Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fate/Zero episode 9: Adventures in RinLand!

I can’t be certain but I think I am looking at a Japanese tea pot from the World War 2 era. And I think my relatives sent it to me with a single piece of bubble wrap and it survived. I can’t be certain though. I mean…I don’t think my grandfather left the United States after leaving the military and I don’t think he would randomly pick this pot up at the local antique store later in life.

X__X Do I really own a World War 2 Tea pot? Oh and a pair of getas? Like they are looking real old. I want to put them in a glass case and hire a body guard to keep the cats away from it. But for now they are on the coffee table so my clumsy self can knock Code Red on it or something.


Rin has passed an anti-bulling law too!

Obviously I am having an interesting day. Let’s keep the interesting coming with a visit to anime land! Fate/Zero is cruising right along with episode 9. Spoilers for an episode all about Rin!


XO I want a pony too!!!!!!!

Episode Summary: Baby Rin is hard at work blowing up crystals. Actually she is trying to do amazing things but she keeps messing up. Probably because she is 5. Her father comes in and makes a magic pony out of a crystal. She is super impressed and wishes to be awesome RIGHT NOW! Tokiomi promises to work more with Rin after the Grail War is over. At school Rin is shown as a strong girl. She constantly protects her little friend from bullying, speaks her mind, and tutors the entire class because the teacher sucks. At home she is a little more vulnerable, what with being sad that her father is sending her and her mother away during the war. Rin tries to stick around and help her dad by becoming stronger but that only leads to a book almost eating her. Her father gives her a pocket watch that detects mana readings and if something (like the book) is too high Rin should run away.


Ryuu got beat by a grade school kid. He is not very amazing.

At school a student is killed and countless others are missing. The teachers are in a panic and Rin realizes her absent friend from school is probably among those kidnapped. Rin ventures back into the city to find out where her friend is. She uses her new pocket watch to detect magic everywhere. She eventually tracks down Ryuu and his child stealing self. She follows him to a closed down club where she finds her friend and a room full of kids. Ryuu tries to kidnap Rin too but her magic abilities keep him from putting her in a trance. Using all her magic she breaks the bracelet he is wearing and frees all the kids. The kids are taken by the police while Rin escapes. Caster shows up to turn Rin into a bloody sidewalk mess but Kariya protects her and apparently contacts her mother as well. Kariya tells Momma that he joined the war to protect Sakura and one day everyone will be happy again. Rin decides she is halfway to becoming an adult and will work hard in the meantime to become better at magic. THE END!

Rin adventures weeeeee!

In terms of action and adding to the plot I think this was a little weak. But in terms of adorable it was off the charts.

But no Saber. :( This is my sad face.


I hope they buy those crystals in bulk.

I am not sure how old Rin is but I am going to guess about 5 or 6. In short…the most amazing person ever! She is barely in 1st grade but she is off teaching her classmates, rescuing people from killer magicians, and reading books with spooky hands trying to strangle them. Rin is the most amazing girl ever.

When I was in 1st or 2nd grade I had Velcro shoes so I didn’t have to tie them. That is how amazing I was.

I don’t know if I am on board with her being the most amazing kid ever. Also did I miss the part where Rin forgot she had a sister? I apparently missed the reason why Sakura was given up to the worm people but a quick visit to Wikipedia has set me straight. And I hate Tokiomi. Like if you were only going to raise one kid WHY DID YOU HAVE TWO?! They are called CONDOMS! Surely he had to know about the worm people or would have checked on her throughout his life. Just gross. And the mother is gross too for marrying into this family and allowing it to happen.


Rin got traumatized a lot in this episode.....

But I still don’t know why Rin forgot about Sakura. Maybe it was so traumatic for her Rin forced the memories out of her mind. Or maybe that is something that would actually make sense for such a young girl. You know, one who isn’t afraid to go out at night and find her missing friend.


Use those moves on Caster. I am sure it will work.

