Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 4

So many Olympics events, so little time! Did you know there is an event where you walk really fast and one foot must be on the ground at all time? Yeah me neither. Sounds special. Is there an event on watching the most TV in one person’s life? I would take home the gold, silver, and bronze! GO ME!!! My poor eyeballs….
Big massive duh right?
But yes anime is still being updated and I must make a semi attempt to not become beyond behind. So here is another episode for my lovely readers. Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita episode 4 time! Spoilers for manga being insane…still.
That pretty much sets the tone for the entire episode.
Episode Summary: Ms. Y and Ms. Fairy are slightly shocked to see that they are trapped in the pages of a manga. Once they figure out the thing above Ms. Y’s head is a sound effect a door opens to another panel where Assistant is sleeping. They just sit there and wait for something to happen, with the light getting darker and darker. They figure out rather quickly that they need something dramatic to happen for a door to appear to move on to the next panel. Ms. Y has to do a lot of the work and explanations as she is familiar with mangas. Assistant starts drawing things so it won’t be so boring but then the object turn real. Oh so they are supposed to draw everything for themselves. Ms. Y leads the way with the dramatic behavior. She tries to end each panel with something amazing and shocking. So many cliffhangers.
Ms. Y has created a beautiful mess has she not?
Ms. Fairy realizes that after they enter the next panel the door disappears. So she decides to go back and see what is there. They find in the darkness the fairies cleaning up the panel in manga terms. Ms. Fairy questions why they are doing this to them. Apparently the fairies are going to publish many mangas and their characters will be allowed to leave when there is an ending. If the manga gets cancelled IE not popular anymore their lives will end. Once the gang becomes aware of the ranking system Ms. Y kicks it up about 43945776 notches. Every other panel has a different ending which gets them super popular. Ms. Fairy warns Ms. Y that the audience will get use to these gimmicks and they need to have a backup plan. Ms. Fairy tries to clean up their act but it is way too late. Soon they lose popularity, light, and finally color/shape. They are finally cancelled and drift through space. The fairies appear and explain their life is over…as they have to take over the family business. They reappear in the real world and Ms. Fairy muses she is already taking up the family business. THE END!
Psht who needs names?! XD
One of the good things about this show is I don’t have to learn names. I mean its like I go out of my way NOT to learn names and just assign spellings and titles to people even thought their names be something completely different. This show…no one has names HAHAHAHA! Nothing to learn. Well except Y. I can remember the letter Y yes? Today has been brought to you by the letter Y.
By just being alive?
So the last we saw of our heroes Ms. Fairy and Ms. Y they were trapped in the pages of a manga. A very blank manga. They quickly find Assistant which is very important. I mean I am not sure how interesting a manga can be with three people but surely it has to be better than a manga with only two characters. XD More characters to like and hate yes?
How the heck did you figure that out?!
Ms. Fairy and Ms. Y seem to be very intelligent. Ms. Y focuses that intelligent on crazy things at times but both of them were pretty good at guessing correctly what was going on. It is unclear how long they were trapped in the pages but I think Ms. Fairy would have complained about being trapped in there for days/weeks/years if that was the case. So I am to assume they figured all of this out rather quickly. Maybe Ms. Fairy is just good at guessing at the insanity that is about to happen in her life.
She has so much to share with this broken world. Enjoy the wonder that is manga!
Ms. Y was just a well of information this episode wasn’t she? Almost like she was giving out the Manga 101 lessons or something. While that might be annoying, that the viewers are being spoon fed information they probably already know, it was actually necessary as Ms. Fairy and Assistant do not know about manga. If this conversation had taken place in the here and now in Japan it might be annoying as most people know the basics. But since manga has been lost to the world it makes sense that these terms need to be explained.
Looks at all my knowledge saving the day!
If Ms. Y didn’t know about manga what would Ms. Fairy have done? I mean….Ms. Y was sorta right at some points. Bringing the reader in, leaving chapters with cliffhangers, and going with tried and true genres. Ms. Fairy had a hard time getting into topics/situations when the lines were being fed to her. XD Like we know you don’t want to be here Ms. Fairy but you got to do something before you get cancelled!
With their magical Santa sleds!
Oh yes cancelled. I guess it is not really the point of the show to make sense right? But how was this manga being published and ranked? Maybe I was wrong about it not being weeks trapped in the manga but….I don’t remember where I was going with that. Maybe I should not question magical creatures who are using magic to do magical things? Just saying. So if they want to trap people in mangas maybe it isn’t my place to question how they are able to distribute the mangas and obtain rankings so fast.
No be boys instead!!!!
If Ms. Y had any brains she would have dressed Ms. Fairy and herself up as boys. Because all the “new” mangas being released in the world now were boy on boy ones. Maybe that would have captured the already established fan base and drew more readers in? I mean she tried every other genre right? Why not go with the most obvious and the genre Ms. Y is the most familiar with.
Ms. Fairy is a very passionate person......
Which storyline was my favorite? Well since most of them didn’t last too long it might be hard to pick. I am actually a boy? I am actually a twin? I am the murderer? I don’t know what to pick. I did see a dinosaur before Ms. Fairy got down and trimmed the plot. That would have been nice to see. I did like how Ms. Fairy and Ms. Y were fighting with Assistant tied up in the background. It really showed how knowledgeable Ms. Y was without her looking like a crazy person. Well she was crazy but you know what I mean. Her instructions made more sense and what not.
We also get sick of seeing the same thing all the time!!!
I love how Ms. Fairy was like all of this flip floppin storylines will not work in the long run. Then her face when Ms. Y was WOE AS ME!!!!! I mean exciting can be fun but not for every single page. I mean if someone died in every panel of The Walking Dead Rick would never stop crying. Could you imagine if Rick cried MORE than he does now? I can’t. So yes there needs to be some downtime between the SHOCKING or people will get bored. Like oh a giant alien banana yay…..
Interesting definition of death....
While everything about this episode was wft the grand finale was the nail in the coffin. That all of this was for nothing. The fairies in their…clean up stage of the manga…imply that something bad will happen if they are cancelled. To them that means running the family business and not being a manga artist anymore. Ms. Fairy thought “Death” would mean death, not lost career. So while they didn’t lie those fairies are mean aren’t they? Poor Ms. Fairy for suffering every episode.
As they say with a smile on their face. XD
In conclusion the fairies are insane, Ms. Fairy will go insane from all this crazy, and Ms. Y might like manga more than the average manga otaku right now. Pretty amazing yes? I wish Assistant would talk though. I just can’t read his eyes. XD Until next crazy time…


Anonymous said...

“Yesterday’s foe, today’s homo” hahahahahahaha… stomach hurts! XDDDDDDDDD
Life is just like a manga story, it’s not predictable.

Also, it is good they shown a "relationship" b/w Ms. Sweet and the Assistant. They seem like a brother and sisters. ^_^

Christina said...

Anonymous- Ms. K is silly for being jealous of Assistant. Although the two do seem to have a good relationship, with Ms. Fairy able to understand him through the eyes.

I am still surprised Ms. K didn't take a more...yaoi approach to her stories. That is her specialty after all. X___X

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be Ms. Y not K? 0_0

Christina said...

Anonymous 2- Apparently I have rocks for brains. Ms. Y. For yaoi. XD You would think that would be easy to remember. At least I didn't spell it wrong in the entire post. That would have been way too special....thanks though. XD