Monday, July 23, 2012

Hyouka episode 14

X___X I don’t think I have time for an opening paragraph because I need to go plant a money tree in the bathtub. We have no jar so I thought that would be the best place to plant it. But yes apparently we are getting pulled in many directions of fun over the last half of the year. So sad my first world problems. :( So let me go tend to this tree and hope my cat doesn’t eat all the leaves off before they bloom.
Eru creating a new type of hand shaking weee!
With zombies, serial killers, and Jigsaw in the background I am chugging along with my blogging. Up now in terms of anime is something that is none of those things. XD Hyouka episode 14! Spoilers for people cooking and celebrating Halloween!
I saw a deranged Santa tonight and now this?
Episode Summary: Mayaka starts off day two of the festival with an apology. She tells her older club member that she couldn’t find the manga she was talking about. The older club member pretends not to be interested and says it is no big deal. She says that they all have to start working on posters to advertise their club. Mayaka is confused that the matter was dropped so fast. The Classic Club meets briefly talk about their game plan. Mayaka says she might be late to the cooking competition but promises to try. Satoshi says he has to check in with the committee but will be back soon. Houtarou sets to work…sitting in the club room and being bored. Eru walks on down to where Irisu is with her class. She asks if Irisu will help them by selling a few copies. Irisu agrees but says that Eru needs to work on her approach in asking people. After a few pointers the lesson turns into…Eru is cute so ask boys. While this is all going on Houtarou is visited by a few pumpkins who are passing out treats as their contribution to the festival. One of the pumpkin girls loves the toy water gun Houtarou has so he uses that to barter for some treats. As a bonus gift the pumpkin heads give Houtarou some flour.
Here I am with my random bag of flour guys!
As Houtarou accepts his snacks the cooking competition is about to start. Each member has twenty minutes to make a dish and is not allowed to talk to anyone on the bench. Satoshi is the first to start as he has particular dishes he wants to do. Eru worries the entire time as Satoshi is slow and seems forgetful. But his dish is finished on time and Eru is up next. Satoshi spends his time freaking out as well. Eru is such a good cook she makes many dishes…but uses all the ingredients. Mayaka is super late getting to the competition because she was drawing a serious poster. But when she gets there she only has an onion to work with. She can only stand there and look helpless. Eru hears Houtarou calling out and Satoshi goes to the window to see what is wrong. There Houtarou passes down the bag of flour and Mayaka is able to use all the scrapes to make a meal despite the fact she was missing her ladle. Everyone is judged and the Classic Club wins the competition. Mayaka is slightly rarw about the missing ladle but Eru discovers that it was stolen by the Festival Bandit. THE END!
Mayaka is about to bash in some skulls folks!
XO It is the festival that never ends! It keeps going on and on my friend. And then someone put that little puppet in a wood chipper and the entire world rejoiced XD But really on with this episode…and the festival. 

