Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Fall Weekly Anime Dec. 8th- 14th

:O Tis a miracle I was able to watch this much anime given my hectic schedule last week! I don't know how some of these subbers manage to put out their episodes so fast. X_X Almost too fast for me as I am already 2 episodes behind for next week. :P Correction, I just checked my preferred anime watching site and I am at least 3 episodes behind. WOOT!

I blame it on my love of sleep....

In any event, something is up with Kuroshitsuji. I heard rumors that the subbers got pissed off at people and decided to drop the series. Then I hear that episode 9 was suppose to be up sometime tonight. Well, it wasn't up by the time I started getting all my screenies together so here is hoping for next week.

Please enjoy my reviews and my special summaries that accurately depict...what I am thinking when i watch certain shows. :)

Hakushaku to Yousei Episode 8

Return of the green eye of doom!
The episode starts with Paul rolling out of bed after a night of drinking. Much to his surprise, a girl crying out jewels rolls out of bed with him. Lydia thought that she could take time out and make cookies for the fairies. She was wrong as Edgar pesters her about the engagement and Kelpie appears to throw a fit. Lydia goes to the garden to think and a gnome like fairy pops up and says stuff that we already know. Then he puts the ring on Lydia’s finger and only Edgar can remove it now. Of course he won’t and can’t see why Lydia doesn’t want to be married to him. The gnome appears and suggests that Edgar do something to show how special Lydia is. So Edgar decides that means it is party time. While Lydia was being tortured with a corset, Raven mistakes her cries as a sign of danger and accidentally sees her all INDECENT! Edgar decides the proper punishment is to have Raven dress up as a woman and make sure no men hit on Lydia at the party. The party turns out to be no big deal as nothing major happens (unless you count Edgar trying to poison Kelpie again). Paul comes and brings the crying girl with him. Edgar decides that Paul was a naughty, naughty boy! Lydia comes in and says the girl is a banshee and she is crying amber because the household she belongs to is about to experience a tragedy. It turns out that the girl belongs to Glady’s household, the previous Earl(ess). Well, apparently Paul is more important than everyone thinks and his father stuff gets all trashed. The Prince’s men are involved and Edgar says Paul should live with them until the danger passes. Edgar does the whole we are engaged and why don’t you love me thing? Lydia keeps saying he does not love her so he decides to take the ring off for her so she can freely wear it when she loves him again. Lydia tries to be alone with her thoughts when Kelpie and Raven both appear. They get in a mini fight which Lydia quickly breaks up. Raven goes and tattles on Lydia. Edgar is not overly concerned. Paul decides to go talk to the banshee and make nice with her. He runs off to get a sketch pad and Ermine appears to take her back to her true master. Edgar ends the episode being all emo and saying that the only way to protect Lydia is to let her go.

Again I am blesses with another special episode. I was so right in not subjecting myself to this yesterday. Today was a perfect day to watch and blog about this as I am having a crappy, CRAPPY day. I find it best to get all the crud out of the way to make the rest of the week more promising. /end bitterness.

Let’s start with the good stuff. Raven being dressed up like a chick=funny. Most cross dressing men make my day better (except that guy from Vampire Knight who is the head of the hunter’s place. He is just creepy). Of course the reason why he is force to cross dress is completely stupid and not his fault…but I found Raven’s undying loyalty awesome and full of win. Lydia better watch out or she might turn Edgar off from women all together and have him run into Raven’s more than open arms.

Raven is great at everything he does, even cross dressing.

My favorite part of the episode is Paul turning out to be a normal guy. You think WOW there is at least one decent guy on this show…but no. He gets drunk and has a strange girl in his bed that he can’t remember. It doesn’t piss me off because it is so amusing. Edgar’s comments about passing her to another guy were also amusing, but only because it goes to show you what a sleazy he is. It also shows how flawed his logic is on how to take care of a girl. In any event, falling asleep with normal pants on is not fun.

OH SNAP! How drunk was I?!

Clearly Edgar is a gentleman.

My second favorite moment was Raven’s reaction to Lydia in her underwear. She is all in hysterics because he sees….something very similar to a dress anyway and he could care less. His face totally read “girl please, I ain’t interested in those”. Of course, Raven usually has a very bored look on his face…but it was just funnier this time around. :P

Obviously he is turned on by Lydia's exposed...neck?

Every week it is the same old dialogue. I love you Lydia, no you don’t. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so annoying if this back and forth stuff hadn’t started in episode…two?! I am not a fan of I loved you all along. Feelings have to grow over time and that have not happened for either person. It just feels fake and forced. And very predictable. At the end, they will both realize they are meant to be and that neither one was lying all along. In Special A, the couple had something similar going on but it was done in a much smoother way. It was still the SEE they ended up together ending, but it didn’t make me want to barf. I guess it is hard to express how I really feel about this whole LOVE thing except I am tired of it.

Oh, that was unexpected! I AM SURPRISED!

I wasn’t sure what the point of the gnome dude was. He said stuff that we already knew and told Edgar to make Lydia feel special…which he already had planned. So really the only new thing he did was place the ring on Lydia’s finger and not letting her remove it. Of course it is not revealed how he was able to do that, but this is a don’t ask, never told anime. Otherwise how else could the writers explain how Lydia’s ring ended up OVER her gloves then back on her finger later.

All hail the useless scenes!

Something that bothers me about the show is that things just HAPPEN. Paul just HAPPENS upon a strange girl, but we never see that. Edgar just HAPPENS to find the Scarlet Moon lair, but we never see the investigation process. Lydia just HAPPENS to go the merrow world, but we are never shown how. Yes I know this a magical fantasy show, but there are still reasons why things happen. It would be rather boring if anything and everything could happen without rhyme or reason. Remember math 101: show your work people.

Every time Edgar opens his mouth, the more I wonder about him. He has had a very busy life what with being sold, being a slave, being experimented on, and trying to clear his family’s good name. Apparently in between all of that he has time to track down a fairy doctor and have one night stands with women only to pass them off to another man later. He seems to know a lot more than he lets on, but still has a serious nature about him. I mean, who else could hold a conversation with a dancing flower. He did make me roll my eyes near the end of the episode though. He goes through a three minute long speech about how they need to lie about being engaged so he can save her…only to think about letting her go so she can be safe. Lame. Next episode time.

Truly a serious moment!
Hakushaku to Yousei Episode 9

Just what every woman wants to hear in bed: another woman's name!

So Paul notices the banshee is gone and goes outside looking for her. Nico is all like yeah, I saw her go that way with a complete stranger whom I did not stop….so let’s go find her! They follow the footsteps (because fairy’s leave foot prints don’t you know!) and instead of calling for backup, they go in. There they meet up with someone who claims to be the real descendant of the Blue Earl, that wolf thing that has been creeping around, and Ermine. The banshee is perfectly happy being there and things do not look good for our “heroes”. Next thing you know an unconscious Nico has been shipped to the Earl’s. All of his whiskers have been cut off and it is the end of the world! Nico explains that the dude who claims to be the descendant is really a fairy doctor and a powerful one at that. Edgar seems very concern how far in advance the banshee’s tears predict death. Paul is also returned unharmed. It turns out that Ulysses, who is also working for the Prince, is after a special amber tear (not all the other ones she makes) that is blocking her memories. It is later revealed that this amber item must have great powers and that is why people want it so bad. Kelpie catches Ermine looking in at the mansion and she warns Kelpie to take Lydia away before anything dangerous happens. Kelpie then visits Edgar and tells him that since he (Edgar) is going to die anyone, Edgar should let Lydia be with him. Raven interrupts Kelpie trying to kill Edgar. Edgar has a conversation with Raven about their suspicions that Ermine is alive and that must mean she is not human anymore. Edgar visits the Scarlet Moon people and head guy and Edgar talk about how they should only communicate with each other as a spy must be underfoot. Then Edgar proceeds to get drunk. Lydia, who does NOT care about Edgar, decides to go see him to make sure he is okay. He of course is off his A game since he is drunk. This leads Edgar to saying he and Lydia need to have sex. He carries her off to bed, whispers Ermine’s name, and passes out. Lydia is not pleased for some reason. And then it turns out that Edgar was right all along as Jimmy (some useless character that works for Scarlet Moon) is really that wolf dog thing.

