Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yuri Yuri episode 11

I am in such a great mood folks. Really I am. So very happy with my work life, home life, and this lovely plate of dog food I was given to consume for dinner. So happy.

Yeah today has been a crappy day all around. Add in the fact that I made 5 dollars in tips all day and I am ready to go to bed and hope Thursday is better. But since I work with losers who can’t be bothered to work…or even show up I doubt it. I am a lovely person today really.


Band-aids do not exist in Japan.

Perhaps I am not in the best of moods for blogging. But it is already Wednesday and I haven’t blogged on episode yet? Such a slacker. Spoilers for people losing their minds in Yuri Yuri episode 11.


Ah memories. Nice to see that Akari was sticking out back then too.

Episode Summary: Chinatsu is looking through old pictures of Akari, Yui, and Kyoko. Kyoko was a bit of a crybaby falling down and such. Akari was a power ranger. Yui was a sorta bossy leader. They reminisce about a day in the park where some mean girl tried to kidnap and harass Kyoko. Yui came in and protected Kyoko from the mean girl. After glancing at the pictures Akari realizes the girl WAS Chinatsu but says nothing. After this walk down memory lane all the girls decide that Kyoko was better back then, even Chinatsu who did not “know” Kyoko. Cue the next day and Kyoko is acting different. She fell down a flight of stairs and now has a different personality. One that does her homework, eats reasonable amounts of ice cream, and thinks using the tea club house for the Amusement Club is wrong. At first everyone thinks this new and improve Kyoko is better. Soon they realize that life is not so much fun and they want the fun Kyoko. It all comes to ahead when Kyoko tries to disband the club. Yui hits her in the head and all is well. The episode ends with Akari falling down a flight stairs and now she has a different, more outgoing personality. THE END!

Well the Chibi scene was very cute. I will give the episode that.


So rude this Chinatsu girl.

Also it was all real. It wasn’t Kyoko losing her mind and making up crap in her head. Chinatsu said it wasn’t true but obviously it was. See Kyoko can be a honest person when there is photographic evidence to back it up. Or keep her in line with the truth. Whatever applies more. Since Akari and Yui didn’t say anything about Kyoko exaggerating why would Chinatsu say anything?


Because empty playgrounds are so much fun yes?

I thought that Chinatsu was saying those things to cover up the fact she was the crazy child of the corn. But really Chinatsu has no memories of being such a brat and in fact was being a current brat to Kyoko by not believing her story, calling her a crybaby, and whatever she said to Akari. Chinatsu looks like she would be the sweetest one out of this bunch but it turns out she is really Chibi-Usa, a few years older and with a few more comebacks.


Green ranger all the way!!!

I am not sure how I feel about Akari having long hair. In general I like long hair but after seeing Akari for so long with her short hair it felt weird. Almost like she was wearing a wig. Her new (well I guess old) personality seemed a lot more lively but calling Yui captain or boss was a bit off too.


If only I cut my hair...then I too could kick people.

Also learned something this episode. One cannot be a tough person if they have long hair. Thank you Yui. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. Next time just punch the annoying kid out of the way and move along with Kyoko. She wasn’t even in danger.


That is some SERIOUS mom fail. For real.

Of course the biggest loser of the entire episode is Kyoko’s mom. Like your kid is on the ground crying and wet. It is not picture taking time. It is kicking that kid’s ass. Oh tears in my daughter’s eyes? Time to capture this moment forever. Chinatsu’s mom didn’t earn any brownie points with me either. Boo for mothers.


I think all of Chinatsu makes me sad.

Everyone picking on Kyoko kinda made me sad. I mean at the end of the episode I guess they learned their lesson. But still. Chinatsu wasn’t even there and thinks the past Kyoko was better? Again this might be cultural differences but I don’t see Kyoko as that annoying. Crazy sometimes yes but it is called the amusement club, not the read and be boring club. So when Kyoko’s personality changed I assumed she was doing so to get back at the people that were mean to her.


Okay that part was crazy. Sweets for everyone!

“Other” Kyoko was not that bad either. Without her life was boring yes. They got what they asked for, a respectful Kyoko. And she was hit in the head. Rude.

There are other girls in this show? I am super glad the student council person got air time a few weeks ago. She adds so much to the show.


Go back to being crazy so I can pretend to hate you but really I dream about sniffing your underwear.

Um what was I saying? I had a moment of rage and lost my train of thought. I guess I wish Akari didn’t suck so much. Or the lack of suck as she is never on the screen. And Chinatsu is crazy. Like really crazy. I guess that is good though. Sometimes people with cute faces are not innocent and lovely. Sometimes they are evil, mean, and kidnappers.


Oh snap. The fun train almost got derailed!

I guess I don’t have much to say because Kyoko is a pretty likable person in my eyes. Is she over the top? Yes. Can that be annoying? Yes. But her friends being mean about her personality is sorta…bleh in my mind. Bleh. I hope my friends don’t think that about me. Embrace me, try to reign me in, but changing who I am? No my friends.


Poor Akari. She might be the most observant person of this series and gets no screen time. Le sigh.

Also apparently I forgot this is a school life lala anime show and I take things too seriously. Obviously time to move on.

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