Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Weekly Anime Jan.7th-12th

Well...not too much to report this week. With the whole pause on subbing some shows, some shows ending, and not having a huge must want winter list is very small. Extremely small. Only shows were available in time for blogging today. :( I hope some shows get picked up by other subbers or things seem more back on track after the one week Crunchyroll rule.

But of course this does give me more time to watch other shows (like Kanon YAY!!!) or adult things like go to work and clean my house. MMM why would i want to put off doing laundry? Oh that is right BECAUSE ANIME IS BETTER!

Or sleep!!! :)

Anyway, here is my tiny list of weekly anime shows. Please enjoy and I hope there is more to read next week. :)

Clannad Episode 13.

The gang is together again!

Tomoya goes over to Nagisa’s house to ask her father if he can marry her. Akio is not home at the moment so Tomoya has to wait a little while. There Sanae offers him poison bread and Akio nearly runs out after he insults said poison bread. Tomoya manages to keep him in the house to tell him I have something IMPORTANT to tell you. So instead of letting Tomoya tell (or ask) him Akio decides they will play baseball. If Tomoya gets a home run Akio will agree to whatever Tomoya says (asks). Nagisa is not really into this but Sanae says they have to let the men handle this little…whatever. Now due to the fact Akio is great at baseball and Tomoya has a bad shoulder…he can’t even hit the ball. Tomoya is upset and thinks Akio sees him as a little boy…so the next 7 or 8 minutes of the episode are dedicated to Tomoya practicing swinging all the time and re-challenging Akio (even in the rain). Tomoya gets frustrated but keeps on practicing. One day Tomoya FINALLY hits the ball and throws himself down in the mud and asks if he can take care of Nagisa. A yes or something similar to that is said and all is happy. FAST FORWARD MONTHS IN THE FUTURE! It is Nagisa’s birthday and she is going to have her first drink of sake with her dad. Well, this is apparently magical sake that has instant affect on woman as Nagisa is a very drunky girl and all asking why Tomoya is in love with her mom. Sanae gets drunk and is upset that Tomoya is not in love with her too!

Drunk girl LIES!

Soon after this party Nagisa gets sick again and can no longer attend school. But she will actually pass this year so she isn’t THAT sad. She however cannot attend her own high school graduation. She can only watch from her window. Tomoya calls up Sunohara after all this time and asks him for a favor. Sunohara is apparently at a very serious job now and doesn’t know if he can get off. So Tomoya naturally thanks him in advance. Tomoya and Nagisa walk up that hill where they met and reminisce a bit. When they reach the school..every single character (minus Fuko) are waiting in the courtyard. EVEN KOTOMI! Tomoya has gotten everyone together so they can hold a graduation ceremony for Nagisa. But not before Sunohara is teased for having his natural hair color again. The old dude gives his little speech and it is touching. Nagisa gets up and addresses everyone and despite how hard school was, she loved every minute of it. Tears and hugs are all around. Next thing you know Tomoya and Nagisa are visiting Tomoya’s dad to tell them they are married. X_X They walk home together with their rings all shiny and Tomoya all happy.

They really love that hill...

I waited so many weeks for a Clannad episode…and I get this. Part of me is a little sad inside…but then the other half is happy about drunk Nagisa.

But adding a dango makes it all better.

I thought WAY too much of the show was devoted to the baseball issue. Like Jay at Anime Blog ga Arimasu I really wasn’t buying the entire reasoning behind this baseball/listen/agree with my statement deal. Then I looked down and realize I have boobs and will probably NEVER understand. Guys do stupid things when they are in love. And guys do stupid things when it involves their PRECIOUS baby girls (but when it involves their boys GO GET THEM TIGER kinda nonsense). So it makes sense that something involving two guys did not make sense to me. But I think the nonsense could have not taken the entire episode.

This was his first problem..thinking HE was in charge.

Second problem was sucking.

And what is with Nagisa standing out in the rain all the time? If I had a weak body I would be not be freezing my butt off watching two men have a pissing contest? I would insist she stay inside…or not do things that involve her standing out in the rain.

Cold girlfriend is COLD!

The point is …or the end result is Tomoya earned the right to take care of Nagisa… like 6 months. So I am not really understanding the urgency behind this GOTTA WIN NOW mentally but there we are. Now let’s watch the rest of the 6 months pass by in 15 seconds.

