Sunday, July 15, 2012

Accel World episode 14

Happy lazy Sunday to those who it applies! If you are working today…well I know your pain. XD I hate it on Fridays when people tell me to have a good weekend at work when really I have to work Saturdays too. I understand that people have different “weekends” when it comes to days off. So whenever your days off are enjoy them. Or spend the entire day in bed. XD Like Kira and me.
Oh there is just a demon behind you....nothing to worry about.
Since my laptop is reachable from my bed I can watch anime AND be a lazy slug. MHHH slugs. I have so many shows to watch and so little time it seems. But it is nice to pick and choose which episodes I want to watch next. I stuck with Accel World since I wanted to see what happened with that new punk kid. So episode 14 it is folks! Spoilers for pizza abuse and a shower scene!
Oh snap Haruyuki told you Chiyuri!!!
Episode Summary: Takumu and Haruyuki are trying to discuss what happened at the kendo match over what looks like an interesting pizza. Chiyuri arrives declaring the boys lazy and the pizza not real food. She presents a lasagna and acts a bit silly over the homemade aspect of it. There is a new opening song with Haruyuki and Ghost Rider having a bromance for some reason. After they eat every bit of food they talk more about the kendo match. They conclude that Nomi the punk kid was accelerating somehow while blocking his name on the list. Takumu muses that a year ago he was doing the same thing that Nomi was doing. Before he can feel too bad about himself Chiyuri keeps on insisting that it is not the same thing, that Nomi is just smug but Takumu accelerated to make her proud. Haruyuki insists that is the truth as well so Takumu smiles and says it must be true. Takumu also demonstrates what he thinks Nomi is doing, a higher level accelerating ability that makes your mind anticipate things faster.
Takumu demonstrating amazing powers with juice.
Soon after Haruyuki and Takumu help Kuroyuki win another match. Takumu logs off as he was just on break from kendo. He is observing Nomi who keeps on smirking and taunting Takumu saying he was better last year. Kuroyuki and Haruyuki go to a restaurant where they talk about Nomi and why he would be using a Physical Burst. Kuroyuki wishes she had time to handle this herself but warns Haruyuki to not use this skill for his own gain. Haruyuki thought he was asking for sexy videos while Kuroyuki was away but she ends up sending him pictures of food. While looking at some of the wonderful food pictures Haruyuki gets a message from Takumu that says he found a picture of another Nomi, one who might be his older brother and guardian in the game. This leads to Haruyuki spying on him during kendo club where Nomi is pretty rude to his classmates. Haruyuki follows Nomi and walks into what he thought was the men’s locker room. Upon seeing Chiyuri naked Haruyuki finds out he was wrong. Chiyuri and her boobies hide Haruyuki so he doesn’t get in trouble while Haruyuki realizes what Nomi is up to. After Haruyuki escapes he apologizes to the great cat lady Chiyuri and explains to her that Nomi used an electrode visual…thing to change the bathroom signs and hide himself on the list. Chiyuri gets upset about all this crazy, that games should be fun. Haruyuki tries to explain that the game can have its good points and has changed his life for the better.
And Haruyuki lost. I am so surprised.
The next day at school Haruyuki has a hard time not spillin the beans about seeing Chiyuri all naked. But when Nomi contacts Haruyuki it gives him a chance to escape. Nomi explains that he sent the picture of his brother to Takumu to implement that electrode visual thing. Haruyuki wants to know what this is all about. Nomi basically wants to use Haruyuki as his slave in the game or he will use the girls locker room incident as blackmail. Chiyuri comes out of no where and says she will explain away Haruyuki being in the room. Nomi says he has a backup plan that will also affect Chiyuri and get her in trouble and that Chiyuri will be his healer slave in the game. When Nomi starts to assault Chiyuri Haruyuki uses the physical accelerate ability to defend her but Nomi is much too fast and Haruyuki gets beaten. THE END!
I like taking pictures of my food on vacation too Kuroyuki!
Well….that was unexpected and interesting. I really thought it was going to take longer to figure out this underclassman mystery. But it got solved pretty fast AND Kuroyuki helped. Oh said underclassman is a freak and things got weird by the end of this episode. So…yeah unexpected and interesting.
Your mom is rubbish!
First off though… is not real food now?! What is up with that?! Chiyuri was a bit judging judgy there. I mean I know it is not the healthiest food ever but it still counts as food. And it is also counts when you warm something up and put it on a plate. DINNER! And as Haruyuki pointed out Chiyuri didn’t do anything but bring the food over so maybe she has no room to talk? And my closing thoughts on this brief scene is…DANG those kids were hungry. They ate a small pizza and all that lasagna? Dang. X__X Pigs.
Um they are. But thanks for playing.
I am glad that Takumu has realized the irony of the situation. I am not sure if Chiyuri is making him better or worse with her you are different speech. Because really they aren’t different at all. They are exactly the same. Takumu was trying to impress Chiyuri to keep her away from Haruyuki and it appears for now that Nomi is accelerating to improve his life. Sounds the same to me. Takumu sees that, that he was exactly the same last year. Perhaps Chiyuri is just trying to make things better (HEAL THINGS) but I wonder if deep in her heart she knows it is the same and just wants to help. Cheating to impress someone else or cheating to beat everyone else…sounds like the same thing to me. XD
I don't want to gooooooo! I want to stay here and be a part of all the adventures!
