Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kamisama Dolls episode 12: Is it over yet?

How is AWA only a few days away? I feel as if I am not ready at all. I don’t think the husband’s work is helping as they decided that he doesn’t really need Thursday off. Crossing the fingers he can leave early enough that we can get there by at least 7:30.

Also why is facebook suggesting that David Arquette be my friend? I know that Facebook has been on crack lately but this seems…weird. Very weird. And he needs a hairbrush.


Are people still watching us? Do I amuse you?!

In other news…X__X Why have some of the Fall Animes already started? IT SAID OCTOBER! Guess I better get on the ball and finish the summer yes? Spoilers for Kamisama Dolls being boring.


Tazer-kun!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Episode Summary: Shiba is trying to fight back at her would be rapist. Only he stole Kuuko’s tazer and manages to get Shiba back on the bed. Shiba decides to make the man less angry by bringing up Kyouhei’s name. Oh no that made him angrier? I AM SHOCKED. Thank goodness Kuuko is kick ass. She manages to take some people down, free Aki, and rescue Shiba. The random Diet Member dude catches up to the girls and Kuuko protects Shiba by pushing her outside. But Kuuko ends up shooting the Diet Member dude so this was probably a bad move on her part as Mahiru catches up to Shiba. Mahiru is not handling Kyouhei’s rejection very well. After some lovely words where Shiba can’t croak out the right words she takes a bit of a flight when Mahiru flings her. Good thing Kyouhei and the gang catch her.


Yes come back to the place that drives you crazy and be with me, Queen of the Crazies.

Mahiru can’t handle the fact that Kyouhei isn’t coming back to the village so Utao challenges her to a fight over crushed cookies. The fight is not…amazing as the girls are nearly equals despite Mahiru’s earlier victories. Eventually Utao overpowers Mahiru and wins much to poor Kirio’s relief. Mahiru is still not in her right state of mind and her god doll being useless is not helping. But maybe we should focus on Kuuko escaping with would be rapists? No. Okay. So despite the resident god doll fixer saying Mahiru’s doll is down for the count it gets up. Mahiru tries to hold it off but it eventually catches Shiba again with Kyouhei trying to play the hero despite not having ANY god dolls. Utao, Koushiro, and Kirio all try to rescue Shiba and Kyouhei but nothing seems to work. Kyouhei has flashbacks to important times in his life and vows not to lose Shiba. Only he gets hit in the head and the air is full of blood. THE END!


Kuuko should be the star!!!!

When did this become the Shiba show? I thought everyone was after Aki but now he is just forgotten in a closet. Of course he is the only one left to save the day now….Still. Shiba all over my screen.

Maybe I am angry because Shiba is constantly saying dumb and hurtful things. Like….when did Kyouhei say this would be rapist was his friend? I am pretty sure he said he went to HIGH SCHOOL with this dude. And since everyone in the village went to the same high school it means even less. I was not friends with everyone I went to high school with. So if someone is running around from Tenchi’s High School doing bad things don’t lump me in with them. Stop saying stupid things Shiba.


Knowing Kyouhei has done wonders for Shiba's mental health.

Now that being said…the stupid random almost rape was dumb. It really added nothing to the story (except to help Kuuko look AWESOME). More like look at how many awful things we can do to Shiba in 30 minutes! That and it came out of nowhere. It wasn’t like HE kidnapped Shiba. He called the head dude for help. So why is there a crazy turnabout in character? A man sees a woman on a bed and he needs to have sex with her no matter what? Crazy.


Hot potato!

Kuuko is the best character out of this whole series. I wish for her to be my friend. I mean…she was only curious about what the village crap was all about. Wouldn’t you? Once she realized things were really shady she was kicking and tazing her way to her friend. Shoving Shiba out the door and nearly getting shot herself. Amazing. The only mistake I think she made was not blaming the rapey do. I would have fallen on the ground and pretended to be hurt. XD That screaming lady would have made a great witness.


I am glad someone else thought that too.

The battle between Utao and Mahiru was meh. How was Mahiru so powerful two weeks in a row but Utao kicked her butt this week? Maybe Mahiru really does rely on that trapping technique too much. She doesn’t really have the experience thinking outside the box. Still I rather Utao come from behind than it being rather even for most of the battle. It was just boring. I can’t believe Utoa’s feelings over crumbled cookies could compete with Mahiru loving Kyouhei forever mentality.

Kirio deciding to help out his big brother was also odd. He hasn’t had real interaction with Kyouhei and Utao is the one who has been reaching out to him. Her. Whatever is going on with that situation. Very little character development/plot development going on for me to believe all these crazy stories.


The big bad killer isn't so scary now....

Why was Aki locked up in that closet? Why couldn’t his god doll break him out? This is all just weird. Still I am more concerned about the broken tazer than Aki.

Oh I forgot to say that Mahiru is cray cray. Because she is. Why won’t you go back to the village Kyouhei? Um because there is a track record of crazy people in that place? Just a thought. JUST A THOUGHT!


Episode 12 and we don't even know what the god dolls really are? Okay then.

What else happened in this episode? Everyone loves Kyouhei and are fighting for him. Kuuko is awesome. Aki is nowhere to see. Oh yes. The god dolls bleed. They are made of wood but they bleed. Bleed people. And when they get injured enough they lose their little marbles and don’t listen to their masters? I have no idea.


Blood? And I actually saw it? AMAZING!

Where the heck is this showing going? There is certainly not enough time in one episode to go back to the village and give people who deserve an ass kicking…an ass kicking. I mean…is there going to be a second season? One that makes sense and has a clear view of what is going on? All I see is everyone thinking Kyouhei is king. If that is the case why the heck isn’t this series going to end with him taking over the great god doll in the basement? You know, the reason why Utao and Kirio were separated? And does anyone care about Aki anymore?

This show is crazy. But not as crazy as Blood C.


Breathing must be hard when you don't have nostrils.


eternia said...

This is the result of being forced into anime when the manga itself hasn't finished...
We are bound to see unresolved ending just like Yumekui Merry, Hidan no Aria, etc.

Christina said...

Eternia- Just finishing watching and blogging episode 13. Unfinished doesn't begin to describe it. X__x But I still hate Kyouhei. XD Team Aki all the way.