Monday, December 17, 2012

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun episode 9

So....I was kidnapped today. Kidnapped into shopping and driving and buying things. The worst kind of kidnapping ever. And then I came home and wrapped presents and ate dinner and basically did everything but blogging. Woe is me!
XO That is how I look in the morning all the time.
But here is one post before I go to bed? A little redemption? Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun episode 9. I think this aired a month ago haha! Spoilers for love....pentagons?
Insert yelling here.
Episode Summary: Shizuku opens up her little eyes and sees Haru staring at her. Um why are you in my room while I sleep? Shizuku realizes that Haru snuck in her room while he explains that the others want to study so he came to fetch her. He lets it slip that her father is still home and she runs downstairs in a rage. Dad doesn't have time to wonder why there is a boy in the house when Shizuku asks him why he isn't at work. Turns out his shop went under two weeks ago and he didn't have the courage to tell Shizuku. Shizuku calls her mother and they both basically call him a loser. Turns out this is the 6th time the business has gone under and the family is only okay because the mother works. But because of that Shizuku must have grown up all lonely. Haru smiles and says that Shizuku has three friends now so no worries. Shizuku tells Haru she is busy and has to help her father. Haru goes off alone and meets Shusei and Asako at the batting cage. Asako is busy thinking about how Haru and Shizuku haven't gotten anywhere because Haru isn't forcing things along. Shusei talks about how he had a girlfriend in junior high and Haru is shocked that he and Shusei went to the same school as Shusei. The boys are like WFT but then bond over whether or not either have them have done it. Haru starts talking about how he thought being in love would be easier than what it has been with Shizuku. Shizuku takes that moment to walk in. She remembers that she told Haru at the festival a month ago she would think about their relationship. Well apparently she hasn't and decides to take Haru outside to talk about things. Only she doesn't know what to say. The topic of the store failing and how her mother has to work comes up. That brings up the fish story and how maybe Shizuku had been lonely back then too? Haru focuses on the fish part of the story and not how Shizuku tried getting her hopes up with high expectations. Also it might have something to do with seeing how responsible her mother is and how irresponsible her father is that has created the persona that is Shizuku. Haru stops at the water's edge and says he will catch Shizuku a fish. Sensing this will be stupid Shizuku leaves.
Well I guess he won't remember he saved you either. XDPhotobucketPhotobucket
At the library Kenji and his directionally challenged self is having problems finding a book. When he does make it to the right section he finds Shizuku there. He gets a little embarrassed at the sigh of her but immediately she breaks into business about what book he should get and that she needs to beat him on the next exam. Kenji finds himself frustrated that all he can think about talking about is Haru and tries to tell Shizuku there is more to life than studying. Shizuku decides to talk to Kenji then since he gave such good advice at the festival. Kenji gets all blushy but helps her out anyway, breaking it down how Shizuku doesn't have to have an all or nothing approach to life, that she can balance things out. There is some smiling and more blushy and Kenji wonders what the heck he is doing. Asako and Shusei decide that it is time to study at a little cafe. She is still thinking about Haru and Shizuku when some girls from her junior high walk in. She tries to hide but they see her and start talking about what a boyfriend stealer she was. Asako starts feeling really bad while Shusei is like what is going on. Suddenly Misawa walks in and talks to Asako warmly. That brings on the sparkles folks. Shizuku is walking along thinking about how she has been lonely in her life and didn't know it when she runs back into Asako and Shusei. They stop by the river side where Haru forgot about catching the fish because his other friends showed up. Shizuku seems happy to see him as Kenji drives by. He still has Shizuku's pen and stops to give it to her. He pauses though when he sees just how happy Shizuku is with Haru. He waits until the other three walk away as Haru goes to fetch his bag. Kenji throws Haru the pen and Haru is like why do you have something of Shizuku's? Kenji gets a little flippant about the situation and Haru demands to know if Kenji loves Shizuku too. Kenji leaves without a definitive answer. THE END!
Although a crime was committed...
An episode where there was no violence? Well pick me off the ground. Not because someone hit me, but because I have fainted. See how much more enjoyable this show can be without it? The episode was cute and funny and confusing for the characters and no one got hurt. Clearly Haru can be awkward without breaking his love interest's nose.
And then we call the police.
But Haru was creepy in this episode. Watching someone sleep? After breaking into their window? I guess someone's romantic is another people's creepy and restraining order. I think I might have woken up screaming but I am a jumpy person to begin with. Sometimes my husband scares the crap out of me and I know where he is in the house. Shizuku just wakes up and says....oh you are in my house. So is my life knowing Haru.
My what....spoony eyes you have.
Shizuku wasn't calm when it came to her father as well. I am not sure if I am down with how she handled the situation. It appears to me that the father does attempt to work. He just doesn't have a salaryman job. He rather be in business for himself. And it looks like he was dedicated to his business and it just failed. Can't fault someone for that. But...if this is the 6th business that has failed it might be time to work a 9-5 job for the sake of the family. I believe I following your dreams but not at the cost of your family at home. Shizuku is upset that the mother has to work where the father seems to have a more carefree job. She was a bit rude but maybe she has reached a fed up point with him. Like can't we be a family and can't you just be like everyone else?
