Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eden of the East Episode 6 Summary and Review

Yes I am late with this post. I am late with everything I do in life. Perhaps I should just announce when I am on TIME with a post as that seems to happen less often. XD Yay for embracing my faults (and/or just giving up on trying to be on time at all).


Quit being late!

But Eden of the East was pretty interesting this week. Interesting in the fact that the plot is moving along so slow but everyone still loves this show. There is just something about it that draws you in no matter how special it is. Very few shows can pull that off.

So as always spoilers are beyond this point. As spoilerish as I can make it with my limited knowledge. Enjoy!


Definitely not having the best week ever.

Ohsugi is tied up in a fancy bathroom with the psycho Selecao. She demonstrates how she is going to cut off his penis and Ohsugi freaks. Before she can snip snip she gets a phone call and leaves pissed off. Akira drives Saki to her friend’s house and he leaves feeling happy. Saki calls her sister and tells her she is too ashamed to come home and face her brother-in-law. Her friend Micchon then notices she is outside and there is a bit of confusion. Both girls then go and meet with the rest of their club members (minus Ohsugi) and Saki informs them of her time with Akira. Apparently he has offered to fund their club’s awesome project in an effort to help Saki out. The club leader is a little X_X over Akira and is afraid that the girls are too caught up in Akira’s awesomeness. He decides that they will all go and visit Akira right now to check him out. The pudgy friend informs the president in private that Ohsugi got drunk off his butt last night and thinks Saki turned him down because of Akira. The president orders pudgy to go find Ohsugi.


That is an awesome place to sit...

Ohsugi has escaped from the chair and is taking pictures of the room with his cell phone. Everyone is in awe that Akira owns this shopping center and are eager to explore. The president insists that they go and find Akira first. The president is a little shocked that Akira has been watching them all along and freaks out at random noises. But it was just Akira riding on some huge plushie. Akira explains to the president that he wants to help fund a place where Saki can be happy working and not get soup poured on her. Akira then plays with their product which is like a SUPER APP on a computer. It identifies objects and people and can give you a list of its/their history. There is a little talk about how Saki is awesome and how their product is great. Akira seems genuinely interested in this product. Elsewhere psycho penis cutter has made it to her office and fires to assistants. She calls Juiz to handle a situation and send her less sucky assistants.


Meanwhile someone is about ready to lose a penis. XD

While the girls look at clothes in the mall the president and Akira talk about the product (which is called Eden or the club is at least). The president is very protective of his product and wants it to be in the hands of NEETs. He doesn’t want Akira to help him with his nonNEET money and that if they took it they would be turning in “the man”. Akira says that he won’t just be funding them without gain. He will be helping his own personal mission and Saki wants to do this. Everyone seems happy and Akira picks out a new outfit for Saki to wear. Micchon and Akira go outside and make a happy face out of fireworks. During all this funness the pudgy dude calls and tells the president that he thinks Ohsugi is kidnapped. The internet is buzzing about some guy who has been kidnapped and is posting pictures of his kidnapped location. Pudgy and the president decide that since the cops don’t care they will be the ones to find Ohsugi. The end!


But not really.

Well um…that was interesting to say the least. And by interesting I mean really, REALLY confusing. But this is Eden of the East we are talking so I guess confusing comes with the territory. Still….interesting.


But flame kitties make it better!

Let’s talk about Ohsugi and his impending doom. Or at least the impending doom of his penis. Johnny if you will. I had no idea that word was so funny until I watched this series. I feel kinda bad that Ohsugi got ditched by Saki and got wasted off his ass. That is a bad enough day for anyone. But then he gets kidnapped by a crazy girl who apparently kidnaps men to chop off their naughty bits. Ohsugi suffers so.


A scene that should be good...but not.

At first I thought that Shiratori (the penis cutting freak) had a reason to hurt these men. Not a good reason but perhaps some idea that men who pick up prostitutes deserve to die or that she was targeting bad men. But now that she has picked up Ohsugi is just totally crazy and not redeemable at all. Not that I should be surprised or anything. Crazy lady is crazy.


