Monday, December 3, 2012

Zetsuen no Tempest episode 8

Why am I so tired lately?! I did get a lot done today though so maybe my tiredness is justified. Dishes done, laundry done, battling the mall, and screaming at Andrea for being a dumbass on The Walking Dead is hard work folks! Cross your fingers that my neighbors discover that cell phones have replaced honking outside people's houses in the morning. Like really not all of us have kids and need to be up at the crack of dawn.
How can the end be near already?!
Before I head off to bed one more post that really has been delayed too long already. Zetsuen no Tempest episode 8. Spoilers for Yoshino's head nearly exploding.
How many of these things did you hide?!
Episode Summary: Somewhere over the rainbow Evangeline is with the military guys as they move in to surrounded Samon's hideout. Samon watches with his binoculars and states he will stop Hakaze's good luck today. Mahiro and Yoshino stop to look at the helicopters but it decided that if they could break through it would take weeks. Hakaze instructs the boys on how to break through the barrier and they suit up for battle. Yoshino asks if anything will change today and Mahiro still doesn't care. Mahiro briefly thinks about dead Aika but then is like lets go. The military begins their attack as Evangeline watches the lies the government is telling the citizens of Japan. Missiles all over the place and while they don't break the shield Samon's men are forced to take down the cloaking device to redistribute power. That means the scary tree of Exodus is revealed. The military men freak out but Mahiro and Yoshino use quite a few talismans to break in. They start to take off to the tree but run into Samon. Thus begins the longest conversation ever that didn't need to be. Hakaze talks about how she won and Samon needs to give up. Samon explains to anyone who is listening that the Tree of Exodus is not causing the black iron syndrome. It is the Tree of Genesis who put that effect if anyone tried to revive the Tree of Exodus. The world was created why Genesis slept and when it awakens it will feed off all of civilizations and destroy the world as it is not completely logical.
Aika is behind everything isn't she?
Hakaze doesn't argue that the world is not logical but says that the Genesis Tree will simply just...fix the mistakes and not destroy the world. That the fight between the two trees would end up destroying the world. Yoshino stops and thinks that all of this is very...shocking and that they really don't know Hakaze or magic very well. Mahiro is like psht for all I know you both are telling the truth and I don't care. All I want is to find my sister's killer. Samon muses how Hakaze managed to find Mahiro, the seemingly perfect person to help her. Hakaze stops and thinks about that too. Yoshino starts to worry about Mahiro's mental well being when Samon is like oh by the way I have a barrel full of Hakaze right here. Hakaze points out that she is talking to him right now and what the hell. Samon makes the skeleton dance again and asks Hakaze to tell him what year it is. When she answers the boys pale, as that is two years ago. She freaks out but is like um no I have a log here that is keeping track of the time. Samon says that Hakaze is two years in the past and is only able to communicate to the boys because her magic is that powerful. Hakaze looks shocked as Samon basically says checkmate with his eyes. THE END!
That is a very good question. XD
Blink blink...what did I just watch....a week ago? Yes folks a week ago. I am just that much of a slacker. You know how you fall so behind on things you just give up on catching up? I feel a bit like that. XD Hopefully the feeling passes.
Photobucket did something. Go you.
Not much happened with the military people. So much so I forgot the head dude's name. It is hard to blame them for their lame attacks and fruitless attempts. Would you rather them not do anything and let the world end? Nope it is better to go out with a bang yes? Of course going up against magic surely means disaster will happen. They must have known that but at least they were making a dent. Well this was “logical” magic and not fireball magic after all.
Does she actually have a real role or is this it for Evangeline?
Evangeline seems to know that the military is going to come up short. I might be hiding somewhere else if that is the case though. I thought something more was going to happen with her and Yoshino but clearly she was just using him? I am not sure what Yoshino got out of the deal now that I think about it. Maybe more will be revealed later, how he has an insurance plan that Mahiro will be taken care of? I don't know.
But you matter to me!
I guess I could talk about that. This is all happening very fast for Yoshino and yet he is keeping a very level head and realizes that Mahiro is a ticking time bomb. Well he has probably always been a ticking time bomb but now it might actually go off. KA-BOOM! While Yoshino might act like he really doesn't care for Mahiro he is always thinking about him and how meaningless Mahiro's life will be once he gets revenge. Of course Yoshino really could be thinking about himself and applying it Mahiro. Still I would like to think this is a real friendship and Yoshino really is worried for Mahiro.
Does Samon carry this barrel around everywhere?
So after the military guys weaken the shield maybe slightly and the boys got was a showdown with Samon. And there were so many dramatic stick hitting pauses I was like what the hell. Just say what you want to say. Stop throwing around skeletons and talking in circles. Get to the point.
He doesn't seem all that worried. Is he on drugs?
From Samon's point of makes sense in a worse case scenario type deal. I am not sure why the clan worships a tree that has NOTHING to do with the world but I guess if they borrow its power maybe it makes sense. But if the world was made after the Tree of Genesis was sleeping I can see how one might think the tree might wake up and go homicidal on everyone. I would have liked Samon to list some examples of why this world isn't logical but meh. I can see it either way.
So lets deal with the tree we know and call it a day.
Despite the fact that Hakaze kept this little piece of information from the boys I can see her point of view too. That why are you all doom and gloom. Maybe the tree will take up and fix the things that are wrong with the world. You are just assuming that the tree is going to wake up and destroy everything. After all we worship the tree and it has done us right so far right?
Magic is logic weeee!
Of course I am on Yoshino's side the most. The side that was making the confused faces and trying to piece everything together. If this tree you worship needs civilization stuff to function...what WILL happen when it wakes up and sees a buffet. But then again it is not proof that the Genesis tree is up to no good by putting such defenses on the Exodus tree, the black iron syndrome. Yeah it does sound super harsh but if it trying to prevent something that is even worse and maybe trying to kill the people summoning the Exodus tree I wouldn't take that as proof that the Genesis is evil. It's not proof that it is good either. What it does prove is we are having entire conversations about trees.
At least he's honest?
Mahiro was like who the hell cares about the world I want my revenge. That seems to be the only thing he can say. Of course....if the world ends the killer will die anyway right? So....if Mahiro does nothing the world might end and he still gets his wish? In any event he cares for Aika still and has gone off into crazy land.
Did you steal that from a high school school science room?
Samon took forever to explain things about Hakaze because he thinks dangling around a skeleton is proof of something. Good thing he isn't a lawyer. But then he is like um Hakaze what year is it? As I bash my staff all about. That is all he needed to say! Stop dragging it out.
You mean I have missed Season Two of The Walking Dead and part of Season Three?!
After Samon's explanation on how Hakaze can be dead and still alive I am still not believing it. I mean it could explain why Hakaze doesn't know that Aika is dead and who did it. But all this time we have been told logic tree this and logic tree that. I know magic isn't that logical but traveling through time seems too far removed from logic. Add in the fact that Hakaze was watching the explosions on her island and I am thinking this was a bluff to throw off Yoshino and Hakaze. Not Mahiro as he is like SHOOT THEM ALL!
Most suspicious thing about this whole show.
Of course I could be wrong. Hakaze could be dead, Aika could be dead, and Samon could be right. I am just saying that it might not be all true. If this is true I want to know why Aika died so peacefully. That part doesn't add up no matter who is right. That might seem like a small detail to other people but usually when someone is killed they don't look like they peacefully took a nap. Just oh I fell asleep. Maybe that is the part we should be focusing on.
Can I just go back to staring at my cellphone all day please?
So...what was my point? Hakaze maybe or may not be dead. Samon should be worried that he doesn't have her around in case the ceremony goes wrong but maybe the trees listen to bones. Yoshino is realizing that believing people over magical talking dolls because it might not work out. And Mahiro...well he just wants to shoot people. Will that happen next episode? We shall find out soon. XD


