Monday, October 15, 2012

Shin Sekai Yori episode 3

Oh I am silly folks. Once again I had grand plans for the day and nothing got done. I had a feeling that might happen. I got sucked into The Walking Dead marathon that lead up to the new episode. It is hard to find time in between episodes because then I might miss a moment of Daryl. We all know he is the best character ever. XD
Exactly folks.
But I did watch one episode when things got too Shane centric. Shin Sekai Yori episode 3 to be exact. Because I thought maybe the explanation was going to happen in this episode. Spoilers for NO explanation and that Tenchi should have watched something else first to be fair. XD
Every time Satoru talks you hate him. WE GET IT!
Episode Summary: The kids are on their field trip with no supervision or other students around. They are canoeing along with Saki and Satoru fighting over the correct way to paddle down the river. Apparently Shun and Maria are amazing canoe people and Satoru sucks. They have fun along the water’s edge, looking at weird creatures who are in turn looking at their weird clothes. It is a peaceful day and the kids make camp at nightfall. While sitting around the fire Satoru decides it is time to tell scary stories. He tells the group about how near a mountain (probably near their village) there have been balloon dog sightings. Saki is very skeptical of all the words coming out of Satoru’s mouth but he promises a friend of a friend of the mailman told him about these dogs that will threaten to blow up if they feel in danger. Shun points out if that was true there would be no more balloon dogs. Satoru quickly changes the subject to talk about other creatures called Faux-Minoshiro. Again Saki tries shooting him down but Satoru says he knows these rumors are probably true. In a surprising move Shun suggest they make these creatures the theme of their report they are supposed to watch. Mamoru and Maria board a canoe and Shun and Saki board another to take a midnight trip on the river. Satoru is left to guard the fire. Shun uses his powers to make the water ripple free which makes the water shine the stars brighter. Saki appreciates the moment and there is brief hand holding.
The next day the group goes back on the river and Satoru suggests they go further than they are allowed. Shun is like yes this would be a good time to explore the weird creatures you keep talking about. The group heads out and they come across a very old temple, something from the “ancient past”. They decide to eat lunch at this run down looking place when they see…a Faux-Minoshiro. Everyone but Saki is blinded by the animal and she screams at them to catch it. When it runs off the others explain that they were frozen in place. Saki was wearing sunglasses at the time thus was able to move. The kids hatch up a plan to catch the Faux-Minoshiro by roping some crab monsters off and hunting it down. Mamoru proves to be helpful when the other two boys stand around doing nothing. When the Faux-Minoshiro is dragged out of a cave all the kids are frozen again except Saki. Saki becomes animal abuser of the year by pulling out its little…tentacle things. The animal starts telling her she is destroying property and better stop but she doesn’t. Eventually Faux-Minoshiro turns off its shiny ability and the kids question what it is. Faux-Minoshiro says it is basically a walking library. Knowing they can now read books from the Faux-Minoshiro the kids get ready to ask it a question and THE END!
Behold the sparkles!
So….is this what life is like on acid? I imagine it is. A very classy acid trip but none the less very confusing. I would accuse the show of trying to hard but that would require me to know what they are trying to do. XD Does that make sense?
I want a sparkle name!
Last week (or yesterday) I was like what the hell is this crap when it came to the masses hailing the Emperor of Delight. When I rule the world I better get an awesome name too. So in the year 201X some event happens in Tokyo and young people with powers start killing people. 500 years later, 251X, Mr. Emperor of Really Scary Hats, comes into power and everyone accepts this. Is that because the last 500 years people with powers have been going around killing powerless people and at least this dude is upfront about it? Worship him and you will be spared? That also opens up the question how many people in power were there in 201X and 251X if one person was able to do all of that.
Some people are not happy with the balance of power here.
That leads me to talking about the clip this week. 70 odd years later and the new Emperor (maybe 2 Emperors laters) and the people were not pleased. At least some people were willing to die to kill this new Emperor. Again it looked like people without powers were doing this. So not everyone on Earth was running around with their amazing powers having fun and camping trips. So at what point did they get rid of all the nonpower people so the people in power could be the majority? And after next week’s episodes are these little flashbacks going to stop? Since apparently the truth will be told?
Psht we don't need any adults!!!
I THOUGHT that this camping trip was going to involve one adult, you know the TEACHER, and the 4 groups of kids. From there they would be free to do their own things during the day but at night everyone would check in. You know, to show the adult that they were not DEAD. But clearly in a world where the adults are trying to keep the truth from the kids it makes sense to send the kids out in the wilderness. Perhaps all those stories in class were supposed to scare them away from areas they were told not to go to.
