Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hyouka episode 18

All my eyes see is rain. And all my ears here is rain. X___X Word has it that it is supposed to rain like this all week. :( Maybe I really should get on to making that boat. As it is I am ice creamless due to the rain. It kept me from going to the grocery store. :( I mean I guess I could have sucked it up but I also had a severe case of the lazies. Woe is me.
Watch out for Yuno!!!
But…since I can watch anime and blog it while being in bed I can put out some anime posts and be lazy at the same time. XD Woohoo I can justify my laziness. Up now is Hyouka episode 18. Spoilers for no school festival?! XO For shame!
Houtarou?! Caring about what other people think and know?!
Episode Summary: Everyone is chillin in the club room talking about nothing things. No mention of the school festival. Houtarou is looking outside and a helicopter flies on by. This triggers a memory from 3 years ago, when a teacher in junior high raced to a window to look at a helicopter passing by. Houtarou remembered how serious the teacher was, Mr. Ogi, but Mr. Ogi tried to pass it off as he has a passion for helicopters. Houtarou grows worried as Satoshi and Mayaka who had Mr. Ogi as well don’t remember this helicopter loving fact. Satoshi remembers Mr. Ogi saying he got hit by lightning a few times and Mayaka finally remembers this helicopter event but many times a helicopter flew on by and Mr. Ogi didn’t care. Houtarou slowly starts to feel like his eyes are going to sparkle and he becomes curious over this matter. Everyone in the room freaks out as this is out of character for Houtarou. Clearly he is a crab person. Houtarou tries to pass it off as no big deal but he decides to go to the library anyway to investigate. The only one who Houtarou selects to go is Eru. Houtarou starts having magical visions of riding on a bike with Eru and it creeps him out. He sends Eru to the library first so he can try and figure this mystery out alone. He starts thinking about where someone could go to get struck by lightning so many times. He concludes it must be somewhere in the mountains and it is confirmed when he reaches the library.
I sorta felt bad for the old guy. :(
Eru found an article about Mr. Ogi and how he was President of a mountain climbing club. Houtarou uses that information to ask for newspaper articles that happened 3 years ago. While they wait both Houtarou and Eru look up books about various topics. They are finally given the newspaper articles from that year and they learn that there was a stranded group of mountain climbers, part of the club, that sadly died on the mountain due to bad weather. Helicopters were unable to reach them that day and that is why Mr. Ogi was happy to see a helicopter in good weather. It reminded him of times when he was hurt on the mountain (lightning strikes) yet he was a bit sad because not all helicopters represent something good. As they walk home Houtarou tries to explain why he was so invested in finding out about Mr. Ogi and his life. Houtarou decides he just wanted to know about another human being if nothing came from it. Eru becomes really touched by Houtarou’s words but is unable to express that she thinks Houtarou is being sweet. The two part and Houtarou thinks how he has to make it up to Eru, that she helped him out today. THE END! 

MOG an episode that wasn’t about the school festival? My brain doesn’t know how to process such information. What is going on?! Where am I? Who am I? The entire world has gone mad. Also who the heck ate all my ice cream?! Like seriously why did it rain all day??!
We have mushrooms being struck by lightning. How could this not be an interesting episode?!
Okay so with the big school festival solved and Eru’s Uncle a forgotten memory I was wondering what kind of mysteries us viewers were going to get. For the time being it seems like we are going to get tiny little ones that are blown out of proportion but have to be solved right now or people will explode and die. Everything is a matter of importance with this bunch though so you know.
YOU are curious?!
What was interesting about this episode was who started the curious conversation. Usually it is Eru with her crazy eyes and insane hair. Sometimes Mayaka and Satoshi want to know about things but it is mostly Eru getting the ball running. So when Houtarou said the words I am curious…well it was time to break out the cooling pads and thermometers because clearly Houtarou is sick. Or abducted by aliens. That would be interesting.
I wouldn't like them either if I had to be constantly rescued by them.
So perhaps the real mystery of the episode was figuring out why Houtarou cared so much. Because FOR ONCE I was able to figure out this mystery. See I am what you call an over reactor. If my husband fails to come home when he is supposed to after work he is clearly dead in a ditch. If I hear a noise in the kitchen there are robbers in the house and we will all die shortly. If food sits out for a bit it will become instantly poisoned and I will die. My point being…once I saw the helicopter I was like OH SNAP Mr. Ogi was rescued by one a long time ago and that is why he is excited to see it. Only excited is probably not the right word.
Helicopter to the rescue!
So yes folks. Because I am the most insane person I know I figured out a mystery by sheer luck! But when you think about it…I wasn’t really right. I mean maybe Mr. Ogi was rescued one time by a helicopter since he has been struck by lightning a few times. But the day in question Mr. Ogi was more looking for a helicopter for other people. That some helicopters represent saving while others represent a body pick up. So I was partial right but for the incident Houtarou was wondering about with Mr. Ogi it was for other people.
Only math teachers can be struck by lightning that many times!
Houtarou was a dog with a bone though wasn’t he? I really didn’t think where the lightening strikes happened really mattered as I live in Florida and we tend to get struck by everything here. So maybe he was air lifted to a hospital for all I knew. I didn’t know that the town wasn’t….subjected to lightning strikes. But Houtarou’s sister knew about the make up of the mountain or some baloney which is supposed to make this all be a super mystery. In reality it was just a sad story that Houtarou made into a big deal. Something in passing that Satoshi and Houtarou heard in class three years ago. There have been plenty of times in my life where I get really into something and I can’t concentrate until I find out the answer but this….well it was pushing it to another level.
I am actually surprised Satoshi didn't go to the library too...
Eru didn’t really seem to care about the mystery. Or not as much as she usual would. Instead she focused on what was the real mystery…why the heck Houtarou cares. Because believe me after seeing Houtarou make faces and do the bare minimum in life I wondered too why all of a sudden he cared about a teacher he would probably never see again about something that may or may not have happened to said teacher.
This would be Houtarou, caring about someone else's past pain.
Well it turns out that Houtarou is growing up. Shocking I know. He is slowly breaking out of his shell. Experiencing the real world. Using some of his reserve energy. And while he might never see Mr. Ogi again Houtarou decided that knowing about a human being was important, even if nothing came from it. To understand someone and expand his world. Not everything resolves around him and such. While it might seem like a trivial matter to Houtarou it was important.
You have feelings!? Real human feelings?!?!
So that is what Eru was having a hard time vocalizing to Houtarou. That Houtarou was acting sweet and caring for another human being with nothing in return for himself. But since Eru has people skills like my cat has driving skills she got a little confused. So everyone go AWWW over cute Houtarou and Eru.
Here is to many more sunny days so people can be okay.
I think that is about it for this episode. A short little mystery that was easy to figure out but the real focus was on Houtarou anyway. I would like them to find Eru’s Uncle though….

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