Nico gets the giant fail award. He notices that Ms. Banshee walks away with a total stranger and doesn’t stop her. He then decides he will help Paul, the one person who has the least amount of power to help in ANY situation, find Ms. Banshee while he (Nico) knows evil is afoot. And Nico failed to relay important details about the kidnapping because of his lost whiskers. Truly Nico has been hitting the bottle and cat nip a few too many times.

Why yes I saw that woman go by? Why? Was I supposed to care?

Ulysses is a special, SPECIAL character. Putting aside the fact he looks too similar to Edgar (not that that is anything new with an anime series), he fails at being a bad guy. He lost track of the Banshee for a period of time. He sends this one spy in the form of a kid…and he sucks so hard he doesn’t even have a REAL kid to do the job. Then he lets his two prisoners go! When one has TWO prisoners, you keep one as insurance that you get the item. Or you pull a Huns in Mulan and ask menacing how many people does it take to deliver a message. You don’t let both of them go and tell them to BRING you the item! You hold them for ransom. Ulysses fails bad guy 101.

Evil bad guy fails at being evil.

I thought it was interesting (“special”) the item they are looking for is an item the banshee cries out of her face and is readily available. If I was going to have a magical item affect someone, I wouldn’t pick an item that is associated with that person. But eh, what do I know. Maybe this memory erasing thing was a spur of the moment thing and that was the only thing on hand. Regardless, it better be explained why this magic will make the Prince more powerful. Of course, that might be asking too much.

But that's too obvious!

Kelpie was Kelpie in this episode. He is not really a bad guy, but he is not really a good guy either. Sorta like Spike from Buffy. He will help out when he is needed and try to suck your blood the next available minute. Of course you could argue that he is really trying to help Lydia by killing Edgar. (Not that Edgar REALLY has anything to worry about since he is not the TRUE heir so the tears are probably not meant for him…). You really can’t take him too seriously in regards with his evil ways, but you still feel bad he is not going to get the girl in the end.

Sure I'm evil? Wanna fight about it?

Lydia makes me want to puke. She goes around saying Edgar goes not love her and makes a big show about not wanting to be married to him. She calls him a womanizer and all that jazz. Then she cries when Mr drunkie calls out someone else’s name before passing out. :P It could have been worse, he could have said it after the deed was done. Either way, I really didn’t feel bad for her because I am cold hearted that way. Ermine is just going to be a reason that brings those two together so there is no point in getting too upset. She is just being a huge fool making up all these excuses for her and Edgar. Oh and a lady should have fought a little harder to protect her virtue. None of this no, stop oh yeah I like that WAIT stop…okay crap. :P

Clearly she has no feelings for him!

Raven always makes me laugh. Edgar was acting like a fool and Lydia was potentially kidnapped by a drunk crazy person, but Raven stays stoic and professional. His loyalty to his master is unwavering and I appreciate that very much. Minions now a days need to learn their place and take after Raven’s example.

Raven just looks on and nods.

So….we got evil little boy who is a puppy and the real heir searching for a magical item. We got a depressed Edgar making moves on Lydia and a depressed Lydia who is jealous of a..whatever fairy Ermine. We got Paul who got cocked block and Nico who is captain of the useless people. We also have a plot that is moving so fast and all over the place no one knows what is going on. Clearly next episode this slight real Earl problem will be solved in 5 minutes so another problem can emerge. Because heaven forbid anything be given proper attention with this show.

That this show is special?
Yozakura Quartet Episode 10

What the heck is going on is RIGHT!

So…Akina and Hime are not really thrilled with this awesome idea to cut down the Nana-gou(s). The elders have decided that they are going to save the world by sacrificing their town. The elders seem to think that the outside world is cool with Youkai now so things won’t be that bad. Hime is pissed and Akina is probably fearing for his life. Later the townspeople are staring at little triangles all over the Nan-gous (I am not sure if they were explosive devices or pods for blooming; either way everyone was going :O). Hime tries lying to the crowd and telling them everything is going to be okay…but it’s not going to be. Elsewhere Enjin, his one minion, and his newly required army of lizards are cackling evil over all the chaos they have caused. Akina asks the nurse lady if tuning hurts. Because you know how she would know and how the answer isn’t obvious by the tunee screaming in pain. While Hime is patrolling the town and being pissed off, a young girl starts playing with her huge scarf. WE FINALLY GET AN EXPLANTATION ON WHY SHE HAS IT! When Hime was younger, she injured herself/got sick and a long scar was left on her throat. Gin and Akina got her a scarf to cover it up, but due to the fact they are stupid boys, they got a huge long one. Hime loves it anyway and she never takes it off. Scarf loving girls parents show up and let Hime know they are leaving town. Hime learns that Ao and Kotoha are telling people to leave for neighboring cities as they will be in danger when the Nana-gous are gone. Hime is pissed at everyone, including Akina for just giving up. Hime doesn’t get to be pissed for long as massive sperm babies come to attack the city. Ao and Kotoha handle one, Akina and Kyosuke tune one, and Hime tries fighting the last one. She gets her butt kicked and is upset that she has to have help to defeat spermie. Yuhi is off telling the elders their plan fails and is much too late. Nun lady is all pissed and has a useless scene. Hime is taken to the hospital and is labeled a crazy face. The Nana-gou is not looking so good so the town is evacuated to the two points where the Nana-gous is furthest away. Hime wakes up and has a crying fit about all the things she can’t handle. Akina says they are a group and they will pick up slack for the other and not to overwork herself. The remaining gang gathers so they can go mortal kombat on a tree.

I bet tuning feels GREAT!

I really love the elder’s approach to this situation. Basically they are saying “since you two TEENAGERS sucked at your task to kill your bestest best friend, we decide we are going to destroy the town. Oh, but you have to tell the towns people that since you know, being 16 and all, it is all your fault”. Seriously, if you are going to get pissy because a group of teenagers fail at running a town, don’t have a bunch of teenagers running the town. Sounds like some fat lazy old people want to governor their way and have these young people take the fall or do the grunt work. Not to mention the plan is made of utter fail. There are still problems with integration with in the town (See Rin the stupid) so they must be dreaming if they think they are going to find a new place that meets their standards. Of course, perhaps 200 years ago the people in charge should have picked a better protection point…you know, something that wasn’t capable of blooming and causing chaos.

They are not on board with this epic plan!

I am so HAPPY the scarf got mentioned and it was so unbelievable cute my eyes nearly popped out of my head. (Especially the scene with all three of them cuddled in the scarf). Really, for a half a second I was taken back to my childhood. There was some last horror book about a lady that had a scarf on all her life and it turns out it was keeping her head on. Of course, watching Hime’s head roll off might not have been a great way to continue the show…I won’t ask for an explanation on HOW she got that scar. I will just go AWW over baby Gin and Akina have poor proportional issues and how they tried really, really hard.


