Thursday, February 5, 2009

Co-workers....can't live with them and can't make money without them

You would think having an unexpected day off from work would have made me happy. You would think that it being 32 degrees outside and I no longer had to brave the cold would have made me happy. You would think I would have had a productive day.

You would be wrong. Today was spent with a lot of thinking and analyzing the events of the past few weeks. And with all this reflection and indulging on sweet cake goodness...I am no closer to being satisfied.

I am a big girl. Meaning I am 25 and I would like to think I can take care of my own personal/professional relationships on my own. Meaning I do not go running to a boss because someone says something that I perceive as a slight or something rude, but still in the realm of no big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Apparently not all adults think the same way I do. No one wants to handle their problems like big girls and boys. And they especially don't think about discussing their problems with the other person (the person causing "the problem"). these people it is safer to run to the boss and tattle on them. Because we are in first grade and people are stealing the last animal cracker.

This pisses me off for several reasons. The main reason being if you have a problem with helps to TELL ME!! If I say or do something that bothers you chances are I will keep on doing/saying whatever it is that is making you made. BECAUSE I AM NOT A MIND READER! So when you smile and laugh at my joke/silly antic I take that as a sign that all is well and people appreciate my sense of humor. I do not take it as a sign that I should stop what I am doing and apologize for offending you.

Another reason it pisses me off is the simple fact on WHAT you have a problem with. I talk too much? Not only is that subjective but it is slightly unfair to me AS YOU KEPT TALKING BACK TO ME! I admit that I do talk more than most people who work with me....but let me look down for a minute. Yep...those would be boobs. Women talk more than men. Especially the men that work with me. So it does seem like I am Ms motor mouth next to you silent people. But anyone who would talked...AT ALL would be talking too much. So...I am not really offended that you were offended my OBVIOUS character flaw as your judgment is pretty skewed.

What I am offended by is you running to tell our boss you no longer want to work with me...after one day. You made such a quick judgment after 6 hours of working with me? Where you were smiling and talking back to me and all the work got done? You had the nerve to go to our boss and make me sound like someone who would not shut her mouth and kept you from your work? Surly a man of your age realizes telling a boss such damaging "information" would not go over well..for me! So due to your personal preferences you were willing to put my job in jeopardy. Thanks a lot.

When I have small issues with people at work I either talk with them first or say nothing and complain to my husband later. The second option might not be the most healthy way to handle something but it does keep anyone from getting in trouble and everyone still working. So when one co-worker talks about how many girls he BANGS in a weekend while working at a store that claims to be a Christian based business...I say nothing. When another co-worker decided that wearing an undershirt and ONLY an undershirt to work was acceptable I kindly told him no, it is not acceptable. See, I can handle things like an adult. I don't have to run and talk about every single issue that comes my way...even though you claim that all I do is talk..

And this is only ONE issue that went through my mind all day. I have someone who was bad mouthing my mother 2 feet away from me when all my mother does is GIVE to this person. I have someone who implied I was a thief yet covers it up as keeping things fair. I have a co-worker who thinks taking a week off and giving ONLY one weeks notice is acceptable. And yet...with all these issues people still find the time to be critical of what I am doing. It makes me wonder if people even NOTICE the big problems going on and it is easier to focus on the small, insignificant mistakes I make (and correct).

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Only one thing could make it truly worse would be hard for it not to be better. Well...that is not true. But I am trying to stay positive. And warm. Warm is good. All I can do is be myself and do what I do. If you don't like me for me...then simply ignore me and move on with your life. Chances are I want you to like me if you are just going to pretend to be nice to me.

Here's to hoping that it is warmer than 32 degrees tomorrow!!! XD

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