Dedication and stupidity...fine line.

But it pays off in the end.

I guess we really weren’t going to see much of Nagisa in school suffering. The whole 5 scenes of her being alone were enough. I just find it funny Nagisa kept missing the SAME semester at school. They should have just gave her the material she missed for 6 months and let her go on her way. But…then we would not get a dramatic looking outside the window scene.

I really love that he was there for her!

And she gets her graduation anyway. :)

I did like how everyone came together for Nagisa’s graduation. I think it is very sucky that Tomoya hasn’t talked to his BEST FRIEND in over a year but whatever. The important thing is Kotomi was back for an episode.


Okay maybe that wasn’t the most important part. The important part was Nagisa is ready to start a new part of her life. And I am sure it will be scary for her. This is all she has known for the last three years. Being an adult or becoming one I should say is never an easy process. But I can’t imagine what she will go through. Or maybe I am being so over dramatic and she is ready for this new challenge in her life. Her speech was sad…well more bittersweet. I am glad she acknowledged that it wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns. She knows that there were some suck ass moments and isn’t delusional. But she knows if could have been worse without Tomoya and that is all that matters to her. That she did not give up and she was supported by someone who loves her.

So sweet!!

Please don't cry!


Photobucket isn't drunk Nagisa...

Or not. Seriously..this part bugs me the MOST. Do we not deserve to see them tie the knot? Or did they not even HAVE a wedding? That really must be it. They just went down to the “court house” and just got the papers. No cake…no dress…no party…no fun. I understand that is the nature of their romance. It is not “showy” or even overly romantic…they are just together because they love each other. They don’t need anything else. I am just saying Nagisa DESERVES a wedding. I DESERVE to watch her have a wedding. And I mean…everyone was already gathered around for the graduation. Why not just have the wedding that day too?! WHY MUST I BE TORTURED!!!

That is all we get people!

Seriously though… I was unhappy about the lack of wedding. A time skip should happen when things are boring and blah blah. Do not time skip over things that are IMPORTANT! Like weddings! Like the while I do and moving in together. That part is very important. :( I understand that there is a lot of information to cover and they need to hurry it along..but 7 minutes of baseball and no wedding?! Bleh. I know it I just to show that their relationship is strong enough with all that stuff and that it is just natural for them. That they have been married all along or something. I am just frustrated that we could not get a quick few pictures of a smiling happy couple. I am not asking too much am I?

So…I was not very happy with that episode. Too much time focusing on Tomoya being a MAN and proving his self worth and not enough time focusing on…LOVING Nagisa. But Kotomi came back right? And maybe now Sunohara can spend more time with his old friend? XD Will we get a sexy scene next or what?!

Here, have some wonderful bread!

Shugo Chara Doki Episode 65


Amu is still freaking out about the amount of Ikuto that is in her bed. Yoru wakes up and explains how they broke into EASTER and stole his violin back. But while running away Ikuto almost passed out and Yoru was afraid to let him sleep out in the snow. So Yoru character changed/transformed with Ikuto and took him to Amu house since it was the closest place. Amu is still…not amused with the situation and is rather vocal about this whole sleeping in bed thing. She is n early caught when her father thinks something is up and goes to investigate. Insert Amu having to snuggle very close to Ikuto and blushy faces. Amu really is worried about Ikuto and how he doesn’t look too well. She doesn’t get any sleep at all due to the BOY being in her bed. He also does not wake up in the morning either. Ikuto’s dad is all evified the next morning and are sending out EASTER goons to find Ikuto. Amu tries to go downstairs for a brief breakfast when she is somehow roped into taking Ami to her school to play in the snow. Amu is very worried about leaving Ikuto alone so she thinks that they can go and make a snowman real fast before he wakes up/gets discovered. Her plans are foiled when all the Guardians plus Kukai shows up. X_X Yaya winds Ami up with all her play talk and Kukai throws Rima into the snow. Amu tries to get the snowman activity done fast and push the group into leaving early but one thing leads to another and much fun is had.

See all the fun.....

