Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Little Busters! episode 8

I am on a roll folks! Three episodes today! Go me!! Tomorrow I might have to leave the house and actual get chores and errands done but for now I feel accomplished. I think anyway. I have such grand plans and if I don't get everything done on my list I feel a bit like a failure. Must change my way of thinking!
Kyousuke lives for missions and goals yet doesn't do well completing them. XD
Up now though is Little Busters! Episode 8. A show about making a baseball team. So clearly the spoilers are about finding a roommate for a girl with a huge hat. DUH!
Maybe she could be the cheerleader?
Episode Summary: The entire original crew of the Little Busters is late to class. Kyousuke is resigned to the fact he will be late but states the others still have a chance if they fling Rin into the classroom she can vouch for them and no one will be late. Masato and Kengo team up and throw up Rin into the air. This of course ends in disaster and Rin blames Masato for the entire thing. While trying to apologize Masato, Rin, and Riki walk by Noumi who is playing with her dogs. The crew realizes that the Disciplinary Committee uses the same dogs and Noumi explains she lets them use her dogs. Her grandpa sent them to her to keep her company and so far it is working. She says funny things that amuses the group and demonstrates her mad freebies skills. Riki notices her ability to catch and magically transports her to the baseball field. At first Noumi has no idea where she is or even what baseball is. But once she is given a glove she proves to be an amazing catcher and is given a free pass into the Little Busters. Noumi's RA walks by and says several packages are there for her. Noumi bounces off to carry the boxes and the other Little Busters wonder if Noumi will be able to carry them. Spoiler Alert: She wasn't able to and Masato and Riki come to save the day. Noumi says that the Disciplinary Committee has been crackin down on boys sneaking in so they must be careful. Masato takes the being careful part a bit too serious but they make it to Noumi's room. The boys notice she has mature Japanese tastes and she explains her grandfather sends her things all the time. Noumi gets a little sad thinking how close Masato and Riki are because they are roommates. She moved too close to the school year and has no roommate. She tells the boys that her family moved around a lot when she was little and never really had any friends. The boys get sad too so everyone walks over the RA to request a roommate for Noumi. The RA promises to do what she can but promises nothing.
Thanks for that interesting fact Noumi!
Kanata appears out of nowhere and everyone is in trouble for boys being in the dorm. Riki, Noumi, and Masato recount to the others later how they were punished by Kanata and how cold she is. Kanata is seen walking down the hall being all hardcore with her job so the group closes the door on her. Kyousuke takes the find Noumi a Roommate mission. Komari and Haruka already have roommates and Rin runs away at the idea of dealing with a girl at all times. Riki and Noumi then go on a mission to find Yuiko as she doesn't have a roommate eitherr. Yuiko is like A ROOMMATE and nearly loses her mind. Yuiko then realizes that if Noumi lives with her Noumi's life will be in constant danger from her.....lovely ways. Riki saves Noumi but it doesn't stop Noumi from being confused and sad. While walking along Riki randomly spots a girl named Mio. They approach this quiet girl and asks if she wants a roommate. She talks about how she loves books and that sometimes they topple over on people. She decides that she wouldn't make a good roommate. Noumi is sad again but tries to cover it up. She says that she has never really had friends before so being in the Little Busters is a dream for her. Just as the last day approaches and no one has requested to be her roommate Noumi gives up. Two random students walk by and talk about how Noumi is too weird to be a roommate which upsets the Little Busters present. Kanata walks by and yells at the mean students for a minor infraction. She then approaches Noumi and says since a roommate has not been found she will be that person. She walks away with everyone going up....are you sure you want to do this? Noumi seems delighted at the new roommate fact despite who it is. THE END!
Clearly a happy puff of cloud.
Ah Little Busters. It is like a little puff of cloud. Fluffy but not much substance. Just a little bit of something. Like potato chips. XD Are any of these analogies making sense? I didn't think so.

