash :(
I know I couldn't save that much money before spending it on the necessities like food, insurance, bills, gas, etc. The most I ever spend on was game cards, and that nearly drove me to bankruptcy.
I know you collect manga (you blogged about your anime room), but do you collect DVD/Blue Rays of series? I know you can watch shows on the internet, but sometimes it's nice to have a collection of your beloved show on a physical medium. I still have my X/1999 DVDs (an excellent show from CLAMP) and I cherish them.
Overall, sounds like you had fun :)
What a great big haul! I am so jealous! I've only ever been to one convention. And even though I was friendless going there, I had a blast! Happy playing(???), Tenchi! :D
Anonymous- After going to AWA and missing an entire week of work due to ConFlu the savings are sad. But how I save my money is I put aside a bit out of each paycheck for fun things. Like $20 for Japan, $20 for trips to Disney/legos for the husband, and $20 for Anime Conventions. This is after I set aside the amount I need to pay my monthly bills (health insurance, car insurance, savings, and groceries). So all that fun represents saving for an entire year. I try to not remove money from specific funds after entering their amount so if that means it is an ice creamless week it will just help us have more fun in the future. And all of this is possible because the husband has a good/stable job.
I have no BluRays because I am old and still VHS. XD I used to buy VHS tapes all the time before everything started coming out of DVD players. Bought a DVD player just for anime. But then it got to be way too expensive. Although it would be nice to have some favorites around just to have them, like Madoka.
Gellie- Conventions are fun (even if they can also be hectic and expensive). I find AWA to be on the smaller end of a HUGE convention. Like plenty of people and panels around but you need to show up early to get to some things. But once you are at the hotel you really don't need to leave the area as your lodging, convention fun, and food options are all located under one roof. Quite a drive but worth it. Just remember to rest up before hand. Hopefully you will find an anime fan in your area so you can have a partner in crime next time!
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