Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Weekly Anime March 16th-22nd

XD Hello and welcome to another addition of TENCHI IS A SLACKER! Every week I promise myself I will not allow myself to fall behind on my weekly anime blog...and every Sunday I spend the whole day doing so. XD Woot for procrastination.

And as I was blogging this week, 3 of my shows got subbed...TODAY! So yeah...when the spring anime starts I might have to move this weekly blog to Tuesday when I have more time. Because I need to account that I can be a slacker.

But most of my shows are going to start winding down and they will get their own special post like Clannad did last week. To Aru Majutsu no Index post will be up as soon as it gets subbed (hopefully by Tuesday)*edit: apparently To Aru Majutsu no Index is up now WOOHOO* . Also this week I plan on posting about what new shows I plan on watching this spring. At some point in time I plan on blogging about Kanon...but since I am getting the new pokemon game tomorrow...I might turn into a bigger slacker!!!


But Pokemon is anime too!!! I SWEAR MY LOVE IS FOR ANIME!

But here are the episodes I have ready for this week! Please enjoy my silly rants and reviews!

Skip Beat Episode 23
Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 10
Kuoshitsuji Episode 22
Tales of the Abyss Episode 23
Shugo Chara Doki Episode 75
MariaHolic Episode 10

Skip Beat Episode 23


No pillows were actually harmed in the making of this episode.

Ogata is still in shock over how awesome Kyoko’s acting is. Kyoko FINALLY breaks out of her Mio role and apologizes for her rude actions. She beyond bows and can’t stop saying sorry. Ogata tells Kyoko under normal circumstance her butt would be fired…but he actually likes her version of Mio. He feels that Kyoko has answered a lot of questions about who Mio is. Iizuka is really unhappy, but Ogata says even though Kyoko’s version is VERY different from Iizuka the most important characteristic is still there: hatred. Ogata firmly explains he wants to create a Dark Moon different from the one 20 years ago and he can’t simply copy the first one. He tells everyone, including Iizuka that they need to step their game up and make this series better than before. Ogata words it so strongly that Iizuka can’t argue with him. Yashiro sorta mocks Iizuka and praises Ogata for finally being firm. Ren promises to bring his A-game even though people think he can’t cut it in his new role as Katsuki. Before Ren can explain his problem, Kyoko appears upset and glowing purple. She is upset that Ogata did not yell at her for her actions and she thinks that Ren should REALLY yell at her. She is nervous over waiting for the yelling and offers herself up as a sacrifice. Ren explains that he was mad when she ran off and made him worried and that he would have been really mad had she returned with a boring Mio. But since she returned with something better than he expected he is basically proud of her. It is happy sparkle time. Kyoko gets excited about acting in her new role up against Ren. Ren is starting to think if he can do better than the original. Elsewhere Sho is getting off of a shot and is wearing his demon outfit. He is in a bad mood since he sees Ren posters all over. Someone starts talking about how it is a shame Sho’s promo didn’t get released sooner so Kyoko’s name would be more prominent on the poster. His manager tries to hush the man up…but it’s too late.


It sparkles!

There is a little flashback of Korn saying goodbye to Kyoko. Kyoko is sad and wants to write Korn. Korn says that they live in two different worlds and that can never happen. But he gives her that special stone and she is a little happier. The flashback turns out to be Ren sleeping and having that memory. He takes a shower and thinks of his memory and how Kyoko explained her reasoning about Mio (Mio is a princess with a spell on her). Everyone was X_X when Kyoko had her melt down…but Ren explains to everyone that this is just how Kyoko is. Ren starts wondering if Kyoko still believes in fairy tales. He walks shirtless around the house and decides to watch the original Dark Moon. Kyoko has gained respect from all her cast mates (even Iizuka) with her unique take on Mio. Very creepy and threatening. There are some extras that think Kyoko shouldn't be so close to Ren and that the lead should be jealous. She tells the two nobodies to be quiet and Ren can talk to anyone he wants. Meanwhile this romantic conversation is about rice and how Ren needs to eat better. The things that dreams are made of. They take a coffee break and Ren teases Kyoko about how she sees Mio and all. Kyoko is surprised that Ren is just now watching the original since they already started production. She is so nervous she won’t see the first one in fears it will make her unable to do her best. Kyoko decides that it doesn’t matter as Ren is a miracle actor and the only one who hasn’t had to redo scenes. Insert Ren having redo a scene three times in a row and still not getting it right. Ogata is really patient with Ren but tells him that his portrayal of Katsuki. There is a little story given about what kind of character Katsuki is, that his father is the one who died when Mizuki’s family were driven off the cliff. He wanted to seek revenge but ended up falling in love with Mizuki despite her to being the cousin of his fiancee. Ogata keeps going on trying to explain to Ren what kind of character Katsuki is but Ren doesn’t get it and starts to mess up even more. Kyoko really starts to worry as everyone starts to doubt Ren…even Ren himself.


No laughter! More suffering!

I was surprised on how much of this episode was about Kyoko. Not that that is a bad thing, I just thought it would be more Rencentric. XD


Overactive imagination....NEVER!

I quite enjoyed the tongue lashings that Iizuka got this week. Not that she was TOTALLY put in her place…but it was a start. It did take balls for her to start saying Kyoko’s version of Mio sucked. Like REAL BALLS OF STEEL after witnessing such a great performance. XD She’s not too bright is she?


Yeah, she is better than you...DEAL!

I am not sure if she actually gets it or she didn’t want to be fired by Ogata. Being upstaged by a newbie or being fired from the son of the original director are not really great options. So she might not have thought Kyoko’s version was all that great or she couldn’t admit her version was kinda sucky. At the end of the episode she SEEMS to respect Kyoko’s version..but she will not say that out loud of course. Which is fine, Kyoko can get her praise from other people.


