Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera episode 13 FINAL EPISODE!

X___X It feels like forever since I blogged any anime? What is wrong with me? Well…I guess work is a big part of it. Not only has some…questionable situations occurred but the AC is not working. Quite frankly it usually doesn’t work but now it is unbearable and beyond hard to be awake, let alone serve food. So I come home from work with the life drained out of me and unable to produce anything resembling an anime post. Could not brain.
Is it finally over?!
Another reason why I haven’t written an anime post in several days despite new series coming out is because I said to myself NO you will not watch anything else until you blog Hiiro no Kakera episode 12. I actually watched the episode Tuesday night! So really at this point I am just putting it off because I am all RARW about how everything ended despite the series being crap anyway. So…here I go. Spoilers for this post not making sense at all! XD
How are you still standing?!
Episode Summary: Tamaki lays there all shocked that the last seal was broken. But for some magical reason the artifact is in the lack with the black goo. Ein is ordered to go claim the sword. The Guardians all look pretty pathetic but Takuma manages to get his ass up and goes after Ein. All the other Guardians tell Tamaki to chase after Takuma and that they can handle Logos. OH OKAY! These leads to some more pointless battles with Logos wondering what the heck all this crap is. Tamaki uses her Princess powers to run in a straight line towards the lake. When she gets there Ein is still under the impression that beating Takuma’s face will make him a demon. When Tamaki arrives Ein threatens her to make Takuma transform. And he does…into some rock monster thing. Granny shows up to state obvious things and Tamaki flings herself at Takuma to…use her Princess powers on him.
I am HE-MAN!!!!
After the power of love takes over the sword and its amazing staircase emerges from the lake. Everyone gathers at the lake and as the sword emerges a black smoke overs them all. It APPEARS that the smoke makes them see their sad pasts except for Tamaki who sees a happy future. After all that jazz Ein and Takuma bounce to the sword with Takuma winning. Once the sword is in his hands Takuma starts changing again. Tamaki orders him to not…be a demon so he complies. Granny is like HAHA we win…so Aria smiles and leaves?! There is a big dramatic moment when everyone thinks Takuma is dead but surprise he’s not. He gives Granny the sword and she acts like all is going to be okay now. Ryou and his random mentor leave thinking things will be okay…for now. Tamaki then walks to school with her Guardians, very happy and like her dream. THE END!
This is Takuma not being dead. So amazing this episode.
WOOHOO! This show is so amazing!!! I can’t wait for season two! Go Tamaki and Takuma and their love. Yay for everything making sense.
But what about all the cool battles Tenchi? Didn't we impress you?!
Or that is all a lie. A lie folks. Of course there is going to be a season two but I doubt I will be watching it, let alone blogging about it. That all might change though. So I will protect myself by using the word doubt it case I lose my mine and decide that I really want to see how Tamaki saves the world and how everyone reacts to Shinji being a traitor.
Forgive us for being so stupid Granny.
YEAH FOLKS! For like I don’t know….8 episodes I have been talking about how obvious it is that Shinji is doing something. Maybe he is not working directly with Logos and I am sure he will have a good reason for doing what he did. Like oh I helped Logos out because I knew they were going to win but I did so in a way that would save the world. Wherever Shinji was studying he probably met up with Vier and Aria and…something happened. But we don’t get to know WHAT happened because they never told us. All this foreshadowing and crap and NOTHING! Nothing. Just what the hell is that all about? Ryou saying crap about being betrayed led to nothing in the end. Stay tuned for season two apparently.
Takuma! You got me all confused you stupid fool!
Oh and let me clear up something that made me look really stupid. I only THOUGHT that Takuma was Onikirimaru because of what he said. That he was a demon/monster that was going to destroy the world if released. Before that I thought Onikirimaru was just an entity that was sealed by the five artifacts. But when Takuma opened his mouth he made it sound like he was THE Oni that was specifically sealed away by the Princess. Clearly that is not the case and Takuma is just some random oni so…yeah. Let’s just pretend this silly little show didn’t confuse me or something. XD
Tamaki is good at looking confused. But who could blame her?
Another thing that I was apparently confused about was how I thought they stole the last artifact in episode 11. Because usually they destroy the seal and take out the artifact at the same time. I just assumed that is what was going on this time. But no the fifth and last artifact was located far from the seal. In a lake. Because that is where I would put the item holding the Onikirimaru monster thing. Not under a mountain of rocks of what not. So another instant of this show confusing me or a magical plot device that allowed Takuma to save the day?
That could have been a very easy promise to make.
Despite everyone getting their asses kicked last episode…they were able to get up and put on a good show. Especially Takuma who shouldn’t have any organs after being punched that many times. He was off running in the woods and being amazing. Well that is probably because he has an oni in him. But everyone else was looking pretty much down for the count but the Guardians pretended like they had a chance…at doing something. I wish Logos would just take them out and be done with it. Like playing with children yes? Only one day those kids might get strong enough to beat you so take them out when you have the chance.
Did I say glowing? I meant Tamaki was catching people on fire.
Tamaki….was glowing this episode. But really folks the way it was portrayed was her feelings for Takuma saved him, not her Princess powers. She spoke from her heart. But maybe that is where the true power is? Even so I don’t think she would have been able to do that with any other Guardian. I mean…no one has really been training their powers this entire season. How all of a sudden could Tamaki do that? No it makes more sense that she loves Takuma. I rather that get through to him that way than people assume she now has Princess powers.
Well that was slightly dramatic right?
I love how the sword was in the lake that had magical stair cases leading up to it. Like…how complicated and special was that. SO when Ein and Takuma were running/jumping all dramatic like I just had to laugh. How could I NOT laugh right?
....acknowledge that we are better at everything so we are leaving!
So Takuma gets the sword…and Logos just gives up. Takuma and his slowly changing body teams up with Tamaki and her random glowiness…and Logos just walks away. They didn’t even TRY! Granny randomly shows up and everyone listens to her. Aria is amused and decides to leave? I just don’t get this nonsense. A strong weapon in the hands of a weak person doesn’t mean a victory. Just because Tamaki says go away doesn’t mean you have to go away.
Good thing everything works out for Tamaki YAY!
And that is how this season ends. With Tamaki telling Logos to go away, all the seals being destroyed,…..and everything being okay. Did anything really happen in this series? Did anything really get accomplished? Do we know anything about the characters? What does Takuma see in Tamaki as he knows nothing about her? Why hasn’t Tamaki really tried to talk to ANYONE in her family? Are they all assholes like Grandma? These and many other questions…will probably not be answered in Season 2. Just Tamaki sparkling more and Shinji begging for forgiveness. This is Tenchi signing off on the Potato Princess Series. Time to finally see what the Summer is bringing us!

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