Monday, December 3, 2012

Little Busters episode 7

Anime? Posts? Tenchi doing something? So crazy! XD But yes folks....anime posts! I has them. Well two. Hopefully more are to come. I have caught up on my trip reports and my house is looking house like. At least I know there will be more by Tuesday!
Well I accidentally accelerated my car into someone's body. Sorry.
For now Little Busters episode 7. Spoilers for Haruka being...a brat really. Enjoy.
With all these insane people....? Will practice actually take place?
Episode Summary: Masato starts to celebrate the fact that he has paid attention in class when he realizes he doesn't have his English homework. Kengo suggests using the aliens took my homework excuse and Rin declares them idiots. This starts another battle of throwing objects into the ring and watching Masato lose. Rin declares Masato trash as she is the winner and can declare a title. Everyone starts calling Masato trash which upsets him. Rin and her weird self decide that his new name is retard. Not much better. Kyousuke changes the subject to getting more baseball members. Everyone decides that since Riki has been the only person to recruit anyone so far...he should continue to do all the work. Riki and Rin take a walk around the school and run into Haruka being...special. Since she has nothing else to do Riki invites her to play baseball. Kyousuke puts her through the membership test where they find out she is left handed and pretty special. Before everyone can sing and dance the Disciplinary Committee comes to take Haruka away for some pranks she has done. She tries to run away but they send DOGS after her. She is taken away and the rest of the Little Busters talk about if she is a serious candidate. Some time after the fact Kengo falls victim to a water bucket prank and immediately blames Kengo. Haruka soon pops up and says she set the trap up but forgot to take it down. The Disciplinary Committee reappears to catch Haruka but she runs away with Riki and escapes by using marbles. Noumi almost falls victim to the marbles but Riki saves her. Before Haruka can finish her escape she runs into the head of the Disciplinary committee Kanata. Haruka suddenly becomes very quiet and listens to Kanata yell at her. Kanata also gives Riki a bit of a yelling session as when Masato and Rin fought the other day they broke a desk. She walks off, upset at all the trouble makers. Riki goes to inform the other Littler Busters that they are in trouble for the desk and most of them feel bad. Kyousuke is like oh well time for practice and Riki has to run off as he forgot his uniform. When he goes back to the classroom to see Haruka finishing up fixing the desk. Haruka explains that she is actually a good girl who just has problems with....being on time and following the rules. Haruka and Riki walk outside when the Disciplinary Committee lead by Kanata appear. They take Haruka's bag and find 4 drink cans in there. Haruka explain she won them from the vending machine and the Disciplinary Committee decides that she is either lying or doesn't deserve the drinks. Riki busts out that they shouldn't be so mean to Haruka and that draws the attention of Masato and the others. They pool together their money to buy the drinks so Haruka can be innocent of any crimes. Kanata walks off with her people and Haruka looks very conflicted on what just happened. All seems to be well with Haruka passes Kyousuke's version of a test and she is officially a Little Buster. She and Rin celebrate by picking on Masato. THE END!
Even the characters are running away from the boring.
Well...that was a heap of boring? X___X That sounds a little harsh but its the truth folks. I least I know what is going on with this show but being boring is not answer for being confusing.
Good thing this was YOUR idea.
I love how all the Little Busters have decided they are beyond lazy and will let Riki get them new members. Like this is all Kyousuke's idea and those who aren't evil and wearing robes have decided to be apart of it. But now since Riki has been the only one to get new members well why change a good thing is what some people must be thinking.
You is pretty special should join our club thing.
While I think this episode was boring at least Riki has some sense. A bit of snark if you would. He comments on how things seem stupid or special. Like sure I will go and get all the new members for something you thought of Kyousuke. Okay Haruka you can keep on thinking you are special. At least Riki acknowledges that everything is insane around him. Saying what everyone is thinking I suppose.
Is Masato's story arc him explaining why he is so dumb?
Masato getting in a fight with everyone is old. I mean the fact he can't even pronounce words right or say simple sayings is special. But the fights? I must agree with the Disciplinary Committee. The constant fights are a headache and dumb. Especially since Masato fights girls half his size. I mean...I suppose he knows that these girls can dish it out. Hopefully he is not dumb enough to fight people like Komari. But yes. Throw all your stupid items into the ring folks! It is about to get special up in here.
Well he is stupid. And what?
I guess we were suppose to feel bad that Rin called Masato stupid. Do the boys get arcs in this show or is it all about the ladies that Riki may or may not have the sexy times with? Well if they wanted to/right things were unlocked. Because Masato at times was taking the name calling a little hard. I would like to think some character development is possible with these people but who knows. Maybe he is just muscles and that is all we are going to get from him. BORING!
Probably Masato's head.
It actually makes sense that Haruka becomes a Little Buster member more than the other girls so far. I mean...Riki knows her already. So do some of the Little Busters. Why not start with people you already know? XD She seems special like Komari and...tough like Rin. So she will make a perfect member right?
Look at my tears!!!
Of course everyone who joins the Little Busters has to have a sad backstory right? Maybe they will circle back around and get Yuiko later. For now it is all about Haruka and her questionable fashion choices. Her hair is special is it not? So Haruka. We have seen her around school and seems like an energetic girl. Only now that all the focus is on her we see that she is EVIL! Running around skipping classes, missing curfew, and pulling pranks. All cries for attention right.
Too similar for my tastes.
Now maybe I just assume things because my little eyes work but Haruka and Mr. Disciplinary Headlady Kanata look like twins right? Very similar hair. If Haruka didn't wear hers in such a ridiculous way she would look just like Kanata. Wait you say, they have different last names? Well we all know in dramas in animes, what with separating twins and such. So one lives with the mother and one lives with the father? Probably. Now why do I think this? Haruka was all off throwing marbles and causing problems but the second Kanata showed up...she changed. Haruka had a change of face. Like oh here is my awesome sister that I always disappoint. So...that must be the sad backstory yes?
Soda Gate!!!!
All that being said Kanata was right and Riki was wrong. The issue with the sodas was pretty sad. It would have been one thing if Haruka had slugged the machine and got the sodas for free but to say she doesn't deserve the freebies or that she should feel bad about getting the freebies is dumb.
Well the girl is constantly crying wolf.
But other than that....time to sit down Riki. Haruka is a trouble maker. I mean they were acting a little extreme but skipping classes and steal materials from school. It is not really a great offense to call Haruka liar in light of all of that. Riki can be the great defender of women but maybe he should do so when she is right and he knows it. It was hard to take this scene seriously when all Riki has seen her do is cause problems and fix ONE desk. I was just not feeling the justice.
Congrads, you are a part of this crazy group now!
I suppose putting aside the fact that Haruka felt like crying most of this episode and probably acts like a giant jerk because her sister is so amazing...I guess everyone else was having fun. She passed Kyousuke spirit test, she can play catch with herself, and Yuiko has a new girl to fawn all over. She is cute enough to help Komari raise the cuteness level and is snarky enough to play off with Rin. Maybe Masato should just quit the team now. :( No one likes him.
I meant it when I said drive by folks!
Did anything else happen in this episode? I know Noumi made a drive by appearance? Sorry kiddo it isn't your turn yet. I like that the Disciplinary Committee uses a dog to attack people. And high school students are amazing because they can fix desks and stuff. Up next...I am sure Riki will help some other girl out. And then we will circle back to all the angry folk he hasn't helped yet. XD


