Sunday, November 8, 2009

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 6


Behold the best part of the episode!

Well then. At least next week’s episode looks interesting? Yay for small silver linings?

This entire episode was a bit hard to swallow. It just seemed very unlikely that Misaka wouldn’t be able to cut it as a Judgment member. Then we got to witness what a real Judgment member does on a daily basis and I find it more unbelievable. So yeah…bleh.


The message for this episode is always recycle!

This episode started off with promise though. Small mini explosions were taking place throughout the city and Kuroko made it sound like things were getting serious. Uiharu also added some important details about children’s objects being used as bombs. And anytime there is confusing “scientific” talk in this show it is a sign that the episode will be serious business.

I was lied to. The entire episode was one big MOG Kuroko has such a hard job and Misaka can’t handle a broom and a few kids. Yay me.

Kuroko goes on and on about how hard it is to be a member of Judgment. And that Misaka wears childish underwear and has weird interests. Kuroko should die in a fire. But to an extent I can see the thinking behind what Kuroko was talking about. Misaka is a citizen. No matter how strong she is she shouldn’t take part in “military” matters. If she wants to get involved and rescue people she should join up. In theory of course.


Maps are hard no sarcasm!

But since Judgment is run by a bunch of kids and some of their tasks consist of picking up garbage and babysitting kids while they find her backpack.... Yeah only in theory. Considering Uiharu and her sad power are a part of Judgment I am not sure on their ability to defend anyone. People like Misaka should be recruited into Judgment, not people like Uiharu. And they should be police force of the city not the unpaid labor/handymen. It is bizarre.

Of course this could all be a mistake on my part. Maybe the Anti Skills people are where the real action is at and Judgment is a stepping stone to get to that department. But it is hard to think I have the entire situation wrong when Kuroko is often seen being bossy around the constant hooligans of the town. I just find the whole situation special.

So putting aside how dumb Judgment might be…MISAKA! Why do you have to fail so hard? You were supposed to prove Kuroko wrong and show her that being part of Judgment is a piece of cake. But since that is not the way most animes go I was expecting too much. Of course Misaka was going to fail and has discovered a new found respect for Kuroko. Because that is how the scenario must go. That and my life is unfair.


It is an honor and a privilege to be unpaid help!

But SERIOUSLLLLLLLLLLLLY Misaka! SERIOUSLY! :( I have decided you failed at being a part of Judgment because Judgment itself sucks. You were expecting something hard with how Kuroko always complains and acts like everything is serious all the time. You weren’t expecting to sweep up some mess and to be treated like crap. What was up with that? This is supposed to be one of the greatest cities in the world and they can’t hire someone to clean the streets? What about those cleaning robots?! What about the SHOP KEEPERS IN FRONT OF THE SIDEWALKS! I might have walked away from the stupidity of the situation had I been her.


Can we see more of these Judgment people? Without the bombs going off in their faces of course.

And if I had any hope in Judgment it went out the window when Misaka was mistaken for a Judgment member. X_X I felt like I was watching a cheesy sci-fi movie or a soap opera. The office looks really, really SMALL. Wouldn’t they be informed of someone new? Or at the very least ask to see some form of ID?! X_X Such insanity. I guess all is well since they weren’t doing anything super duper serious. That and the fact that Misaka is probably stronger than that chick.


And useless!

Uiharu tried explaining the situation to Saten on why they were wasting their time looking for a 5 year olds purse. It’s because that most people who live in this city are students separated from their parents and they all need looking after. This is me rolling my eyes. Maybe they should focus on making life easier for all the students instead of finding purses. You know, like stopping all these random attacks/robberies and creating kids who go around making bombs out of toys.


You will all PAY!

I think that is the only redeeming factor about this episode. That is lays the ground work for a more serious episode in the future. Of course the “enemy” looks like a moron and will have a dumb reason for doing the things he has done. If he has been bullied he should target the bullies and not innocent people. But I do like that there was a serious moment at the end of the episode. Not the whole someone might have DIED (which we all know he didn’t because no one ever dies in this series) but the fact that Judgment was doing something that was important and didn’t involve an ice cream break. SO…it might be worth it.


If Kuroko had stopped there I might only hate her instead of HATE her. But she didn't and I still do.

I could have done without the naked Kuroko near the end of the episode though. I really could have. It was fun seeing her crushed like a bug but still no nakedness. She could have taken what Misaka said and actually acted like a normal person but that is a bit above her capabilities.

And I did not appreciate Kuroko trying to be the new Touma. NO EPIC SPEECHES FROM YOU!

Next week you better be…well better or else!