Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mahou Shoujo Kazumi Magica- the Innocent Malice chapters 15-17

X__X It has been a while since my last manga post hasn’t it? I am such a slacker. :( What happened to me blogging Legal Drug? Such a bad CLAMP fan.
Look at all the happy!
But the reason why Mahou Shoujo Kazumi Magica- the Innocent Malice hasn’t been blogged in a while is ….no one was translating it. Not sure what happened, maybe real life things got in the way. But recently someone has stepped up and started catching up with the chapters. Which is a good thing because I was turning into a crazy person refreshing the page every day. So without further ado…chapters 15-17 WEEE!
Yay for Satomi saving everyone!!!!!.....
Satomi is still made of crazy. She was cackling when she thought she killed Kazumi and the last clone but surprise Kazumi absorbed that clone too. Kazumi starts walking towards Satomi who freaks out saying witches can’t touch her. Well that might not work as her Soul Gem cracks and she turns into a hairdryer witch. So…so special these witches. I saw something today that reminded me of a Mahou Insert Name Her Magica witch but now I forget what it was. I think it was on cake wrecks, the Sunday edition with the good steampunk cakes. I forget though.
Wft is that?!
Kazumi tries to avoid the now Satomized witch and she turns…sorta into her magical girl self. I say sorta as she looks like a cracked out octopus. I think it is safe to say the good times are official over. Until Madoka shows up and then things will only sorta suck. See Kazumi, wasn’t it better when you had no memories at all?
Aw I am here to eat your soul.
Kazumi ends up fighting a bunch of Satomi familiar which are little tiny critters. Kazumi quickly makes work of them and reveals the “real” Satomi witch. A cute little bunny thing. It might have been cuter had Kazumi’s eyes not been so insane.
Oh hi just passing out despair people. XD
At this point Mirai has arrived to take care of the Saki and her magical growing hair. When they reach Kazumi she is bashing Satomi against a wall. She thought or was bashing the cute bunny thing against the wall but when the other girls arrive it is Satomi the human. I am not sure what this means. Was Kazumi seeing things and it was easier for her to think it was a witch she was bashing against the wall? Like the witch process was stopped before it happened. That makes more sense that Kazumi being able to reverse the progress somehow. Either way I am sure Saki and Mirai were traumatized.
A giant mess that needs to be destroyed?
Saki makes the grand mistake of referring to Kazumi as Michuri. Very bad idea indeed. Also Saki is a little insane herself right? Making fake Kazumis all to pretend she is her dead friend? I mean it is awful her friend died but continuing to do all of this is just as awful and creepy. In any event Kazumi starts screaming she is Kazumi and asks the others when they finally arrive. Right?! She isn’t totally made from witch meat?! Because at this point there might be a sliver of hope….
Emotions are bad right Nico?
When Kazumi doesn’t get the answers she wants she runs away. Obviously. The other girls meet up and have a weird meeting. The first part of the meeting makes a great deal of sense. It is Saki blaming herself for not killing the clones off and everyone else says it is their fault since they knew how close Saki was to Michuri. That is petty suck ass of them all. They make the Kazumis together they should kill them together. But then the conversation got weird. Nico the ever…calm one is like what are we going to with all these dead girls? Cause we ain’t got enough magic. Ah Nico…so matter of fact. Who needs emotions right? It is decided that they will not stop making Michiru clones but what to do with Kazumi? Can they really give this story an unhappy ending? If Mirai has were way then yes. Yes they can.
Well hello there nonimportant character...
Somewhere on a tall building Kazumi is thinking about how much her life sucks. Or what she thought was her life. I am surprised she didn’t throw herself off the building. I would have at this point. No no now it is time for Misako the cop to return. Remember her? Well for some reason she finds Kazumi and decides to take her somewhere safe. Kazumi is relieved to learn the cop has no memories of the evil nut incident but learns that Misako is actually following up on cases of missing girls. Guess what missing girls those are.
And she's hungry. Can't forgot THAT part.
Things start to get slightly interesting, with Misako talking about how the missing girls sent text messages right before disappearing. Kazumi realizes the messages were about them but different words were used. But before things could get down to the point Kazumi starts crying about how she has nothing and woe is her. Which you know….makes sense. Oh and Kazumi decides she is hungry. Because after all she has gone through she decides it is meal time.
Good thing we are tying that in so late in the game.
Being that it is bring back the useless characters day Misako takes Kazumi to Tachibana’s restaurant. Who puts butter in coffee? Excuse me while I gag. But that is not the point of this trp. While Kazumi sleeps Misako explains why she is a detective. When she was in middle school her best friend went missing and there were never any leads. I wonder what could have happened to her.
What a cute costume AND little sister.
Much to my surprise on the very next page Misako talks about magical girls. I thought this was going to be a talk with adults clued out of this world. But no the best friend’s little sister mumbled something about magical girls at the time and it has stuck with Misako to this day. Of course this has made Misako the laughing stock of the police department which would explain why she is so desperate to prove herself. I don’t know, I guess it is nice for once that some adults have a bit of an idea on what the heck is going on. Tachibana listens like a good little side character and wishes that magic was real too. 