The cuteness is too much!!!!

I found the spermie monsters awesome. Some bloggers think the design is too simple and lame. I think they are massively cute and need hugs. Their tongues were a bit scary, but overall they were brilliant monsters. Okay, I am stretching a little bit, but I really didn’t care how lame they were. It is more lame watching Hime fight. Really, labeling all her swings is a bit much. They all do the same thing: nothing. Her youkai powers are lame if they only consist of throwing around a spear.

That monster has lots of details?! What are you talking about?!

I think the most real part of the show was Hime crying in the hospital. I was rolling my eyes when she was trying to fight spermie man all by herself, but I decided that I was being way too harsh on her. She is a young girl forced into a high position of power and she feels the pressure to perform. In the end, she is just a girl with doubts about herself and is afraid to voice them because she will come across as week. She trains too hard and comes across harsh when she is just frustrated with her position in life. She has yet to learn being a good leader does not mean you do everything by yourself, but knowing when to ask for help.

The pressure is too much! And my jokes are too lame!

The most random part of the show would be the lizards. I would like to think I am super perceptive and those were the spermie babies. Of course I am probably wrong and Enjin probably just carries around lizards all the time because they are very fashionable to have. I think they deserve a bigger cage though, not a lot of space to move around. Still, they are very cheap minions to have on hand.

We've come to rape your lands! And your women!

Ao is sorta a little bit useless. It really isn’t her fault as Gin apparently was born with all her powers, making her very limited. She is just very underage eye candy who makes the story a little bit sadder since her brother is the bad guy. Every team needs a useless but loveable person anyway. She is a very mature mascot as she accepts that her brother’s body might have to be lost to save everyone else. Very mature attitude to have as the group heads off into the sunset.
To Aru Majutsu no Index Episode 10

You can feel the freakness....

The episode starts off with Misaka on top of a building trying to snip a guy with an incredible weird mouth. She fires her rocket launcher but it sorta explodes on herself. She tries to get away but the silver hair dude is all in her face. Sometime later or maybe the next day Touma is walking back from make-up class. He finds the entire situation unfair as he does not even remember skipping the classes. His day is further ruined when a vending machine eats his money. Misaka comes up and demands he gets out of her way as she kicks cans out of the machine. She starts to talk about how Touma needs to stop being so lame since he is the only person to ever beat her and Touma starts scrambling to make up conversation. She eventually makes the machine give Touma the equivalent of the money that was stolen. Suddenly a person looking like Misaka comes up identify herself as the sister, but never revealing her first name. Those two walk off leaving Touma to carry all the cans. The sister Misaka comes up later and decides to help carry the cans while talking like a freak. The two are briefly stopped by a trash can riding useless person. Aisa and Index are in the hallway trying to get fleas off their kitten or dying to kill it weird ways. Sister Misaka gets rid of the fleas in a more humane way and leaves. Komoe tries teaching Touma and his loser friends about the history of espers, but Touma doesn’t really care as he can’t be an esper. Komoe seems impressed that Touma knows Misaka though. Touma runs into Misaka later that day and they talk about…nothing. Touma then runs into the sister who has found a cat. She wants to take care of it, but claims the electromagnetic energy in her body is harmful to cats. The two walk along trying to think of names for the cat. Touma leaves the cat with the sister as he goes into a store to get a cat care book. The white hair smiley guy appears all sinister like and the sister leaves the cat as trouble is about to go down!

Who the heck was that trash can girl? I mean, I know WHO she is/understood her introduction…but why do I care? Is she going to add to the story later? If so…SHE HAS TO WAIT HER TURN! It was just too random and out there for me to appreciate. Touma has already met the freak of the week; trashcan girl will get her turn in 3 more episodes.

Behold the randomness of trashcan girl!

I am happy Misaka has gotten some screen time. She really…disappeared after the first episode and it made me wonder why the writers even bothered writing her in so soon. It probably would have been just as effective to have debut this episode and have her act the same and Touma not knowing her. Of course, it would not have explained the grudge with him beating her….in any event, it was more like WHERE HAS SHE BEEN? Off with robot sister snipping people on the roof? Clearly Touma is only going to attract freaks in his very small harem.

Misaka is immune to logic!

I wonder if Misaka will figure out that Touma has lost his memories. They do have a past and I think it involves more than her trying to blow him and the bridge up. He did not question her having a twin…a weird one at that. She seems a little smarter than Index and Aisa didn’t know him before. She is a smart girl…but she might have her hands full with her stalker little friend from school and robot sister. I just want ONE person to realize what is happening to Touma.

:O I also enjoy taking pleasure in the suffering of others! Can I be a twin too?!

I almost felt BAD about having a good time watching this episode. I almost forgot about the violent start to the episode until Mr. scary mouth showed his face again. Perhaps that is what makes this series so good (of course it could be a bad thing for not having an impact on me). Regardless, it was a little different from the norm, having an x_X start, a comedy middle, and more X_X at the end. It was almost like a black comedy episode. Or I am just having way too many Oreos tonight and I am not making much sense?

Oh yeah, this is suppose to be serious....

I would like to thanks this anime for NOT having animal abuse thrown in my face. We have kittens being saved left and right!! Shame on the people who are just leaving poor kittens on their own, but there are enough crazy and clueless girls to adopt them all. Not to mention they are cute and make Touma crazy.

Err...except this moment of cat throwing....

Well, apparently Aisa’s arc is over. We are just moving right along and there are going to be no vampires. Well, there might be but not in the near future. She got her 3 episodes; it is someone else’s turn. I really hate it when thinks like that happen in anime (or any other kind of show). You focus on one person for a little bit, and then you move right along to the next person/storyline. I think there was a lot of room to do more and it is a shame the writers were more focus about covering all the material than answering some real questions and making it flow better. And I am in no way saying this because Aisa is awesome…..but she is. That is beside the point!

Where is Aisa's funny face?!

I think Touma was in complete shock when he met sister (S) Misaka. He is use to being the one who is winning the “not making sense award”. And now…he might have to give that title up. He has met a walking library so it is quite ironic he meets someone who talks like dialogue from a book. “I say that he is in shock because why else would he not MENTION why she was talking so strangely” asks the author out loud. “I think I will have some popcorn to wash down the Oreos” the author tells her pet kitten. Pet kitten pretends to care what mommy says and goes back to eating the Christmas tree. Yeah…conversations like that are special. Very special. I suppose that Touma did not question how she was talking because he was afraid it might expose he forgot something…or I am making excuses for him. Either way, Touma is going to be sad when he gives back that award.

What do you mean this is not a normal conversation?

This episode was really good, but so has all the other episodes. There are some faults here and there, but overall I am really enjoying the series. Please keep up the good work. Good combination of laughs and serious moments= happy author.
I wonder that as well!
Kannagi Episode 10

We are in for a good time!

