Sunday, July 22, 2012

K-On!! the Movie!!!

Oh Lord folks. Just oh Lord. Anime truly is my escape in life as I can do it for free and it helps me to temporarily forget the troubles going on in my life. Of course…I should be paying for any form of entertainment…but you can’t hate on a girl who tries to support the industry in other ways right? I try anyway folks. So while I have big dreams about going on trips all the time anime is something I can do on a daily basis that helps washes away the crazy.
It certainly is! Couldn't wait to watch it.
So what WOOHOO anime am I so hyped up about?!Oh just a little one called K-On!! WOOHOO! The movie is finally out on DVD and that means someone(s) was hard at work subbing it for us poor English speakers. Everyone who couldn’t see it in theaters finally got a chance to see what the hype was all about. It got subbed super fast so thank you for all your hard work. Oh and you know…the people who made the movie too. Thanks. XD So here we go….K-On!! THE MOVIE! Enjoy. XD
So....we're being crazy again I see....
Movie Summary: Azusa is slowly gathering her stuff up so she can make her way to the club room. The older girls are already jamming away on what sounds like really punk rock music. Azusa walks in all confused. After the song the girls start fighting, some not liking that kind of music while others wanting to go that direction. It is stated the club might disbanded when Azusa figures out they were playing to a recording of Sawako’s band. Surprise lets just play a joke on Azusa. After they poke fun at themselves they decide it is time to eat treats and drink tea…as usual. The older girls talk about how all they have left to their high school careers is graduation. Sawako comes in and Yui and Ritsu have to pay homage to the band they just made fun of. As the older girls clean up the club room Yui thinks about what Sawako said about being graduates and what they will leave behind. They decide that they will leave Azusa a gift to show her how much she means them. Ui later tries to help Yui come up with an idea of what Azusa might like. Ui says the Light Music Club is Azusa’s favorite thing in the world though.
So famous they can't even leave the house.
Yui thinks about what to give her that night but at school the next day is sidetracked when she learns other clubs are going on graduation trips. They toy with the idea of going on a trip themselves but try to focus on the Azusa gift first. When Azusa comes in and startles the group they cover by saying OH we were planning…a trip. So the idea ends up turning into reality. Each senior girl picks where she would like to go: Ritsu Hawaii, Yui Europe, Mugi hot springs, and Mio London. After Yui cheats to win they decide Ton-chan the turtle will decide. After a long whole Ton-chan picks Mio’s cup full of food thus London wins (well and Yui too who has to be told London IS in Europe). Azusa is very shocked when she is invited on the trip too. Then ALL the girls call their mothers as the crazies were making plans without informing their parents. After they are all given a go they set out to get their tickets and such. Azusa ends up planning most of the trip which allows for the senior girls to decide what to get Azusa as a gift. Yui talks to Azusa’s guitar and it is decide they will write the best song ever for Azusa. Azusa walks in and somehow gets it in her head that Yui is planning on staying behind a year to be with her. Soon it is time to pack for their trip and Ui is there giving advice and food.
Yui has parents?!
All the girls minus Mugi bring their instruments in some shape which makes Mugi so sad. They get to the airport and have silly little antics with Mio being the most excited person in the history of ever. There are slight antics on the plane with Yui talking about time travel and planes being super fun but Yui takes the time to try and work on the Azusa song. They finally land in London where Mio almost loses her luggage. To celebrate finding said luggage Mio takes pictures of everything she sees. They hail a taxi and try to use their limited English to get to their hotel. There is a minor problem when they think they don’t have reservations but it turns out there is another branch in the city. They set out to find their hotel but get sidetracked with buy Azusa new shoes and trying to find a place to eat. They decide on a sushi place but are mistaken for the entertainment. Unable to communicate that they were mistaken the girls decide to go along and play some songs. Afterwards it turns out Ritsu’s friend and her band are in town and were set to play. In the end the girls make it to their hotel without dinner. Ui’s overpacking comes in handy as the girls snack all night. Azusa has a scary dream about Yui staying back and that causes her to start avoiding Yui. The next day the girls have a blast exploring London including taking pictures with dog poop cans and riding a giant Ferris Wheel. That night the girls try to work on the song thinking they might be inspired by this grand city. Azusa and Yui end up being weird with rotating hotel rooms though and no work gets done. They have another nice day sightseeing including stopping at a music shop.
Those outfits were cute though....
Late one afternoon Ritsu gets a call from a friend of the friend Ritsu knows. There is a Japan Culture Festival the next day and they wonder if the girls will play as well. Even though they will cut it seriously close to the their plane time the girls decide to do so. Mugi sends for her keyboard and they take all their stuff to the site. As the girls set up to perform Sawako appears! She used all her free points to get to London just to help the girls perform. They play quite a few songs and the crowd seems to think they are a hit. They scramble to make it to the airport but have fun while doing so. Azusa becomes exhausted and the girls are grateful she helped plan such a fun trip. When they return home they find out that some other clubs are doing a last concert type deal and decide they want to too. Sawako tries to help the girls out and thinks back to when her band did the same thing. Despite getting caught by the teacher Sawako was trying to protect them from the girls manage to play one last mini concert for their graduating class.
