Sunday, December 16, 2012

Psycho-Pass episode 9: If living forever means looking like that...

Okay! One more post and a small package of cookies. The rest can wait until tomorrow. Unless I get sidetrack by something else or get kidnapped into going to the mall or Kira feels the need to get petted for 6 hours tomorrow. It could happen folks. Until then....when will the 5th Final Destination come on TV. I am tired of seeing only the 4th one!
Have a good night sleep everyone!
So what is up before I go to bed? Hmm I guess Psycho-Pass episode 9. Spoilers for people trying to explain away why Ginoza is an asshole.
You might want to run away from the crazy man.
Episode Summary: Ginoza and Shinya are at the school and basically they talk about how Shinya is always right and Shinya isn't mad that Ginoza can't accept it. Akane and her little jellyfish computer are getting dressed for the day. The jellyfish teases that Akane is getting ready for a date. Akane tries to ignore the jellyfish and puts on the news. Being interviewed is the old dude that killed Rikako a while back. Ginoza and the other Enforcers are seen talking about the case while the interview is going on. Mr. Murder is named Senguji and apparently he is famous as he is almost all cyborg. He still has his brain but everything else is fake. The interviewer talks about how this will affect society and how people aren't ready for this step. Senguji points out that people are so connected to electronics now it is like they are already robots. He makes several more points about how humans exist to find ways to live longer and what not. Akane plays some of this interview in her car ride with Shinya. She asks his opinion on living forever and he is like oh yeah let me just be a latent criminal forever. They arrive at a house in the middle of nowhere pretty devoid of the current technology. Akane is introduced to the man of the house Saiga who concludes who she is as a person without her saying anything. Shinya explains that Saiga used to be a police consult, really the main dude when it came to criminal profiling. But he eventually was made to leave and now he lives here. The visit is to teach Akane the basics of criminal profiling and to see who else used Saiga's services. Shinya believes that the worst criminal ever has come to Saiga and learned all that Shinya knows thus making him awesome. Since they are friends Saiga agrees to this.
Why do we bother helping if Shinya can do it better and faster?
While this is all going down Senguji is having a talk with Shougo. He shows off his new pipes which he made out of Rikako bones. Lovely. Senguji talks about how people nowadays have no purpose in life and how he has to keep his mind active and youthful, especially since he is going to live longer. Thus the hunting of people to regain what he thinks is youth. Shougo smiles and says that he has a new prey for him named Shinya. Senguji asks if Shougo really wants to kill Shinya since a creepy smile always comes up when he mentions the man's name. Shougo then answers with a smile. On the way back to headquarters Akane thanks Shinya for the training. Shinya talks about how the program used to be done at their headquarters but some people would turn or be flagged as latent criminals themselves due to the nature of said program. Shinya thinks Akane will be okay since she has bubbles for brains. But a lot has changed since those times. The second they walk back in Ginoza expresses his disdain for Akane taking the program. Akane is like BITCH I WILL CUT YOU. Well something like that. Ginoza is not pleased with Akane and Akane seems to think they are equals or something just as stupid. She goes to make a report against Ginoza when Tomomi tries to calm her crazy ass down. He talks about how Ginoza's father was labeled a latent criminal long ago, in the early days of the program. People didn't really know what that meant to the whole family was under suspicion and what not. And then Ginoza lost Shinya so Ginoza is extra worried. Akane is like.....I guess it is sad and decides to not make a report. Ginoza is seen looking all pissed off but really his feelings are just hurt ya'll. THE END!
Why hello to you too!
No one died in this episode. Woe is me. Of course when people are used to make pipes that should be enough creepy to cover the entire episode but I am a greedy girl. So greedy indeed.
Your eyes are a little creepy there jellfisher.
I thought that Akane was going to go on a date with Shinya. Her little jellyfish thought so much. Now that I know that truth, that they were visiting someone with criminal knowledge I am like bleh. Of course Akane has been obsessed with Shinya since minute one of her career but a date would be pushing it. It really doesn't explain why Shinya has taken a shine to Akane. Maybe he sees a lot of himself in her, eager to do the right thing and all bright eye about everything. Still not a date. Not how I would want to spend my off time either. Not on the clock, not working is my motto. Do you like my motto?
Wait does that mean clothes no longer look fat on people? Maybe I will be all for this now....
Of course when Akane was getting ready we got see more and more of this new age that people are living in. Which is under 30 years but more than 15. I estimate Ginoza to be around 28? Old enough to have a few cases under his belt but not a million years old because we know when you hit 40 it is all over. Plus he has to be close to Shinya's age. HMMM I would estimate Shinya at 24 though. So maybe the technology is closer to 15-20 years old. At least the Siybil part of the system.
Can Ginoza use a program to fix his hair or something? Homeboy needs to see right?
But the outfits and the holograms all over the place...I see how so many people are laying in comas now. I imagine the day of having tons of money where I can do and have everything I want but maybe working towards those goals and have delays makes them worth more. Sure being all Star Trek Voyager is cool with computer programs talking to you and instantly making your food and choosing your clothes...but the sacrifices have seemed too high.
And for that we are truly grateful.
And for some people in this society the line has been crossed. Or rather there is a new line that they aren't willingly to cross just yet. While it is possible to live longer by being all or mainly robotic most people are saying no go. 50 percent of their body seems to be their limit. And to me that is saying if I lose a limb or maybe want some better boobs/other body parts that is okay. But it seems as if most people don't want to run around in fake bodies while only leaving their brain/soul intact.
This is not the case with Senguji. He was the one who hunted down Ms. Rikako last episode. Well it turns out that he is someone and not some random person Shougo knows. Well maybe he is but there is more to Senguji then being a murderer. He is also creepy. Did you see those teeth?!?! Gross city. Yes I want to live for much longer looking all messed up. If you are going to live longer I would probably pick a hotter body to inhabit. Of course Senguji is focused on feeling youthful and not necessarily looking youthful. He has different priorities ya'll.
Fake clothes are okay. Fake everything? Not okay.
I think that reporter was ready to give Senguji a dressing down or make him look insane. Which he probably is. While everyone is okay with fake clothes and fake houses they draw the line at being 95 percent plastic. But when Senguji pointed out how much of a robot she really was I wonder if that made her and her viewers think. Or if that was a message to us the audience. Obviously Senguji is creepy but what about us, people who can't live without our cellphones because what if someone posts something in Facebook and it takes us hours to see it?
Will you ever turn on Senguji?
After his interview Senguji talks to Shougo while smoking his Rikako pipe. He further talks about his theory on living forever. While he is insane he does make a point. People are having a hard time living out their normal lifespans because so much of life is done for them. There needs to be entertaining things for others to do or they will fall victim to that as well. Now running out and kill people might not be the best way to accomplish this but you know...Something does need to change. Maybe not shooting Shinya in the head while Shougo licks his lips in the corner.
Maybe you should just listen more...
So while those two are having their conversation Akane went on her nondate with Shinya. She talks briefly about this living forever crap. Shinya can be pretty nice considering how special Akane has been the entire time she has know him. Like yes let me live forever as a latent criminal, what a dream. Akane, learn a bit more before you open your mouth.
:( Can amazing being taught?
I was slightly disappointed in learning that Shinya wasn't amazing from the start. That he had to have training to solve crimes in 5 seconds. What is up with that? I guess it makes sense...especially in this era of people not doing things for themselves and allowing robots to tell them who is a criminal. So enter Saiga, the amazing old school detective who really wasn't that old.
You passed the class! you are a latent criminal. Sorry.
I can understand why he was phased out of this new world. The system flags people for small issues. Like if we had soldiers coming home from war I am sure they would all be flagged due to seeing and experiencing horrible things. So if Saiga's methods involve thinking like a criminal and sometimes taking on the role of a criminal...well you are going to get flagged. Maybe all the latent criminals should learn this “ancient” profiling method as it has been proven to be super effective thus far.
Why don't you get interested in working there for a month before branching out into other things?
What I don't get is why Shinya took Akane there? I know that she has shown interest in profiling but who cares? She has to be there a little longer than a hot minute to give her any kind of training. Unless Shinya wants to train her before she is tainted by Ginoza's way of doing things. I don't know, it just seemed odd. Akane can be interested in things but perhaps a slower approach is in order. Akane is special though with her clear hue so who knows what is going on with that hot mess.
Okay just a tiny bit out of line...
I am not sure if Ginoza was out of line. Akane knew about Shinya becoming a latent criminal and losing him. So Ginoza was just trying to protect Akane. Now should he have done this in private? Probably. But I don't think he was totally out of line given how insubordinate Akane has been so far. She hasn't listened to a damn word anyone has told her. And then she has the nerve to tell Ginoza they are at the same level? Um this is still Japan right? He is her senior and has been on the job a lot longer. So quit talking like that and listen.
Story time about Ginoza weee.
Tomomi being the oldest person in the group and the obvious father of Ginoza and took Akane aside to tell that Ginoza isn't the evil person she thinks he is. Akane is still mad but listens to the pieces being put together. Ginoza has had to live with the stigma of being from a latent criminal family. So it sounds like he has tried extra hard to prove he is not which means lock them up and throw away the key mentality. Things probably aren't helpful that Ginoza has to work with his criminal father Tomomi and ex partner Shinya. Basically Ginoza is surrounded by people who left him and probably won't handle it well if Akane left him too.
Too bad, I want to date Shinya so leave me be!
Akane probably won't care about all of that. She is on team Shinya. She better watch out as Shinya is in danger from insane people. Perhaps if Ginoza saves the day she will be more grateful to him. Of course he will probably die in the any event Akane needs to stop being so....18. XD You don't know everything there little missy.