The entire art club, Nagi, and Zange have decided (forced) to go karaoking. Because karaoking looks like an awesome word. Takako seems to be the master mind behind this event and everyone else quivers in fear. Tsugumi and Zange are trying to battle to see who Jin sits next to. Zange is the winner because Tsugumi is not slick enough. They all play rock paper scissor to see who goes first, because that is how excited everyone is. Tsugumi once again is the loser and is first. She actually does a really great job as she directs her love song to Jin. Takako secretly is dreaming about Tsugumi is a flimsy nurse outfit checking her temperature while she sings. Daitetsu is up next and sings a sexy ballad. Clearly he is singing to Jin and Jin is in awe of his wonderfulness. Akiba is up next and sings an obscure anime song that does not impress Takako. Jin goes to the bathroom to compose himself as he does not think he is as wonderful as Daitetsu. Jin accidentally goes back to the wrong room and happens on the cast of Lucky Star (aka their closing songs of each episode). Jin is up next and while he doesn’t sing wonderfully…or even good, that is still not excuse for his friends not supporting him. BOO MEAN FRIENDS! Tsugumi tells Nagi that Jin has really changed since Nagi has come into his life. Jin and Daitetsu also have a heart to heart while Daitetsu is taking a pee. Nagi and her freakishly weird outfit decide to sing a bean jingle and it is 10 kinds of special. Takako is up next and dazzles the audience with a pop anime song Haruhi style. We are talking dance moves, cute winks, and crazy lyrics. Everyone is scared yet strangely impressed. Zange is worried that she might not win now, but the body’s originally owner is hell bent on winning. They go next and I really didn’t think she did such a bad job, but everyone else did. But they decide since she is cute it does not matter her singing sucks. Tsugumi and Zange get in a mini tug of war over Jin. Takako decides that everyone has to do duets now and Jin picks Daitetsu to be his partner because everyone loves yaoi. Everyone leaves exhausted….but then Jin points out that Shino didn’t sing at all. Apparently if she sings her eyes open up and that might end the world. She starts to open her eyes and the episode ends. The closing song is the other jingle that Nagi promise (threatened) to sing.

This is where all important conversations take place!

I know this is like 90 percent me and only 10 percent something that ACTUALLY happened…but there were some yaoi moments. Despite Jin having his “sexuality” questioned last week, he didn’t do much to prove people he was straight. He was practically hanging all over Daitetsu when Daitetsu was singing his ballad. And WHO was that ballad dedicated to?! Um, I think that would Jin. Then Jin turned down TWO girls so he could sing a duet with Daitetsu. Tsugumi and Zange are clearly worrying about the wrong opponent. Takako probably would have seen all this yaoi evidence if she wasn’t too busy undressing Tsugumi with her eyes.

If you can't see it...I am sorry you are blind!

Nosebleed in about 5 seconds!

I would like to take this time to ask one question: what the hell was up with Nagi’s outfit?! We already KNOW she has a limited collection of clothes. She has the one she was “born” in, a school outfit, and one for…yodeling in? I am not sure if Nagi is to blame as she…might be out of touch with today’s fashion sense. Tsugumi was supposed to take her cloth shopping. Unless Tsugumi is BLIND or something….I am not sure why she did not talk her out of that awesome decision. Jin might be at fault to for trying to cloth a girl under 90 dollars.

And yet they does question it...

There have been mixed feelings about the Lucky Star cameo. I personally loved Lucky Star and I am getting use to shows crossing over and taking on a popular show for laughs. Some people thought the entire episode was copying Lucky Star, but I really don’t see how that is fair. Karokoing is very popular in Japan for teenagers so..Lucky Star can’t claim that for itself. To me, the little cameo was unexpected and one of those X_X moments. Not sure why Jin was so shocked…the writers are just keeping us on our toes.

Awkward much?

Quick! Add an obscure fact quick!

Kannagi does a great job of making us forget about the fact the plot is realllllllllllllly not moving along. The laughs keep coming and many people are like what, we are supposed to care about Zange taking over innocent people’s bodies? Or the fact Nagi is supposed to become an idol so she doesn’t disappear? And who NEEDS to focus on the fact that Nagi has a split personality thing going on. I guess I have to give Kannagi props for being able to pull off a pretty decent show when…nothing really is happening. Oh dear lord, is Kannagi turning into Seinfeld now?!

What do you mean the plot is not moving at all?!

So….everyone is a freak. You would think that one person in that group would be a little tiny bit normal…but apparently she turned out to have some killer shiny eye disease. The person who comes off almost passable is Akiba and due to his hobby he is automatically labeled a freak. It is amusing to watch the group talk about one person and how WEIRD they are…then 10 seconds later someone else is the target. Since they are all good friends, the banter and teasing is okay with me. This episode was pretty special and showed how a simple outing turns into EPIC amusement with this crowd.

No matter how normal I am, I AM LABELED A FREAK!

A freak in disguise!

And the mystery the scariest one of all.
Tales of the Abyss Episode 11

Maybe that haircut has done him well...

Mieu and Luke are playing in the snow when the huge ship stops and nearly throws the cute mascot off. It turns out the engines are broken or something and Guy thinks they should stop at the nearest port. Not really caring about the name of this place, it is now dubbed Snowville. Everyone greets Jade warmly cause IRONICALLY this is where Jade grew up. Truly I am shocked. Jade talks a little about growing up with the Emperor and that freak Dist. Luke shows a little concern for Ion and everyone acts like it is the end of the world he is being nice. Ion is all like bitches, Luke has been nice all along quit making fun of him. In any event, they are going to the person’s house who is in charge of snow town. Well, it use to be the Emperor’s mansion, but the dude in charge lives there now. Oh and the dude in charge is Jade’s sister. It is all MOG I thought you die Jade and Jade threatening to kill Guy for almost revealing their love affair. Since his sister has a huge house, it only makes sense she makes them all go stay at a hotel. But not before she tells Luke to come see her later. At the hotel, Anise and Jade reminisce about the good old times with Dist and how he really wasn’t such a freak. Natalia doesn’t know when to stop asking questions and Jade is clearly upset about something in his past. Luke sneaks out oh so sneaky like. Jade’s sister then reveals to Luke that Jade use to be a psychopath. He was obsessed about learning different kind of fon stuffers and really did not care if he killed little animals and cloned dolls. He almost turned his life around when he got a great teacher. The sister ends the conversation with he reverted back to his old self when he teacher died and how she is afraid something BAD might happen again. Luke goes back to the hotel where Jade is waiting for him. Luke asks about his past and tells Luke about how Dist and him were weird little kids and how his teacher was trying to show him the light and be positive and all that great stuff. Sadly, his great teacher was pro at the seventh fonsomething and he decided he wants to rock too. He blew up her house and most of her brain. He tried to clone her and it didn’t turn out so well. Apparently his string of failures sparked interest in some military family and he was adopted and sent through the ranks. He started take apart dead bodies so he could learn about cloning. Only when his boy hood love interest el emperor asked him to stop did he really think about the situation. His teacher would never get her memories back so there was really no way he could get ever repay her. Now Jade is spending the rest of his life trying to make amends. Luke is touched that Jade shared so much of his life with him and heads off to bed. Jade is a little weird about leaving home, but that is probably because he is excited to see that HOTTIE of an Emperor.

Angry hottie alert!

Well Tales of the Abyss! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU WAITING FOR!! Why were you keeping El hottie aka Peony in the background for so long? You don’t hide someone who obviously is going to make me think yaoi thoughts for so long! Now I can look forward to a Jade/Guy/Peony love triangle in my head! Think of all the viewers you could have lost had they been not holding out hope….Dang. What a pouty looking uke. Now don’t go ruining the show and making him be a bad guy or something silly like that. Not that I am quite sure who is a bad guy at this point….at any rate, just keep him alive PLEASE!

:O Am I actually looking forward to next week?!

