Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hyouka episode 17

X__X Three posts in one night?! I am on a roll!!! Wee!!! Shall I celebrate by doing nothing tomorrow? Nah that would just put me even more behind. By my calculations I am only two episodes behind as Chocolate and Sexually Harassing Students hasn't updated in a while. XD Good for me or else there would be like 3 more episodes yes?
Um I want to buy everything in that box. Thanks.
Up now is the special anime Hyouka. We are on episode 32832 of their school festival and guess what? Spoiler alert: the mystery is solved in this episode. Enjoy!!!
Eru told me to buy this so here I am!
Episode Summary: Eru makes her radio debut at the request of the Broadcast Club. The topic is Juumonji obviously and the point seems to be to make everyone in the entire school aware of what is going on. Broadcast dude is very enthusiast and Eru…well she has a very specific agenda. She talks about how Juumonji will probably be targeting their Club next and they are leaving a copy of their anthology for him to steal. Eru really goes out of her way to advertise the anthology, trying to get people to buy it. After her time on the radio Eru looks guilty. Her advertising is a success though and Houtarou is amazed that they only have a few copies left. The entire room is full of people as Eru asked everyone to help guard the copy of the anthology. Satoshi’s cellphone rings and POOF the anthology catches on fire. Satoshi puts it out and Eru notices there is water where it was sitting on a table. Mayaka and Satoshi look very guilty and trade glances with Houtarou. Eru doesn’t look too happy either. The festival draws to a close and Eru reads an article about how the Juumonji culprit out witted the Classics Club. Eru makes her way down the hall and runs into Irisu. Irisu was able to sell all the copies of the anthology which pleases Eru. Irisu talks about how she heard Eru on the radio and has come to the conclusion that her advice on making people do what she (Eru) wants…won’t apply to Eru. Ever. Eru has come to that conclusion to and feels that is why she found herself tired the past few days. She agrees that she will go back to what works for her.
Well that was slightly dangerous....
The random Go Club member talks with Satoshi about how they didn’t find the Juumonji culprit but next year he (Go Club member) will beat Satoshi at the cooking competition. He walks away and Satoshi explains to Mayaka that his random friend uses the word expectations way too much. Mayaka assumes that Satoshi is talking about how Satoshi was unable to solve this mystery. Satoshi is thinking back to earlier when he caught Houtarou solving the mystery by himself. Houtarou has cornered Tanabe, Executive Committee President. Houtarou really breaks it down how everything points to Tanabe as Juumonji instead of the artist of the hit manga Kugayama, the President of the Student Council. It has to do with the fact that Tanabe stole an item from a person thus not skipping the “ku” letter and a whole bunch of other factors Houtarou was able to put together. The point of it all....the manga promised in last years manga was not produced. Kugayama lost interest in the manga despite his talent and this frustrated Tanabe. Also there was some confusing talk about the manuscript being lost or something. In any event Houtarou was correct. As a reward for his correctness he tells Tanabe that he will help Juumonji pull off the Classics Club heist. He says he will involve Satoshi to make sure all goes well. It will involve Satoshi’s cellphone, a water gun, and some sodium. In return for this help Houtarou expects the Student Council to sell 30 copies of the anthology on the school’s website as it will sure to be a hit after all this amazing drama.
Oh snap did he get the message?!
Satoshi watches this all and thinks how it was never possible for him to solve the mystery. Back in the present Mayaka tries to comfort Satoshi. He tries to brush it off as being just a database and being good at his job. Since Mayaka hasn’t had any fun at this festival she hunts down Ayako. The older club member who has been torturing Mayaka. Thought I use her name. Anyway Mayaka tries to give Ayako the Holy Grail of mangas but Ayako declines. Turns out she already has it as her friend wrote it last year. All of this drama over mangas and classics is because Ayako seems to have had this same argument with her friend and upon reading this manga Ayako realized she was wrong. Or Ayako is jealous that her friend has real talent but doesn’t push herself while Ayako wants to do her best but will never be good enough. Mayaka realizes what is going on and feels bad for Ayako. Everyone meets up in the club room and there are only 4 copies left of their anthology. Everyone buys one more copy and TADA it is all sold out. Amazing. This goes above and beyond any expectations anyone had. At the word expectation Houtarou thinks back to his conversation with Tanabe. Houtarou wants to know why Tanabe went through all this trouble to create a complicated code for Kugayama instead of just talking to him. Tanabe talks about how he just didn’t think he could reach him and that all of this was for naught as Kugayama didn’t understand the code. But at the closing ceremony for the festival it appears that Kugayama acknowledged it. Houtarou thinks about how people do things in an indirect way to protect people. Eru states that now that they have sold all the anthologies they can talks about the mystery. Satoshi fuels the curiosity fire and somehow they are going to end up at Eru’s so Houtarou can explain everything. THE END!
But can you decode the crazy ramblings of Tenchi?
X__X I think this was the longest summary ever. X______________X Perhaps it is because I started typing it right after the episode aired and all the information was still in my brain. Perhaps there is a reason why I wait to write that portion last….in any event every piece of the episode has been explained to you yes?
Also buy our stuff!
Eru on the radio……was quite interesting. She gets so nervous about everything. At first I thought that Eru felt guilty about the part she was going to play in the Juumonji incident. But apparently Houtarou kept his word and didn’t inform Eru of what was going on. So she just felt guilty or bad about asking people for favors. But before she felt bad she was effective at selling their anthologies yes? Good job Eru. Your nervous cuteness came in handy.
My advice doesn't apply to you because you are crazy.
