Sunday, July 1, 2012

Accel World episode 12

The internets is serious business folks! XD Sometimes I forget that people have different opinions than I do. Like why aren’t they seeing it my way waaaaaaaai. I am sure the husband gets a little frustrated when I pull him over to the computer to show him how wrong someone is on the internets and how I need to fix things. I believe there is a fun little sketch out there of that idea.
Having a sword in your stomach....must be Accel World time!!!
Putting that aside it is time to blog anime. We all can agree anime is fun yes? Just…maybe a little disagreeing on which shows are worthwhile. XD For now it is Accel World episode 12 time. Spoilers for Haruyuki losing his mind. Again. Perhaps always.
Kuroyuki only has two people! Don't take away Haruyuki!
Episode Summary: Yellow King looks down at the big hole in his stomach. He uses a spell to escape Chrome Disaster’s grasp so he lives to fight another day. Chrome Disaster decides to take it out on other Yellow Legion members and Haruyuki can just stare at all the destruction. Yellow King eventually takes all his remaining men and leave while Haruyuki starts mumbling about how everyone on the train with Chrome Disaster’s user is in danger. Kuroyuki tries to snap Haruyuki out of his MOG moment, saying no one will think any less of him if he is defeated. She will still need him so don’t be afraid to lose. Haruyuki manages to get up and help Kuroyuki…right as she is blasted. Yuniko is the culprit which shocks Haruyuki. Yuniko declares him stupid, as alliances, friendships, and guardian/protégé relationships mean nothing. Yuniko walks up to Chrome Disaster….but it overpowers her before she can land the killing blow. Kuroyuki states they must have been guardian and protégé and that is why Yuniko is so messed up. Kuroyuki encourages Haruyuki to help Yuniko and he does as Chrome Disaster starts his bouncing/jumping stuff. Haruyuki flies after him and finds out he is actually being SpiderMan. Using that information Haruyuki is able to take him back down to Earth. There is a moment when the previous Avatar mumbles about being stronger and Haruyuki says that is no excuse.
I really thought it was going to be the other way around though....
Yuniko comes over to Chrome Disaster and uses her King power to take him out of the game permanently. Yuniko then explains how she grew up in an orphanage and only one boy was her friend. He was her guardian and gave her the Brain Burst programs. But she soon surpassed him in the game and their relationship in real life changed. Haruyuki tries to tell her that everything will be okay when Kuroyuki and Takumu show up to join in the love. The scenery changes and the others explain to Haruyuki that the neutral area is hard to maintain. Kuroyuki makes the group check to make sure Chrome Disaster is not in their inventory and they rejoice when it appears to be gone for good. Everyone starts walking to the save point when Haruyuki thinks he hears something…being hungry. The others tell Haruyuki to hurry up so he does…but the focus is on the weird object on Haruyuki’s back. Haruyuki is able to fight with new confidence during his battles and Kuroyuki is pleased. Haruyuki arrives home from school to hear his mother talking about how her coworker’s kid is over again. It is of course Yuniko who explains to Haruyuki what happened with her friend. He apparently has relatives that are finally going to take him in but he will now be in an area with few Brain Bursters. He panicked thinking he would never catch up thus the Chrome Disaster take over. Yuniko thinks this whole situation is sad but maybe things can go back to normal. She wants Haruyuki to suggest a new game that she and her friends can play online together and gives Haruyuki some cookies. Haruyuki bursts into tears over all this friendship talk and Yuniko pretends that Haruyuki is crazy. THE END!!!
Too much smile X____X
I am still confused on why people would call this show Guilty Crown 2.0. XD That is like comparing broccoli to hamburgers right? Not even in the same category.
Because he's winning?
Again though….I find myself slightly confused on what the rules are in this world. I thought Chrome Disaster was supposed to be able to take out users in one hit, that they automatically get the Brain Burst program uninstalled. But then it showed several users being attacked by Chrome Disaster and simply having the logged out/timed out…thingy thing. Like what happened to Takumu. But then on the OTHER hand (because I have three hands) Haruyuki is overreacting to everything so it is hard to gauge what the heck is going on. Like he acts like being attacked by Chrome Disaster means you are gone for good.
Not the people on the train!!!!!
So in other words….Haruyuki needs to stop flippin out, I need to pay more attention, and the rules need to be better defined. Like in Death Note where the rules were shown on screen time to time. I got way too many anime facts and characters in my head to remember how fictional video games work. Lets just pretend that anything can happen in the Accel World and Chrome Disaster had the capabilities of taking people out of the game if he so chose to do so. So.
Because its natural? Now get moving and die bravely!
