Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shin Sekai Yori episode 10: Is it raining, is it snowing

I am pretty sure my brain has melted from this episode. Of course I must be in the minority after reading comments on the internets about this episode. Maybe I am just not understanding the popularity of this series or something folks. Just one melted brain here.
Are you reading my mind now?
What am I talking about? Shin Sekai Yori of course. Episode 10. Spoilers for Saki finding Shun. Or a Shun like creature.
A fight against quality animation!
Episode Summary: Saki and her poorly animated self stare at the tainted cat...and it attacks her. It grabs her by the neck and flings her around a bit. Saki looks like WHOA this suck and starts to say something. The cat is flung away and Saki starts speaking again. The cat twists in the air and dies. The necklace Shun gave Saki is broken as it did nothing in the battle. Saki keeps walking to Pinewood but instead she took a turn down crazy land as things look odd. Saki almost passes out but manages to make it to a pond made out of TicTacs and spots Shun the Plaster Tree. He regains a human look and tells Saki she should leave. She decides to stay because she cares for him. He says he will give her ten minutes and leads her into the house of crazy. Shun has to focus on these beads or else Saki will die. Saki wants to know what is happening to Shun but doesn't want to stop flopping all over the place to listen to all of his words. In a nut shell Shun has learned more about their powers. While they go to school and are hypnotized to keep everything in check their subconscious takes over. Shun even takes the time to explain the barriers outside the village are there to protect the outside world and to also make the kids fear something so their leaking powers go there instead. Thus weird little monsters have been created over time. Now small amounts of power leak from everyone but Shun's have gotten completely out of control and the leaders have done everything in their power to seal it back up. But Shun and his lonely self have become a karma demon. At least he has his mutated dog by his side. Saki cries that she wants to help Shun but he knows he is beyond help. The other tainted cat appears and Shun's dog dies protecting Shun. It appears Shun kills the cat but something else is coming to take him away. Shun tells Saki to escape but confesses that he loves her. Saki floats away as Shun's mask breaks and the entire area is destroyed. THE END!
Well indeed.
Why....why haven't I given up on this series yet? After each episode I feel more and more confused, angry, and dissatisfied. I almost wanted to just type out what I was feeling when I watched each scene. But I think that it would have been a series of what the hell, seriously, and this can't be happening. I don't think that would be very fun to read. Not that this show is much fun to watch.
Can you speak up please? Thanks.
What the hell was Saki mumbling? Now she is a wizard? She has a barrel? What is going on? I thought each kid had to focus on things to make them happen and last time I checked Saki was failing in jar repair. So now she can say a few words and twist a cat like a towel? She also was chanting things when she left her house. Did Shun give her some magic words or something?
Did a human heart make that messed up cat?
I am not impressed with the cat though. Like tear her little arms off or something. Not a scratch on Saki and this was the ultimate nomming machine? Refund please. Not that Shun's necklace did much. I mean I thought it had powers or something. It just looked like it was made out of powerful metal and had the cat bit her anywhere else Saki would be bacon bits. Just...not impressed.
Watch out for trees!
The worst part of this episode was the entire thing. Or the concept. It was so hard to concentrate on what was being said because apparently I took drugs before this episode. Like all of them. I ran to the nearest shady corner and traded all my nendoroids for every drug possible and consumed them along with red bull, Code Red, and Windex. Or you know...the people who made this show think that acid trips are the best way to tell a story.
I was serious about the Tic Tacs folks.
Which is fine. In small doses. Like oh no Shun is making everything look weird. Then we move on to Shun briefly controlling things. OR we can pretend this is Inception on crack. Rivers made of Tic Tacs, floating marble things, slanted houses, ect. This was way too much. Trying WAY too hard to be edgy. Instead of being interesting and adding to the story it was distracting and way over the top. No bueno.
So the moral of this anime is humans are messed up?
Since the acid trip took up most of the episode there was very little said about what was going on. It was explained but probably could have been done much faster had Shun been made out of human and not some crazy ass doll stuck in plaster with a demon dog by his side. So much chaos in my mind I will have nightmares.
Shun is seriously screwed up.
Which ironically is what is wrong with Shun. Apparently everyone left in this world is so powerful they leak out power. No seriously that was the explanation folks. Their powers are to be controlled through all this song and dance but deep down not much can be done. Their subconscious leaks out and things turn all Hypno Toad on us. There were many, many more words for this (despite me saying that the explanation portion was short) but that is the short version.
Is that a serious question?
Now I wanted to know why this was happening to Shun. One would think since he had such potential and power he could control this better. But your subconscious is your subconscious and I guess these things just happen. That and Shun seemed a little unstable after their events in Queerat land. Which is actually understandable, that is how they all should have been.
Maybe all the insanity as blinded Saki but um...yeah. Things are not looking too good here.
So other odd things about this episode? Saki flopping all over the place in a dramatic like fashion. I have seen less cheese during a soap opera episode. She and Shun never touched which felt odd. The fact that Saki's mom had Shun read up on what was going to happen to him so he could add in his experiences....like thanks you can't cure me but I can help you give more grim advice to someone later than? I SEE!
Then...why were you doing Satoru? Still haven't gotten an explanation about this VIA THE SHOW.
I kinda felt bad for Satoru even though he wasn't in this episode. Shun confessed his love to Saki and I felt as if that meant he didn't love Satoru. I mean...in this free love society anything goes but it just seems like a lot of hurt feelings can take place. Oh and if Shun loved Saki and Saki loved Shun maybe they should have gotten together instead of being like the others and being in gay relationships.
Well isn't this special?
A confession that came too late and soon Saki was sent flying away from the house. I found this all odd because I read spoilers on the internet that I thought meant something but clearly Shun died without causing anyone else harm. Well besides his parents. Maybe it has changed? Either way I found it odd that Saki found the will to live after learning and experiencing all of this. And in true movie fashion when the animal died everyone went AWWWW and when the humans died everyone went meh.

Still waiting to see how this is ALL MARIA'S FAULT! Reading some spoilers accidentally I know what might happen but even then I don't see how it is Maria's fault. At this point Saki should just kill all the adults and let the kids run free because repopulating the Earth ain't happening. Only sadness remains and powers suck. 

I shall leave you with a song that describes what it was like to watch this episode. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Corbyn said...

Why do you use such low quality videos for your screencaps? The streaming sites just download from the fansub sites (with the exception of legitimate streams like crunchy and viz) and throttle the bandwidth for streaming resulting in horrible video quality. Please do everyone a favor and stop posting screencaps from AnimePlus.TV and instead post screencaps from utw.me where those subtitles originally came from.

Also, Shinsekai Yori is a psychological anime. It's meant to make you think. It's also riddled with symbolism and can be very hard to pick up on.