Nagihiko is hanging out near the fence and Tadase goes to find out why he isn’t having fun. Nagihiko is a bit bummed seeing all the Charas having fun and he has none. :( He just wonders about his eggs and what Charas really are. Tadase tries to be optimistic and the First King is seen doing cardreadings with a regular deck of cards. Amu’s mother decides it is time to vacuum the house and is going to start with Amu’s room. She is momentarily distracted by the phone and Yoru manages to wake Ikuto up. He caresses his glowy violin and then is all X_X when Amu’s mother comes up the stairs. After a day of fun Yaya suggests that everyone goes to Amu’s house. Amu manages to convince them her house is dirty and that it is too close to dinner time. She gets home and there is no Ikuto in her bed. She pretends to not care that he is gone…when he promptly falls out of the closet. Amu bought him a snack earlier and instead of being grateful, he is silly and full of snark which is better than being grateful. He even convinces Amu (or tries to) that she is actually the pervert for watching him sleep. Yoru tells Ikuto that all their hiding places are being watched carefully and Ikuto is not safe. Amu pretends not to care if Ikuto stays or not as she leaves for dinner…but she really does and Ikuto is grateful and amused.


This episode was pretty great. We had some Ikuto, no new lame friend of the week, and some Nagihiko development. XD What more could I ask for?!

Oh and cute food too!!!!

Now I know this is going to sound really bad…but I liked seeing Ikuto vulnerable and weak. I am tired of this young guy acting all tough and nothing bothers him. I like seeing him act like a normal human being (with cat ears of course). Not to mention he looked adorable just sleeping there. And I like how Amu got to see a different side of him and knows now he is not some big tough guy. He is a human being who has problems too.

His pants...are really short...and it is not my fault for looking!

I was surprised that Amu slept next to Ikuto all night. If I were that bugged out about the situation I would have slept on the floor. Or pushed him on the floor. But not next to said dreamy cat boy and worry all night. But…where is the fun in that?!

Yes, I would have slept there!

I am a little confused why all the Guardians showed up at the school…without calling Amu. I would have been hurt if all my friends had gone to play and did not include me. I guess they could have called Amu’s home after she left…but everyone else was caught out shopping or something. :( Just seems a little sad to me.

Her friends know how to have fun...

But we can forget about that since Nagihiko’s situation was FINALLY discussed. It had been like…what 6 episodes sine his issues were last mentioned? I mean….it is sad that he is sad when he sees all the other Charas but I am glad that he talked about it today. Just wish it was with Amu. :P Nagihiko is the most logical one and talks about WHAT a Chara even is. He just needs to have more interaction with Amu and have more of the episode focus on him. More Nagihiko please!!!! And I want to see that egg hatch like yesterday!

I miss that little Chara.. :(

Poor sad Nagihiko.

Then we get back to the house and Ikuto is in the closet. He looked like a dead person falling out a hidden area. Scifi movies for the win. But I thought it was super sweet that Amu brought him a little snack. She is trying to pretend she really doesn’t care about him but is falling pretty epically.

i assure you my freak out would have been bigger...

And instead of being thankful Ikuto has to be the typical guy and act all big and bad. Teasing Amu reflects the attention off of him and apparently he wins. He knows just which buttons to push on Amu and I think that is what makes them a cute couple (not boring like Tadase). I mean..I do think Amu should have been more worried about Ikuto..but lightening the mood was pretty nice.

I love this scene!!!

Oh and he also accuses her of being a pervert!

Pervert scene in question!

I am glad that Ikuto is going to stay there and be safe. It is going to lead to more cute and funny scenes..and make the show much more enjoyable. Even if I want more Nagihiko. I also want to see how long this can last before Ikuto gets caught. I do not think Amu’s parents are that special to let a strange boy stay at their house…but this is an anime show after all. That seems popular in Japan, to take “homeless” kids off the streets.

And homeless kitties too!

Overall I really enjoyed this episode. Even though there was a lot of Ami in it. And that there was no fighting. X_X Actually not much happened at all and I really enjoyed the episode. I hope that the writers can keep up a good pace and roll with Ikuto’s plot line for a while. Because Lulu is borrrrrrrrrring.

And this is much cuter!!

To Aru Majutsu No Index Episode 14

Yay for blurry pictures!

