Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kuroshitsuji Episode 1

Watch this show or get threaten with a dart!

I spun the wheel to pick another new fall 2008 anime and it landed on Kuroshitsuji. After reading the brief summary, I decided to give it a whirl. Yes, I am going to acknowledge that I am a hypocrite: Older males possibly hitting on way younger girls is gross, but it is not gross when it is a younger and older male. I don't disapprove of slight yaoi undertones, I actually encourage them.

Serve me now!

You know you want to read more

The first episode starts off with Ciel Phantomhive, the young master at the house, being woken up and cared for by his butler Sebastian. The day is focused on entertaining a guest, Damian, who works at one of the Phantomhive factories. The rest of the staff at the Phantomhive mansion (Bard-cook, Finian-gardener, Meirin-maid) royally screw up all of Sebastian's plans. He then plans a Japanese style dinner with corresponding yen garden. When Damian arrives, he is made to play a game with Ciel that has gruesome penalty squares. After the game, Ciel wants to continue the game, much to Damian's dismay. Damian makes a phone call and the viewers learn that he is really trying to scam money from Ciel. After the phone call, Damian gets lost in the mansion and experiences all the penalties he landed on in the game, which include breaking his legs and being burnt in an oven. Sebastian seems well aware of what is going on and is also the one who is locks Damian in the oven. Ciel seems nonchalant about the matter and Sebastian leaves the main hall after seeing a happy scene from the past.

Medium rare or well done sir?

This anime does the "Let's throw some weird and obscure information at you, then reveal much, much later that was a past event or future event". After said scene, the show continues on with normal, current everyday life. This little opener had a floating, scantily clad Ciel making some sort of pact with a being not clearly shown. There are ominous feathers everywhere and a voice basically telling him his soul was being sold to the devil. Some more feathers and strategically placed red cloth are moved by a breeze and the image of the crow changes into what could be Sebastian. After the opening song, it is life as usual in the household. Ciel however mentions twice "something once lost will never return". He could be talking about his parents, but he may be talking about his lost eye I am thinking he had to give up to gain Sebastian. A lot of speculation for just one episode, but that is the impression I was left with.

Yes, let's say it twice!

Given the description of the show, I was expecting more of a serious series rather than stupid moments. Meirin is by far the most annoying member of this cast with her classic clumsiness despite her job title, her unrequited love for Sebastian, and her annoying glasses (because that is how I see, with huge swirlies in front of my eyes). The other two (there is a third one, but he did nothing) seem just as incapable as Meirin. This idiotic trio is around for comic relief, but it hard to get into the serious moments when swirly eyes is questioning the obviously scared guest. Perhaps I am being too harsh, but they took away from the show, not added to it.

The stupid trio.

They are easier to handle without Meirin around.

Did anyone else experience a Code Geass moment in this show? First in the opening song where one of Ciel's eyes looks purple and geass like and second when Sebastian went "Yes My Lord" in English. Yes it could be just major coincidences, but I couldn't help but be amused by those moments. Of course, the name Ciel is not as awesome as Lelouch so we shouldn't worry too much.


Another 0_0 moment for me was the board game. Jumanji anyone? Of course, one experienced the negative penalties right away in Jumanji while all the events happened near the end in Kuroshitsuji. Still, it was like a piece of my childhood being reinvented for me to experience again. Ah, I love it when I go over the top. I also think that Damian's experience was more of a self fulfilling prophecy than a game trying to kill him, with the floating mask probably apart of Sebastian's ability.

it is sorta like candy land, without the gummy drops and rainbows.

Dramatic angle shot!

Ciel and Sebastian seem to have an interesting relationship. It looks like Ciel called upon Sebastian to do something (probably involving his parents due to his attitude towards their picture) yet he is not thrilled with Sebastian. Or at least if someone was waiting on me hand and foot, I wouldn't repay them with glares and darts to the head, but that is just me. Sebastian seems to do everything perfectly and helps protect Ciel from scammers, yet he is still given sneering looks. There is past bad blood between these too, probably Ciel upset he had to sacrifice his eye to get Sebastian’s services. Maybe it is too early to expect the underage yaoi moments.

MMMM symbolism!

The best part of the show was the closing credits. Not the song of course, but the little chibi day scenario. Everyone was far more cute in this chibi world, even Ciel who tends to always look so grumpy. Sebastian’s perfect abilities seem even cuter! I can even handle the stupid trio in this tiny state. The ending was rather random, but it works.

How cute is all that?!

After the first episode, I wasn’t terribly impressed, but I wasn’t bored out of my mind. Kuroshitsuji earns an alright after the premier episode, so things can either go way up or stay mediocre. Hopefully the stupid trio will be limited and we can see other sides to Ciel. Sebastian and his cat face makes a good demon butler and the next episode the pace picks up. They can keep the past a secret for now, with just hints and clues along the way. Give me a reason to keep coming back for more.

They weren't kidding about the darts.

Thanks for reading!

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