Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pandora Hearts Episodes 8 Review and Summary

CURSE YOU FINAL EXAMS! Not mine of course as I have been out of school for quite some time. But curse them for other people! Between graduation and exams I feel as if some subbers will be late with getting episodes out this week. Not that it is their fault, school first people. Still sad face for me.

I just hope it doesn't get really delayed due to summer travels and what not. Again real life is more important than subbing. It just...well it just IS! Woe is the patheticness that is me!



Okay....I will behave now...

Yes no more complaining. Not when this week we were blessed with a really great episode. So thank you subbers for taking time out of your busy lives to sub this great series for me. Your efforts are much appreciated. Now...on to the blogging!


Thank you Captain Obvious.

As Oz sleeps he dreams of the events of the past episode, with the Will of the Abyss calling Alice worthless and that Oz will regret his decision one day. Oz wakes to see that Gilbert has been watching over him. Gilbert tries to explain that he moved Alice and Oz while they slept but Oz is too busy looking around at Gilbert’s house and neighborhood. Gilbert then explains that Break has been using Oz as bait (also shown in a hilarious flashback). Gilbert then changes into being concerned for Oz. Oz thinks back to the Abyss but plasters on a happy face. Break manages to freak Alice out as she wakes up and they tear up Gilbert’s house. With Gilbert making tea for the freak and Alice hissing like a cat in the corner Break explains to Oz how come he and Sharon don’t age. They are also Contractors but they went about the process in a different way. They have no symbol on their chest that ticks down to their death. And while they don’t age physically they are getting older on the inside and Break doubts he has a year left to live. He goes to talk about the true nature of the Abyss, the Will of the Abyss, and how Oz is the key to controlling it all. Oz decides that he is not really that impressed with being the key and all since he wants to focus on getting Alice’s memories back. Then Break gets up and starts saying some weird things. He says that Oz is warped and asked where he is, that he can’t see him in his true form. Alice comes up and declares Break crazy for saying such things. Break then leaves through a cabinet and makes Gilbert and Alice go X_X.


Witch craft!

Oz goes out in the hallway to think about Break’s words when he collapses. The symbol on his chest moves and he is in tons of pain. In the background Oz sees a cute girl dropping off flowers. Gilbert checks on Oz and he lies about how he feels. Alice finds the flowers and Gilbert lies about how serious the note is. They go into town to buy food and Alice gets sidetracked. Gilbert goes to chase after her but not before telling Oz not to think about how crazy Break’s words are (too many nots?). While shopping Alice mentions that she knows Gilbert doesn’t have any parents. She says that she wants to learn more about having parents and will question Oz about the subject. Gilbert gets upset and says that is NOT a subject he wants Alice talking about with Oz. Alice then manipulates Gilbert into telling her about Oz. Elsewhere Oz catches some little punks picking on this random kid. Oz helps out said random kid and somehow this leads into a discussion about parents. Oz gets all strange about not knowing what his father looks like anymore and has really weird inner though moments; about how he thought he was passed this all. THE END!


Hello there random girl!

Yay Pandora Hearts. Each week we get more and more of the puzzle and it keeps me coming back for more. Thanks for another great episode.


Psht, I don't need to know what is going on! I'm B-Rabbit ya'll!

Of course the most X_X and interesting moment out of the whole episode was the fact that Break doesn’t know where Oz is. And part of me thinks that Alice knows he is not technically there either. That or Alice is really dense and was making a big show..just to make a big show and not throw me off track. But seriously I was not expecting that kind of twist.


Out of left field......

The inner turmoil of Oz’s head also made me wonder if he knows that he is not exactly human or that something strange (r) is up with him. The fact that he thinks he overcame SOMETHING and he thought back to Break’s words make me wonder. Since this episode ended with MOG dad drama he may have been talking about overcoming that hurt but who knows.


This boy...worried?

But back to Break and his random IMPORTANT fact dropping news. Is Oz still in the Abyss? Or is he really in a grave (the one near the tree and where the pocket watch was found) and this…Oz look alike is a clone. And his dad is really him too. And soon there will be 5 Oz’s on my screen along with my brain matter. Okay, done with the Tsubasa reference now.


And that means what?!

Since Break has no problem with using Oz like bait I am not sure why he would bring up the fact that Oz is really not there. You think he would be a little sneakier and conceal information a bit better. Unless of course Break wants Oz to start doubting his own existence. Break might want him to start investigating his own past and somehow that leads Oz exactly where Break wants him. Where that place is I don’t know. I do know that yeah….Oz not REALLY being there threw me for a loop.


I know nothing. I see nothing!

On to other things I am happy that Oz is going to call Raven Gilbert. That means I can just refer to Gilbert as Gilbert. That and it is a sign that they are friendlier now and that Gilbert might not be so cold all the time. I doubt he will go back to being silly Gilbert who was tortured at the hands of his master but it is a start.


Yay for friendships!

Another fun fact that was introduced in this episode was the fact that Break is actually a person. I thought he was Sharon’s Chain but that is not the case. He and Sharon are both humans under different contracts. And they are special kind of Contractors which don’t die after a certain about of “Chain uses” and they never age. This contract is not invincible as their bodies wear down faster and they do eventually die. I am a bit stupid as I didn’t realize Sharon hadn’t aged. I just thought she was a really short woman who looked child like. Make up your mind animes! Don’t make me feel stupid.


Yay for random facts?

Alice was Alice in this episode. She pretends what is going on and that she is a bad ass. Sadly I do not think she is that scary. Not when she is busy eating flowers in the hallway and climbing boxes to look down on people. Keep on trying Alice.



I think the focus on Oz’s dad came on a little strong. I think it would have been better had the topic been gradually introduced over time. We all know that the person baby Gilbert was protecting way back in episode one was Oz’s dad. You know, a part of the robed people society. We also knew that Oz was closer to his Uncle that his father. But other than that nothing. So….all this dramatic talk with random kid of the week and Alice wanting to know about Oz’s father was a bit much for me. Don’t force the issue on me okay peoples?


Yes, you have daddy issues. Overkill much?

This whole Will of the Abyss business can get a bit confusing. I think it is a topic that is supposed to be complicated and it is best if I don’t think about it too hard. Because chances are the information Break gave us isn’t correct. At the end of the series this Will of the Abyss might be Alice’s last memory or even Oz himself. So for now I will just focus on the fact that it is something that both groups want and is very important.


Oz rocks at serious issues!

The SD moments were really cute this week. It is hard to pick my favorite. I mean, Alice randomly eating the flowers was pretty special. But then there was Gilbert dropping Alice and Oz on the ground when he found out his confession was heard. Decisions decisions….I just like the cute moments! There are enough of them to make the series funny but not TOO many to take away from the overall serious plot.


Gilbert fails slightly at protecting his master. But just slightly.


They has a flavor.


But not a very good one...

So this episode was really great this week. Nothing to complain about at all! XD Keep up the good work and churning out awesome episodes. See ya next week!

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