Oh look...she is so important she gets covered up XD

Poor Kyoko. She takes people’s advice and thinks she is doing the right thing…and she still doubts herself. After doing such a great job she ends up prostrate on the ground and apologizing profusely. :( Then she thought she was going to get yelled at and possibly fired. X_X Why take such a risk and worry about being fired? You have to show that you are confident in your decision so others see it your way. If you are wishy washy people are not going to believe in you.


Quick, yell at me for being an awful person!

But Kyoko’s scene when she wanted Ren to punish her was ALMOST cute. I mean, not the part where Ren would actually scream at her or at the very least make her feel bad. The part where Ren said he was only mad because he was worried about her. The part that makes it cute is that they are both too special to realize that they are in love with each other.


Is anyone else seeing this..?

All I have to say to Sho is…HA! That is all.


Suck it!

I thought I was going to take more pleasure in Ren’s failure. But I didn’t. I am disappointed in myself. Usually I can say a lot of hateful things about Ren! What is wrong with me?!


Yes you suck..:( But I still feel sorta bad.

I mean…I guess it is amusing to finally see Ren fail. That he has been walking around feeling superior to Kyoko and he hasn’t even experienced one of the most basic roles out there. How do you act for 4 years and not have a love role? He hardly seems like a seasoned or mature actor if he has had such limiting roles.


I'm not...the best?!

But no…I feel bad for him. Maybe because Kyoko feels so bad for him. She has strive to be a great actress by following his lead and it must be unsettling for her to watch him fail. And it’s not like he isn’t trying. He actually was researching the role and thinking how he could improve himself. So…when someone is trying their best and that still isn’t enough…you really can’t take that much joy in their suffering.


And then reality sets in. :(

Anything more on the subject will be a spoiler. XD But...I am sure things will be just fine. Kyoko will make sure of that. ;)


Look how pro she is!

There are only two episodes left! There might be enough time to wrap up some Dark Moon stuff. But not enough to get into the meat of the Sho and Ren jealousliness or for Kyoko to grow as an actress. Raise your hand for a second season people!

Chrome Shelled Regios Episode 10


Layfon has boobies too!

This episode….is filled with OH BOYS! Literally every 5 minutes I was screaming OH BOY. But I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Knowing me it is a very sarcastic thing.

Karian is getting briefed on what is going on in the other city: nothing. Well, Felli has used her magical powers and has discovered there is SOMETHING alive in the city..but she can’t tell what it is. Goreno thinks they should just go in and find out what it is. Nina agrees but Layfon explains why it is dangerous and it could be a filth monster. Nina is still butt hurt about Layfon not telling her deep dark secrets so she keeps siding with Goreno which makes platoon 17 all go x_X. Despite everyone going MOG NO everyone makes their way down to this area, in their own unique way. Felli gets very jealous that Shante is riding on Goreno’s shoulders and insist Layfon carry her around. Since Goreno is slightly bigger and stronger physically than Layfon…they move rather slowly and Layfon is afraid to touch naughty places. After being special Felli asks if he and Nina have worked things out (because Felli apparently doesn’t know the obvious). She asks if underground matches were the only way for him to survive and he says they were. Flashback to stupid man Gahard telling Layfon to throw the match or he will show everyone the proof about the underground matches. Leerin is off looking at her injured father as Shinola molests her boobies. They too think back to the flashback and how Layfon did not throw the match. Shinola is the one who threw Layfon out of the city because he was too dangerous and people would grow to fear him or something. But back to Layfon telling this story to Felli. He says that Gahard was Goreno’s mentor and that is why everyone hates him. Felli declares him stupid, but she gets her head bashed on the wall so all is good. Everyone finally meets up…and they find a huge section of graves. X_X But if everyone is the city is IN the graves or were FIGHTING THE BUGS…who dug the graves? Layfon runs off because he hears something. Goreno, Nina, and Sharnid run after him leaving team Chibi to glare at each other.

Layfon runs and finds…a glowing Ram. Layfon enters a deep state of WTF. The Ram starts going on about how his body is rotten, his is the flame of rage, and he needs a new master. And something about the Dust of the Ignasis. It makes loads of sense. Layfon decides to slash at the Ram…and the Ram says good work and disappears. Goreno, Nina, and Sharnid find him and he explains nothing. Felli tries to talk to Layfon with her special powers but she is attacked. He tells Nina and Sharnid that part of their team has to survive and they should go to the surface while he rescues Felli. Layfon then asks Goreno where Shante is. Layfon then goes to find Felli but he runs into stupid Shante instead. She tries attacking him but she massively fails. Goreno turns up, telling Layfon he has freed Felli. He then tells Shante he doesn’t want to kill Layfon; he just wants him to face his sins. Before anyone can digest that OH NO danger! Shante has accidentally damaged the fuel core and it is going to explode. Felli has returned to Sharnid and Nina to inform them she is safe. Nina then decides to go save Layfon because she hates him. During this time (I THINK) she sees the Ram being chased by those dog things that attacked Shante last episode. Before the explosion hit Layfon used his powers to take all the heat out of the place but Shante and Goreno are still injured. Goreno pathetically asks Layfon to spare Shante. Layfon…doesn’t make a heroic speech per say or tell Goreno he understands his pain. He just guesses he doesn’t know HOW he feels and saves both people. Goreno gets all teary eyed since he really did want to kill Layfon. Mid save Shante falls and nearly hits the outside world. Nina WHOOSHES and saves her from being a splat cake. All 4 kids are safe and Nina declares that she hates Layfon so much. The Ram is seen looking at the fairy from the other city and apparently that makes sense. THE END!


Yes ma'am!