Such strong imagery.....

With that said….why is Ohsugi sending pictures to a random website asking for help? If he can maneuver around enough to type in the correct URL to this website WHY CAN’T HE TEXT HIS FRIENDS?! Send a little text to someone and try to take a picture of the room to help his friends. Maybe get his friends to alert the police or something? ANYTHING besides posting some random pictures to a random website for random people to help him out.


Who needs friends?! I have the internet!

But that isn’t what Ohsugi decided to do. Because this anime is all about communication and a generation all about technology and the web. That is not to say that taking pictures with your cell phone and texting aren’t all about using newer technology. This anime however seems to want to focus about groups of people and how we connect to others. So this situation makes sense in regards to the theme on this show but not logical sense in the real world.


4chan anyone?

So let’s talk about the main part of the show which is really about CONFUSING THE BLOGGER. While I have a better understanding of what happened NOW while I was watching the show it was one big X_X crazy fest.


I want one!

Saki has so much shame that she is unable to go back home. While I don’t get why that is her fault I understand that is a part of the Japanese culture and most “children” would feel bad about coming home. However we know learn that Saki is somewhat of a NEET herself. So…if she is not all into getting out into the work force why does it matter she didn’t land this job? Or why did she even try to get this job anyway?!


Clearly Saki is at fault for allowing people to treat her like crap!

I guess part of my problem with all this NEET stuff is how it is defined. In my little mind I see it more as people who aren’t trying at all to do something with their lives, that they are at home and eating bon bons on their parent’s couches. But apparently a NEET is anyone who doesn’t get a white collar job at a place that takes 2 hours to commute every week. That makes me roll my eyes and yawn at the entire situation.


If it had just stopped there I would have gone along with the NEET idea.

Especially after finding out that Saki and her friends are SUPER GENIUSES or something like that. A NEET sounds like a really cool person to be. It sounds like Japan is really against anyone who isn’t a cookie cutter shape of everyone else. But since I am American it is hard to see why being an individual and having their own ideas is SUCH a bad thing. Boo to cultural differences getting in the way of me understanding this anime.


This is me unable to program the oven!

So whatever this NEET stuff is…I seriously fail to see Saki and her friends are NEETS. They made some weird and awesome program that does weird and awesome stuff. I can’t even check for viruses on my computer on my own. Saki apparently made a program that can analyze PEOPLE and give you information about them. Or analyze objects in the room. Or really I am not sure what this program can do as the subbing was like insanely fast…but it seems awesome and something profitable given this day in age.



I am glad that Akira is going this route to help out Saki. It would be lovely if Akira gave her money or found her a job somewhere that didn’t pour soup in her lap. But funding her dream and giving her the chance to work at something she has an obvious interest in is much better than all that. It gives Akira a chance to help her without resorting to the knight in shining armor route. So A plus to Akira for figuring out the best way to help Saki.


You should still slap them though.

Her group of misfit friends really aren’t that misfit like. They are slightly boring but they seem friendly enough. The appointed leader is unnaturally suspicious about things and is slightly picky about where funds will come from for his project. I understand that he doesn’t want the funds to come from a drug smuggling ring or anything like that. He just seems like he was offended the money didn’t come from a fellow NEET. Again I understand that line of thinking but it comes off a bit snobby.


Such a special group of friends.

Akira’s involvement with Saki and her friends has nothing to do with Shiratori and the other Selecaos. Yet Shiratori is very pissed off and had to leave her latest penis cutting adventure to fix a problem at work. The urgent way she was acting leads me to believe it has something to do with another Selecao and possibly Akira. I am not sure how it will affect her but I guess it will be interesting to watch it unfold.


Just what is she so pissed off about?

So despite some stuff going over my heads and other aspects being lost due to my own culture this episode was still pretty great. I wish they would stop cramming technology and communications down our throats (we get it already) but it is still fun. XD Since I have no idea where any of this is going it is a great show to watch and it makes me want more. So…that makes it a success. Yay for anime!