Sunday, July 1, 2012

Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan episode 11

Not one person at my place o employment has seen The Thing. And no I wasn’t talking about the 2011 version…because then the number would be up to one. To quote a fabulous crazy reality TV “star” Is this the world we live in?! Yes Sarah. People get kicked out of parties for eating cake bows and there are people who haven’t seen the best movie in history. Crazy I know.
Can we please fly away from this show now?
Speaking of crazy…I am still watching Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan. I have no idea why. But here is episode 11 anyway. Spoilers for people being really worried about Rick’s bread.
I can't help you. Way too much bread to bake.
Episode Summary: Rick and his girls watch as Queen flies Kaguya to the head war ship. They stop shooting long enough to reveal themselves…and they are lizard people. They refer to Kaguya as a different name and ask her where the hell her necklace is? Kaguya is like aren’t I enough and they answer with a no. The ship…turns into black goo and sucks her up. Queen tries for 5 seconds to save her but flies off. Rick and his girls go talk to Madera and she confesses that everyone who washes up on shore is from a different dimension. Everyone is very shocked to hear that Rick might be a warrior from another dimension. They all start to leave when Rick is summoned to the palace. So everyone goes weee! Xiao-Mei and Hank show up with their captured selves.
Maybe if she had the necklace the Lizard Men would leave faster....
The Prince explains that Kaguya is trying to save them all but since they have the necklace things will probably end badly. Plus they have all known Kaguya for mere minutes thus they need to save her. The Prince asks Rick to help rescue Kaguya. Rick refuses and the Prince brings in his old armor/sword and talks about how it is his destiny to fight and not make crappy bread. Rick goes home and finds out that he really does make crappy bread. He goes outside to see the three girls looking at Queen trying her hardest to rescue Kaguya. The girls….might give Rick some words of encouragement. Rick runs off to rescue Kaguya. He runs into the Princess and gets some magical bread to warm his heart and Kaguya’s necklace. The Princess grants Rick…magical wings so he can join Dylan in the fight. Rick flies off and starts blasting everyone with his sword. Hank and Xiao-Mei have escaped and made it back to his work house. They are busy trying to get some machine…operational. Rick makes it to the main ship where Queen….dies to protect Rick. He promises to save Kaguya and flies into some spell circle. THE END! 

Can someone explain to me why this anime was even created? Or why I am still watching this? I guess I thought things were going to get better. I should have listened when people were like LOL no this is what you see. Thankfully for the entire world it seems that this show will be only receiving one season. Probably because they are cramming all the plot in two episodes but at this point does anyone care?
Just WFT is all of this and how do they know Kaguya?
Maybe I am still a little bummed that I was wrong about the island being isolated from the rest of the world and that everything else was in the future. It is other dimensions though okay! So most of the people on island are not from said island. I can buy that. But what I am having a hard time swallowing is that there seems to be TONS of dimensions with humans as the inhabitants. But the ones attacking Happy Go Lucky Kingdom are lizard rejects from the old Thundercats. Like wft was all of that about? They couldn’t just be normal looking humans on a warship? No guess not.
Hopefully not Lizard People.
It appears that this island is to rescue those from other dimensions. That the people who wash up on shore did so in fleeing in their previous home. Like oh everything is horrible here I will go somewhere else and start a new. Of course I just said they forgot their memories on purpose but maybe that is a condition of the island. You want to bake bread here and dance in the meadow? Well you have to forget about your past as…well a nun stripper it seems.
Could we have made bread...before?!
Ms. Princess and Mr. Harp Prince are obviously in on this…plan to make the Kingdom full of happy and forgetful refugees. Now if Mr. Prince was SO HAPPY that a warrior finally crash landed on his island…why did he take away his armor and sword for so long? Why allow him to live a happy life of baking bread with barely dressed girls? Was Rick just a trump card in CASE things got bad? If so…maybe inform your trump card so he isn’t against the idea later on.
Thanks for the memories Kaguya!!!
Also does it make me a really bad person to think that Kaguya should have been saluted District 12 style and be allowed to die. I mean….she did just wake up 5 hours ago and they have an entire Kingdom full of innocent people. It is sad that she was willing to sacrifice herself for others but sending tons of people to their deaths to save this new outsider doesn’t sound like a good plan. Emiya style anyway.
I totally believe Queen did this to protect the Kingdom.
I love how Queen’s actions were interpreted as protecting the Kingdom. It appears to me that she knew the Lizard Men wanted both Kaguya and the necklace. So she leave the necklace behind and thinks that the Lizard Men are going to accept Kaguya without her power? Yeah okay. Last resort for the Kingdom indeed. I mean I have no idea what she was thinking as the Kingdom was going to be destroyed without the necklace so why bother listening to Kaguya anyway?
Give us 5 second and we will escape.
So were Hank and Xiao-Mei tied up with licorice or something? They were summoned to the Rick meeting and then escaped? How? Why? And does the Prince feel knowing that his life is in danger because he has pathetic guards? Maybe the Prince should have hired Rick or something.
Your bread obviously sucks so pick up a sword and fight!
I won’t talk about the Prince and his….bread talk with Rich. Because I think it is ridiculous. Super stupid. Recipes are followed in baking. If Rick makes the bread according to the recipe it should taste the same. Thinking about the customer is not a special ingredient. I reject the theory behind this whole show thus I watched 11 episodes of them. Princey though…when is the last time he had any of Rick’s bread?
Yeah Rick. Just come back so you can make us bread.
I am not sure what all the girls were saying to Rick after his bakery fail. I thought they were going to tell Rick they would always be there for him. But then it was like we only know this Rick and we want this Rick. How about you say UM RICK we can’t make bread in the future with you if our entire Kingdom is destroyed. So please protect us okay?!
What...the this?
Rick getting magical wings and flying to rescue Kaguya….I don’t even know folks. I don’t even know. Is there a reason why the Kingdom didn’t send a ship with their own men? Dylan and Rick were the only ones running around trying to protect everyone. Even if it was in an over the top crazy way. Like wings? For real?! I couldn’t stop laughing over that magical scene and how Rick can use magic himself.
That would be Rick flying into the magical seal on the boat. Yeah folks. So amazing.
So in conclusion this show is a waste of time. And it makes me want to eat cake. Maybe Rick can fly away from this hot mess? XD

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