Saki can't use her powers INSIDE the village but everyone can use them OUTSIDE the village. Got it.
Guess what adults? You is dumb. “We aren’t supposed to go that far” indeed. I mean…some of the kids in the group were against going that far. Parotting what the teacher said. But kids are usually followers. It would only take ONE vocal kid to say lets go on further and all the kids would follow. Of course if its 1 against 4 why don’t the 4 kids just make the 1 kid do what THEY want to do but experience in real life and anime proves that rarely happens. So yes adults. Way to go. Unless this was another way to thin the herd and get rid of less than desirable kids. Then way to go, surely there is no other way to find these things out.
Nothing is Saki's fault EVER!
Amazing how Saki and Satoru got stuck in a boat when they can’t stand each other and are always picking fights with each other. Again did the kids think to themselves wow wouldn’t it be easier for Shun to row his canoe if someone else was in it? Nope? I found it hard to focus on this episode because this series insists on everyone wearing weird clothes. This episode in particular I found their hats really, really ugly. Like I am sure interesting things are happening but I can’t get passed the things on your head.
I am actually following this line of thinking.
Since there was not a school lesson to freak out the audience today we got Satoru who apparently is in the gossip and theory after school club. It is hard to tell if he used to lie a lot about his elaborate stories or if he was telling the truth and no one knew it. But this week everyone was doubting him and when things got too real he tried talking about a new topic. Like oh snap didn’t think about that part let me tell another story before I scare myself.
And that is....?
But of course I am confused. See I am not sure what a Minoshiro is so obviously I don’t know what a Faux-Minoshiro is. I also noticed that the episode I watched referred to the power as the Force. Found that amusing. Not saying the subbers are at fault. I am sure this series has tons of weird terms that leaves everyone scratching their heads. So all we really know is that there are balloon dogs and Faux-Minoshiro’s running around and the adults don’t want the kids seeing them. More surprisingly Shun was on board for this idea to use as a school project. Like hello if something is forbidden making it your school project MIGHT bring light to your misdeeds. Just saying.
What the hell?
Shun and Saki having a moment on the boats sorta came out of nowhere. I mean….it was obvious that Saki liked Shun. Satoru could same the exact same thing as Shun but Saki would be like Shun you are SO AMAZING! But until now Shun hadn’t shown a preference to anyone. Like look at me I am older and wiser than everyone else thus I will take care of everyone. But now there is some random hand holding and smiles. Poor Satoru indeed.
Bossy with everyone!
So this Faux-Minoshiro hunting….was interesting. I was super surprised on how bossy Saki was being. How she was leading the charge to capture the creature and telling the boys what to do. Now that we know that Maria might be the youngest I guess it puts…well let me think about it. Saki isn’t the youngest but was the last person to become an adult. Maybe I just assumed wrong that she was going to be the timid one in this situation when really we don’t know much about the kids. She hasn’t had a problem talking to her parents in…less than lovely ways. I guess I just wasn’t expecting that from her. Satoru talks big but then was acting the most scared. Mamoru actually stepped up and helped while Shun was agreeing with the plan but didn’t act on it.
Saki was beyond…something with the creature. Are we still going to say creature when the synopsis for this series said a robot tells the kids? It really did look like a messed up unicorn thing. But at the time Saki assumed it was a living being but she was all for killing it. Letting the crabs tear it out of the hiding spot and ripping its….thingy things out of its body. Again this might be my fault as I assumed Saki was going to be this gentle girl. But now I am questioning her lines from last week, about things being Maria’s fault. Saki has a streak in her. Something dark about her if she was okay with hurting a frightened animal like that.
Behold I am a computer.
Said Faux-Minoshiro was creepy. Didn’t deserve to be treated like that but creepy. At first I thought there was some kind of alarm system the adults put in place to protect these weird creatures but then I was like OH the…animal is talking. Animal folks. It did give them a lot of warning though. Nothing happened because of these warnings which made me roll my eyes. Basically it went don’t touch me and….well I am a walking computer but won’t use the word computer feel free to “read” books on me.
So...humans got special powers and plants became different? Interesting...
Episode 4 looks like the great reveal will happen. A lot of time and energy has lead up to this point. Sorta confused on what is going on and the pacing seems slow. But since I don’t know exactly what is going on that is why I say it SEEMS slow and SEEMS like it is trying too hard. Maybe the kids will lose their little minds when they find out the truth next week. And then we will get the spoiler opening song that everyone has been waiting on. Until then…yay for confusion? Or The Walking Dead. Yes either way yay!


