Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tales of the Abyss Episode 1

More anime already?!
The 2008 fall anime season is upon us, the masses rejoice! Despite the huge list of anime I have yet to watch (one day Kanon, one day), I have decided to torture myself and watch weekly newly aired anime. One anime on my list is Tales of the Abyss.
Click for thoughts on the first two episodes.

Traveling in style.

The first episode exploded my mind with details. It was a very overwhelming first 5 minutes. I am not sure I can remember a time I was given so many details at once. This world is made of fonons and some priestess named Yulia Jue used these these elements to read the future on the score. There are two factions in the world (Empire Kimlasca and Empire Malkuth), but they are only pretending to be nice with the Band-Aided alliance because of the Fon Master. There are soldiers called Oracle Knights who guard the Church of Lorelie who in turn are guarding the future reading score thing. Oh and then there is some red hair kid kidnapped from one faction and returned 1 year later with no memories of his prior life. He is prophesied to be the change in the world.

Forgetten promise.

Yeah, that was my mind exploding. With 26 episodes planned, you would think they could spread out these details out better. Being bombarded with information doesn’t make me think this is a fast paced anime; it makes me think it was sloppy planning. We are also told right off the bat Luke has “headaches”, he has a fiancée, and there is a mysterious voice telling Luke he is a part of his soul. TOO MUCH INFORMATION!


After putting my melted brain back into my skull, I resisted the urge to research Tales of the Abyss. It is based on a video game, so perhaps that explains the fast pace dialogue of facts; I am suppose to know what is going on. So I decided to try to digest all these facts, but focus more on the current storyline.

Let's just pretend none of that happened.

We are introduced to many characters in the first two episodes (perhaps too many…). Luke is the protagonist and comes off flat at first: spoiled rich prince, reckless, ignores the rules, mysterious past. He is easy to warm up to however. Yeah, he is pretty stupid to how the real world works, but its fun laughing at him. He does come off a little ungrateful to the lengths people go to protect him, but soon you feel bad for this caged bird. He pretends not to care for others, but he can’t NOT protect those who annoy him. He wishes for an adventure, so obviously he will get one and become more appreciative of the life he had before (if he survives of course).


Luke is surrounded by many interesting characters. There is his servant friend Guy and his fiancée from childhood Natalia. I am not sure how much of these two we will be seeing, as Luke has been flown a continent away from them. Van is Luke’s teacher and solider for the Church of Lorelei. He seems to have a shady past, as his sister Tear tried to chop his head off (after using her way cool singing magic to stop everyone in the mansion). Tear is kinda iffy for me. She comes off so strong, yet she wants to help Luke get back home? She loves cute little animals, but she is this badass who slices monsters up like cranberry sauce? I understand that tough girls often have a heart of gold at the end, but I would like to see a progression of that. Or I am just insane, as an anime has actually created a more rounded character and I am just ungrateful! And Mieu is the cutest mascot I have seen in a while! Sign me up for that plushie. Some viewers are turned off by this anime because of this cute buddle of eye poppin fun! They are upset that they had to use a ploy like that mascot to draw in a wider audience. Well GUYS fair is fair, let’s cut out all those random boob and panty shots in serious action animes and see how you like it. The people have spoken: Cheagles are cute! And Ion is super cute! Ion better not get slaughtered in an attempt to protect the church of Lorelei. Anise would make a much better sacrifice.

Clearly Mieu needs a hug!


Cute and deadly make a great combination!

There are a few things that are going to annoy me with this show. Jade and Anise are two other characters in the show that will probably be the most annoying. Hopefully Anise’s screen time is limited and that her cat backpack eats her or something. Luke’s headaches came on a little strong, I hope he doesn’t get his soul reminded every episode. Tear better have a good reason for wanting to kill her brother and not “he left home to serve the code thingy…thing”. I felt a little bad when some of the animals were getting killed while others are spared, but that happens in a typical game setting so MAN UP MYSELF! Hopefully Luke does not continue to act so oblivious about paying for things and real people problems. It might get annoying after a while, but as long as Tear beats him each time, it might be worth it.

I want to go into battle looking like that...

Something I hope is explained a little bit better is this fonon compound..thing. Call me slow, but I am not quite sure what a fonon is. I haven’t played the game, nor should I have to read about the game to understand it. Or maybe I am reading too much into what a fonon is. Maybe a fonon is just a random magical element people get in animes/games. Sort of like how this world is made up of carbon and elements like that, this world is made up of fonons. Who knows, this is an anime show I am demanding scientific answers from!

It all makes perfect sense...

People often get a little skeptical of games that get turned into anime. It never seems to affect me as I do not play many games. The first two episodes, despite the onslaught of information, went well. A colorful cast of characters, an AWESOME mascot, and hopefully not a cliché plot. Unless something really awful happens, I will be watching each episode as it comes out weekly. I am a trooper after all. ;) I hope that everyone else watching this show finds it enjoyable as well and that we are treated to an amazing ending.
Why did you leave me for last?!

Thanks for reading.

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