So now that I know the truth about Peony and Jade, I am not sure how I feel about the Guy and Jade bantering. I mean…on the one hand I am always pleased to see a young yaoi couple in denial….But I am against cheating! Jade is being a little bit greedy with taking all the men. I guess the women are fresh out of luck. Jade better not take advantage of Guy, we can’t have him afraid of males too! So…am I serious with this little paragraph? Maybe, maybe not. But you know that Jade and Guy share a special bond and their conversations can get very teasing (or suggestive). Foot INDEED!

I know Jade likes it!

oh, so it is called "foot" now!!!

So…Natalia and Anise still suck ass. They tell Luke that he needs to change. So he changes…and they decide he is being fake. I want to stab them both. Anise was more annoying this episode though. Natalia was too busy talking about uncomfortable matters and not noticing she should shut the hell up. She shall make an AWESOME ruler one day. Did I mention that….they suck and I hate them?

The mascot is cuter to look at!

This episode was made of special. Because the simple fact that…no one talked about Asch perhaps? I mean, is he a good guy, a bad guy, or a good guy who acts like a bad guy for the greater good? Natalia was falling over herself to make out with Asch/real Luke and now we aren’t even going to talk about him? He CLEARLY knows what is going on least knows more than these special people. I think teaming up with Asch would have been the smartest move but these people are not known for being smart. And apparently we aren’t suppose to be smart and ask these kinds of questions.

Obviously there is no picture of Asch...have some Ion!

So…Jade’s past was very magical and interesting. With a name necromancer I know I wasn’t expecting some happy little past…but this was still a little bit out there. And bit overdramatic too. Jade was a smart little kid who ran around killing kittens and cloning dolls. He was on a dark, dark path until one special person comes into his life. Of course special person dies and Jade becomes obsessed with bringing her back to life, even if that means he has to poke around in dead bodies. Jade has always been a little twisted and secretive, but he past read like a really bad horror novel. Maybe he should have consulted with Edgar. Perhaps they can both try to one up each other.

Jade...what a cute little psychopath!

So….what did Jade’s sister want to tell Luke? She had to tell Luke because as a replica, he would stop at nothing to make sure Jade never made that same AWFUL mistake again. Because I often like being referred to as an awful mistake and that my existences never should have happened. But putting aside the fact she could have picked a better person to ask, what DID she ask of him? It seems as if she wanted to be all sneaky about the meeting and is all vague about what she was saying. Not to mention she was not THRILLED to see Jade anyway. She has not gotten the memo that Jade is against replicating now and will probably convince Luke to take out Jade. OR…she was just merely a tool that got the readers to see Jade’s past. Either way, special.

And the point of this conversation is....?

Most people as little kids are cute. Even if they are the craziest, ugliest anime person now….a little kid is still cute with big eyes and innocents to spare. Dist…was not a cute little kid. He wasn’t even a tolerable kid. He was an ugly little kid with a creepy hair cut and runny nose. I HATE little kids with runny noses in anime, makes me want to barf. I am not even sure why his back-story was included with Jade’s. It would have probably been the same story had Jade and Dist met up while adults and worked together. It didn’t seem necessary to include Dist and he didn’t add anything but a few tears and eye ball poking out moments. His small little moment of Anise and how he doesn’t like to be alone did not move me either. He is still creepy and will most likely be an expendable character.

Example of a cute kid doing it right!

Overall, this episode got a bleh from me. Nothing really amazing happened and I really didn’t think Jade needed his back story explained. Next week looks more promising..but I am usually very wrong about these things. :P

And I wonder if this will mean anything later...
Skip Beat Episode 10

Who could this POSSIBLY BE?!

Moko decides to stomp off from the group because she underestimated Kyoko and now she is embarrassed she was wrong. Maria is still all sparkly eyed and asked how lovely her parents were. That sparks a little bit of demon Kyoko. Mr President picks up on Kyoko’s words….and asks if she really has her mother’s permission to be in the agency. Kyoko tells him her mother does not care about her and that is it really necessary? The President decides not to ask her any more questions on the matter. Kyoko is a little shaken up from the questioning and is holding her magic good luck jewel close. Sawada walks on by and scares the crap out of Kyoko. Her gem ends up falling down 85896 million stairs. Ren was at the bottom of the stairs when the jewel lands and he picks it up. Kyoko comes barreling down the stairs with her crutches, screaming for Corn. Corn is not the jewel’s name, but the name of the person who gave it to her. She is so distraught she has lost this jewel as Corn gave it to her and told her it would make her feel better. Ren is clearly shocked and amazed about this information and pretends to find the jewel. Kyoko is all sparkly and loving for once…and Ren decides it is too much for him and has to ruin it. He really had to cover up the fact he nearly let on that HE is the one who gave Kyoko the jewel (Ren=Corn). After this exchange Kyoko goes out of her way to avoid Ren. Kyoko and Moko think that they got a cool job for the LOVE ME section, but it is really just a chicken mascot thing. Moko has nominated Kyoko to do the job. Kyoko is pretty -____- about this gig until she realizes that Sho is being interviewed. She and her evil chicken self devise a plan to embarrass Sho. She plants a question that she knows will embarrass Sho. When Sho is asked what his real name is, he does panic…but manages to pull off looking cool and not answering the question at the same time. Kyoko is upset her plan did not work, but vows she has another plan.

Once again another great episode. :) There were a few serious moments, but the laughs kept on coming.

Kyoko can be sweet too!

I think the funniest part of this episode would have to be Corn. I pray that is not Rens’ real name and just Kyoko’s poor memory or nicknaming skills at work. At first I thought she was referring to the stone, but…apparently not. Kyoko running down 1576 flights of stairs and doing a face plate into the wall was pretty special. And don’t forget her lying on the floor being depressed. Only Kyoko could pull that off.

Kyoko is a pokemon!

Even her crying can be funny!

Ren was ALMOST nice for half a second. I nearly had a heart attack….until he decided to show his true colors again. I hope that Ren being Corn was not meant to be a huge surprise… because it wasn’t. Perhaps it is more going to be a surprise for Kyoko later and it was not meant to be a surprise for us. I am curious to see how MUCH Ren has changed during the years (I suspect he might have been a little ugly duckling). My friend did a little minor spoiler for me back when the series first started to air (I have not read the manga yet) so I was under the impression that Ren knew that was Kyoko and THAT is why he was being hard on her. So I am not sure why he was so surprised….Unless he is surprised that he touched Kyoko in a special way. Still, Ren did not have to ruin the moment!

What a jackass!

He can't take Kyoko's demoness!

Moko was special this episode. I am not sure why she was so mad at Kyoko still. Perhaps she is just mad at herself for underestimating her. At times it felt like she THOUGHT more of Kyoko and was disappointed. In any event, I am glad these two are not bosom buddies and telling each other secrets at night kind of friends. I like how Kyoko is a little naive and Moko is a little bitch of a bitch. I am sure together one day they will be better friends; Moko is just too special for that right now. I love how Moko is such an opportunist and throws Kyoko under the bus at a moment’s notice. :)

And she picks...Moko...

One of the more serious moments was Kyoko sorta confronting her past. It is nice to know that the agency has SOME rules about underage kids (although apparently not very strict rules with absolutely no follow up). The president seems to really care for Kyoko and wants to look out for her. But he knows if he follows the rules she will probably be worse off than she is now. It was only a touch of seriousness, but I think it was needed. Kyoko really has had a hard life and that is why her personality can be so harsh at times. Tiny reminders are appreciated.

The serious moment passed kinda have this screenie instead!