X_X Yeah, this episode was really special. And not just because there was a glowing Ram walking around the city. This episode reinstates my belief that teenagers should not be protecting the masses. Or have access to shiny weapons.


Too young to be in war.

So let’s start with this awesome RAM. It was sorta like that animal guarding Leerin but it was 15 times lamer even though it talked. Random mysterious animal is random. I love the conversation that Ram creature had with Layfon. And by conversation I mean the Ram talking about things that didn’t make sense and Layfon going x_X The whole I’m just like you and master business went WHOOSH over my head. It better have gone over everyone else’s head too. I don’t want to be the only one utterly confused.


So magical....magically special.

But Layfon is a special confused person. Because sometimes when things don’t make sense people back off and gather more data. Or sometimes people freak out and run away. Most people would be shocked at a talking animal. But not Layfon. IT TALKS SO IT DIES! Seriously Layfon was really quick to attack Mr. Glowing Ram animal. After seeing the countless graves and not one survivor to bury them all…I would be a little suspicious of EVERYTHING and not do something rash like kill the thing that might have caused this all. Or helped. Answers would be nice.


Not that his information was making sense.

But logic escapes this show and the characters in it. Nina is a prime example of that. Layfon is trying to make sense (before he becomes reckless and tries to kill Mr. Ram) and say that ALL OF THEM going downstairs to investigate is a very bad idea. I am not a military expert or awesome war planner person…but the thought of going underground (or deep down into a structure) to investigate a life form that may have EATEN all the citizens of an entire city…doesn’t sound like a smart thing to do. Let’s research the area some more, have our resident Felli use her petal power to make sure a giant bug isn’t hanging out down below, or maybe send in some red shirt nobodies to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.


I think we should all die YAY!

BUT NO NINA! We are mad at Layfon! And since we are MAD AT LAYFON everything he says makes no sense. Let’s just do the opposite of what he says because he is a great big meanie head. Yeah…how about no. Nina is a terrible leader if she lets personal issues cloud her judgment. A good leader would listen to what everyone has to say. A good leader would not risk her team’s lives because she is angry. But Nina does the exact opposite. Way to go Nina showing that women can be in charge and not be emotional.


I hate you so DIE!

Felli is very special. But she is a cute kind of special. I am not sure if she is jealous of Shante’s relationship with Goreno or she was competing in some way with Shante. And yes I do think the two issues are separate. She either wants to one up Shante or she wants Layfon to treat her special like Goreno does. Felli wants love AW!


Poor silly Felli.

Yeah, not. Most of me thinks that Felli wants to have her own little blood feud with Shante and she thinks this is getting even with her. Or at least staying at the same level as her. If it were ME I would try to do something different and make Shante jealous, not merely copying her. No one gets jealous of a copycat.


Or maybe poor Layfon.

The flashback in this episode was entirely unnecessary. It didn’t explain anything we didn’t already know. Well, except that this battle for the Blade happened AFTER Layfon did all that underground battle stuff. I thought this loser dude lost his spot in this battle but apparently he was just trying to get it back. Other than that all it showed was the reason that Leerin molests that cup all the time.


No, please be rough with my mind.

Leerin’s little tiny segment was kinda boring too. Shinola molesting her boobs didn’t even have any magic. :I Sad little yuri moments. It was to provide the magic excuse for Shinola being the reason that Leerin’s special Layfon got kicked out of happy land. Because really…Layfon making money on the side would just FRIGHTEN all the citizens of the world. Did I mention that there are GIANT BUGS THAT EAT PEOPLE?!


:( Boob grab fail.

So Shante’s attack was random and stupid. More stupid though as her actions are pretty transparent. But….if Goreno is really that upset at Layfon and if he REALLY wanted to kill Layfon…wouldn’t he be pretty pissed that Shante took out Layfon? We are pretending that Shante could actually land a blow on Layfon. Yeah, if I had a grudge against someone I would want to take him out myself. I wouldn’t want my friend to kidnap an innocent Chibi and cheat into a win. That kinda goes against THE WHOLE DAMN REASON GORENO IS MAD IN THE FIRST PLACE! Sorry, I tend to make sense sometimes.


Not the brains of her squad....

Shante’s attack was also VERY stupid as she could have blown her that entire city. Or at least three people. They are on a mission to find out why a whole city was destroyed and possibly get rid of that threat before it eats them. It is not time for petty battles around explosive material.

In the end Layfon has to save both Shante and Goreno…and that makes Goreno upset. Because he wants to DIE! He has to die or he can’t live with the fact that he has hate in his heart. And Layfon didn’t give the typical I am the good guy and I don’t want anyone to die speech. Touma would be disappointed.


Must not think yaoi thoughts!

SOOOOOOOOO we still don’t know exactly what happened to the people in this city, Goreno still hates Layfon, Shante still hates Felli, and Layfon is still the blame for all the world’s problems. On top of that we have a Ram running around being all mystical and SOMETHING buried all the dead people in the city. YAY FOR RECEIVING SO MANY ANSWERS!

Kuoshitsuji Episode 22


Simply FABBBBBulous!

