Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blood-C episode 8: Saya is WINNING!

My evil kitty has not bitten me once today. This day will go down in history as the day my cat actually…tolerated my existence and allowed me to pet his head. I love you too cat. I love you too.

In other news I hate my job. I really do. I could walk on rainbows, receive a compliment from Jesus himself, and could deliver pizzas in an instant and still I would be blamed for everything in the store. Sorry I don’t appreciate being lied about. Especially from an employee who has been working for about 6 hours at the store.


Super serious.

In other news another lovely and censored episode of Blood-C was released. YAY!!! So excited. SO EXCITED folks. Spoilers for body counts and questionable coffee.


I think Shinichiro is a robot, not the enemy.

Episode Summary: Shinichiro calmly asks if all that blood is Saya’s. Because you know how Saya is the one cut in half. When she says no he gives her the most awkward hug in history. Saya is like what are hugs and why do you care? Shinichiro takes her to part of the river where she can attempt to clean off the 8745 gallons of blood with both of their handkerchiefs. Doesn’t work too well. Shinichiro then asks what the heck is going on and what the ugly was. Saya doesn’t want to tell him because if he knows he will be in danger too. Shinichiro decides to not point out the logic fail with that and says he wants to know everything about Saya. So she tells him everything that her father has told her. While this is going on Fumito is molesting his super empty birdcage at his place HMMM! Daddy shows up and Fumito gives him some blood to drink. At the end of the story Shinichiro declares the uglies monsters. Saya gets offended by that and he is briefly confused on why they can’t be called that. Also he lets slide that Saya is not picking up on his advances. He walks her home and she is like yay friends.


What could this something else be?!

When she arrives home she finds Daddy on the floor. She manages to wake him up and mistakenly assumes the blood on his mouth came from the 4738743 gallons on her. He acts weird for a bit and then tells Saya to take a bath because she smells like gross. Insert fan servicey scenes of Saya being all naked and singing a song about Daddy. She is really worried that he might be sick and hiding it from her. Watanuki doggie appears and does some talking. Saya doesn’t seem to think it is weird that she instantly heals and what not. When questioned what would happen if she stopped fighting the uglies Saya has a headache. Mr Doggie says woohoo it is wearing off now. It is revealed in that side talking thing that Saya is the one who made a deal with someone, on the experiment but maybe not of her own free will. The next few days Saya chills at home and what not. When the school reopens Daddy acts weird when Saya talks about returning home like her Mother. Wouldn’t it be gross is Saya was really his wife? XD So Saya goes to school and attempts to talk to her remaining friends. But an Ugly shows up in the soccer field. Everyone freaks out as the monster climbs into the window and kills 5 of their classmates in horrible, gruesome ways. Or they were all censored and we saw nothing. After 5 whole people die Saya is like Hey it is time to fight! THE END!

See what I did with there with the title? A certain crazy person in America recently (well sorta recently as things are deemed ancient after a week internet time) decided he was WINNING after losing his job, his wife, possible custody of his kids, and any hope that he might be taken seriously again in the acting world. He decided that things like being a warlock, having porn stars at his beckon call, and chain smoking on some weird…videos qualified as winning and life was well.

That is how I view Saya. She is happy because she gets to drink poison coffee, spend time with a lying day, and sing nonsense type songs while conversing with talking dogs. A normal person who gets sliced on a daily basis, fails to protect anyone in town, and has constant headaches/black outs would not consider themselves WINNING. But the way Saya skips around town on river dates and singing in bath tubs one would think she is winning.


Maybe the bet was that Saya could turn into a human and slay all the uglies in that form. In that case....LOSING!

You know who is WINNING? The uglies. Let us examine the scoreboard thus far:

Saya rescues: Young school girl

Elder Barins noms: Bakery dude, 3 fishermen, a set of twins, two ladies shopping, 3 (I think) people on the street, a police officer, and 5 classmates.

So the numbers are…..

Saya: 1

Elder Barins: 17

Of course…there are about 10 students left in the classroom Saya COULD protect next week. But…..we see two of them die in the preview next week. And it sounds like Tsutsutori is saying “did you kill them all…”. She could be referring to just the dead bodies and not EVERYONE being dead. But given Saya’s track record I think it is safe to say most of the classmates are going to be dead.


No deaths at all, everyone is FINE!

Or maybe no one is dead. Since we have never see anyone actually die. Maybe they just get taken up into alien space ships. Their technology is so advanced and beyond our human minds that it just appears to be a bright white light. It all makes sense now XO


Surely these two tiny hankies will clean off the blood. Thank you my knight in shining armor.

If Shinichiro turns out to be a baddie I will be truly pissed. But…he is rather weird. I mean…the bright light blinded him from seeing the (only) police officer’s cut in half body. But there is a dead…thing on the ground, Saya is covered in blood, and behind him a town missing half its residents. And yet he manages to stay calm, offer Saya his hanky, and spend most of the time flirting. Most of this occurs AFTER Saya informs him of all the crap that has been going on in town. Or what she is aware of.