The chicken scene was too funny for me to be mad at the fact it is way beneath Kyoko. I love how her demon faces shined through that costume. And who doesn’t like demon chickens flying around. I am also slightly scared of any shows that come out of Japan now. I am not sure what a chicken has to do with any variety show or why a sane person would agree to wear a chicken suit under the circumstances…but it was still special.

Chicken Kyoko is 10 times more dangerous!

Kyoko was denied her revenge! Sho deserves to suffer and he escaped! Of course…it might have been funnier had I understood the joke on his name. I tried to search other people’s blogs and I am not sure why it was such a funny…but I will take it at Kyoko’s word that it is funny. It was nice for 10 seconds watching Sho squirm…but alas it did not last long enough. Hopefully next week Kyoko will be able to plant more stuff on him to bring him down a notch. I just hope she does not get caught in the process. :(

Revenge shall be hers!
Shugo Chara Doki 61 Episode


The episode starts off with a young family moving away. Their moving van hits a bump and the little girl’s Chara egg bounces out. Amu and her Chara have AMAZING timing and happen upon the egg. Amu takes the egg to school and everyone instructs their Chara to watch the egg. The Chara’s then proceeds to act special ed. Thanks to the spirit of AWESOME Dia the egg hatches and Kiran is born. Kiran really doesn’t have a special…THING about her except she wants to make everything all sparkly. She keeps leaving the group to help people and make them sparkle. Amu and the others only see the Charas briefly as they chase Kiran. Kiran has a great time helping people out. They eventually run into Yoru whom is grateful Kiran has helped out a cat brother. Together with the help of the cats and an accidental kidnapping by Mr. Orange man, all the Charas are taken to a nearby town. They happen upon Eru and Iru who are busy handing out flyers for Utau. All the Charas help out and Kiran reveals why she was born. Hinako is a very nice little 1st grader, but very shy. She wants to help people out, but she doesn’t have the courage to do so. Kiran wants to help her sparkle in front of everyone else. The little group starts following the stupid clues left by the cats when Kiran starts to fade. Since Hinako has not seen Kiran (egg) in a while, she is having doubt so Kiran is going to go splat. Thankfully they all figure out the clues and Kiran and Hinako reunite/meet. Kiran did her first character change to give Hinako courage to talk to a little girl. All the guardians show up and decide to frolic with the 1st graders.


This episode had so much cuteness in it my eyes almost popped out my head. The episode was utterly pointless and even more fillery than usual….but it was cute and apparently that is all that counts.

We don't need no plot!

We got about 30 seconds of Dia today! REJOICE THE MASSES! Of course she was not born and I doubt she will be until the end of the series…but we saw her in a dream like state. And any episode with Dia in it can’t suck…that bad right?

Heaven forbid the most popular Chara ever be born!

This is WAY too cute for words!

This was another episode without Lulu or any real clear present danger. Kiran wasn’t even all that concerned about being lost until she started to disappear. The sense of urgency really was never there and once again the problem was not really….important. Sort of what a small child would think is the end of the world or something. When I see Chara centered episode…sometimes I get really worried. At least Ami wasn’t in the episode :P

Can't you sense the danger?

Does she seems a little one sided to you?

After reading a popular blog, I learn that Hinako might have been a fan made character. If that is the case, I certainly believe it. Her character seemed like something a crack head 7 year old would make up. Seriously, she wants to make things all sparkly? It just seems like such an ambiguous thing to strive to be, a person makes things SPARKLE! I mean, at least Amu, the most CONFUSED person in the universe, has Charas that are a little more solid in what they want to be (athletic and more outgoing ,artists, or motherly/home making skills). It just seemed like a really lazy character with no thought or reason to her existences. Clearly the writers thought throwing a whole bunch of sparkles around would make people forget this was pretty lame.

My precious!!!!

Another thing that was mighty lame was Nagihiko. Or lack there of. Yes, I am still ticked he never gets any screen time. Now I am pissed at what is happening to his egg. I understand he can’t have Temari’s egg in the little house…but what about his blue one? Since he is supposed to be a twin, Amu would not question why his egg is similar. Amu should be questioning why someone without a Chara could even become a Guardian…but why can’t HIS egg live in the house next to Dia. It is just the writers showing how stupid they are. -____- Pissing me off with leaving Nagihiko out in the cold.

There is room for Kiran...

And Dia...but not Nagihiko's egg....

The episode really didn’t have a chance to be a GREAT episode anyway as it was full of the Charas. They seem to be….really special when it is just them. The show gets dumbed down from 5 year olds to 3 year olds when they are in charge. And while they were making people sparkle, no one in great danger was helped. It was again one of those things only a small child would be impressed with.

As the adults and older teenagers run away...

The friend of the week was really just a friend for a minute. Her tiny background story was slightly lame. I mean, name me one kid who wasn’t super shy at one point. Okay, I am sure you can, but still. Being a shy little kid is not a big deal or something really new. It didn’t have that oh she is SPECIAL vibe to her. She was just a normal kid. Maybe that is the point of the show, that everyone has worries and fears at one time or another. Just with this train of thinking, every single 1st grader should have a Chara…and Amu did not have one until she was in 5th grade. Wonderful sense making.

Everything is rainbows and unicorns!

There really isn’t much to say about this episode. it was the stereotypical shojo magical girl show. Except it was MORE over the top. If there were any more cute and sparkly moments, it would have been rated B for BARF! I am tired, can’t think of anything funnier to say.
Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 10


So…apparently there is great danger happening at the school. Since Yuki has been a vampire for a few hours, it must mean that 237847 bad vampires are going to descend on the school and feast on the bodies of the Day Class. Headmaster and the Night Class make sure to gather up all the Day Class students and freak them out about leaving as fast as they can. There are a few WTF moments with some students being stupid and nearly getting munched on by vampires…and not questions how the Night Class can do magical things…but whatever. Yuki has decided that she can’t sit around and do nothing while the students are in danger. She gets all suited up and ready for battle which is good since Yori was about to get munched on. Yuki goes to defend her from a vampire but finds out she cannot longer wield her weapon…cause she is a vampire. Yori does not question why Yuki has longer hair or is acting strange, but they still get her to safety. Meanwhile the headmaster is feeling very sorry for his sexy self as his plan to have vampires and humans live in peace. Yagari tells him to man up and help protect the kids as he has to go outside and have a pissing contest with other Hunter Association people.


Zero is off in the dungeon still feeling bad for himself and Yuki is told to rest by Kaname…or Aido, I can’t remember. I remember that Aido makes Yuki go to sleep because the day has just been so stressful for her. Ichijo has taken Shiki away from Uncle Meanie. Ichijo has decided that he is a bad ass and is going to stop all this chaos. Aka he is going to die now. Ichiru is busy staring at Rido’s body and telling Shizuka to wait a little bit longer. Magically Yuki starts having a dream about Shizuka. It was hard to tell if Shizuka is actually talking to Yuki or talking to someone else in the past. Either way it reveals some important points…or nothing at all. Kaname comes in to tell Yuki…to go back to sleep and rest. Awesome. Yuki tells Aido she has to help protect everyone and he is SUPER nice and thinks of a way to let her go and keep him alive. Meanwhile Kaname goes and tells Zero that HA this whole time Kaname has been raising Zero to become the greatest Vampire hunter ever and it is HIS job to kill Rido. Zero is less than pleased and pretty much loses it. Suddenly Rido rises from his coffin and everything goes to hell.

The face of evil...AGAIN!

