Thursday, December 11, 2008

So how do YOU tip the delivery driver?

A few months into my employment as a food caterer extraordinaire (aka delivery driver) I have noticed a few trends. Now I am going to issue a disclaimer. I am not going to be outright RUDE or racist. I am not picking on people because of their race, gender, age, or anything. I am MERELY going to state the facts. Okay, I might be a little rude but not racist. Data doesn’t care who you are and neither do I…as long as you don’t jip me!

Who tips the best

Drunk people- drunk people either are in a very good mood or can’t really tell the difference between a $1 or $5. It is easier for them to tell you to keep the change than do all that complicated math in their heads. It really gets good when a drunk person’s drunk FRIEND pays the bill because….they really don’t care and it’s not their money.

Men- This is probably because you know…I am a 20 something year old who LOOKS like jail bait. Even though my wedding ring is in FULL VIEW FOR ALL TO SEE it is often forgotten as men write in their tip on the little dotted line. I fully believe if I was a young man tips from OTHER men would be significantly less. But overall, I think men are more generous with tips in GENERAL. :) But thank you anyway men.

Businesses- I think that peer pressure has a lot to do with the tip size. Or the fact that it is the company’s dime and they can write off whatever amount they give me. All I know is when I have a business delivery, I know I am not getting jipped and will probably make over 3 dollars.

Not so generous tippers

Older people- I am not really upset with these people. I often try to think of my grandparents and how they pinch pennies. They are from a different generation where they think 75 cents is more than generous. I just try to smile as I hope the next one is better.

Females- Sometimes I am not really mad about this either. When I go out to eat I try to tell my husband what to leave as a tip (most of the time he does not listen) and I tend to be more critical about everything about the meal/service. I think women actually pay attention to the time they call and KNOW when it is a little late. That or they really know the price of gas and paying me 5 dollars for going 3 miles is kinda high.


People who send their kids to the door-This is a total P.A. move on the adults fault. I mean, how can I blame their kids (or 20 year old still living at home)? I mean, they don’t KNOW any better, they are CHIIIIIIIIIILDREN. And apparently they think I won’t blame them (the parents) because I don’t see them. Guess what…I DO! You order the food, you pay for it. I shouldn’t even let your child sign the slip; I am pretty sure it is ILLEGAL. If you don’t want to tip me, you better have the balls to do it to my face. Or better yet, YOU drive to the store and come get your pizza if you can’t afford to tip properly..or at all.

School group- Somehow our awesome discount is not enough for these people. No no, we need to make sure we only pay the exact amount because heaven forbid a driver get paid anything after trying to find a place to park (often in a fire lane), dodging kids, and making multiple trips because they ordered so much. Thanks so much.

Actually…that is all for the stiffers. Most people know they should tip something. People are more likely to be cheap than “forget” all together.

So…in conclusion, I probably should consider myself pretty lucky. I am probably getting tipped more as I am a younger female instead of the teenage boy who usually delivers the pizza. Still, it doesn’t change the fact it still “hurts” when someone thinks my time and gas are worth NOTHING to them. Thankfully those times have been few and far between. I am very grateful for my more than generous customers who appreciate the fact I have to navigate streets with half the mail boxes missing, crazy drivers who are trying to run me off the road, and I usually do this UNDER the time frame you were quoted.

Remember, tip your delivery driver people. I am not saying follow the 15-20 percent rule must be followed to a T, but we do appreciate you throwing a few extra bucks our way. Oh and…please put numbers on your mail boxes PLEASE!

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