Anonymous said...

Tenchi, it is not "Faux-Minoshiro" but "False Minoshiro" 「ミノシロモドキ」.

The Assassin attempt seems interesting. It looks like all the modern civilization seem to have already disappeared by this time, seeing as how the attackers were using crude bombs and swords, and it also points to them being some non-psychic rebelling faction. One tyrannical monarchy came to an end, but a different societal order must’ve taken its place to have resulted in the village we’re seeing now. This puts the village in a completely different light, like how did the village come to be?

This also makes me thinking, what if in the story’s present time they are the controlled minority? We only know (so far) what's like w/in this "utopia" (clean air/water), but we never shown what's outside of the village. I am pretty sure there are lots more human out there.


Anonymous said...

Quote form RandomC:
>On a separate note, the actions of the False Minoshiro also brings up another interesting point where Saki remarks how the light hypnotism gave her the same feelings she had during the ritual seen the episode 1. Again, I’m speculating that the true extents of their Juryoku are being sealed off rather than taken away, most likely through hypnotism as the episode suggests, but the purpose behind the action remains unclear.<

Christina said...

Anonymous- I had thought that there might be more people out there, like a No. 6 situation. But would the adults be really that stupid to send the kids out there if they could accidentally come across other people? Unless they are in a super isolated area and the other people are located in the more populated areas that used to be Tokyo.

Anonymous 2- Their powers still confused me. A huge ceremony that needs certain conditions to take place and it seals their powers. Then 5 seconds later they are still using powers? I know it said they were given a new spirit but does that mean powers? Don't the kids question why these powers SEEM similar?! And then they can't use their powers in the village but were using them on the river. Just a lot is going on and nothing is being explained. Why does Shun know why hypnotism is and not Saki? That should have gotten the wheels turning in their heads that something was up with the ceremony.

Anonymous said...

First screen shot, I don't know what to think. My mind couldn't comprehend that creature. I thought it was some pokemon.

Nothing happened much in this episode except boring bonding, more mystery and a wild pokemon appeared. People might have already drop this show for other note worthy shows of this season if Shin Sekai Yori doesn't capture the audience's interest. An excellent story would have grabbed the audience's interest and run with it till the end. Probably a decent example would the latest chapter of Bleach. I know Bleach has its major flaws like fillers, and its anime was cancelled (probably due to poor ratings and no money) but right now, Kubo has definitely captured the audience's interest in this final arc. Several major characters are in real danger, permanent casualties (No deux ex revival), and a truly dire situation for Soul Society and its inhabitants. All the fans were going crazy over this last chapter.

For this show, I don't know when the plot is going to be advanced. I understand the writers wanted to give the audience a mystery, but other shows like Detective Conan have giving the audience a mystery while being interesting at the same time.

I just hope the pacing isn't slow for a majority of the episodes and then at the last minute, solve all issues with a 5 minute dialogue.

Anonymous said...

Third anonymous here again (immediately after your post, Christina).

I forgot to add. At least Bleach explained the story and its characters to the audience while trying to be clearly as it can.

I agree with others have said of this show, it doesn't explain itself very clearly with basic questions like their powers, what a Queerat is, hypnotism, etc.

Christina said...

Anonymous 3- I think the only major interesting thing that is happening with the show is the music. I think the music is tricking us into suspense. I really thought this series was 13 episodes long. Now that I realize it has at least 24 episodes I GUESS the slower pace MIGHT be acceptable. But there is a difference between a slow pace and a confusing pace. Another (the horror anime) has a slow couple of episodes but at least I knew what was going on. With this show it is like they are being confusing on purpose because they think THAT makes a good mystery. A good mystery keeps an audience on their toes, not looking for the door.

Anonymous said...

May be after the next ep, the clarification, we will actually get to known the really OP of this anime. ^_^