The Accelerator is impressed and pissed off that his attempts to kill Touma almost killed him (lack of oxygen and all). He tells Touma that he (Touma) should be happy he has gotten this far...but now it is time to die. Touma isn't having any of that and proceeds to punch the living day lights out of the Accelerator. The Accelerator is getting pretty upset with Touma throwing him around that easily. Touma makes the mistake of gloating about his victory and Accelerator decides to cackle and make all these weird noises. We are talking really strange noises. He claims he is controlling the wind and using the energy to create this awesome blue bally thing above his head. He attacks Touma once and sends him flying into the railroad tracks. Misaka appears out of nowhere and tries to destroy his energy ball. Touma tells her to leave but Misaka says she doesn't want him to lose his life so she can smile. She is willing to fight so he doesn't have to die. But it turns out that he has made the wind energy into plasma and she can't go up against that. All is looking lost now. While Accelerator is gathering his power Misaka sees her sister in the alley way. She begs the sister to get up and help her save Touma. Sister Misaka manages to get up and listens to her sister's instructions. The Accelerator is using the natural wind's path to create his plasma ball. A bunch of the sisters go around the city overpowering the wind mills and effectively messing up his plasma ball. Needless to say Accelerator is not very happy with this and goes to attack the sister and Misaka. Touma gets up and tells him the fight is with HIM! The Accelerator attacks him...but Touma dodges him and punches him unconscious. Touma then passes out too.

If I were the Accelerator...I would feel like a loser.

Touma wakes up in the hospital with his hand on sister Misaka's boob. After some major freak out she explains she placed it there to monitor his vitals. He is happy that everyone lived in the end but she has some bad news to tell him. After some complicated explanation, Misaka tells Touma since she is a clone her life span has been shorten and to save some of her life she has to get medical treatment at the lab (of course the Accelerator experiment has been canceled). Touma doesn't seem to believe her but she assures him they will meet again and leaves with the cat. Frog man doctor checks him out and muses Touma must really like the hospital. Misaka stops on by and gives him store bought chocolate. Touma gives her flak about it...but tells her what has happened to the clones. Touma tries to make her feel better by telling her she gave "birth" to this clones and she should be proud. She seems a little sad when she leaves. Index sneaks into the room with her crazy self and attacks Touma for not telling her about his little adventure. But it turns out that she was really worried about him and wishes that Touma would tell her things. They just sit there looking out the window. Misaka is reunited with her crazy roommate and sister Misaka is playing with the cat smiling.

YAY for happy endings!

YAY! Everyone lives in the end and it was looking pretty bad for sister Misaka and Misaka. Touma was never in any TRUE danger...because he is Touma after all.

However I am a little disappointed that the Accelerator wasn't destroyed. Usually bad guys who are not killed come back later to attack the hero or they join the group. Accelerator does not strike me as someone who wants to skip around with Touma and make small talk. So I guess that means we have to watch out for the Accelerator in the future. He reeks of vengeance and all that jazz.

So magical and sparkly!

Touma really better watch out. Everyone was busting out the epic speeches and heroic stuff this week. Touma is having a little competition for his title of TALKING TOO MUCH IN SERIOUS SITUATIONS. I think the Accelerator's speeches made the most sense whereas Misaka's were...slightly useless. Sweet, but not really the time or place. Sister Misaka's was a little complicated was necessary and somewhat made sense in the end. Touma was too busy smashing faces to do much talking this week.

More fighting less talking!

I wasn't expecting Touma and sister Misaka to get a "happy ending". Heck, I wasn't expecting her to live at all so I guess in a way it is sorta happy. But Touma has too many other girls around him to allow her to be "happy" with him. I am also not sure about them ever meeting up again but if they do I am sure it will be fun to watch Misaka and sister Misaka to fight over him. And Index to get mad at them both.

He gets to feel a boob and he can't move his

I really liked the scene with Index. Granted she has not been around a lot in the last 4 episodes...Anyway, she and Touma were really cute together. I like how she attacks him like a crazy animal then hugs him from behind. And he deserves it all with keeping her in the dark. He chastises others for not telling Index things but he does the very same thing. But they all did it for good reasons so what can you do? Index just might be slightly jealous he risks his life for people other than her.

His head is not a tasty treat!!!

Photobucket too perfect...

I thought maybe Misaka was going to stick around for a while, but her scene at the hospital was almost like a goodbye. Although I might be mad too if someone insulted my present. But next week I see her at the beach acting like a goof ball so what do I know? She has been taken by the Touma charm. Poor girl.

Chocolates are NEVER fail Touma!!!

After all the serious episodes we have had lately next week looks a little shall I say? Or it looks like fun and really the beach is home to kill crab people and dolphins who eat babies. Everyone just has fun before the surfing scene. :) Looks like a good watch in any event.

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