The former stupid trio is helping pack up Ceil’s belongings. He is off to see the QUEEN. Or go to Paris. Somewhere else a young woman gets a letter and she cries. There are also tons of presents outside her home so obviously she is Aberlin’s fiancée and Ceil is trying to make up for him being..dead. Ceil is thinking of Aberlin on the boat trip and Sebastian calls him on it. Ceil claims he isn’t sad that Lau and Aberlin are dead; he’s just upset that his chess pieces aren’t following his orders and he can’t play the game if he doesn’t know what is going on. Ceil goes on and on about his reasons about seeing the Queen isn’t because he cares about the world and such. Sebastian looks at him…and probably rolls his eyes. They arrive in Paris and a lot of cool expos are going on. They decide to go see the Angel Expo …and it is a monkey with wings. Ceil is not impressed and tries to walk away. The monkey comes to life and tries to eat Ceil. Sebastian tells Ceil to run as he handles the flying monkey of doom. That and there is great talk about Ceil being able to handle the darkness. It fails at being subtle. Ceil conquers the darkness and runs outside and is blinded by the light. He then sees Angela by the fountain and freaks out. He runs to those little sky bucket things. He thinks he is safe..but the Queen is in there. X_X Despite the fact that Ceil thinks that the Queen is up to funny stuff he decides to ride the sky buckets with her. She talks about leading England and possibly the world into a better future and rambles on slightly on about filth as the land below them is infected with darkness. Oh and she wants to get rid of Ceil since his family is deep into the filth of the country, you know WHERE SHE PUT HIM! Sebastian has killed the beast and looks for Ceil. He finds Angela’s feather and is not pleased. Ceil and the Queen reach the top of the Tower and Ceil questions the Queen’s motives. She decides everything Ceil is saying is mean and he hates her. Her veil flies away and reveals that she is a young lady and not some old woman. X_X Ash appears and is all over dramatic. He explains that the old woman wanted to kill herself and be with her husband but somehow Ash connected her with the body of her dead husband. It is necessary to see Ceil’s parents stitched together as if this makes sense. But the Queen wants to purify the world so Ash has to kill Ceil.


Fear the monkey!

Sebastian finally shows up and saves Ceil. Sebastian demands that Ceil give the order and Ceil says to kill the Queen and Ash. There is an epic battle of swords and serving knifes as they beat up the Tower. Ceil demands they stop fighting as the Tower starts falling on innocent people. Sebastian does not care SURPRISE! Ceil orders again and Sebastian gets a REALLY PISSED OFF LOOK on his face. X_X Ash grows angel wings and flies away with the Queen. And Sebastian so wants to eat Ceil. The police take care of saving people and keeping them back from the tower. Sebastian questions Ceil’s desire for revenge and asks what happened to make him WANT to use Sebastian’s power. Small flashback of Sebastian coming to Ceil and making the pact. Nothing much is learned. Ceil claims he was never on the Queen’s side so he doesn’t have any loyalties to her. Sebastian tucks Ceil into bed and tells him to forget all that has happened. Ceil has a dream that Aberlin is telling him to be free and lead a happy life. He wakes up and realizes that Sebastian was actually telling him goodbye last night. He is unable to find him and is pissed. He decides that he doesn’t need Sebastian and is going back home. He gives a man ALL HIS MONEY to take him to the harbor…and the man leaves him in the middle of nowhere. Ceil walks forever until he finds a town…but he has no money for the inn. He rants and raves about how important he is but he is eventually thrown out on the streets. He tries to sleep next to a cat but the cat runs away from him. He discovers that he is actually NEAR a harbor and looks on the dock towards home. Unfortunately home is almost on FIRE since Pluto has been given orders to burn everything down. X_X The end.


I'm so lonely.....

My mind…x_X things are melting my mind lately. I guess that is to be expected since some shows are winding down and it is time for dramatic WTF moments. And I am getting a LOT of WTF moments this week.

The Queen being a “baddie” is not really a shock. Considering Ash was her main man it was to be expected. With this dark series full of OH I am not who I am moments I wasn’t going to pretend the Queen was being tricked. I might be slow but I am not that slow.


X_X Seriously?!

But was I expecting her to be 15 years old? I should have and maybe thought somewhere in the back of my mind she isn’t some sweet little old lady. It is just creepy now, seeing a cute young girl but she has the mind of a crazy old lady. It is also special that no one has seen the Queen in this new and FUN form but whatever.


They need Captain Planet!

It was a little confusing on how the Queen is young. I mean, I would just assume that Ash and Angela used their angely powers to change her. But then there was talk of merging bodies with her husband? And what was with the shot of Ceil’s parents being sewn together? I really wasn’t following what was going on and it left me feeling X_X.



Was I shocked Ash was an angel? Again no. Maybe if they did a better job not making Ash and Angela look identical it would have been more a shock. I was amused by his ridiculous behavior when explaining this MOG plan to Ceil. He kind of was just THERE in the episode. In terms of butlers Sebastian stands out a lot more. Even wings don’t make him that interesting.


Until next time!

People seriously thought that monkey with wings was an angel? If I saw that thing in real life I would run. But when describing it to the brave souls that have to kill it I would NOT use the world angel. Spawn of Satan maybe. Demon monkey lord yeah. Hideous ugly monster of DOOM yes. But not angel. What a tiny expo it must have made.


Can't you tell this is an angel?!

Poor Ceil. :( He is really having a rough time. He is trying to make things right with Aberlin’s fiancée…by giving toys and a letter explaining HEY Aberlin is dead. His heart was in the right place but it was made of fail. He runs away from one crazy monkey to run into Angela to then run into crazy Queen of doom. He is attacked by another crazy angel but his own butler might kill him before the day is over. He loses his butler, walks miles alone and cold, and is denied by the inn keeper and a stray cat. This is not a good day for him.


Perhaps not the kind of information you should give in a letter.

The more Ceil feels bad for people and wants to help innocent victims out the more Sebastian mocks him or gives him the evil eye. Seriously, Sebastian was pretty damn scary. I am not sure what his problem is. Maybe Ceil’s soul is only delicious if it is full of hatred and revenge. That or Sebastian wants his soul NOW and he is tired of being told to wait. But he was still pretty scary.


WTF is with that face?!

Ceil…acted like a 12 year old today. He decided that HEY I can make it home without Sebastian and fails. I am going to ignore the fact that Ceil could have used his money to take a carriage ride back home and that was a stupid move. Because Ceil is a stupid kid. He can do it himself. He can do brave and dangerous things and it will work out.