Cut to Kazumi taking a shower with swirls all over her body. Good thing they aren’t anywhere visible or people would be asking questions right? She has been at Tachibana’s place for over a week and has been pretty depressed. Tachibana then gives Kazumi something that Kaoru dropped off. Michiru’s diary. Kazumi flips through it and sees all the fun times Michiru and the others had and that Michiru felt guilty for making all the girls into magical girls aka young witches.
See all these memories that aren't yours? Don't you feel better?!
Then Kaoru says they are going to try again to create a Michiru and Satomi and do to that Kazumi has to die. At first I was like WFT way to be insane Kaoru. But then Kaoru redeems herself and says that she will let Kazumi run away and will kill the others to protect her. Okay maybe that part is still a bit insane but at least Kaoru is giving her a heads up, recognizing that Kazumi deserves to live. I don’t know if I believe that completely as Kazumi keeps on turning into a witch….might be too dangerous to let go. In any event Kazumi is touched by this note and asks Tachibana to make her favorite meal. Well Michiru’s favorite meal. Then she bids him farewell before she contacts the rest of the Pleiades Saints. Hopefully Tachibana will get his memories erased because that is slightly traumatizing.
Bringer of happiness!!!!
Instead of running away like Kaoru suggested Kazumi…summons the rest of the girls to the freezer. Show up or I will turn the frozen girls into witches. Now I would like to think that Kazumi is still…well sane. She might not be human but she has feelings and emotions and has read Michiru’s diary. Surely she wouldn’t do that to another girl so it was a bluff right?
Okay Ms. Crazypants....
But Kazumi did have a crazy look on her face when she started talking to the girls. Don’t lie to me anymore or else! She has an important question though. Why did all the other clones have Michiru’s memories and not her? Seems like a very good question if you ask me. If they wanted a Michiru clone it would only make sense to give her the memories. Otherwise it just be someone who looked like Michiru right? 

Different girls take turns explaining that the other clones with memories would start going insane in battle and turning into witches. They took it as a sign that they should stop with the memory part of the clone process. Maybe they should have stopped…the clone process all together? I mean CLEARLY after the 3rd clone things were not going to go right and maybe they should stop. Just saying folks. Everyone is crazy.
Maybe next time it will work out guys!!!!
After learning all of this Kazumi tells the other girls that they can’t allow any girls to die in despair. That no matter how many times it takes to bring back Michiru and Satomi. Again…not following the logic here. Things are not going well with all the other clones so why would Kazumi want this to keep happening? We get it. Hope. But you ain’t Madoka. But just as she is talking about hope…she tells all the girls to start over without her and turns herself into a partial witch. How is that for hope?

Kazumi, as she is transforming into witch, asks everyone if they really could have been friends had she been born a human. Twist that knife in further. Kaoru is the first victim of witch Kazumi. She hits the wall rather hard and is out for a while. Saki is one of the first transform and the girls start the attack on witch Kazumi. It is pretty awful, knowing these girls were all such close friends and now they have been reduced to this. A very paper thin alliance that is falling apart by the second.
The power of love folks...
Oh speaking of alliances falling apart…Kaoru gets up and starts fighting Saki. Or at least trying to stop Saki. Is she doing what she promised to Kazumi, killing the others to protect Kazumi? Nope. Turns out she realized that Kazumi turned herself into a witch on purpose, knowing the other girls wouldn’t kill her if she still looked human. This news is not very comforting to Saki who slowly starts to lose her mind. But despite it all Saki still thinks it is her job to kill Kazumi and is just about to when….
Now do you love me Saki?!?!?!
Remember the insane Mirai? Yeah she is still in love with Saki. So she takes out her gun…I mean sharp weapon thingy and slices Kazumi Witch in half. Now this probably had to be done, should have done. But maybe in a more…gentle manner. With tears in her eyes and not going HAHAH you is in a way. Especially if you want Saki to survive the night.
Oh look a hero. This will last ten seconds....
Oh but this chapter is not over yet folks. The dead Kazumi witch…is a Nico doll. And earlier when Nico got injured in battle. That was a Nico doll too. She is briefly a hero by revealing that she has trapped the real Kazumi like all other magical girls on the brink of dying. Yay Nico!!!
Raise your hand if you are NOT a witch okay?!
Then 5 seconds later she proves that she is insane too. Or not who she says she is. Nico sends out another doll to rush over to Saki who wasn’t handling the death of Kazumi Witch well despite the fact she is not dead. This is the breaking point for Saki, who has been through quite a lot. Her Soul Gem starts to break and the Nico doll decides to quicken the process by shoving an Evil Nut in her forehead. Now Nico might be lacking in the emotion department at times but a killer? Oh snap why is Nico mumbling something about not letting the “humans” kill Saki? Wait what do you mean that is all the chapters we have for now?! Don’t leave me!!!!!!

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