This is episode 8 and there are have only been two mentions of this mystery of the world. I thought it was going to play a bigger part but then I think back to Clannad and the side story wasn't mentioned all that much. Maybe once the team is all assembled it will get mentioned more? But then there might a mystery clue every episode and that will be too much. XO So there should be more now and make me happy at the moment. XD
Anything involving this group is probably not a safe thing.
There wasn't a fight this episode! It was like the anime gods heard me and were like okay no fight today. We will still do something stupid and dangerous but no fight. I do find it odd that all of the original Little Busters were late. It's not like they all live together or anything. Riki and Masato being late makes sense because they might just set one alarm. But the others....too special. Rin was down for the throwing up in the air plan so she can't REALLY be mad later when things didn't work out. If they had thrown her up without her permission then she could have been mad. XD Maybe just one boy should have thrown her.
Oh hi dogs on school property.
After all that nonsense they run into Noumi and her dogs. I find it....special that the Disciplinary Committee is so strict on rules but allows Noumi to have pets at school. And that they use said pets to hunt people down. X___X I sense some favoritism going on here. Or some specialism. Psht we all know if it was Haruka bringing in a dog, even a toy dog, she would be in super deep trouble.
I magically transported here?
But since it is Noumi it is cute folks. Super cute. And look at her catching freebies like a pro. Now doesn't a certain baseball team need a member or two? Quick kidnap the girl and tell her nothing about what is going on! Surely she will come with us because no one questions in this show. Just follows as they are lead away. I would be like um I am being kidnapped someone save me!!! But that's just me.
I am useful and look cute at the same time.
For once someone was actually useful! That might be mean as we don't even know if Riki is a good player or not. Yuiko might be good too. But Komari and Haruka probably don't even know there are 4 bases. But Noumi is a good catcher at the very least. And it looks like she won't throw the ball hard enough to decapitate anyone. Now maybe she will suck at hitting but for now she can do something besides look cute. YAY RIKI! a good member for the team.
So...go outside? XD Because no one sees you blending in with Japanese culture when all your stuff is in your room.
I get that Noumi comes from a rich family but damn. How many packages can this girl take? I will put aside the fact that all the stuff he sends her is Japanese and HELLO she could buy it there herself. Just the fact she has so many packages and she lives in a norm. That would be like me trying to have my 8 Christmas trees in an apartment. So much stuff. But if gramps has so much money maybe he can pay someone to take all the packages to her room and not leave them by the curb yes?
Lonely with privacy!
Masato and Riki seem like the closest members of the original Little Busters. I wonder why that is. But they were there to help Noumi and to remind her she is all alone in the world. WOE IS HER NO ROOMMATE! I can understand that she hasn't had many friends and a roommate would be an easy to have a potential friend...but that is only a potential friend. Not a sure thing. What if they are super annoying? This school seems full of them. I think Noumi forgot she just made a bunch of friends and should have stuck with that. XD Like oh okay time to go back to my own room and dance around in all the space that I have.
But that is not what Noumi wanted. I think it was doomed project to begin with. The school year already started and as stated later Noumi is a bit...odd. Do the dogs sleep in there with her? X___X I would be like no dogs for me thanks! Finding a roommate was going to be a tough task. But since the Little Busters are crime/problem solvers and not actual baseball players they were okay with this mission. ACCEPTED!
You need to work on being sneaky too.
I think that Kanata was right to punish all the rule breakers in this episode. Um they actually were breaking a major rule. A major rule in my eyes. Late for class, 4 free sodas psht. But boys in a girl's dorm room? Obviously our characters are full of light and love and aren't bad boys but other boys can be. So this rule needs to be enforced and maybe the Little Busters should stop complaining about their punishment. Because they deserved it. Suck it up.
Thanks for helping Rin!
Now I thought that the show was going to end with an embarrassed Rin coming back and saying she would be Noumi's roommate. But Rin never came back. She ran away and found her cats to play with. Which is probably for the best. I didn't factor in the other girls because it was late in the semester or late enough for Noumi to be out of luck.
Killing me softly...I see.
Yuiko being all...yes I want Noumi but I have her things will end badly...that was pretty interesting. Like my eyes going like X___X interesting. At least she is aware that she is special and Noumi would be better off being roommates with Michael Myers. Yuiko has a lot going on personality wise but she has taken a back seat. She didn't get a back story yet. Are things going to circle around and more attention given to her? Or is she truly a background/supporting character who just has a lot going on? A good student skipping class to have tea parties with herself on crate while dreaming of other girls. Yep a lot going on indeed.
While I appreciate Riki being honest all the time sometimes one has to be honest on the inside.
That random girl Mio...yeah that was a weird and awkward situation. Like they are just walking around and see a girl who Riki thinks has no presence and they can ask her to be a roommate. Maybe your personality is weird too Riki. I understand that Riki is collecting a harem here but maybe there can be more natural moments. Not like OH HI be in our club or else.
Oh you are the strange people always causing problems...
Now Mio herself...I am not sure if she is odd or not. She barely had any screen time so of course I don't know. XD But if having a lot of books and being quiet means you have no presence....well maybe Riki has been hanging out with one too many weird and loud people. I am sure Mio will be taken into the fold and she will read books while bating at the same time. But for now she is not a roommate and should probably run away.
Um I said that earlier?
With the roommate finding a bust Noumi finally realizes that what I said was true. Just be happy that you have the Little Busters and work with that. You had no friends the other day and now you have a bunch of people who you can spend time with. Sure you wanted a roommate but now you have a baseball team. You knew it was going to be hard so don't be so down on yourself. Look Komari has no brother!
But of course Noumi gets a roommate because so far this series has been light and fluffy. Who the roommate is though was a complete surprise. Kanata? Ms Rule Enforcer. Maybe it makes more sense than I think since the girl does borrow the dogs to attack people. Maybe she is the ideal person. I know that the Little Busters will probably have to be on their toes now that she is the roommate. Well until Riki converts her to a baseball players too. Then she will just be the resident downer. For now...happy Noumi? So fluffy. XD