Since we are unaware of the timeline I is possible Kuroyuki is still in town. I mean since the school year just started I think it is funny that Kuroyuki is even going on a class trip. Guess they have to get their trip out of the way since they have exams coming up and what not. Sad though right? Or happy depending on your point of view. But yes I guess while convenient to get Kuroyuki out of the picture it does make some sort of sense.
It's so against my rules I didn't even tell you about this ability!
But Kuroyuki stays in town long enough for a duel and to give Haruyuki oh didn’t you know fact of the day. That there is another command below Lose 99 Percent of Your Points. Which is good I guess as that would be a bit extreme. No no, there is another command that will allow you to basically…well….do the same exact thing but without all the injury and point loss. What the Brain Burst program probably was designed to do and this game play was a side thought. XD A lot of explanation for one can use their mind faster and anticipate what to do based on the position of others. Pretty cut and dry, thanks for the help Kuroyuki. Well….of course it was Takumu who explained most of it with his juice trick and Kuroyuki was like OH so now you know…well just don’t do it too nonsense. XD
Le sigh indeed.
Haruyuki ending up in the girl’s locker room….le sigh. Pandering to the menz again right? Needs to have fan service and huge boobies on junior high girls. Although it was a bit refreshing to see Chiyuri not beat Haruyuki and instead realize it is a mistake. Of course if someone walked in on me naked I might not be as forgiving so why am I being hard on people who would do the same? XD Just I was doing a lot of eyerolling but in the end Chiyuri did the…well only thing she could do and protected her friend. With her boobies.
I might be having regrets at this point too.
Sometimes Chiyuri drives me crazy but she is spot on when she says that it doesn’t look like anyone is having fun with this game. She is correct with that prospective. She hasn’t experienced the game like others have and she really thinks of it as a simple game. She doesn’t understand that people get obsessed with the real life power or how you can feel older than you really are due to that no limits area. All she sees is that her friends are super serious all the time over what appears to be a simple fighting game.
I am just so much happier now that I have this game! Let me be a spokesperson for it.
I am sure Haruyuki thinks that this game has changed his life in a positive way. And maybe it has. I do think it might have given him a lot more stress but maybe he thinks that is a good trade off for what he has gained. Takumu and him were able to hash some things out although that might have benefited Takumu more. Kuroyuki being his..sorta girlfriend/obsessive stalker must be nice for him. Her words encourage him and give him more confidence. He hasn’t used any accelerating powers yet (well he did in this episode)to benefit himself but he is too busy being the only flying avatar to care. So I guess Haruyuki is having fun although at times it is hard to see that.
Kick him off the team!
So lets talk about this underclassman. Nomi. Isn’t that a girls name? Okay…he was pretty disrespectful was he not? Maybe accelerating all the time has made him “more mature” like Yuniko but still. I know from my anime learnings that younger classmen need to be respectful of their older classmates. So him treating Haruyuki like crap later in the episode was…understandable given they are both playing the game but to the older classmen in the kendo club? Maybe he should have flown under the radar a bit more before pulling the smirking and walking away card.
Chiyuri is super impressed with the reveal!
I thought that Nomi not showing up on the screen was going to be a little more dramatic. Like he hacked the entire program and he was eventually going to be hunted down by the creator and would eventually be forgiven by Haruyuki and he would join Kuroyuki and he and Yuniko would end up together. X__X That was a lot of thinking that I did despite watching episode 13 yesterday. Maybe this is why I end up being disappointed, I think way too much about things. But I am sure him messing with people’s vision or whatever he did was equally as amazing….just not as complicated as I would have suspected. And they are junior high kids. The real geniuses are in high school gosh!
I shall explain my evil plans right off the bat weeeeee!
At first I thought it was dumb for Haruyuki to meet with Nomi alone. But then I realized he didn’t want to bring his friends into this out of strategy. Or at least that is what I hoped was happening. No need in all their identities being blown. But then I understand Chiyuri’s need to make sure her friends are okay. Wonder why Takumu didn’t show up for this confrontation. Oh that’s right because Takumu isn’t the one in love with Haruyuki.
He does make a good point....
Things for a little weird at this point though. The entire framing Haruyuki with the bathroom thing…I might not have gone that dramatic direction. I also thought there was going to be a personal reason why Nomi was doing all of this. Like Kuroyuki used his brother in some way and this is revenge. Which could still be the case in the end. This I want to be powerful in school could be a cover-up for what Nomi is really after.
I am sure all of this was necessary....
But until then disturbing kid is disturbing. I suppose Yuniko was just as weird but I liked her insane faces. Nomi was just running around talking about sexual harassment and making Haruyuki is slave for the hell of it. And whatever he did with Chiyuri’s hair…gross. Weird little disturbing kid and if it just turns out he is a deranged kid looking for power I will be slightly disappointed. I hope there is something else motivating this weirdness.
Photobucket that all you wanted?
So that is about it for now. Takumu is now the one with the secrets being kept from him, Chiyuri had to two bouts of sexual harassment, and now Haruyuki is a point making machine? Oh yes Nomi please have more up your sleeve. Otherwise how can everyone act all tired and exhausted when Kuroyuki returns from her fun in the sun?