.....Not as touching. XD
With the concert out of the way the older girls set to work on the lyrics for the song. Mugi creates the melody rather fast and it is decided instead of making the best song ever they should just make a song like they usually do, the ones Azusa likes. Yui works especially hard and Ui, finding out what Yui is doing, gives her some helpful advice. Azusa is still convinced that Yui is staying back a year and is worried about graduation. After going through graduation the older girls run to the roof where Yui tells them the small changes in the lyrics she made. Everyone loves the song and express how nervous they are to play it for Azusa. They wait in the club room for Azusa to arrive. Azusa finally comes to the club room and the girls sit her down and play her song. This time scenes of the girls writing the song take center stage as to show different footage than when the song was played in the episode in season 2. Azusa brushes back tears and everything is rainbows and cupcakes. The girls walk home and marvel in the fact that they are college students. They wonder what will happen now and they decide that they are going on Azusa’s graduation trip as well. They break out into their traditional WEEE having fun run and THE END!!!
No I think the movie just cemented your popularity. No need to flip out!
XO Was the movie worth the wait? Was it worth some fans seeing the movie multiple times? Lets discuss what might be the last installment of K-On!! of course since the movie was so popular there might be ways to milk this franchise even more…but for right now the movie is the last piece of the K-On! puzzle.
Just like a normal episode of K-On!
Sometimes I forgot that some anime movies tend to be more like long anime episodes (or worse, simple recaps!). Like Eden of the East. There are some anime movies that play out as stand alone stories, away from the rest of the plot of the main series. I would classify K-On! as something in between. Yes a lot of the plot fit right in between certain episodes in the second season. But then parts of the movie stood alone, like the London parts. But if I had to pick only one way to describe the movie I would say it was more like a really long anime episode.
In Japan turtles make all the important decisions.
Which I think is okay? Not that it matters to anyone in the anime industry what I think but XD it’s okay I think. Obviously okay with Japanese fans. I guess in my mind I thought it was going to be more stand alone, especially when I learned that the gang was going to London. I was like MOG an entire movie without a school setting and all new material? While I still loved the movie it didn’t match up with what was in my head. Probably my fault but I thought there was going to be more London adventures.
Time to get out of school and go on a trip.
The scenes that did portray the school/Japan settings though were not recycled. Well except Azusa receiving her special song. That probably couldn’t be portrayed in any other way though so that makes sense. I guess I am pretty impressed how the writers were able to expand on events that were pretty much covered in the anime. The second season seemed to cover every single day of the girls lives so to be able to add on like this was a bit surprising but welcoming.
We must write a song that makes the whole world sing.
A lot of the movie focused on Azusa. Not that I am a Azusa hater. It was just weird that this club has 5 people in it yet 4 people were focused on Azusa and not anyone else. Like Mio and Ritsu were friends before the Light Club so if they went off and did their own thing it would make sense. And the 4 older girls were graduating! I mean…that is a major event in life and instead of focusing on themselves like should be expected it was Azusa Azusa Azusa. Was that done to show how lovely and amazing the 4 older girls were? In any event there was not enough Mugi and had the movie focused on her…I would be all for it. XD
Act completely natural!
That all being said it was sweet to see all the planning that went into the Azusa song. Like it just didn’t appear out of nowhere. A lot of thought and effort went into it. Viewers already heard the song so actually hearing the lyrics wasn’t the important part. It was to focus on the girls…focusing on Azusa and trying to make the best gift possible for Azusa. It got a little…special that Azusa kept almost ruining the surprise. Like oh we are talking about the song Azusa should be walking in right about now….Still sweet.
Trying to make a song for ungrateful Azusa is hard.
Something I didn’t think was really cute was Azusa being weird around Yui. Of course Azusa had to do something in light of everyone acting weird and I thought Azusa was going to go the sulking route. Which I would have hated too. Like boo hoo I am being left out so I will exclude myself even more type thing. So I know that Azusa had to do something since she was reacting to the obvious crazy events. But I guess it was just sad since Yui was probably working the hardest on the song and Azusa was being…special around her.
Photobucket we should go on one too! With our magic anime money weeee!
I know this is anime magic…but hot damn folks!!! These girls were like oh our friends are going on a club trip? We should too. Yeah lets just go to one of the most expensive cities on the planet. We will just walk down and book tickets on such short notice and it will all work out. BECAUSE THERE ARE MONEY TREES IN JAPAN!!! I mean I love how Mugi got her keyboard shipped to her and everyone was like wow must be nice to have money…but what about you other girls?!!? Who decides to go out of the country at a drop of a hat and it works?! Do you know where my class trip was to my senior year? DISNEY! Because we are two hours away from it. And some kids couldn’t go because their parents couldn’t afford it. So how did this all happen?!
Oh by the way mom can I have 2 thousand dollars? Thanks.
I mean the girls calling their parents after Azusa did was hilarious. Probably more so for Azusa as she thought the crazy people already did that and the fact she was the first to think of such a thing is hilarious. But shouldn’t they have asked their parents first so they could see how much money they could milk for this trip. Or have I gone about this all wrong and somehow this was club fund money? No no folks…that can’t be it. It just has to be anime magic. Like pay no attention to reality and focus on the girls having fun.