I'll have your job!

But of course not. He fails hard and I guess this is supposed to show him that he needs Sebastian (when he really just needed to be a little bit smarter). I enjoyed him having a tantrum in front of the inn keeper and saying DON’T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! Yeah, because screaming that someone is doing illegal business is going to make your request heard. :( But that kitty shunning Ceil was rude.


So where did he go?!

Yeah…Sebastian…you were creepy this episode. Stop being so angry. And don’t take Ceil’s soul. He is kinda using it. :( You have misplaced aggressions and I DO NOT LIKE!

Tales the of Abyss Episode 23


This should end well!

Luke’s father and Uncle apologize to Luke for making him go die…but they appalled his bravery. The team starts making plans go to stop the planet storm when Largo dramatically waltzing in with his fantastic new do. He is there to say if both countries go against the score they will be enemies of the New Order of Lorelei. Before he can leave Luke dramatically throws the necklace back to him. Natalia’s father takes Luke and Natalia aside and tells Natalia it is time she learn the truth. See, after she was kidnapped as a child her mother flung herself in the river and drown. Her father came home from a mission and was SLIGHTLY PISSED that his baby and wife were gone. The husband’s name is now Largo. After Natalia gets done going MOG her King father says she no longer has to fight and it’s okay if she stays home. Everyone is worried and boo hooing about poor Natalia. Jade is talking to Spinoza face about this jewel that popped out of his body. Apparently there is a spell sealed in the jewel that can stop the particle memory things from being released (that Planet Storm thing). The only problem is that the Absorption point and the Radiation point must be sealed at the same time. But that really isn’t a problem since Tear can just sing a song and seal it up. It is that convenient. Natalia decides she is going to man up and go on this journey, since she is so needed. On the plane ride Natalia asks Tear for advice on how to kill a relative. They drop off Anise, Tear, and Jade at one point while Luke, Natalia, and Guy go to the other. Team Tear runs into Mohs and another Ion clone while Team Luke runs into Largo.


New battle armor is so functional!

Mohs decides that it is time to bring back Van. Van then materializes the 7th score stone and Mohs runs away with the stone and the new Ion. Van explains how he was in the Planet Storm floating around with Sync. He sang Yulie’s song which automatically means they are saved. But he isn’t fully formed and is a little bit sparkly. He gets all pissy and runs away. They then track down Mohs and the new Ion as he finishes reading the stone (which apparently says everyone is screwed). For SOME REASON Tear starts crying and boo hooing that Mohs needs to turn back into a good person and that he is just misunderstood. Yeah, not. Anise protects the new Ion as the others battle. Mohs is eventually defeated and Tear is SAD since Mohs was just trying to save the world in his own special way. Anise promises she will take care of this new Ion as he just dazes on in confusion land.

Elsewhere Team Luke is glaring at Largo. Natalia questions Largo’s reason for following Van and forces him to answer by revealing she knows the truth. This is when Largo explains about his wife being dead and Natalia being stolen. After these tragic events Largo traveled around aimlessly until he ran into Van. Largo then explains that they are also trying to stop the Score from happening. To do so they have to removing all the memory particles from the world and well…that means people too. Everyone is not too happy with that idea and they fight. Largo nearly kills Luke but Natalia shoots some magical arrow that goes through 48297 layers of armor. Largo tells Luke to have a stronger resolve if he is to fight Van and bids Natalia goodbye. Natalia gets all boo hooing and the mood is sad. But there is a job to do and both Luke and Tear do their thing and seal up the points. YAY! But their work is not done as they must travel to that floating city in the sky now.


With no Ion...

It’s been over two weeks since I got to see an episode of this series. The lack of WTF in my life made me sad. Good thing this episode more than made up for the lack of special recently.


I will blindly follow you based on such information OF COURSE!

There was absolutely NO TALK of Luke’s fuzzy existence and how he is going to disappear, despite the LAST WEEK REMINDERS only focused on this issue. I was more than expecting Jade to tell Luke to take it easy or to see Tear crying herself to sleep. But I didn’t even get some side glances from Jade worrying about Luke overtaxing his system. But I guess there was plenty of issues going around that Luke’s silly dying storyline on the back burner. Heaven knows that Asch has been dying for 15 episodes now and that hasn’t been touched on.

Natalia is told the truth about her father. Randomly of course. It’s not like she was even questioning who this man was. I think she could have gone on not knowing who this man was and been a happy person. I suppose she DOES deserve to know the truth, but her father was just so dramatic with IT’S TIME YOU KNOW THE TRUTH! Yeah, because the truth just became available 5 seconds ago. It’s not like it was some 17 year old secret.



But now she knows. Everything in her life sucks. She is destined to kill him. This means she has permission to ask Tear painful questions on how it feels to hunt someone so close to you. Because you know how that situation is the same exact thing. Tear knowing Van ALL HER LIFE and Natalia knowing for 6 minutes that Largo is her father. The same exact situation!


Natalia is JUST like Tear.

And despite Natalia being pretty useless the entire series, she INSISTS on going along to this battle where she might have to fight her father. Because she thinks she is valuable and needed. She promises that she will be able to take Largo out when the time comes. Of course that is a lie and she does hesitate. She does land the killing blow on Largo, but only because he didn’t think her a serious threat. And really…with Largo’s back turned like that Guy could have landed the killing blow. And it probably would have been more believable. Unless Natalia’s arrows can pierce 2486 layers of armor. Time for Natalia to cry in the corner and feel sorry for herself.


What have I done?!