Time to put on some pants and get to work pops.
And its not like the father doesn't acknowledge his failures. He just hasn't....well learned from them. But he knows in this society a man makes the money and the woman raises the kids (in a straight relationship) and that due to his failures (his own or just out of his control) have caused his kids to raise themselves and contributed to Shizuku's problems with being a human being. Maybe is Shizuku hadn't been thinking about money all the time she wouldn't throw herself into her studies. I think the father means well and not all of Shizuku's problems are caused by him. He does seem to care and know something is wrong with her and is touched to learn she has made friends. I don't know...I hope that situation works out first rather than the Haru and Shizuku one.
I sense the boys might need a stabbing.
I thought the study session between the three kids was actually a real one. A realistic one. One where very little studying is going on. Not that Asako should be reading books upside down or anything but when the subject changes from math problems to fun things. I think it is special that Haru didn't know about Shusei being at his middle school. I mean obviously that means he doesn't know that Shusei is the kid he protected. And the conversation about boys talking about sex....yeah I see that happening. Not really answering and making weird faces. Bop them Asako!
Won't someone be my friend?!
I love that Asako is such a genuine girl. She could be spending time on finding her own boyfriend but no she is trying to help out a friend. A friend that really hasn't been much of a friend up until this point. A girl her age might be focused on getting a boyfriend but since that never has been an issue while girlfriends have been it is nice to see her trying that out.
Thanks knight in
Not that Asako isn't human. She was all looking at Misawa with sparkle eyes because she is a living girl. XD He did come to defend her when those girls walked in. I guess it would be easy to blame those girls for being cruel. Asako can't help but be cute and the guys couldn't help but like her. But when all of your friends lose their love interest to the same person I can see how talking can occur. Asako doesn't mean for it to happen but being friends with Asako would mean being disloyal to your other friend. Does that make sense? They weren't being outright mean in the restaurant. I guess a situation where no one is really at fault and because people don't open their mouths and talk things never get resolved.
Try a little harder?
But Shusei needs to step up. He looked a little upset last week when Misawa came to the rescue and this week the rescue was his. I think Shusei was going to say something but just wasn't as quick as Misawa. Plus you know Misawa is older and thus cooler looking. If Shusei wants to be something with Asako he probably needs to hurry up with that. I hope it is what Asako wants though, a boy liking her for her and not just what she looks like.
You is so cold.
After Shizuku helped her father with the store she found the gang studying and remembered she told Haru she would think about their relationship. How did she forget that she was thinking about that?! Last time she was consumed with it and her grades suffered. Now she just totally forgot about it? Weirdo. Shizuku makes some funny faces too but not as funny as Samon of course.
Shizuku is learning a lot...about herself!
After a month being left in limbo I thought Haru was going to be more demanding of answers. Not a violent idiot but something. Not lalala part of my brain is missing I am going to skip down the road and be happy kind if attitude. I do like that he listened to Shizuku's story about the fish...he just took the wrong part of the story seriously. And I like Shizuku's being afraid of expectations. Heavens know I get excited about things, too excited, and then I might end up slightly disappointed. So to protect herself Shizuku tries to focus on studying and not expect much to people. Both are simply being themselves. And look NO HITTING!
Because she has seen you three whole times!
The parts of the episode with Kenji felt weird. It is like these side characters in the love triangle have already given up yet are going to help their love interests out. Like well I like them but I know they like this other person so I will help them out. X____X I guess that is called being a good person but I don't know how I feel about this give up type of attitude. And since Haru and Shizuku really aren't a couple yet there would be no homewrecking you know. It is just odd seeing all these people helping Shizuku and Haru because they are a hot mess.
Good job acting cool there.
Kenji probably gave the best advice. Like hello I get good grades and I have fun. Stop being so one tracked. You don't have to throw yourself into something and have none of anything else. Like on a diet. Diets really don't work. Life style changes do. So having no cookies at all won't really work because eventually you will eat a cookie and get so discouraged you might throw out the entire diet. But you you just change how many cookies you eat you will get results slowly and you will be a happier person. Everyone loves cookies and hates studying. This is simple folks!
Okay maybe Kenji wasn't trying to be helpful.
While Kenji might be helpful and blushy around Shizuku he decides to turn into....well not a douche per say around Haru but not very forthcoming with the information. The episode ends with Kenji telling Haru he was spending time with Shizuku. This of course will make Haru jealous. Maybe Kenji was doing so because Haru makes grave mistakes when he is jealous but I think that Kenji was lighting a fire under Haru. See, all this helpfulness. It is overwhelming!