Anonymous said...

I think Chiyuri handle the shower situation very mature.
As for Noumi, I hope Kuroyukihime will squash him like a bug later on, or he should at least get PUNCHED!! He really piss me off. xP

Also, about Chiyuri, she is not really a "healer", you will see later on why...
Clue: She just want the 3 of them to go back as they were all nice/kind/friendly.

Christina said...

Anonymous- As much as we want Kuroyuki to deck this guy I bet this gets solved before she come back. That way when she asks what happened while she was gone those three will look at each other and laugh. Like look at us bonding like the good old days and Kuroyuki will be the odd man out.

I think Chiyuri wanting things back to "normal" might be different than what the other two males experienced IE liking her and maybe being jealous of the other one.

eternia said...

This Noumi guy is such a bastard. But his threat is kind of weird. Oh please, if I am the one who setup the camera, why am I so stupid to let myself recorded on it?
I hate spoilers but I also curios to know, will this anime end with somebody becoming level 10? This Noumi isn't even a king! (probably). With just 10 episode's left, and many new characters still unintroduced (as shown in the new OP), I can't help but worry that this anime might not have 'real' ending.

Christina said...

Eternia- I am thinking that this is going to be a two season type anime. Clearly there is not enough time to get through all the Kings and get Kuroyuki to level 10 (because if Haruyuki reached level 10 first my eyes would roll out of my head and onto the floor).

But I am sensing this new kid is not a King either. I wish to know his intentions so I can better talk about whether or not he is really over the top. And if technology is really that advanced I am sure they can figure out who planted the camera and such. I wonder what his other million plans were like because that one was a bit...special. Yes lets go with special. XD