Monday, August 6, 2012

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 5

X__X Watching the Olympics is giving me ulcers. Because clearly I have a child/spouse in the games and I am on pins and needles whenever they make a mistake or something. OR I AM A FREAK! XD Is this how people feel cheering for a sports team an entire season? If so I don’t know how they do it. I just feel so bad when people fail/fall and you have seen them do perfectly in qualifying. Just sadness. Even a week later I am still feeling bad for men’s gymnastics. :(
Great way to start off an episode! WEEEE!
But I must put out episodes that I watched…days ago. So many days ago. I am special. But it finally time for Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 5! Spoilers for random people making Ms. Fairy’s life special?
Glorified slave yay!
Episode Summary: After the manga incident Ms. Fairy is ready to lead a more peaceful existence. Of course this means Grandpa’s friend from the UN has to come rolling into town with great news. He is working with the Human Monument Project, ever heard of it?! Ms. Fairy smiles her way and is like OHHHHH. There is a town in ruins that the man wants to check out and to do so he will need electricity. Ms. Fairy notes that their village only uses electricity to the most important things but random dude is like chill we found a satellite in the sky so we have tons of power now weee. One fairy tries to talk to Ms. Fairy but she is busy running around doing errands for her Grandpa to get ready for the ruin visit. It turns out they were trying to tell Ms. Fairy they were getting the hell out of dodge. They are not too fond of EM waves so they are hitting the road. They leave Ms. Fairy with a book and some ominous words that everyone is doomed. Ms. Fairy stays up late that night reading the book. It is basically a simple math equation. The more fairies one has in a town the safer they will be. Or more magical WOOHOO moments will happen and people will be better able to survive disaster. As your rate of fairy falls so does your chance of surviving. If you have no fairies….you die. Armed with this knowledge Ms. Fairy attends the festival of dead Christmas lights, a little party before the group goes to the ruins. At the party Ms. Fairy is looking out for…well death when a weirdo approaches her. Her name is Pion but that is all she seems to know. The strange girl talks weird, almost like she is a robot. She knows she is looking for someone and is excited that Ms. Fairy works with the UN. Surely this will help. Ms. Fairy is like probably not but promises to look out for other weird people for her.
Setting off to adventure woohoo!
Assistant and Ms. Fairy set off to the ruins. They are told to go to a boring and safe looking area which makes her sad. Somehow they end up in a huge structure and get stuck in the world’s craziest elevator. But when the elevator leaves them in a dark area with an ominous “note” they sorta want to go back to the elevator. They try not to panic and find a way outside…sorta. They are on a ledge and use the last of their batteries to tell Grandpa they are lost. But since they are lost they can’t tell Grandpa WHERE they are. They slowly wander around the structure trying to conserve food. Ms. Fairy accidentally drowns her good luck charm from the departing fairies…and it turns into a fairy. Apparently it was hibernating…So Ms. Fairy sets him up as a compass and hopes for the best. The best turns out to be a pile of garbage…and slime monsters. Yes slime monsters threaten to eat their souls. They run for their lives and find a safe spot to hide out in. They learn they are in a hospital and find a working computer. There they find out this city was also afraid of EM waves and created a barrier to protect themselves. Interesting. But then some slime monsters come to attack. Ms. Fairy is able to defeat the slime creature….but then a robot dog comes to eat their souls instead! All this violence. Suddenly Pion the crazy appears and bashes in the robot dog’s head. Um thanks? THE END!
Ms. Fairy is having the best life ever weeeee!!!!
Once again…this show is weird. Like totally out there is weirdo land. Factor in this is future and all of these ruins are probably of places in Japan now and it adds to the creepy factor. At least there are no zombies right?
Very interesting...rock thing.
Also this show is educational folks! I had no idea what the word monolith meant. I was like…what? Maybe that is just a term they use to describe something they don’t know the real word for. Like….if they found an iPad or something. Since they didn’t have the data on said object they called it a monolith. But no folks. Monolith is a real word folks. I am going to turn my high school diploma in now. Woe is me. And in case anyone cares the word means “is a geological feature consisting of a single massive stone or rock, such as some mountains, or a single piece of rock placed as, or within, a monument”. Not sure it applies to the things they were finding in this episode but…I had to look it up after the show. Because I am special.
Ah yes....the Human Monument Project....
So Ms. Y woke up from the manga and apparently left town. Which is fine as there is an new character (s) to take her place. On being a friend of Grandpas. He seems to be connected to the UN in some way. I say that in such terms because he mentioned the Human Monument project to Ms. Fairy like she didn’t know about it. Wasn’t she the one who almost destroyed the whole thing? Maybe he was out of the loop or something. In any event Ms. Fairy was like oh yeah….that thing…and made a weird little face. Fun times yes?
Leave the AC on all day we got electricity folks!
The purpose of Friend of Grandpa is to explore a nearby ruins and to do so they will need electricity. It is nice to see in the sad future that awaits for us humans there is at least some pieces of our time. Electricity is important and it still exists in the future. If only in small doses. But since there is still a functioning satellite its power is funneled to the village so the exploration can continue. And if this means wasting a bit of power on Christmas lights so be it!
But who will trap us in mangas if you leave?!?!
The Fairies are leaving town? What is this?! Shouldn’t they be the main part of the show?! What has happened here folks? They are scared of EM waves? Will they shrivel up and die? Or is it one of those silly things like oh our hair stands on ends when they are near it? XO Also could the fairies as a whole be responsible for the current state of humans. Like quick get rid of high technologies so we will be safe. And the outcome is this. In any event (I love saying that don’t I?) Ms. Fairy shouldn’t be blaming herself as the fairies are pretty weird and they didn’t try that hard to tell her what was going on. Also the fairies even interact with anyone else but her?
Maybe all math should be in terms of fairies?! Would that be easier for people? XD At least more fun yes?
The book Ms. Fairy got from the fairies….very special. At first I was like WFT is this nonsense. You can’t do math in terms of people. And everything was so over the top. Falling off a building and surviving? Being shot at point blank range and walking away okay? But then the “math” started to make more sense. Well as much sense as a luck induced math equation can be. Do the fairies really help the humans out that much? Of course we really don’t know WHAT the fairies are. Why did humans come from them? So to try and make sense of why fairies have magical protection powers might not make sense or result in anything.
Ms. Fairy attracts the crazies. Obviously.
So while Ms. Fairy was busy NOT warning everyone about the fairies she was visited by a new crazy. A weird girl named Pion. And she looks and acts like a robot. The way she constructs her sentences make her sound like an alien or someone unaware of the language thus using weird words when other, easier words exist. Like a leak in her memories? Interesting. So she is either a robot and has amnesia that makes her super proper. Ms. Fairy was like…time to back away from the crazy slowly. If she sees another crazy she will point them in your direction. XD
Exploring is always fun weeee!
Ms. Fairy and Assistant are part of the exploration team to the ruins. They are given the safest zone which means they got lost and ended up somewhere dangerous. Because the fairies are gone and so is their luck. I guess the elevator seemed very dangerous to them as they didn’t know what the heck it was. But the random piles of slime trying to eat them? Scary. Robot dog? Even scarier. No help and slowly running out of supplies. Event horizon people! Wait that is about gravity…well the gravity of the situation is serious. XD
Thanks for the rescue....random person...thing?
Just when Ms. Fairy and Assistant are about to be eaten by a robot dog…Pion has arrived. Because this show is special and full of weird. Also why are there SO many supplies left in this village? I understand that the people in the city/village didn’t want to leave but why isn’t the current village exploring and taking useful things? Seems weird to me. Of course this show has a compass that really is a fairy so weird is relative. So next week we will see what is up with Pion? Probably nothing good for our less than curious Ms. Fairy. XD