Haruyuki….I think he is used to being on top when it comes to video games. Chrome Disaster was using a cheat of some sort to be that strong. Yuniko and Kuroyuki have spent the equivalent to years leveling up in this game. So while I understand he wants to get stronger doesn’t he know deep down it is going to take a lot of work? That sitting by saying how hopeless things are…really isn’t helping. He should have done what Kuroyuki said, to get killed in amazing way and take it as a learning experience. Because there was no way he could have won a direct battle with that beast but he wasn’t supposed to. He was to be the support, not the main event. Of course all this sad talk might make more sense at the end of the episode….
My attempt to capture the amazing...
Kuroyuki and Yuniko were supposed to be amazing. And powerful. That is what Kings are supposed to do Haruyuki. Well not the Yellow King obviously who ran away and hid. I thought after all was said and done he was going to walk off again with Chrome Disaster. Me thinks these people should be more careful. Even though the Yellow King is a wuss who caused several people to lose Brain Burst he did protect the majority of people in the end. So he isn’t that horrible. THAT horrible.
Why can't this be the real Yuniko?!
How much did I laugh when Yuniko shot at Kuroyuki? A ton. Probably woke up the cat or something. Then later Yuniko backed down from her amazing HAHA stance. I rather her just stay crazy, that it was always her plan to turn on Kuroyuki. Or rather she saw the opportunity and took it. I rather her be evil or….well shooting for level 10 than wishy washy. Of course that wouldn’t make her a well rounded character…but still. I wanted a HAHAHA evil moment. Like eff you people of the world, I fight alone and count on no one!!!!!!
Ew an explanation? GO AWAY!
But no folks. Yuniko explains her sad back story later. She has no parents. She grew up in an orphanage like place. Due to her LOVELY personality making friends was hard. An older boy took her under his wing and gave her the Brain Burst program. But then she surpassed him in no time and became Legion Leader. Out of fear of losing Yuniko said boy then got turned into Chrome Disaster because he wanted to level fast enough to be with Yuniko. You know, the typical love story between two really young kids.
Peace out my only friend.
In the end it is kinda sad right? What is the real purpose of this game if you are punished for not living in Tokyo. Most online games allow you to live in whatever part of that region and still have access to tons of people. But this game sounds like you either live in Tokyo or you are screwed. So it makes more sense to why Yuniko’s boy did all of this. He would never get the chance to really level again and be on Yuniko’s level. Plus who wants to take someone on as their protégé and them become your leader in a short few years? Must have felt bad, especially if you factor in the man pride factor.
Behold me being the mature one in this episode.
After saying all that mushy jazz I do think Kuroyuki should have gotten pissed and blasted Yuniko a few times for daring to blast her. Kuroyuki chose to have mature moment for some reason. Maybe because she was still recovering from her earlier freak out moment. Which makes more sense now that I think about it. Kuroyuki has had a few years to think about what she has done but she hasn’t really played the game and had to think of the consequences of her actions. She wasn’t in the game to see the faces or hear how her decision has affected the game. Also it might be weighing on her heart that she might be a violent…or person who likes conflict. That goes against the Japanese way of going with the flow and not standing out so now I do think it makes more sense on why Kuroyuki had her melt down.
SpiderMan SpiderMan!!!!
The actual take down of Chrome Disaster was a bit boring. I find it hard to believe that no one saw that red wire before. But at least Haruyuki was able to be useful. Now he has the confidence to be a better legion member and help Kuroyuki. Will this confidence stick though? I hope so. Get it through your silly head Pig Boy!!!
Must not cry!!! :(
For me it is hard to pick the saddest moment of the show. Or the moment that made me go AWWWW. Yuniko taking out her own guardian was sad. Like all he wanted was to play the game with her and due to miscommunication they can never play again. But then when Haruyuki was crying over his real friendship with Yuniko while eating the cookies….I don’t know folks. Maybe I am a hormonal mess. It was just so touching and I wanted to hug Haruyuki. It must be hard to separate game play verses real life but now that Haruyuki can see that MIGHT be possible he was overwhelmed. Maybe we can have a moment like in Fate/Zero, where Kuroyuki and Yuniko agree to fight it out in a noble fight and leave as friends.
Where Spider Chrome hit Haruyuki...interesting....
So while Yuniko acting like her sweet self does disturb me slightly the real ending of this show has to do with Haruyuki. It looks like a piece of Chrome Disaster has hooked on to Haruyuki? Or at least that is what that scene implied. A sign that Haruyuki hasn’t moved on from his Woe Is Me mantra? That Haruyuki has feelings of doubts inside and thus Chrome Disaster finds himself compatible? It looks like we are finally going to see more of Chiyuri next week so how will this all play out? Guess I have to wait and see. I am o so patient folks! XD