Anonymous said...

Hi @Christina

Yes! More dogs in this cat show! XD
I bet cat fanboys/girls of Little Bustahs are flipping out right now! The online forums are a burning pile of fan-rage right now! And I'm eating walnuts right now, enjoying the fireworks! LOL.

All right, here's my thoughts on this show:

Masato didn't get into pointless fights. Maybe the writers decided to tone the humiliations he constantly receives after the fans felt sorry for him in the previous episode--I could be wrong and he'll be the massive target of larger, future humiliations. Anyways, it was nice to see Masato wasn't targeted much in this episode.

I like Noumi's character design! The colors, cape, and hat fits so well with her appearance. It makes her seem foreign but yet familiar at the same time--kudos to whoever designed her outfit. I would disagree, Christina, on your critique of her hat. I don't think it's large; it fits her head comfortably and perfectly! :) Also, finally someone is competent at baseball! I still think they need a coach or professional player as their adviser.

I think the reason why they let Noumi keep her dogs is because her family is probably a powerful sponsors of the school. So, the head officials let Noumi evade some rules and regulations. I'm guessing the school is an international school. There are international, private campuses in Japan and some Catholic campuses as well! I wiki'ed it and found the information very insightful.

That's all for Little Busters.

Christina said...

Anonymous- Maybe the hat looks big in light of the rest of her being very tiny. It might be proportional to her head but when compared to the rest of her body it is huge.

I love how money can buy anything. And by love I mean hate because I don't have that kind of money. And if I did I would use it for good. Or to buy more mangas/figurines.

I feel bad for Masato as the series continues. At least Riki seems to be a real friend even if Riki lacks in the defending department. Names can hurt at times.