Clearly he is crazy person. I mean…there was a gallon of blood on Saya. How was his hanky going to help her?


Hi. I like you. Please acknowledge that.

Oh. Yeah he is crazy because of that other stuff too. I mean…maybe the show could have done a better job showing that Shinichiro liked Saya and was just shy. But dead friends means it is time for Shinichiro to step up and use his love cards. Because we know Itsuki or Yuka WILL die next week and he needs to be the shoulder to cry on. Obviously being late to class every single day has finally come to benefit Shinichiro.


Silly. Those aren't monsters. Just really big kittens.

The most interesting thing that happened during Saya and Shinichiro’s conversation was her brief snapping at Shinichiro. He called the uglies monsters AS HE SHOULD and she is like NO! Not monsters. Now there are two ways this can go. The easy way out would be to say that Saya, covered in blood and fighting just as viciously, considers herself to be a monster. The MOG..but I saw that coming way would be for Saya to be Queen of the uglies. Well I guess both reasons would make sense and don’t require much thinking. But I guess it was interesting….for Saya to be snapping in her fluff fluff mode and not her red eyes going to kill you mode.


Behold the talking dog and the butt.

The bathing scene was unnecessary. This is called BLOOD-C. Not Boobie-C. I would like to see some blood. That would make it interesting. We don’t need Saya half naked and talking to Watanuki dogs. Well we do but only because things are SO boring.


All is well in Saya land, she does not question silly things like healing instantly and dead police officers.

Watanuki showing up was interesting I guess. He didn’t freak out over a naked woman so clearly this is…ultimate time skip Watanuki. So nice and mature. He hinted there was a limit to the “spell” put on Saya. The spell being her forgetting the very important PROMISE. I am not sure what he was trying to do with the whole “what if you broke that promise?”. I am just assuming that Saya IS breaking her promise right now as she hasn’t protected the cement let alone any people. But maybe he is talking about the killing part and not the protecting bit. Maybe the killings would stop if Saya didn’t kill the uglies? Insert a huge NOOOOO moment here.


A caged little bird indeed.

The cryptic dark moment away from reality scene was good this week. As good as 30 seconds can be. Saya was restrained during the conversation. Other episodes showed Saya being all out of it but here she is glaring. And SHE is the one making a deal with the voice (Fumito). Daddy still might be involved but it appears Saya knew what was going on. Which makes me think that Saya is the one who made the wish to forgot the promise so she could prove how awesome and human she, a baddie, could be.


So delicious. Don't want to water down my blood with coffee.

Oh and daddy is a baddie too. Nom nom that blood folks. I guess the only question is was mommy a baddie too or was there ever even a mommy to begin with? Either way I wish Saya would worry for herself a little more. She is the one being hacked to pieces every week, not him. Okay he fainted. But if she stopped drinking the crazy coffee (which…..probably only has blood in it and is the only way Fumito can get her to drink it and MOG he better not be a good guy!!!) she would see this daddy she loves so much is really keeping her in the dark about everything.


I rather my cat protect me than Saya...

But I see that this episode has brought us together people. Before people were like mog the pacing is nice, I want Saya to be my BFF, and MOG haters are losers. But now folks……we are all WINNING. Because we all think Saya is a lame ass for letting 5 of her classmates die. No one HAD to die. No one at all. If it is your job to kill random monsters that appear out of nowhere DO IT! She did not hesitate to protect the fishermen or the random girl. So why didn’t she jump out of the damn window and slice that thing to shreds before it played Paint by Blood all over the walls?

Someone said that maybe Saya needs a death to switch to her WOOHOO attack red eyes mode. That is nice and all….but she still could have been trying before that. I mean there was no way she could have protected the whole class when she can’t even protect one person individually. But try. TRY. Try and act like you care about these nameless blobs. TRY!

And if it was about Saya protecting her identity…there were other people in that store when the shopping ladies were killed. They are not included on the rescue meter as they were inside and rescued themselves. But um….yeah. They saw the monster and probably Saya fighting it. The only person she saved saw Saya. Of course everyone in this town might be stupid as people are reported missing when clearly their FOOT is in the middle of the street.

Point is Saya is trying to keep people away from the truth to protect them. That is not working so well for anyone. Pull out the sword a little faster next time and maybe people can stay alive for 5 more seconds okay?


I THINK that is Saya failing to protect the rest of her class. I only think though SINCE I CAN'T SEE IT!

Next week Saya will not be winning as one of her friends survives the blood bath but now thinks of her as a scary monster of scary town. Shinichiro might let Saya cry on his shoulder but since that shoulder might not be attached to his body for much longer she might need to invest in some tissues. Yay Saya!


I love you my empty little cage.


Marona said...

If this is anything like Blood + maybe Souchiro is supposed to be the vampire butler or something? XP

No other way to explain his near non-reaction to the blood and chaos. And of course him trying to mack on a bloodied up girl.