On to the other team. WTF WAS UP WITH TEAR?! I wanted to reach through my laptop and stab her in the face. After all that Mohs has done she thinks he is redeemable? On what crazy psycho planet is she living on? Mohs is the reason Ion is dead! Mohs is the real reason Luke destroyed that city. Mohs was responsible for cloning all those people to make an army. Oh and MOHS IS A GIANT PURPLE MONSTER?! Why the hell was she feeling bad for him?! He had been the bad guy from day one! Misplaced trust…Tear has it!


Why are you mourning for that loser?!

Another baby Ion? This one seems rather innocent and cute. A little quiet. And a lot special. I do not think we should leave his well being in the hands of Anise. Goodness knows what happened last time Anise had to watch an Ion. But I like how this one was just randomly taken out of the shelf when needed. Lots of randomness.


Please don't leave me with her......

I guess it was a little bit magical that Van just BAM came back like that. I just assumed he was already in physical form. Especially since Sync was already and the explanation on HOW they were brought back….made me assume that even more. But this is Tales of the Abyss. Things don’t have to make sense. The generals were following Van’s orders from his spirit DUH!


He sparkles!



Since there are 583925 complicated facts about this show and most of them involve fons…I have forgotten what the stupid planet storm does. But I am pretty sure it is important. Important enough that stopping it would be a very bad idea. So…I am not sure why everyone was on board to stop this storm thingy. If the planet is naturally doing should just keep on doing it. Also, to STOP the planet from doing something so important should not be as simple as Tear singing. Fail.


Makes perfect sense!

The more we learn about the other side’s plan to follow/destroy the score the more I want to stab my own eyes out. Every week it’s like a different version of WHY they are doing what they are doing. Instead of changing it each and every week to make them seem more human and not so bad guy like…just don’t tell us until the end. That would make it much stronger. We should hate the bad guys until the end and learn of their noble motives.


So when we kill them we mourn for them being good people DUH!

Not that killing everyone on the face of the planet is very noble…..


My reasons are PURE!

So yeah…this series is still very special. But I keep watching it. Sometimes I don’t know why. But mainly because I enjoy a good laugh. Or cry.

Shugo Chara Doki Episode 75


Shugo Chara: Home of unexpected relationships!

Amu is flipping through a magazine and sees a picture of Utau. She muses she has not seen Utau in quite a while and asks Ikuto if he has had contacted with his sister. Ikuto tries to cover up the fact he is protecting Utau from EASTER and instead teases Amu. This results in Amu stealing his snacks. Miki muses that Utau would not be pleased if she witnessed this scene. Cue Utau knocking on the door. She at first says she suspects Amu of hiding Ikuto…but then realizes that idea is too crazy. She then insists Amu get ready NOW and go out with her. They go to a traditional ramen joint called Stubborn Ramen. Lulu witnesses the two walk in and comments how she doesn’t want to be a loser like Utau and get kicked out of EASTER. Inside Amu is a little giddy she is going to such an adult place. She then comments on Utau’s lack of disguise and how Utau is eating a lot. Utau replies that she shouldn’t have to dress differently and she will eat what she wants to keep her strength up. Some nerd boy in the corner decides to bash on Utau’s eating habits since apparently he is the Ramen King. Utau silences him with basic common sense and he is defeated. Outside Lulu is spying on Amu and being jealous she can’t be her bestest friend in the whole wide world. Nana comments that nerd boy seems lost.


Go nerd boy GO!

Amu and Utau leave the ramen stand and take a walk near the river…you know, the place where every single walk ever takes place. Amu decides to ask about Ikuto and Utau’s past. Utau explains that their real father was an excellent violinist and their mother is the only EASTER heir. EASTER fought their marriage but allowed it when the father promised to run EASTER when the time came. Well the time came and POOF dad disappeared. That left the Ikuto (age TINY) to defend his sister and mom from angry EASTER people. Two years after his disappearance the father’s violin was discovered…but not him. Finally their mother gave in and married the EASTER director. So Ikuto has to pay for his father’s sins which Amu can’t understand. Utau says that it’s natural that Amu doesn’t understand and Utau says she tried to free Ikuto without understanding everything herself. But now she knows herself better and has Amu to thank for that. Before things can get complete down and sad Tadase and Kukai come walking up. Amu and Tadase do the little blushy MOG I am shy thing. Meanwhile Kukai holds his own against Utau and somehow he ends up challenging Utau to a ramen eating contest. Off they go to eat more food and Amu is left with going x_X.


No one would have guessed at ALL!

Tadase and Amu decide to go on a walk. Amu is wondering why everything seems different now even though they both love each other. Tadase decides he is going to call her Amu-chan now which has her melting all over the sidewalk. He then goes on to say that he is going to say he loves her everyday to make up for all the time he kept her hanging. Amu responds by being all blushy and shy. Elsewhere Utau and Kukai are eating away. Loser boy walks by and sees Utau eating ramen in her own way. He doubts his superior ramen eating techniques and runs away upset. Lulu finds him and transforms him into a bigger loser. He flies around the city attacking people who are minding their own business and eating ramen. Amu, Tadase, and Utau all transform while Kukai is unable to since he is full. Tadase tries to protect Amu but they both get trapped by the evil ramen. Utau steps up and whips his butt a little. Both girls do their little stop being so bossy and follow your own path deal. He’s healed, Lulu is a loser. Life goes on. Utau decides that she is going to give Amu permission to save Ikuto and protect him. Amu is shocked at the level of trust and semi agrees. At night we see the tuning fork of doom and several people losing their eggs. In the shadows SOMEONE is playing the violin and stealing eggs. WHO COULD IT BE?!


Amu is too busy being in shock to notice such things!

TWO GOOD EPISODES IN A ROW?! Is it my birthday or something? Should I not say anything? Will I accidentally jinx the awesomeness?


Evil Utau is awesome Utau.

And yet…there was only a small amount of Ikuto. But I guess that as long as Ikuto has more than 30 seconds in the episode, his impact is enough to make it awesome.


