Well it did folks. I hope everyone reading this has watched the series (not necessarily the movie but there will spoilers for that too) but except for the twist at the end, that the entire town including Saya’s friends were in on this massive secret…the show was extremely boring. Yes people died in gruesome and creative ways but the censors prevented any of us from seeing the violence (now available on BLU-ray!) Yet despite how slow the show and Saya were there were defenders of this show. That this was all a set up for the most epic movie ever and that the slow pace was necessary to build up to bigger and better things. Well now that the movie is out and I have read some people’s takes on it…was it worth the wait? Did all the questions from the TV show get answered? Did the slow pace of the anime make the movie that much more magical?
Writing a review on something I have not watched yet is odd. Hopefully not inaccurate since I have tried to find out as much as I can about it. Someone update Wiki already! But from what I have read…this amazing movie….was not so amazing which makes the anime series a waste of time and everyone who supported the show should be going WOE IS ME! Woe is you indeed! This movie let you all down.
Since I haven’t seen the movie I can’t give a synopsis on what happened. I just know bits and pieces. But the pieces I do know have made my brain explode in HAHAHAHA More like Blood C Left in the Dark! Several bloggers have stated that major plot points from the anime that people were expecting to be answered in the movie weren’t! To me that would be Watanuki’s involvement in this hot mess and what the hell Fumito is doing torturing Saya.
Well lets just say that the movie decides the most important rule EVER in XXXholics no longer matters. Apparently Saya can just walk into the shop and take what she wants with NO payment at all. Some people have stated maybe Saya disappearing might have been the price for the sword but I am not buying that. The terms are talked about up front, even if Yuuko or Watanuki are vague about what exactly those details are. To say OH you can owe me…nope not buying it.

Clearly his master plan was to steal something of Watanuki's and look just as depressed as him. I see now.
Oh and in another surprising turn of events…Saya is actually able to protect someone. Shocking I know as Saya’s record was less than...existing. I believe she saved 2 people in the entire town (which all died anyway but you know…). So the fact that Saya was able to keep someone alive that long surprises me. Totally goes against the anime but maybe Saya having her brain blown out made her smarter. Maybe she sensed the girl actually liked her (like really, REALLY liked her) and that motivated to keep someone honest alive. I don’t even know why I blogged this without seeing the movie. I guess I didn’t want to wait the 6 months it would take to get a copy of it for myself. I am just so mean, doing cartwheels over something failing so hard. I do wish I had a full synopsis of the film so I could truly laugh all over the place. But the news that there are only 3 action scenes (the ones all over the trailers I am guessing) and that most of the big questions are never answer just seemed too good to pass up. It appears the anime and the movie are both the same: disappointing and sad. HAHAHA! This all being said I will still watch the movie because I want to see things get slashed and squished. It will just be easier knowing that yes in fact the movie is going to suck and just enjoy the ride to crazytown. Unless I get shot in the head too and change my mind about everything. That Fumito and him using the old ones makes sense and this is the best movie ever! XD
LOL you totally trolled me into clicking on your post b/c I thought you were going to say where they had uploaded this movie to. I heard it's dumb but visually it looks pretty ... So I will continue to wait and hope it pops up on some DL site. If you find it, let us readers know where? Then we can all fully enjoy the epic fail that is the entire Blood-C franchise!
Disclaimer : This review of is based on reviews, discussions and commentaries of people who have watched it.
Looks like they are not willing to explain what is Watanuki dog exactly? Oh, every female protagonist needs a cute pet, we simply gave her one!
Japanese Movie is really hard to obtain, seriously. While Western Movie such as the Amazing Spiderman can be obtained already several days after the premiere. Thanks to people who brought handycam into the cinema, lol.
Kate- AWW! :( I didn't mean to troll you. I did feel weird blogging about something I haven't seen yet. Like could I really be that accurate? Also I was worried about the blog title as I didn't know how to word it in a way that people knew it wasn't up and subbed. But yes it came out last month and probably won't be subbed until at least Christmas. In which I will watch it and give a link to where everyone else can experience the fail. XD It does look like a lot of time and money was spent on making it look pretty but I heard the major battle scene really suffers as the main baddie in 3D (or CGI can't remember) and everyone else is still standarded anime style.
Eternia- If they are going to do a major CLAMP crossover they need to give some explanations. Especially after many fans are still pissed on how XXXholics ended. Why was Watanuki helping out Saya? I was waiting for some Yuuko connection but it looks like it will never come.
I am thinking the Japanese people aren't taping their movies like crazy Americans do. Shaky cam indeed. Maybe they have more serious laws over there. Or less people in theaters thus it is easier to watch people? Unless there is a problem there is usually no workers in United State theaters.
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