Mio was so fun in this movie!
SO I SHALL! I remember when I went to Japan last year how amazing everything was and how I needed to take pictures every five feet. Even if the things I was taking pictures of weren’t all that much different from things back home. XD So when Mio was off the plane and running I remember being like that. You spend your whole life surrounded by familiar things but the minute you go somewhere different your brain nearly explodes at everything that seems new. So Mio…I understand you. XD
Did I say plane ride? I meant time machine!
Oh the plane ride!!! I loved my overseas trip but the plane ride, especially the returning one, was not fun. K-On! has the ability to make everything seem like fun. Cute little face masks and everything. And where was all that jet lag? How dare my animes not be based solely in reality at all times. Airplanes indeed. I really liked their luggage though. So cute and functional! Bet they had fun trying to get those to the airport.
Second languages are hard Mugi! I totally understand.
For some reason I pegged Mugi as the best English speaker in the group. Maybe because she has been overseas before or maybe because she is always serving English tea. Mugi does get good grades and had her pick of colleges. But Mio being able to understand English made some sense too. She was able to understand things and write things. Just not speak it. But in any event I thought one of the two were going to know enough to get around London. XD Or at least have basic conversations. I say that and did I speak a word of Japanese in Japan? Of course not.
This moment was brought to you by anime magic.
Without that language barrier the entire sushi shop incident would not have happened! And since this movie was obligated to have a song every 15 minutes the sushi shop incident must take place! Even if it came out of nowhere and was incredibly creepy. XD I know the girls are special but do they really think London was that special? You must sing for your sushi? Mugi being adorable and demanding she be included instead of explaining the situation was my favorite part of course.
Yui has been infected. ZOMBIE!!!!
While I wish there were more London scenes (because I love looking at people’s vacations, even if they aren’t….real) the ones they had were super fun. Even the fact they didn’t have tea at that one restaurant. The only restaurant in London that had tea. Reservations!!!! But the Ferris Wheel, the shopping, and the hotel fun. XD The girls running around and having fun like they normally do but this time…in London. Also I approve of going to a new country and eating things from your own. Long live the Froot Loops!
Rice is the most important thing ever!
I love that the girls go overseas for less than a week yet have two performances. But I guess Sawako is worse or sillier I should say. Of course I like the Japan Festival performance better than the random sushi one. A lot more organized and such. I don’t know if I would have gone with Sawako’s outfit choice or not but they were cute either way. I am sure they spread lots of Japanese love that day even if it cut their trip short.
So lost all the way next door!
I feel as if I am picking on the movie in my post when that is not my intent at all. X__X I really did like the movie. Just pointing out silly things that made me go?? But I loved the running joke they had with Azusa’s name and how they were looking at their vacation pictures while still on vacation. XD Yui and Azusa running back and forth between the room, the way the girls pushed Azusa when her feet hurt from the new shoes, and the cute way they handled the language barrier. Overall it was the Light Music Club having fun in another country weee!
Mugi singing?! WOOHOOO!!!!
Since we already saw the presentation of the Azusa song that wasn’t anything new. It was just nice seeing all the effort that lead up to that point. Especially how Yui was really trying to get the lyrics right just for her little kitten. Silly Azusa you really thought Yui was going to stay back a year? XD But now knowing where the lyrics came from I better appreciate the song and maybe that was the whole point of the movie.
One last goodbye to everyone. So bitter sweet.
I love how there was another performance made by our love Light Music Club. Not sure how that fits chronologically with the second season but I am sure there was a few hours of undocumented time that they could squeeze in a performance and Sawako acting like a crazy person. Loved that she did the exact same thing in her year but things didn’t go over quite as well.
Aw don't make me cry. :(
But yes. I am glad the Club said goodbye to their classmates as well. A lot of their fellow classmates supported and really loved the club so why not say goodbye to them as well. They deserved that much. I expected there to be more crying though. Maybe the crying came later and this was their last few moments of fun as high school students. I thought it was a perfect thing for the club to do and I fully support any and all table dancing.
Yui was in shock folks!
I feel as if my post is not long enough given how long the movie was. X__X I do wish the girls would have had a tea time in London. Like what is wrong with you silly girls?! I love how they are already deciding to go on Azusa’s senior trip. Like yep we are going to be there silly girl just you wait. We got to see that Yui and Ui have parents SHOCKING and that they cared about their offspring’s well being. Oh and Nodoka exists if only for two seconds.
Moving on to her senior year weee!
In conclusion….this movie was lovely. I am sure people paid for multiple tickets to get the freebies but maybe they thought the movie was amazing enough to see again and again. While there is a lot of moe anime out there for some reason…K-On!! touches people differently. I know it does to me. XD Nothing seems to compare to this show about 5 girls do everyday and random things while sometimes breaking into song. I enjoyed the movie and it was worth the wait. But like with the girls graduating a bit bittersweet to think this might be the last animated version of K-On! we get…well until Azusa takes over the club of course.

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