You gonna get smacked...

Or maybe the mere interaction with Amu and Ikuto make the episode more interesting. He tries to act like such a MAN pretending that he is not trying to protect his little sister…but that makes him really noble. Or something close to noble. And instead of Amu being all affected by his awesomeness, she decides to pick on him instead. Now I WISH she would be more aware of how sad he is…but her being “playful” and maybe making his life a little more fun is fine too.


But I hunger!

Since Amu mentioned Utau’s name, Utau magically shows up at her house. Because no one in anime can be mentioned casual (or forced) into conversation and not be brought in on THAT episode. It breaks the rules of anime nature! Writers can’t find another way to bring back a character without the I WONDER WHY SO AND SO IS DOING!


A random picture of Utau...OH THERE SHE IS!

But Utau showed up. And she was pissed. And was right for once. Usually her paranoid delusions about Amu and Ikuto are wrong..but this time she was dead right. But Utau decided to take that moment to become a more mature adult and try to not be so critical of Amu. Perfect timing. XD


Be shocked and amazed!

I thought the entire ramen shop part was cute (well, not the friend of the week part). Utau is SUCH a good role model for girls now. I got kind of -___- at Amu when she implied famous people shouldn’t eat so much. But when Utau said that she needed to eat MORE because she was an idol, I wanted to cheer. Thank you Utau for not caring about what other people think and that there is a difference between being an overweight person who crams burgers in their face all day and a person who is comfortable in their skin and doesn’t starve themselves into a size two. Thank you Utau for being a good role model. Also, thank you for being comfortable enough to walk around without a disguise. You are still a person after all.


Bad Amu BAD!

Friend of the week was pretty lame. And I do say that a lot…but he was worse than lame. He doesn’t even have a DREAM! He just has a strict way of judging people. We don’t even get dreams now….and that makes me sad. We get a condensing fetus telling others how to eat. And when he gets told that people are free to eat however they want to he is SHOCK upset. Have him Lulu, he is embarrassing.


Amu. Stop being so amazed at every single loser that comes your way.

Speaking of Lulu…yeah. The writers hate her apparently. Or want everyone else to hate her. I wouldn’t go as far to say that Utau was fired from EASTER. Utau made her own decisions on whether or not to fight Amu. She decides that she wasn’t going in a way she quit. And it’s not like she wanted to be there ANYWAY. It’s not some big lose and Lulu shouldn’t act like she is so much better than Utau. Because she is not. It was painfully obvious that she is jealous that Utau is friends with Amu. Suck it.


Silly little Nana.

Yay for Kukai! And he didn’t even have his name mentioned! What a miracle. I am sorta glad that Tadase is still friends with him. I hate that once a person goes to another school the friendship seems to die. If anything…Tadase is a good friend. I guess.


I has arrived!

I will agree with other bloggers and say that Kukai and Utau make a good couple. It’s a couple I never thought about before and yet it makes sense now. Or at least if it happened it would make sense. Utau can be very confrontational at times so she needs a guy who lets things go and is kinda laid back. But they make a cute couple by being so competitive and not being afraid to show it. And their age difference is pretty minimal so I fully support it! XD


Such romance! SUCH LOVE!

Tadase…not so much. I am getting a little sick of him. Well, not really since I have always been sick of him. But a Tadase pretending to be big and brave is more annoying than shy and blushy Tadase. It was a little over the top with his I will tell you every day I love you crap. Okay, we get it. You want to make up for lost time. Just be prepared to be turned down. Which he should be. Goodness knows if someone stomped on my heart I wouldn’t welcome them with open arms 1 year later.


Gag me with a spoon.

Amu disappoints me sometimes…and then I remember she is 12. I have to remember that a lot. That she has crushes and girls her age have them. So she is allowed to be confused and like two guys at once. At least she realizes that something is off since she is not over the moon with this confession. I hope she just really takes the time to find what she REALLY WANTS.


Please be waking up Amu. XD

I am glad we got some Ikuto and Utau back story. I think that Amu should have been more direct and asked Ikuto herself…but I see why she couldn’t. Ikuto isn’t always a well of information. And it bonded Utau and Amu with this sense of trust and sharing.



I am not going to condemn their real father. Because quite frankly I think he was killed by EASTER. Or at least kidnapped. I really don’t think he abandoned his family. I think EASTER took him because they didn’t want him running the company and had to get rid of him. He married into the family because he LOVED his wife. I just don’t see him being that weak.


Momma looks kinda young x_X

And I really don’t blame the mother either (although she looked about 14 in that happy scene…guess we know where Ikuto gets it from). I don’t think she is weak at all. I am sure EASTER pressured her and forced into this marriage. I am sure her kids see this as a weak move…but when you are in that kind of situation you do what you have to do for your kids.


Baby Ikuto is so cute!

After the friend of the week is healed, Utau gives Amu PERMISSION to help her brother out. Of course I find that funny even though it was meant in pure seriousness. Utau is just like her brother, she can’t be direct with someone. Thanking Amu or asking for her help is out of the question. But giving her permission gives her control of the situation. But at least it ended well with both girls maturing.


Aw blushy Utau!

But in the shadows SOMEONE (we all know WHO but whatever) is playing a violin and stealing eggs. A violin mmmmm….and someone who looks like a cat….MMMMM! This episode apparently is going to be very popular with fans and I hope it lives up to expectations. XD YAY FOR NEXT WEEK!



Maria Holics Episode 10


I doubt a lot of things too....