Anonymous said...

Hello @Christina

Yes! I called it when I said that Little Bustahs was going to introduced dogs!

All right, enough of my nonsensical victory speech. Here's my thoughts on Little Busters.

I do feel bad for Masato. Constantly being a joke to EVERYONE! Yeah, I know friends joke around each other all the time, but Rin and the others were just out right mean to him. If I were him, I quit Little Busters like you said and find some real friends--I do agree that the writers make it look like nobody likes Masato. I hope they expand on his character and show that he has hidden depth and not just being dumb muscle. Maybe he's just pretending to be stupid and in reality he's really a deep person that has tremendous talents. But I have my doubts since this is a harem show (somewhat), and that the guys (except Riki) are probably not going to be in the spotlight for this one. The writers made Masato a joke character, but the joke can only go so long before it gets overused and boring. Now, it's slowly becoming sad and makes all the other characters look mean.

I don't know how I feel about the new girl. She's a troublemaker, and they just accepted her into their team. Unless she's truly talented and has amazing baseball skills, a troublemaker like her would be detrimental to the team and cause conflict among members.

Well, that's my thoughts on this episode.

eternia said...

You are far behind in blogging this show, Christina, I have just watched episode 9 as I read this.
My concern is, why did they put Komari's route in the beginning, and returned to common route for the next 4 or 5 episode? It's totally not making any sense!
Well, about Haruka, she is a troublemaker! Every girls in Little Busters! is a generic trope which stays true to how they are supposed to act. Despite that, they are all loveable. The reason is very simple, all of them are such good friends, and having so much fun. Instead of fighting / competing to sleep with the main character, unlike most other anime.

Christina said...

Anonymous- I do feel bad for Masato. He really is pretty stupid but if you claim to be a friend with someone you probably let that fact slide. Maybe everyone once and a while you pick on each other EQUALLY but being the constant butts of jokes must be sad. I wish he would get more of a background story but like you said the guys are just there to....I don't know. Help Riki or something. He seems closer to Riki than Kyousuke and Kengo so there should be an episode about him! But yes the jokes are getting slightly stale now.

Haruka seems way too out there to be a good member of the Little Busters. Everyone else is constantly getting in trouble, they should find someone who seems normal to be on their team. I know, crazy talk.

Eternia- I am behind on life! XD Just when I think I have finally caught up BAM 392 more episodes.

As someone who hasn't played the game I thought the pacing was a bit off too. Get to know Komari at first and then bring in her drama. That way it would make more sense to be all sad for her story.

Maybe all the girls can be like Sister Wives. It is a show in the states about a man whose religion allows for him to be a skank and "marry" more than one wife. Only I believe the women get along better with each other than their husband. XD