Was that summary confusing and random enough? Great because that is what it felt like watching the episode. I am successful in relaying that experience to the readers REJOICE!

Too much happens for anyone to care about me!

Let us take this time and cheer that Aido is still alive. He really isn’t in the danger zones yet which makes me really happy. :) Let him be all safe and play babysitter to Yuki. That will also put him on Kaname’s good side. He does provide the only comic relief in this show and we NEED it. So..they can’t kill. Because I said so. And because he is basically a nice guy who is trying hard to please Kaname.


Yuki needs a CLUE!

Now someone who is probably NOT going to be alive for very much longer would be Ichijo. A moment of silence will probably be needed for him very shortly. Because you know, he has undying love for Kaname too…even if Kaname treats him like shit and never was honest with him. Ichijo is kinda wimpy and doesn’t look like he could fight off Yori so I expect him to die and everyone be all :( about his sacrifice. He will die to make up for his “betrayal” to Kaname. Hopefully Aido doesn’t cry for too long.

I predict his revenge will last all of 5 seconds.

Ah, the good times when Kaname ignored me...but was cute while doing so...

Apparently Kaname did not think Zero was having a bad enough day/week/life. He just had to go in there and inform Zero that HA everything up to this point was done so I could use you in my revenge plot. Because we all know how much love there is between Zero and Kaname. Personally if I were Zero, that gun would be looking pretty good right about now. I would be like oh, you need me for your REVENGE plot *blast*. Kaname is pretty creepy about using his baby sister/fiancée as bait for Zero to follow his bidding….Bu Kaname is creepy anyway. Overall I found the whole things just feel into place a bit hard to grasp and I think I will root for Yuki x Zero a little harder now. But not too loud or the fan girls might hear me.

Zero...everyone is crazy. Please accept it!

Yuki really didn’t even do much this week and she pisses me off. She is the typical heroine who wants to help everyone out, but causes more problems anyway. Poor Aido and even creepy face really have their hands full with her. Of course I didn’t expect her to be very appreciative of Kaname’s “help” anyway…but Yuki feels as if she can help out the situation despite the fact she caused it to be so bad. Wonderful.

Yuki has wonderful friends who question nothing!

I found the whole “bad vampires” descending on the school pretty amusing. Because I know that there was a system in place that notifies all the little vampires when Yuki turned and Rido was about to get up. I also like how the elevator that was designed for the escape of the students was known to the vampires. The last three episodes seem to have taken place in the span of 5 hours, yet everything is happening to fast. It is very sloppily done and I am not impressed.

They are even depriving students of their teddy bears!

So it appears that the final battle is upon us. Never mind the fact that Kaname could have stopped Rido from awakening had he had Zero stab his sleeping body. NO we will overlook that fact and focus on the battle ahead! Because Yuki and her small hand gun are going to make such a difference in this final battle. Of course, it would make more sense if some actual noble vampires like Ichijo’s grandfather showed up and not just these weak little level E’s. The death count has been extremely low for this show about vampires so far. Next week will probably change that.

As Yuki will probably accidentally shoot Zero or something.
Clannad After Story Episode 11

Twins? X_X

Tomoya is still getting use to his new job and Nagisa is worried he is going to get hurt. Tomoya smiles and tells Nagisa not to worry about him. He starts getting into a comfortable pace going to work and eating dinner with Nagisa. Yoshino is still a little harsh on him and tells him constantly he has to watch how he does things. There are a few scenes of Nagisa being all alone at school. Yoshino and Tomoya talk about how the world seems bigger/smaller to them. Tomoya wants to spend Sunday together, but Nagisa wants to take a mock exam test. Tomoya gets suckered into spending the day with Akio and pulling a prank on Sanae. Nagisa seems to think that means they have a close relationship to pull such a prank. She then invited Tomoya to spend Founder’s day with her. Tomoya tries really hard to make a good impression at work, staying afterwards to help out the boss and stuff. While helping, he learns that business might pick up soon and Tomoya interprets that as he might have to work on Sunday (aka Founder’s Day). Tomoya tells Nagisa and she tries to hide that she is disappointed, but tells Tomoya she understands. On Saturday, Tomoya is the only one left at work and the boss realizes that there is one last job to do. Tomoya ends up doing the work himself, but Yoshino comes by later to check up on him. The next day right when Tomoya was leaving for the Founder Day thing, he gets a call from his boss about there being a problem last night. Tomoya rushes to the site and finds Yoshino working. Yoshino claims it was his fault for not noticing himself the mistake Tomoya made. Tomoya feels guilty and insists on staying to help. So Tomoya misses the festival and sees Nagisa waiting at the gates. She smiles and says she understands. They share a little snack as they walk home. The next day at the office Tomoya has really made an impression on his coworkers for the way he corrected his mistake. The episode ends with Tomoya getting his permanent name tag.

And the bad stuff keeps on rolling for her...

:O We got an epic Yoshino speech. Granted nothing will EVER beat the epicness of his baseball memories speech but since he was at work, I think that he was being as epic as reasonably possible. Given the reaction of his co-workers, he probably goes off on tangents all the time. He can’t help but be passionate; he has music in his soul! I think what made the scene really special and fun was Tomoya thinking he was being serious and the other co-workers laughing at his naive nature. I laugh at the suffering of others.


The scene on the Founder’s day was a little over the top for me to handle. The boss asked Tomoya to do a job by himself. We shall ignore the fact that his boss asked someone who needed to be watched to a job by himself. We will only focus on how one man was supposed to complete this job at night. So logically speaking, one could think that this problem would not take HOURS UPON HOURS to fix. However, the next day TWO people were stuck at that site well until the afternoon. In my non official estimate, it must have been over 4 hours. X_X So….was Tomoya suppose to spend over 4 hours yesterday fixing the problem? Or did Tomoya’s mistake make it that much more difficult to fix? Regardless, I felt as this little fixing mistake was over the top to make Tomoya seem too busy to attend and having Nagisa suffer more. She is suffering enough without blaming broken lights!

Another disappointed Nagisa moment.

This episode was really about Tomoya and Nagisa only seems like an accessory. Tomoya has scenes with him growing up and working hard in the real world while Nagisa is stuck in a school where no one likes her apparently. Part of me is pretty upset with Tomoya for leaving Nagisa. She has enough to worry about without making him breakfast and dinner each day and scrambling to make time to see him. On the other hand, Tomoya is trying to grow up. He is trying to prove he is a man and that he can do things on his own. It might not make the most financial sense, but he feels as if that working and living on his own will gain him more respect. So it is hard to fault him for waiting to grow up even though I want him to have taken the easier road offered to him.

:O Almost like a young married couple!

I did get upset with Nagisa. I really did not see the point of her taking ANOTHER mock test. Considering she has probably already taken the damn thing TWICE already, I don’t know why this time was so important. Not to mention the fact she is not GOING to college so it is USELESS anyway. She used up what little free time she and Tomoya had together so she could do something she has already has done and has no bearing on her future. I suppose that she could spend more time with Tomoya after school, seeing how she should not have to STUDY anything until October anyway.

Get angry Tomoya!

I am also starting to get withdrawals from the all the other characters. I know they are busy (or not even IN Japan anymore :( ) but does studying take up T HAT much time? Okay, yes it does, but still. No one spends every waking hour while a freshmen studying. Especially Sunohara, I can’t even see him spending 5 seconds studying. It just really feels like they all abandoned each other and it is this dramatic everyone graduates and goes their separate ways. Considering MOST of them still live in the same town….it is a little too dramatic for me.