Kanako is off being a psychopath about how everyone is going to wear their summer uniforms now. Maria doesn’t make things any better by spinning around and looking cute. Kanako keeps getting reminders that Maria is a boy but Kanako is too busy thinking about how sexy all the girls will look with their smooth skin showing. Kanako changes her mind about the whole being excited about going to class thing once she gets there. At this school they publish some kind of newsletter listing who all did well on tests, how everyone ranks, and who needs to take up make-up tests because they suck at life. Maria ranks number one on most of the exams. And Kanako FAILED most of hers. It turns out Nanami failed two subjects as well and informs her friends that not all people who wear glasses are super smart. Inamori sorta implies that Kanako is a moron but wishes Nanami luck. Sachi gives Kanako her idiot proof notes which depresses Kanako even more. Inamori explains the school’s policy of allowing a student to take the test as many times as possible. However, they are required to attend school every Sunday until they pass. Kanako is not filled with joy. Maria laughs at Kanako’s stupidity but questions why Kanako is able to get such high marks in Civics. The only points she missed were when she was talking about BOOBIES instead of the topic at hand. Kanako then learns that Matsurika also scored very high on the exams and didn’t know Matsurika was even a student. But Kanako has more important things on her mind, like studying for that exam! WITH THE SPARKLE NOTES! Kanako remembers that Maria was nice to her a few days before the midterms and Kanako spent too much time having fun instead of studying. So Kanako blames Maria and gets all pissed off. The day of the make-up exams and Kanako wakes up with ATTITUDE! It turns out that Matsurika was trying to be helpful and change Kanako’s personality. But it just makes her bossy and doesn’t change her from her perverted ways. She decides she is going to boycott the test much to the surprise of her friends and leaves. She later goes back and begs for a second chance.


And the point of this was...?

The second part of the episode focuses on Nanami being stalked on a train. She receives a love letter from an older man but she has no interest in him. Sachi and Inamori give her helpful advice to turn the man down. Nanami thanks them and is happy that she has made two friends. Kanako does the math and realizes she was not included in that number. Nanami is approached again by the man, this time with his resume. X_X Kanako may or may not be giving out helpful advice but she is too busy being jealous of this devil that is trying to steal her Nanami away. Sachi and Inamori suggest that Nanami explain she is too uncomfortable with the age gap. After another failed attempt to make this dude back off, Honoka comes in and gives her two cents worth to the conversation. There is talk about the Berlin wall so the man is known as Berlin. Every attempt made by Nanami to get this guy to bounce fails. Matsurika decides to get involved after witnessing Kanako have a jealous attack. Her approach is to tell him REJECTED! And the plan works. Nanami feels a little bad about being so harsh, but it got the message across. The group hopes the man finds a new love. And he does…as he gives Sachi all these documents and stuff at once. Kanako panics and calls Matsurika for help!


I see stupid things.

Another episode…..and again I am not impressed. Yay for animes that do not impress me.


This anime does not sparkle for me.

Kanako is pretty damn annoying. And perverted. The amount of new under aged flesh being exposed now isn’t really…that much. Skirts are skirts. And this is a school. A Christian School, not 90210. She made such a big deal about this….when I am sure there are much sexier things she can imagine. After all…there was that bra and panty episode with the health fair thingy thing. We get it…..Kanako is a pervert, anything a girl wears is sexy….please be moving on.


As Kanako dies in the corner.

But I guess the one saving grace of this show is Maria, the one who is pegged to be the meanie. He just calls it like it is. The way he doesn’t excuse Kanako and her perverted behavior always makes me laugh. I never feel bad for her and Maria gives Kanako a dose of reality.


Thank you for calling her out on her crap!

Kanako has almost NO redeeming qualities at all. She is a pervert, she came to school for the wrong reason, and now we know she is a moron. How can someone fail almost ALL their tests? Especially after you have to take a test to even get IN the school. I mean, she decided to blame Maria for distracting her…but what about all that time in class? Does nothing sink into her stupid mind? Or is she too busy thinking about cosplaying angels?


Everyone is smarter than you YAY!

I have to admit that I was a little bit surprised that Nanami failed two of her tests. And I am not judging her because she wears glasses (being that I wear glasses myself). She just acted like was studying all the time and was very focused on school. But it’s a case of don’t judge a book by its cover. Because it might be flunking school.


Scary girl! X_X

I really don’t have too much to say about this whole Kanako is a moron storyline…because I already knew she was. If she put half the energy that she does in checking out girls as she did with studying she would get an A plus. But why do that when it is easier to blame someone else for her own short comings.


Let's lame others for our problems YAY!

I must say though……this school is pretty awesome. I doubt it would work in an American school as most kids don’t care enough to be embarrassed about their bad grades. That and parents would be up and arms that their children are being “humiliated” like that. I also think it is pretty generous that the school allows for so many make up tests. Makes me wonder how many stupid kids are walking around XD

The second part of the show didn’t get any better but since it wasn’t ALL about Kanako it was a little easier to tolerant. But just a little.


Why are you here again?

No, instead it was focused on Nanami being hit on by an older guy and her being unable to tell him NO I do not like you. At times the conversations between her and the other girls were a little much to handle. It reminded me of Dawson’s Creek or Gilmore Girls (you know, the shows that were edgy before Gossip Girls). The conversation was way too much…it was just way too much. Too much thinking about a simple situation. You don’t like a guy, you turn him down. It’s not like it was a classmate and you were going to see every single day at school.


How hard is it to say no?!

But 15 bonus points to Nanami not counting Kanako as a friend. I really can’t feel sorry for Kanako…but she isn’t someone I would want to be friends with. There is nothing about her that makes her great friend material.


And Oh did I laugh!

But yeah..that was the second part of the show. Making light of a stalker situation. Because older men stalking young girls on trains is FUN! But I love how Kanako decided that this affected her more than Nanami. Yes…Kanako is just that special. Thank you Maria for rolling your eyes and taking charge of the situation through your maid.


Creepy men are creepy!

Is it almost over yet? Please?

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