Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekly anime series

Ongoing anime episodes that I got around to watching this week, enjoy. :)

Click to read what I watched.

Shugo Chara episode 50

That is what we are all asking.

I was actually dreading this episode due to how much of the Chara’s were shown in the preview. Nothing is wrong with the Chara, except they sometimes remind me of stupid 4 year olds. Well, they are not that bad, they have yet to put poop in their mouth or ask what a pee pee is in church, but they were rather special ed in this episode.

Ikuto smiling is a little scary.

This episode is what I would call a filler. There was a bit of Ikuto, a bit of the three idiots working for Easter, the Chara’s thinking they found the Embryo, and a small fight scene that had no friend of the week. The Chara’s play a game of telephone and accidentally find Easter’s mini production of lame. They were working on a new way to hunt down the Embryo. It failed, they healed all the eggs, and Amu pouted at Ikuto and his anti social behavior. There actually isn’t much to say about this episode, except the fact that Suu actually saw the Embryo and no one believed her. See, I told you she was annoying, no one likes her!

Amu wishing that Ikuto wasn't so mysterious, but that is the best part about him!

Clannad afterstory episode 2

Who needs plot when you have sheep!

It was another crack, non-serious episode. We were given a few moments at the beginning with the robot man and the girl in the other world, this time with SHEEP in tow. Nothing more was really explained about the hidden world, except the little girl talked. This episode mainly focused on Youhei and how Tomoya is the meanest best friend you could ever have. Youhei’s sister Mei, despite being younger, is worried over her brothers future. Tomoya thinks the best way to alleviate her worries is to lie and say Youhei has a girlfriend. After all the girls say no (well, not Kotomi, her violin scared him away), Sanae decided to help out. Youhei is still operating under the impression Sanae is Nagisa’s sister, not mother. After the world’s stupidest practice date, Youhei and Sanae try to trick Mei into believing their lie.

Dating someone's married mom will probably end well....

This episode once again featured every girl but Fuko. Tomoya was mean so many times I lost count. Nagisa is not blind to his cruel behavior, but loves him anyway. Deep down, you realize that Youhei is probably jealous that a jerk like Tomoya got such a sweet girl and he wants to know what it feels like to be in love. I found Kotomi’s scene the best, with her cute obviousness and willingness to help. The episode was pretty straightforward, next week will be a continuation of Youhei dating Sanae’s mom. I look forward to Akio kicking Youhei across the continent when he finds out.

Kotomi is so cute!!!!
Thanks for reading!

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