I'll be your friend!...LOVE!

Akio is weird and I am glad I am not married to him. Of course I was a little bit worried about what TOY shop he was taking Tomoya too anyway. X_X Not that I have a dirty mind, but he kept saying what adults do when they have fun! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSE TO THINK?! The impromptu Star Wars fight was pretty special too…but I feel bad for Sanae. She may be special and have a SPECIFIC fear of a very specific animal, but I think she suffers enough being married to someone who thinks spicing up their marriage means bringing out the plastic animals. And we all know if Tomoya had done that to Nagisa, Akio would have had his head!

Hope my husband doesn't watch this episode...

Overall it was another “slow” episode but it was still great in my opinion. Of course I am slightly biased and probably think that Clannad can do no wrong….but at least I am honest about it! Tomoya changing into a more mature adult is very interesting to watch. I really did love snarky Tomoya and I don’t want him to lose all that silliness inside of him. But I am glad he is settling down and trying to be more responsible. Although I think next week it is time for some old characters to spend time with their friends!
Shugo Chara Doki Episode 62


So the idiot scientists are wandering around the city and trying to catch X-eggs. They need a whole bunch of them so they can do something sinister to Ikuto’s violin. Meanwhile it is spring cleaning at the little garden place and everyone is busy cleaning the whole one room and the Chara house. Yaya is running around like a stupid fruit bat and knocking into people. She knocks into Amu who is carrying a book of some kind. Out pops a picture of the guardians a year ago. Everyone is all looking at the picture and Rima is jealous of Amu’s OLD best friend. Rima is depressed all night and the next day at school. Amu picks up on this and tries to ask what is wrong, but they are interrupted by Nagihiko who was trying to ask what is wrong too. Rima gets uncontrollable jealous and stomps away. The Charas decide that they need to have operation make Rima smile and Amu and Nagihiko are the ones to carry it out. Amu has to practice stretching her face in weird ways while Nagihiko has a secret project somewhere else. Rima is so happy when Amu text s her about going out Sunday, but gets really pissy when Nagihiko shows up too. Amu tries to do the funny face thing, but it doesn’t work. Most of the day is spent chasing after Rima and Amu doing stupid things to cheer her up. The only thing that comes CLOSE to making Rima laugh is Amu falling in a whole bunch of holes. But then Rima decides that is NOT funny since Nagihiko is the one who made the holes.

Why isn't it working?!

Amu takes Rima and Nagihiko to her house which is a big deal apparently. They ended up making cookies or something and looking at a scrapbook and Rima tries to pretend she is not happy. On the way back to…wherever, the group walks through the park full of holes. The idiot scientists are also walking along and one trips and some X-eggs fall out. Rima and Amu transform and Nagihiko tries to help the battle. Rima is too stubborn and runs off on her own. Nagihiko ends up getting hurt from protecting Rima so Rima decides it would be a good time to listen to him. Amu and Rima listen to this tactical GENUIS plan and they win. Nagihiko then falls in a hole and Rima busts out laughing. All was well..until Nagihiko pulls her into the hole too. Then the two have an epic staring contest with Amu going hahaha…I hate them.

Such great friends XD

Well….at least this episode was not Chara centric (well, not ONLY Chara centric I should say). And I have been saying I wanted more scenes with Nagihiko. Apparently I have to be more specific when I ask for things….

Ask and you shall receive...CRAP! :O

This episode was once again a filler. I actually was pretty upset they threw in 5 seconds of the Ikuto plot into this episode. It was a total waste and made light of his plot. It was almost a WHY BOTHER scene. The writers are sadly mistaken if they think their viewers enjoy seeing tiny pieces of the plot instead of FULL PLOT EPISODES! Oh and those scientists are annoying as hell anyways!

Not to mention they are morons!

POOR POOR Nagihiko! Even when he is in an entire episode, it isn’t even about him. It is about Rima and her crazy self. :( And Rima made light of the fact that Nagihiko does not have a Chara. His only purpose was to be the source of Rima’s unreasonable jealously. And when you get down to it, Rima shouldn’t even be that jealous of Nagihiko! Nadeshiko was Amu’s best friend; that is the person she should be jealous of! We are going to pretend that Nadeshiko is not really Nagihiko for argument purposes. I have no idea why Rima feels so jealous of Nagihiko as Amu met him ONCE while looking for his “sister” and they have not acted very close since Nagihiko’s return (much to my dismay). Rima really needs to grow up and get a reality check if she is going to be jealous of old friends. I don’t see her being this jealous over Tadase or Yaya and they have “known” Amu for much longer. Rima just annoys me.


LOOK AT THAT! That last paragraph was supposed to be about Nagihiko and Rima hijacked it! See!! SEE HOW MUCH HE SUFFERS! :( Nagihiko is not supposed to be a supporting character! He is supposed to be a main character with his own special relationship with Amu! When are we going to get to his issues of self identity and when is he going to tell Amu the truth?! I WANT THE REAL NAGIHIKO BACK! He/she was cool, calm and collect. He/she kept Amu from going off into crazy town and was the brains of the entire Guardians. Now he is reduced to a small character who is used for convenience. That makes my soul sad.

Stop being nice to her!

Why did he take that hit for her!!! RARW!

The entire battle scene was a joke and really not scary. I think the X-eggs really lose their MOG factor when they are not connected to an owner. They are just random eggs with no back-story and are randomly flying about town. The fact that the “main” bad guy was not even connected to this bad guy moment was a real joke too. I don’t see why Nagihiko was needed to direct how to fight the eggs (sorry Nagihiko). It was pretty cut and dry to me. They follow the same basic pattern ANYWAY every time: use your own attack and Amu heals their hearts. Although…how can Amu heal their hearts if the owner is not around to hear Amu’s words? Oh no, that is me asking questions again! SHAME ON ME!

Thanks for being an asshole.

Did I mention that I hate Yaya? Because I do. She is just pure annoyance. She never does ANYTHING constructive and…I hate her. I sincerely worry about the Guardians next year with Yaya the only returning member. Then I remember how much the Guardians ACTUALLY do and I feel better again.

I hate Yaya so much....

Tadase should also be worrying about his standing with this show. He really hasn’t been adding much but a few smiles and lines lately. The writers focus more on the friend of the week more than the people the show is actually about!

Rima belongs in the corner!

The funniest thing about this episode was Amu’s deformed face. She looked so special stretching her mouth out like that. She was really giving it her all and got no laughs from Rima. Don’t worry Amu, I was laughing at you. :P Super deformed characters usually get a laugh from me.

How can you NOT laugh at that?

The most disturbing thing about this episode was Rima thinking that people falling in holes was funny. Perhaps it was more disturbing that it was even considered a good idea for a gag in the first place. Still, I find no laughter in watching someone falling in holes over and over again. I would be more worried about my friend being hurt. The only people who are use to falling in holes are Team Rocket/Ash and company. Other people are not immune to the ground! BE MORE CAREFUL NEXT TIME!

Holes suck! Implied couples are better.

Next week’s episode makes me want to barf. Is Lulu going to become “good” so soon? It just seems like she has become a bad guy and she has not accomplished much. She hasn’t even HAD that much interaction with Amu and Amu is all ready to be her friend? Well, I guess Amu always wants to be people’s friends..but still. I really think this episode should have been Ikuto and Amu centric as Christmas=romance in Japan. Why does a new character get a special episode? Bleh….at least Amu looks cute next week!

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