And your hypotheses seem sound. Perhaps there are two forces working against each other inside of Saya. Like, she wants to help the people and kill the monsters, but then she doesn't really want to do that. So she only accomplishes half of what she wants/doesn't want to do. If that makes any sense.

Christina said...

Marona- Saya does need a sidekick but with the body count the way it is I doubt that will happen.

But he did have a really....poor reaction to the truth. Oh hi some of your classmates are dead, please hit on Saya now? So maybe there is hope to him being nonhuman after all.

If Saya turns out to be her own twin sharing one body that would be...special. Even for CLAMP. XD But at this rate Saya loses. She is upset about killing uglies and protects no one. Sadness for everyone.

eternia said...

I haven't watched this yet, but if Saya's still singing in the bathroom despite all the madness, SHE'S CLEARLY CRAZY. It's the answer to everything, lol.
-she's not suspicious of the so-called Daddy
-she's not suspicious of Fumito
-she killed the uglies without even trying to get more information from them
- she transformed as soon as the ugly mocked her 'dear daddy', yet she didn't transform when the ugly cut down people.
I would rather have my dog guard me rather than Saya. :-)

Christina said...

Eternia- Yes. She is crazy. Singing in the bathroom about her dad. She is worried about him so she needs to sing a song. She doesn't sing song about dead twins, fishermen, or police officers but daddy looked a little pale so it is time to sing.

After this episode I am sure Saya's classmates rather have the chalkboard guard them then her. Like...she brought the sword to school. USE IT!

eternia said...

I have only one simple wish.
I hope she doesn't turn out to be papa's wife?! (she stays young because she's monster queen)
That would be.. yucky. I would throw up and wasted all my lunch. Haha.

Christina said...

Eternia- Dad was looking awfully guilty when Saya was going on and on about being awesome just like mom. Like really, really guilty. He could feel guilty for a number of reasons but for a split second I did think it was possible for Saya to be the "mother" she is "remembering".

And I will be sick with you no worries.

Christina said...

X_X Where did you go anonymous comment?

Anonymous said-
Well, if Saya's is really her dad's wife it's probably okay. It WOULD be bad if Saya thought she was his wife but she was really his daughter. That would be bad. But if that guy had to raise his wife as his daughter, well, worse things exist in anime. I don't think that's what's going on here anyway. >:)

Given how slow the plot has been moving along I think the idea of Saya being the real mom might be too out there. That would require time and thought and planning. We are going into episode 9 without even knowing what the PROMISE was. We still have to cover who the baddie really is (Fumito), what Saya is, and why she sucks so much at fighting. Stuff like Who Is the Momma might get left on the sideline if we can't get answers to major questions that are asked EVERY WEEK.

But it would still be gross. BLEH. But yes it is better than the situation being reversed. XD

Anonymous said...

well...I suppose it can be rather disappointing for an anime whom I had high hopes, seeing as the story could've been way, WAY BETTER than what it is doing now, especially since Blood+ was there to compare it with.

Meanwhile, I DO NOT think that Saya's her father's wife. No-one does the anime that disgusting now adays, and that will totally ruin it all. I have some sort of a feeling that Saya is adopted and her so-called "daddy" is just some sort of a guardian that swore to her real parents to protect her. A lot of plots does things that way.

Also, there was this thing about "a reward and a punishment" so I wouldn't be surprised if Saya does have a twin sister < or something similar, or a rival/ archenemy whom she made this pact with for reasons whatever. Also, there's definitely something fishy about Saya's past, but we can all be quite sure that she's some sort of a vampire. Also, it's frustrating how she keeps her action pose when everyone's getting killed. I mean, what kind of hero does that? And you're supposed to protect everyone...

As for Shinichiro ... well, all I can say that it's rather suspicious of him to suddenly appear in the crime scene exactly right after the battle, in a place that seems to be rather deserted. Maybe he was indeed some sort of a guardian or butler keeping an eye on Saya until her memeory returns (that would be good XD). And what's the promise that the dog kept on saying? A lot of things are very unclear in Blood C, especially on its plot and Saya's real intentions. I hope that the story somehow get better after the truth had been unravelled.

Even so, I will still watch it. :)

Christina said...

Anonymous- After episode 9 I am starting to doubt he is even her guardian. Maybe he is a referee in this crazy game. I mean I guess he does care about her but his main goal is to make sure she stays as oblivious as possible.

Since this is CLAMP I am sure there is another twin lurking around the corner. She needs to be careful though as the last pair got nommed on. XD

Shinichiro has reacted way too calm about what has gone on. I know boys are supposed to be all big and bad but I would think after witnessing and be "told" such things like oh hi no more classmates maybe he would look a little worried, instead of worrying about scoring Saya.

The plot has dragged on so slowly it is hard to believe we are on episode 9. It feels more like episode 5 with the information we have been given. With hardly anyone left in town how are they going to have enough material for 3 more episodes AND a movie?