Sadly we might not see this side of Eru again. She and Irisu have come to the conclusion that when Eru asks people for favors she comes off looking desperate. She clearly doesn’t have the ability to be a forceful and demanding person like Irisu. Irisu just has had year of training and the right look/sound of her voice. Poor Eru. She looked so sad to tell Irisu it was just not working out. Like she let the girl down. Irisu was serious about it too. Like…Eru you should stop going in this direction I fear the worse for you. The entire exchange was funny. Everything is so serious with these people.
We will just guard the manuscript and OH SNAP a phone call!
I thought Eru inviting everyone to the club room was a bit weird. Especially since Satoshi just busted on two attempt hits at the designated site. So…why would the Classics Club go the same route? Come rob us with a room full of people? Something was very suspicious indeed. The second the cellphone rang I was I was like OH SNAP something is going down. Of course I thought it was the bomb detonator….also I thought Mayaka was involved in this craziness but turns out she just was sad about Satoshi not catching the culprit.
The word of the day is expectations!
I have to admit I was sad that the Juumonji culprit wasn’t exposed to the entire school. Really anyone. X__X. I think the entire school got into this mystery and they were never told the truth. I am sure the explosion in the Classic Club was exciting and will be something that is talked about years to come. But I can’t help but think some people were disappointed that things were never explained to them. Since they didn’t know all the details maybe they would have been disappoint in how…specific the mystery ended up being.
Satoshi and Mayaka being sad. :(
MOG Poor Satoshi right? I want to forget about that Go Club member but it was like he rubbed salt in the wound. Was that the reason why he existed anyway? But putting aside that fool…Satoshi was just so sad. Sad that he knew he never had a chance, that Houtarou was going to save the day, and sad that he even thought he could be Houtarou. I liked that Mayaka tried to comfort him and I like that Houtarou included him in the “prank” but…I wonder how Satoshi would have felt if he was left out of things like Eru. Would that have made things worse or better for him? I am sure Houtarou didn’t think of it as a competition thus didn’t see it as a thing of pity to give Satoshi a small role. Still…sadness for Satoshi.
A very long...long....LONG explanation!
The explanation on the whole Juumonji incident was slightly confusing. Only because I am horrible with names. I mean I am horrible with names in general but add in the fact they are Japanese and mostly use last names…forget it. XD But the gist of the mystery is Tanabe, Executive Committee President is behind the Juumonji incident. He was trying to get Kugayama, the President of the Student Council, to create the manga that was promised at the last school festival. Yes folks. This was apparently the longest message ever and one that could have been given in person. But where would the fun be in that?
This is all because you didn't make a manga dude!
Also the message was two fold so maybe it wasn’t too…special. Just a little special. Of course I had a slight problem following everything. Was the actual copy of the manuscript stolen? Because I thought at the end of it Kugayama just had no interest in making the new manga. But maybe he just decided it wasn’t important enough since the manuscript was lost. Like meh who cares. So by playing out the plot Tanabe was trying to show Kugayama that people would be interested in the manga and that…organized mayhem would make the festival fun.
Because we are Japanese!
But this approach was indirect as hell folks. Maybe it was the position of power thing or the inability to vocalize what you want in Japan. Just…a lot of thought went into this plan and if anything Kugayama should be happy to have a friend like Tanabe. Even if it was only following about 85 percent of the drama I was interested. Just thought it was going to be more than someone not writing a manga.
Thanks for selling these for us! XD
Houtarou was able to figure this all out with the clues flooding down on him from heaven. Then he decided HEY I have these anthologies to sell and if you come and rob us…we will get famous AND you can help us sell these ridiculous things. Blackmail? Obviously. And that is why Houtarou didn’t want to involve Eru. Because she was working so hard to sell these things honestly and here Houtarou is solving mysteries and making side deals. XD Amusing indeed. But he did so in a very planned out fashion so no one would know it was a bribe. That would defeat the point right?
Ayako is like MOG LET IT GO!
After THAT mystery was solved Mayaka decided she needed to get some more air time and confronted Ayako. Because Mayaka has the need to be right even after all the crap that has happened to her. On one hand I understand the importance in being right. Like I REALLY understand that. XD But….maybe if Mayaka was being teased and picked on to that extent just to let the matter die.
Admitting that you are wrong isn't worth getting your friendship back?
The entire reason why Ayako was upset is similar to why Satoshi gets “jealous” of Houtarou. Ayako wants to be able to make mangas and a friend with little interest in mangas is able to make a masterpiece without trying. I can see how that can be frustrating. I still think that Ayako was right in what she said. Mayaka makes a good point, that there are certain pieces that people can recognize that is a work of art even if they themselves don’t like that particular work. But Ayako was like…if I only like sports mangas why would I even pick up a mystery manga? Much of this drama was teenage girls having teenage girl problems and now Mayaka feels bad. A giant mess I think. X___X
You can do it!
All the copies of the anthologies sold! Now they have enough money to buy one picked to Tokyo Disney YAY!!! I love how this entire disaster was Mayaka’s fault but she spent the least amount of time fixing it. Still everyone is happy so….yay. Also their club got a little famous so I guess it was all worth it.
And then Satoshi had the last laugh!
Thus ends the longest school festival in history. Eru doesn’t even know that the mystery is solved and has turned on the curious eyes! I wonder if she will be disappointed in the…specificness of the situation. Or confused. Everyone seems like they had a good time at the festival. Houtarou had an excuse to be lazy and…okay maybe only Houtarou had a good time. Poor Satoshi. :( I really thought he had a chance. Oh well…I am sure other people had fun. XD


Anonymous said...

Oh man, this really helped me understand a lot! I was so lost after that episode. And now I know that I'm not the only one who sucks with Japanese names.

Anonymous said...

The episode is really tearing my brain apart..