Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shakugan no Shana Season Three episode 10: Welcome to Namek!

Sometimes I think I watch way too many reality shows. Actually I know I do. I just get so wrapped up in the “reality” of it all and end up hating people. I mean some people are naturally evil like Taylor from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or Heather from Top Chef Texas. Yet even though these people are evil should I really be that mad at them? Shouldn’t I be more upset at the evil people who can and do hurt people continuously? Like passing laws that hurt people? Bleh maybe I should focus more on the bigger picture.

Unless I watch these shows in an effort to escape the bigger picture? Yes let’s go with that.


Spoiler alert: His contribution to this mission is FLYING A PLANE!

Up now is Shakugan no Shana Season Three episode 10. Spoilers for very little happening?


Time for what? Soda and peanuts?

Episode Summary: While on the walk to recover his body YujiSnake and company encounter the Flame Hazes that defeated him many years ago. They are barely….anything now but YujiSnake thinks it is only proper to send them on their way. Yuji thinks to himself after doing whatever it is he is going to do all of this will change. That random fish monster thing is still trying to figure out how everyone broke in. Eventually he realizes he needs to call everyone back to base. Shana is walking around with her sparkly self when she enters what seems to be an important room. Some Camel Crimson Lord comes in and decides he has to kick Shana’s ass. He keeps multiplying himself and generally gives Shana problems because she hasn’t fought in a few days. She gives herself a pep talk about what being a Flame Haze means to her and basically repeats her name over and over again. She randomly makes up three attacks on the spot and takes out Camel Toe like he is nothing. Elsewhere in the crumbling castle Wilhelmina is still looking for Shana. With the help of the double/triple agent old dude she finds an…observation crystal that helps her see that Shana is okay. Wilhelmina feels a bit unneeded but is happy that Shana is okay.


King of the Camel people!

Outside Khamsin and Rebecca are still kicking butt. Rebecca has taken it upon herself to lure the big lion away. Up in the sky Granny Panties is talking to her troops and talking about how it is time! Just as Rebecca is about to get her butt kicked it is revealed that Granny Panties has brought MANY planes full of Flame Hazes and that Castle de YujiSnake is not somewhere…else. It is here on Earth. And thanks to all the damage Khamsin and Rebecca did all the Flame Hazes are able to fly on it. Lion Dude is momentarily distracted and Rebecca is able to defeat him. As the other Flame Hazes set up a new base Wilhelmina finds Shana and they are ready to DO THIS! THE END!

Seriously folks? What is the name of this show? Because I thought it was Shakugan no Shana. But apparently I blinked and they changed it to DBZ.


It feels like it!!!

For those who do not know as DBZ is SO OLD let me explain. Dragon Ball Z had the reputation of stringing along battles for a million episodes. Sorta like Bleach and Naruto. Or at least I think as I have seen very few episodes of those shows. But yes some fights could last for weeks! But the worst offender in the entire series was Namek blowing up. Namek was this planet full of green aliens that an ugly purple alien was trying to blow up. For like…10 episodes there was a countdown clock to when the damn planet was supposed to explain. At one point there were 30 seconds left and yet there were still episodes! Episodes! With an S!!! They milked the battle on FOREVER. I have absolutely no idea how they did so but it was boring to watch and in the end the baddie wasn’t even permanently dead.


the same day?! I KNOW!!!

So yes. This entire series has felt like Namek blowing up. The last episode could have been done in 5 minutes and I feel as if this episode could have been that short as well. It just drags along SO SLOW and barely anything gets accomplished. The only thing positive about Namek though was each time the episode ended we were given an actual countdown to when the BOOM would happen. This…it could go on forever!


So while you are talking to yourself I am going to kill you kay?