The game of magical/musical trade items continued and might have ended this week. Houtarou and his SUPER bored self was greeted by a pair of traveling crazies. I think their business model was best. Why have a booth in a bad corner of the school when you can travel with your wares? Also selling cheap treats is always the way to go. Sure their costumes were a bit scary…..but I guess they at least kept the theme right? Trick or Treat!
Who carries around floor?
But yes back to the if you give me this I will give you that. Houtarou and his bored self has not been able to explore the festival yet but he seems interested in something. Maybe everyone is interested in cookies. So instead of paying for the cookies himself he is going to use his random useless item (the water gun) and one of his anthology to get some treats. He is the one who initiated the trade this time which is something new. I probably wouldn’t have left the gun on the table nor would I run around a school wearing a mask and carrying a gun trying to sell cookies…but Houtarou got rid of his gun…and gained a random bag of floor these characters were carrying around. Oh I sees.
But I thought we were fighting?
Mayaka and her manga club didn’t have THAT much drama this week. I say that much because I think something is up with her upper classman. She was much more mellow this week. Almost like she read the manga Mayaka was talking about and agrees with Mayaka thus isn’t going to push the issue. She didn’t push it when Mayaka showed up empty handed because by not having the manga the upper classmate saves face too. Or maybe she wasn’t that invested in the fight. Either way I think Mayaka and everyone else was expecting a smack down fight and instead they got..make some posters. Oh I see.
Psht we have no time to fight...we must make posters!!!!
Speaking of making posters…why didn’t they make them at home last night? If they agreed they needed to do more advertising wouldn’t they want to do it bright and early in the day? Not MAKE the posters which eats up half the day? But I guess if they wanted to show off their manga skills that could possibly bring in an audience…maybe. XD But they did a good job yes?
Eru is making deals all over the place. XD
Eru is still on a quest to sell all these anthologies. Really Mayaka should be the one trying to fix her own mistakes but she is in two clubs and Eru is the president of the Classics Club. So off she goes to pawn off her problems on other people. XD Wish Satoshi’s advertising worked better. I thought he did a good job. Anyway Eru went to someone who owed her a favor which makes sense. Hello there Irisu! Remember that movie that Houtarou basically wrote? Well since your movie is about mysteries and our anthology has to do with mystery…sell it for us!
Everything she says sounds cool and creepy at the same time.
Putting aside how much work Eru is doing for so little money…dang Irisu. She is like the ultimate manipulator. XD Like bam this is how you make someone do something for you while still appearing to be a nice and happy person. She had some real good advice while being very calculating. But her most basic piece of advice was….Eru is cute and guys should give her her way. I see. I see indeed. I have cried my way out of two speeding tickets so I understand this advice well. Not sure if Eru got it though.
Most of the episode was dedicated to the cooking contest. And it case anyone doesn’t know…I hate cooking. XD Eating is fine, better if it is dessert. But cooking to me is boring. Sometimes watching people cook on reality shows is fine but probably only when they are fighting. Basically it turns into a bunch of terms and phrases I am unfamiliar with and it’s not like you can taste the finished product. I think I watch Hell’s Kitchen to see how many times Gordon will call people donkeys. Don’t really think the food is that important.
These hand movements were just so helpful to the understanding process.
So that is my way of saying that the cooking portion of this show was slightly…lost on me. Add in the fact these are Japanese dishes and I was unfamiliar with most of the ingredients and terms….yeah. Just…focused on other things. Like how Satoshi and Eru were making the funniest faces because they couldn’t talk. That Satoshi was the slowest prep person ever. Oh and that Eru used up every single ingredient because she is the awesomest person ever.
Did I mention that Mayaka had the cutest hair in this episode?!
Mayaka being late and her having no ingredients really helped this event out. Like woohoo bring the drama this is making the event worth watching. Maybe the host should have played up the entire scene. Like what is this? Someone is leaving the field? A mysterious stranger has appeared in the window? What is that he is dropping?! Oh it looks like they have a SECRET INGREDIENT! XD But it was fun seeing them all run around and come together in craziness.
We are the champions!!!!
I wasn’t expecting the Classic Club to win this event yet lose the quiz show. I thought they got enough press simply with their name being announced so much. But they became the winners. Yay! Everyone buy a copy of their anthology so they can afford … ticket to Disney. I do wonder if the Go Club member is stalking Satoshi or something. That was a bit freaky yes?
I want my eyes to sparkle like too!!!
Did you know sparkly eye disease is contagious! Satoshi as a serious case of it going on right now. It appears that the missing club equipment is slowly adding up in his head. Of course one bottle of water isn’t that interesting but add in Eru knowing about the missing Tarot card, the Go stones, and now their much needed ladle…it’s mystery time people!!!! We gots ourselves a real thief rooming these hallways.
Lost as in it is in someone's pocket!
In conclusion…Houtarou better be enjoying all the rest he has had so far. Because I am sure that Satoshi and Eru will rush upstairs with their sparkle eyes and he will be forced to have fun at this festival. XD But it will all be for a good cause right? YAY FUN!!!


Anonymous said...

Quote: "Did I mention that Mayaka had the cutest hair in this episode?"

I totally agree. She is really cute in this episode.

episode3 said...

don't blame Chef Blaine I'd probably react the same way working at that place.

Hope he got a good job elsewhere in a restaurant where he can cook with fresh ingredients.