Anonymous said...

Hi @Christina

I know I haven't commented much on this show. I usually congregate around Little Bustahs (where are my dragons?!) and Zetsuen (come back Aika! We need you to be the ultimate villain!). So I figure I throw in my thoughts for this episode--just for today.

I'm glad that the writers decided to add Shizuku's parents. Most anime shows out there, the parents are somewhere, and the audience is asking, "Where are they?". At least this show has the nerve to reveal the parents and how they play a role in their child's development.

Shizuku's dad following his dream of a business is admirable but not practical in my opinion; he would need a stable job to support his family--dreaming about dreams don't pay much of the bill, dude. You still need to be realistic and mature of the situation, especially if you have a child. I'm surprised that the government isn't giving him any financial support because of Japan's low birth rate policy; I see no mention of financial support in this show. The policy states that because Japan has such a low birth rate, the Japanese government is willing to provide financial assistant to parents or young couples who are willing to raise kids. Yeah, Japan does have an astonishing low birth rate that the government has to step in and do something about it. Also, it might not be much for Shizuku's dad (financial assistance) but at least it helps in paying the bills, keeping a roof over your head, food in the mouth, etc. I believed I mention this birth policy in one of your blogs, Christina. Thought I refresh your memory and give you some food for thought. :)

I find Japan's birth dilemma surprising in contrast to other countries that have healthy birth rates, especially China. I mean, in the states, I see kids all the time! So I can rest assure that America isn't in danger of losing its population.

I just thought Shizuku would be more understanding of her dad. Sure, she has a right to be angry with her father's failures. But she does have to admit he's trying the best he can in these circumstances. Let's be realistic here, folks. In life, everyone can expect failures, disappointments, things go wrong, things don't turn out the way we want them to, too much high expectations, etc. I recognize that Japan is a very stressful place to live in. It has a high costs of living, jobs demand more of their employees, schools demand more, low paying salaries in certain industries (voice actor & animators), high suicide rates, etc. Of course, failures are bound to happen where many variables happen to individuals.

I'm just trying to be realistic of this show here, and apply some real world logic into it. I know most anime shows don't work on logic but I thought I could give it a try.

Well, those are my thoughts on this show.

Christina said...

Anonymous- I think everyone has the right to be Rapunzel and have a dream. And to go after that dream when you are young, stupid, and don't have to answer to much. But once kids come into the picture perhaps being a cowboy isn't really a realistic goal and working at a factory is.

I mean I can understand why one would not want to be a salaryman in Japan. Yes stable income but hello what is the point of having a good paying job if you have no time to spend your money? Or see your family? But after the 5th failure perhaps Dad should have thrown in the towel and decided the veggies were not the way to go.

I think if American's were paid to have babies everything would explode. XD Maybe they should pay people NOT to have babies at this point. I sure would like some money for being Scrooge and not contributing to the surplus population. XD But I thought the support came in Japan after the second kid. Like oh you want to give us EXTRA kids (as two parents making two kids would just balance things out, not add anything) here is some money!!!

However Shizuku needed to be a bit more understanding as at least her father was working. It just wasn't enough to keep his business afloat. Now had he been home eating Hello Kitty shaped snacks watching H-Horror movies all day while Mom was working then there could be anger.

asmaa ali said...