Anonymous said...

Hello @Christina

Time travel? I think the writers are making things up as the show goes along. Like Kubo Tite. LOL! I mean, we already have magical powers and trees of epicness, so I guess the writers wanted to be more complex for the sake of being complex by adding time travel. What's next? Aliens from outer space? Magical school girls that will save the world at the end? LOL!

The government forces should have created an anti-magic police force like I posted on a previous episode. And they should be experts on stopping mages and countering sorcery. That way, they would have taken down the barrier easily and just drop a tactical missile on the enemy. There, mission accomplished! No need for long banters of exposition that anime is famous for.

I still think that everyone is being manipulated by a greater evil besides the trees of epicness. And that greater evil is probably Aika. Would be very interesting to see the most interesting character of the show as the true villain. Also, it would be a dark plot twist if Mahiro was the real killer and he developed amnesia just to forget Aika's death.

I doubt the show's ending after eight episodes. They'll probably go into season 2 to wrap up the plot.

That's all I have for Zetsuen.

Anonymous said...

I won't spoil anything, but if you think this is a "plot twist", wait till latter.........

Christina said...

Anonymous 1- I think Mahiro being the real killer might be a possibility. His entire purpose for living at this point is to find the killer. Like perhaps he has such trauma after killing Aika he forgot and subconsciously he knows that she needs justice and this quest will help him to come to terms with his actions. Now would Mahiro kill Aika out of jealously or because she might cause the end of the world?

I am not really buying the time travel thing either. It just sound way too....much. Even for this show. Hakaze can see the battle and is the most powerful mage out there. This might just be a big smoke and mirror to hide us from the fact that Aika is actually the creator of the trees and is coming to kill everyone.

Anonymous- I hope it is Aika being Hakaze's sister. Because then everything might make sense. Maybe. Might. Maybe might.


This article is very good, I benefited a lot from it
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