Anonymous said...

According to Shiden, the anime is airing in achronological order: ep5-6-1-2-?-3-4-?...............or something like that.

This explained how/why Mr. Faerie come to known the Human Project thing.....

Anonymous said...

According to Sea Slugs,Pion may be short for Pioneer, and Oyag likewise stems from Voyager. The space programs.

Quote from Sea Slugs:
>>The Pioneer Program (which went from the late 1950′s to the late 1970′s) entailed thirteen spacecraft that provided information regarding the moon, the sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. The Voyager spacecrafts were launched in 1977, and it looks like they’re still making their way through the deep expanses of space outside our solar system. Voyager 1 and 2 both explored Jupiter and Saturn, and Voyager 2 went on to Uranus and Neptune as well. Voyager 1 is currently 18 billion kilometers away from Earth, while Voyager 2 is 14.7 kilometers away.<<

Also, if you think this ep is crazy, check-out ep6. It is out already.

Christina said...

Anonymous- X___X This show is confusing enough without showing the episodes out of order! What the heck?! I call foul. What a silly show.

Anonymous 2- I have no doubt episode 6 is special. My prediction is the slug things are actually the ancestors of the people in that town. But if the names are correct maybe these creatures ARE from space and Pion and Oyag are coming to round them up.

eternia said...

The "achronological order" becomes apparent on episode 6. 5 & 6 definitely happened before 1 & 2. I wouldn't be so sure to put them on the front, though, because we have yet to see real introduction episode.
I hope episode 7 will continue from where episode 2 left off. It will be very interesting if her hair still has a will of it's own and keeps doing unexpected things.

Anonymous said...

You are right, I just finish ep7, which has at least two-times of WTF-ness than ep6. It looks like ep7 and ep8 are before ep6.

Christina said...

Eternia- So far the being alive hair has not shown up in other episodes. Of course we don't know what the heck is going on in terms of what episode is what so...maybe. That would be interesting though.

Anonymous- I think every episode is trying to top itself in terms of WFTness. Like oh snap we have to top what happened last episode. Bring in the alien mutant frogs that are gay and on fire WOOHOO!