Anonymous said...

I think Kougami took Akane to see Mr. Saiga because he sees potential in her as a detective.

Ah~ profiling, can't they just look more data in the library? Oh wait, now all data are electronic and the librarian is in jail, see ep 8. LOL

Jokes aside, I am very impressed w/ Mr. Jouji, according to RandCuriosity, “ a professor of clinical psychology and an expert criminal profiler who, because of the nature of his work, has come to eschew much of the technology that has come to define PSYCHO-PASS’s society, and has become more in touch with certain aspects of humanity as a result. “

>By focusing on humans and not technology, he’s able to uncannily profile Tsunemori to a degree and accuracy that seems to at least match what Sibyl is capable of, if not beyond, at least judging from her reaction. It’s just a shame that something so human as being able to read body language and various other psychological signs can potentially cloud Hues and raise Coefficients <

As for Ouryou, WOW! just wow, I really did NOT see that coming, not at all!! the sweet sweet irony — she become an “art” work as well. Can’t you say she is still “smoking hot” even after death?

Christina said...

Anonymous- I think Akane is a good candidate for this "program" because she is missing the part of her brain that is missing for evil or cloudy. Not that she would actually be good at it. XD

This whole series has so many different layers to it. Like something that was made to protect people might in fact make criminals out of innocent victims. People who want to protect others become victims of the system and are forced to hunt people like themselves. And humans are judged by some program instead of the human beings around them capable of understanding the circumstances of the situation.

I do wonder if Mr. Saiga will be spared in this series. Perhaps he is hiding out because his hue is clouded due to being so immersed in the truth.

As for the beautiful pieces of artwork...I think I will stick with cute giraffes. XD Just no room for pretty girls with rearranged body parts. Making friends in high school is hard.