Anonymous said...

About the rule of the game. The reason Taku respawn again is because the timer. In ep 11, if you look closely that pic w/ his marker has the timer. Players respawn again in UNF after one hour game time (3.6 seconds real time). Meanwhile, they can walk around as a ghost within a 10 meter radius of their marker.

Hope that explain/clear something.....

eternia said...

The Spiderman~ Spiderman~ moment really made me rolled my eyes. How original, dear author of Accel World. Weeeell, he sucks, tho. Let's him a mere Spiderman wannabe. The real Spidey would just cut off the thread and shoot another one.
The main weakness this anime is of course, how the author keeps pulling new rules and game mechanics out of his ass, yes?
I thought this is a fighting game, right? And Kuroyuki didn't deny that.
How come you are allowed to form party and hunt monster in group? What kind of fighting game allows you to engage in guild vs guild battle? Pre-determined portals in order to log off? Walk freely in towns? This is totally MMORPG! Since when it turned from fighting game into RPG? Oh, right. Ever since you turned into level 4. And Kuro explained it at the last second, not when she gave him that software.
Just bleh.
I would be mad/confused/yell WTF if I were playing simple side scrolling game when it suddenly turn into... a Diablo!

Anonymous said...

"Having a sword in your stomach....must be Accel World time!!!"

Or any other anime time!

I haven't watched this series yet but if what Eternia says is true and the author keeps pulling new game mechanics out of his ass, I MUST WATCH! I miss fools activating trap cards that are actually NOT FOOLS and are tricking their opponents into activating trap trap cards!

ALSO was talking to a non-gaming friend about a PS2 game and mentioned the game mechanics and she thought I said gay mechanics. I can't get this out of my head whenever I hear game mechanics now. Thought I would share.

Christina said...

Anonymous- Sorry all for the late responses. But I was wondering about all the crying and gnashing of teeth when people died. Sorta lame that there is such a short respawn time yet such dramatic behavior. But the information about walking around as a ghost is fun though. XD

Eternia- I really didn't think about the different kinds of games being combined into one (MMORPG verses a fighting game). Maybe the creator was like well I am going to combine aspects of every game I like and call it a day. But the adding new rules all the time is almost becoming a game to me. Like spot the random rule of the week!


Anonymous- I miss those Yu-Gi-Oh Days! Like dramatic face HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING...but wait I can counter that spell so why does it matter. XD Ah good times good times.

What Eternia is talking about is Kuroyuki will usually tell Haruyuki well that COULD happen but since this person is so and so there is a special move so we need to think of a new plan. Like oh okay would have been great to know that BEFORE NOW type deal. XD