Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yuru Yuri Season Two episode 9

Hello there my lovely readers. It is I….the one who thought the rain would stop long enough for a quick trip to the grocery store. As it stands it is Rain 1, Tenchi 0. Yay me! I would drown my tears in ice cream if I wasn’t so cold. XD It was kinda funny seeing all the menz run out to their cars to bring them around to their wives/significant others. I was like look me, I am woman, I am independent. Of course if my husband was there I am sure he would have done it for me. Because sometimes us independent women are allergic to raindrops too.
Chinatsu makes the best faces ever. Sorry Eru. XD
While I sit around and think about how half of my country is under water and the other half is dying to have water…I will blog. XO I know, two days in a row. Look at me I am amazing. Up now is Yuru Yuri Season Two episode 9. Spoilers for Chinatsu being a bigger freak that Kyoko woohoo!!!
Thanks for that Chinatsu. I needed that. Apparently everyone needs to have nightmares...
Episode Summary: Chinatsu draws the opening scene…and everyone is scared. Akari might have died. After all that drama the younger girls are all studying for upcoming exams. Sakurako is clearly bored as the other girls talk about their strengths and weaknesses in regards to other subjects. Sakurako occupies her time by putting different kinds of objects in Akari’s hair and eating snacks. For some reason the girls think that Kyoko would be a good person to call in regards to study tips. Kyoko plays a joke on them but the girls are silly enough to follow the advice. Yui (at her house) tries to reprimand Kyoko and tells her (Kyoko) to bring the younger girls some of the fresh bread she just made. On the way though Yui eats all the bread and Chinatsu tries to kill her. Sakurako is in awe of Kyoko and everyone worries on what would happen if those two became friends. Another day….some time in the future…Chinatsu arrives to the club room with pound cake in hand. But since they are having green tea today and everyone knows they can’t drink green tea AND eat pound cake at the same time. So Chinatsu goes to hide the cake in the closet when everyone else arrives at the club room. Chinatsu panicked and hid in the closet….but now is too embarrassed to leave. She tries to think of tons of scenarios that would allow her to leave the closet without looking like a freak. But since she only thinks of freaking things…she stays in the closet all day while listening to everyone talk about where she is. Chinatsu ends up eating all the cake out of desperation. Akari and Chinatsu have a sleepover but since Akari only stays up until 9 pm it is not much fun. Akari gets the great idea to watch a scary DVD so they both can stay awake. It works wonders because both girls end up being scared. Chinatsu suffers the most, thinking that Kyoko is a ghost all around the room. Chinatsu being scared ends up scaring Akari and no one gets any sleep. The rest of the episode has different pairings of girls doing random things but it is not the usual pairings. Akari shares ice cream with Chitose….and some ants. Ayano tries to go shopping with Chinatsu and to get some information about Kyoko out of her but Chinatsu only talks about Kyoko. Kyoko plays a trick on Himawari but ends up being a responsible older classmate. And Yui seems to suffer the most trying to teach Sakurako how to cook. THE END!
Boob-chan indeed!
Where to begin where to begin! This show is all over the place it is hard to believe it was all in the same episode. But since this is episode 9 of season two of Yuru Yuri…I should be used to it by now. Silly me perhaps?
Um lets not be took excited about doing homework.....
Sometimes I tend to forgot that the cast of Sailor Moon (the main ones anyone) are the same age as the older girls in Yuru Yuri. Maybe it is because Sailor Moon had the girls drawn way older and the Yuru Yuri girls actually look like 13/14 year old girls? Even counting Himawari counts. At least one girl in the group develops faster than all the rest. So sometimes I think I am too harsh on this show when really one of my favorite shows had girls around the same age. Silly me. Also I am not sure why I am typing this..
You are supposed to be reading mangas and complaining about your boyfriend not being there gosh!!!!
OH YES! I remember. The study group. It reminded me of all the study sessions the girls in Sailor Moon had. Like Serena (silly English dubs..) was the Sakurako of the group. Everyone else was nice and lovely and studying and Sakurako was the one being bored and not helping at all. I mean I guess not everyone can be strong in school and…perhaps she wasn’t stronger in any subjects than the other girls. But if everyone else was going to talk and be helpful I would pay attention. I mean free tutoring sign me up. XD But sticking pens and what not in Akari’s hair looked just as fun.
We will bond over the fact that most of the time no one can stand us yay!!!
Kyoko eating all the bread…I can see how that might happen. Sometimes bread can be like popcorn or chips. You don’t realized how much you have eaten until it is all gone! Especially roll bread like that. So…Kyoko and Sakurako will be grand friends and everyone else will just worry for their own safety. They are harmless anyway.
There is something about closets that draw people to them! XD
Oh Chinatsu. I have had some fun moments in closets too. I think that came out wrong…but yes sometimes in the heat of the moment people do weird things. Had Chinatsu been caught closing the door Kyoko would have noticed and Chinatsu wouldn’t have been able to hide the cake. Of course in the end….there was other pound cake. So Chinatsu suffered for nothing. Fun times.
Chinatsu can fly people woohoo!!!
All of the scenarios Chinatsu thought of were insane. So I might be hard to just pick one. I do like that she thought them all out and that almost all of the reactions would have matched what she though. I think Yui would have been a bit more…X__X each time. I think I liked her dashing through the room the best. But I think I would have plotted to make a loud noise somewhere else in the room and sneak out that way. XD
Did I say Akari was weird? I meant Chinatsu....
Chinatsu spending the night at Akari’s house…was special. Of course I am one who goes to bed late all the time….but then again I one who gets up really late too. But when there is company or we are on vacation with specific plans I try changing my sleeping habits for a few days. One can operate on little sleep right when there is fun involved yes? Akari….is so silly. I mean maybe it is hard to stay up late but 9 pm? My grandmother stays up later than that! XD
Sleep is overrated anyway....
I love scary movies….and I understand being scared by them. Like I scary myself silly and I am unable to sleep at night. On Saturday I was sitting here chillin and not blogging anime when I SWEAR I heard someone whistling a classic horror movie score. I was like WFT and then my cat acted all frightened too and I was unable to sleep. So while Chinatsu is annoying…her being scared was amusing and I felt bad for her at the same time. If that makes sense yes?
Cooking is boring Yui. Get that through your mind!
The rest of the episode was devoted to the girls doing random things around town. I can appreciate the fact that it was different girls doing things. How boring would it be to do something with the same exact people all the time. Especially when half the people can’t stand each other (well sorta anyway). But if people are going to get together in a big group and act friendly I need to see them interacting in other situations. Clearly Sakurako thinks the same way I do so Yui needs to back up. Akari was suffering again so how is that anything new? So…yay Kyoko and Himawari for bonding. WEEE!
Akari suffers so....I will go get ice cream myself now. XD
So that is about it in anime land for Yuru Yuri. I am dry now and maybe I can eat some ice cream? Maybe actually check my email and see how many comments I have? Remember my email account password? HAHA…time for ice cream. XD Such a lazy Tenchi…I’m sorry. Enjoy the pictures of Chinatsu suffering though. XD

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