Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tears to Tiara Episode 1 and Shangri-La Episode 1

Well...they can't all be winners. And they all can't be sucky enough to snark about on a weekly basis. Some animes are just going to get the BEH category and fall by the way side. And Tears to Tiara and Shangri-La seem to be deep in the BEH category.


A face off into boringness!

I could always be wrong and I usually say give a show a chance and at least watch two episodes before judging it so harshly. So maybe next week I will be saying WOW to both of these shows....but I doubt it.

Which is fine. Hopefully some other shows will WOW me and I will spend all my time blogging those awesome shows that it won't matter that a few on my list ended up failing. But in case you want to watch these BEH shows, wait to read my post so you can form your own opinion. XD Or you can read my opinion and see that I am right while you watch the show!

Tears to Tiara Episode 1


She's cute and crying. Clearly she needs attention.

Here is the entire plot for episode 1: Riannon prays to her tribe’s sacred star. Some dude from another empire comes to Riannon’s village to conquer it and is pissed only Riannon is there. He talks for about 10 minutes about cutting people and torture. This dude explains he was sent to make sure the Great Demon King is never resurrected again. So naturally he wants to resurrect Arawn, the Great Demon King and he needs Riannon to do so. Elsewhere Riannon’s brother Arthur was hunting with the other men in the tribe. He gets the creepy feeling and they all go back and discover what has happened. They slash their way to Riannon and Arthur is the only one who makes it to the ceremony site. Arawn is this huge purple gas blob but takes human form and stares down Riannon. THE END!


Even Demon Gods needs to maintain eyebrows!

That was seriously the entire episode. X_X And I really think I padded the summary a lot. It really could just read “Riannon got kidnapped, Arthur killed a bunch of people, and Arawn got summoned. That is all that happened in this entire episode.

And it is stated that this series is only 11 episodes long? Yet they wasted an entire episode on just summoning Arawn? If they cut out all the fluff they could have really added an entire other episode into the one and got the plot really moving. But apparently that is now what the creators had in mind for this series. They feel as if they have all the time in the world to mess around with this series.


Yes, sharp things hurt people. It is not a 10 minute conversation piece. Move on.

Really, there isn’t anything to say about this series. Nothing happened. Riannon was whiny and acted like a martyr. Arthur is good at stabbing boars and people. Arawn decided to take human form instead of being a big ball of gas. There was some crap about the Silver, Gold, Bronze and Elf age and how it appears that Arawn caused the downfall of all those ages. But really….anyone who was complaining that there were other boring shows being released this season….this is the MOST BORING ONE OF THEM ALL! XD So take back all those meanie things about Pandora Hearts and focus your hatred on this show.


Look how well I can stab people!

In conclusion: Huge snooze fest. If I do decide to watch this show (just to see if it gets interesting again) I will not be blogging about it. Not worth it.

Shangri-La Episode 1


My thoughts exactly about this show.

The series opens up with a young girl named Kuniko Hojo being released from a detention center after two years. It is not clear what her crime is but all seems well in her world. Her friends of absolute misfits come and pick her up. Her granny tries to get her to take charge of the underground movement that opposes the government but Kuniko rather run around town and listen to her name being called out by fellow citizens. Kuniko and her group live in Tokyo post disaster zone. Plants and moss grow on tons of the building and everything looks run down. Elsewhere is a better part of the world (city?) a noble named Lady Ryoko is busy being naked and kicking people. They are talking about Kuniko and what a threat she posses and crap. Somewhere else in the city two people are nearly killed from almost setting eyes on a tiny girl named Mikuni.

ELSEWHERE a leader from some third world country is talking to a person hiding behind a computer. The conversation is about carbon and their dialogue sheds a little light on what has happened to the world. Each country has to follow a strict carbon emission rule or face a high tax. The girl behind the computer states that if the politician follows her rules she can reduce his countries emission rate. It is not clear (to me anyway) how she can manipulate the stock market type carbon scale but she does/can. The nobles do take note of this change and demand to know how this is happening. The Metal-age members (the anti-government people) decide to celebrate Kuniko’s return by…emitting carbon. Kuniko tries to stop it but the military comes with their shiny weapons. Kuniko and her freak friends try to fight them off when something MAGICAL happens with a bunch of knives all making a bunch of noise. Suddenly the entire area is under attack and it is not done by either group. Everyone is a bunch of MOG as needles of PAIN fall upon the city. The end.


The carbon tax is clear as mud!

BLEH! Two sets of boring in the same day? Plus I am sick on top of it?! Guess it is good to get all the lame out of the way to make the rest of the week better? Or at least that is how I will look at it.


Blogger is not impressed with mediocrity.

Not really impressed with Kuniko’s cast of misfits. It works better when only one person in a group is a freak. Not when we have an ugly troll of a woman, a woman who is really a dude, and some old decrepit granny who is screaming about the evils of the internet. This group is protecting the entire city? Fail.

There were way too many concepts going on in this one episode for anyone to follow. We have a jail setting, we have a past view of how civilization went down the tubes, we have nobles living it up somewhere nice, we have everyone else living in the slums, we have some weird maiden with two different colored eyes, we have some kind of policy with carbons/hacking the stock market of carbon, and we have some other force that is attacking the city.


And that is the scariest weapon in the entire show..

You like my run on sentence of doom? Yeah, that is how the episode felt and I didn’t even include all the events that happened. It was way too much and nothing flowed well together. Introduce one element at a time. There was no reason that other maiden needed to be brought up or that other group attacking the city.


And WTF is that?!

Or maybe they could have included these ideas if they didn’t spend 5 whole minutes of Kuniko running through the city BEING THE WIND! Okay, we get it. She is a free bird who everyone is setting their hopes on. Move on and talk about the rest of the plot.

The art pretty much sucked and it is obvious it sucked. Doesn’t need to be stated…even though I just did.

I am unimpressed. The concept might have been cliché but it could have gone somewhere. Instead it just came off as very weak and boring. So I won’t be blogging about this particular show and I doubt I will watch any more episodes. I might cheat and check out other people’s blog to see what they think…but I doubt I will waste any more of my time on it. XD

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