And what the hell is up with Shana? WHO IS SHE TALKING TO?! Herself? Because that is what crazy people do. I just talk to my cats because that makes me one degree less crazy. But Shana has been a Flame Haze longer than she has known Yuji yet since being captured FOR DAYS she has decided that is when she needs to do all her heart to heart talks and self-discovery and what not. I mean I guess she has time now because she is captured and all BUT COME ON!


Weeeee! Random power-up!

Maybe I am being too hard on Shana. But some of the things she was saying were just redundant. Or didn’t make sense. What does being the LONG TITLE mean to me? It means Shana because I am the Blazing Hunter of Fire and Too Many Words. What does that even mean? It is usually frown upon to answer a question with part of the question. Then she gained like 3 new attacks for no reason against a weak looking boss. It was a great day for Shana.


Dude how old IS Khamsin? She keeps saying old man...

It is good that Rebecca lost her fight and it made sense why she was bringing Aslan away from Khamsin. Not sure why Simba agreed to this but in the end he was…probably not killed. Yeah. Good for a lot of explosions but why wasn’t anyone coming to help Mr. Lion?


I think I can see the Biggest Loser ranch!

For some reason I thought that Casa de YujiSnake was somewhere ELSE. I am not sure where that else place was but I didn’t think it was hovering over some desert on Earth. I thought it was in another place and that is why Wilhelmina had to go to such lengths to get to the Castle in the Sky. But apparently as long as people break into Casa de YujiSnake ahead of time you can just parachute in (well minus the device required during parachuting). It was…weird to say the least.


You can fly you can fly you can FLY!!!

I am glad it showed that tons of Flame Haze’s were being flown in. Because I thought Granny Panties lost her mind talking to an empty plane of three people. I am very curious to see what powers she has. Making a “base” out of random rocks seems pretty cool. Wonder what Granny can do. Knit me a sweater in 1 minute?


:( At least you tried....and didn't take part in trying to SMUSH her!

I kinda felt bad for Wilhelmina. She had this grand plan to rescue Shana and when she was not needed it was a bit of a blow. Not that she doesn’t want Shana to be amazing and ALIVE but you know. A proud momma bird still feels bad when her kid leaves the nest.

Actually Wilhelmina appears to have done the least in this rescue mission. Maybe because she was actually trying to bring back Shana in one piece when some other people thought the objective was to blow up everything. Objectives are important people. She was randomly talking to that old dude and she really didn’t kill anything. She was just sitting and watching this episode. Maybe she will shine later.


I hear Kingdom Heart Music!

YujiSnake and his people are still walking. Now maybe they have only been gone for a few minutes in their time and in show time Shana has only been captured for a few days. So it is hard to figure out when things are going on. But I thought it was kinda sad that the Flame Hazes from YEARS AGO were still there, waiting to take out YujiSnake. HMMM what could Yuji be thinking, trying to change the world?

So this whole show was about Shana escaping, Granny Panties bringing her troops to the battle zone, and things getting blowed up. Up next….the fish takes more of a role? Amazing. I predict it will be amazing.


eternia said...

It's fine, Christina, I randomly talked to animals too, such as "Damned stray cat!!"
And talked to myself "I can do it!"
But... that's all.
I am unlike Shana. Maybe her brain got wrecked by Granny Panties' crazy advice, that is "finding yourself" which she translates as "talking to myself"
I know that DBZ show. Yes, it's a super old anime if it's Japan's time. But not here. Indonesian's TV channels is so poor so that they can only buy license of anime from last century. LoL. DBZ, Samurai X, P-Man, Chibi-Maruko-chan. They don't even air season 1 of Shana while we are watching season 3 here. >_>

Christina said...

Eternia- Dude and I thought the United States was behind on the anime! I am pretty sure I was in junior high when DBZ first hit the screen. And since it took forever for new episodes to get over to us we saw the Namek arc about 849348387487 times. SO BORING!

I think instead of talking to myself all the time about "serious inner matters" I would be like OH CRAP my rescue party is just trying to kill me. Not saying my name over and over again. XD