As a side note is the bullying/dead kid the one Castor had super fun with after he was summoned? I am just asking. They look sorta similar and thought it would be an interesting tie in.


Poor Rin does not think she is amazing. :(

I did enjoy Rin trying to be just like her father and her failed experiments. It is nice to see how a confident girl in Fate/Stay Night had humble beginnings too and was almost eaten by a book. Because surely I would leave that book around if I had a small child in the house.


Hope Rin got paid for all of this!

The helping out the classmates was a bit over dramatic. Like a lot. If so many kids were not understanding the lessons well some teachers need to get fired. Or all those kids were stupid. Either way it was over the top and I guess it shows how on the outside Rin was trying to pretend to be the perfect classmate but on the inside she was really RARW. Or maybe she had good intentions to start off with and things like this pissed her off and made her into the resentful teenager of Fate/Stay Night.


Look at me rescuing people! So awesome.

I like that Rin went to rescue her friend but maybe MAYBE next time take an adult? Maybe she didn’t want to worry her father but it is hard to prove what you are made of when your insides are all over the ground. Just saying. But seeing how Rin is 5/6 I guess I will let that slide.


Rin is very grateful to be rescued by the bugs. See her grateful face?

I do like how Rin’s mini adventure was slightly tied into what was going on with the overall plot. Obviously Tokiomi is the one who was like RARW go after Caster and this was probably why. Almost having your kid squished will do that to you. Oh and all the other kids being kidnapped too was probably a good reason to want to stop Caster.


Sure everything will be okay. Says the man who is FALLING APART! Your face is melting off!

Another AHA moment of this episode was how it tied in Kariya. You know, that dude who is dying a gross wormy death. Rin would have been pancake batter had it not been for him and he is becoming creepy old dude to protect Sakura. So maybe Tokiomi should have made HIM his alley and not some random priest with an attitude. In any event we finally got to see Kariya! YAY!


WEEE! You will get your chance in 10 years!!!!

So that is about it for this episode. Rin did cute 5/6 year old things, almost died, and managed to rescue her friend. That part I was surprised about. I was mentally preparing myself for the horror scene she was going to find (you know, a pillar or a random tree because we can’t show the violence!!!) but WOOHOO! Friend is alive. Next week….SABER?!?!?!


eternia said...

Apparently this is not how the story goes in the original novel. The animator loves loli Rin and decided to make up a whole episode dedicated to her. LOL.
That's why we saw lot of flaws.
Why can't Ryunnosuke capture Rin?
One grab to that tiny neck and it's all over. You suck, anime producer-san...

Christina said...

Eternia- This did feel pretty fillery. Cute but added very little to the plot. Rin is the most awesome kid ever!

Ryuu might be the stupidest Master ever. Or maybe they are making him that way so when he goes the show can still go on like he wasn't there. I am surprised the regular police didn't capture him, let alone the other Masters!

Unknown said...

This episode just annoyed me in all honesty. As I knew it was filler, I just felt that having a whole episode wasted on Rin - a person we know is fine in FSN - was pointless and didn't contribute anything to the franchise.

An example would be the scene where she "beat" Ryuu; I'm sorry, but the director just can't do something like that which can never be considered canon. All it does is portray Rin as a superb mage in the making; whereas she struggled with the most basic magic earlier on in the episode.

The best part of this episode was when Kariya finally made a return to the scene. In my opinion, he is the most redeemable character on the show; we have Kiritsugu who destroys buildings; Kirei who is simply killing for no purpose; Ryuu who I don't need to explain; Tokiomi who we don't know much about yet admittedly but is letting cheating going on without batting an eyelid; Waver who is pursuing the Grail just for recognition with no real goal in sight; Kayneth who threatened to kill Kiritsugu slowly by regenerating his heart and lungs to torture him. Kariya only has one aim; to save Sakura from any and all harm. I think the fact that his body is slowly getting destroyed only exacerbates this struggle and makes for compelling viewing.

I just want more Kariya and Berserker, but I bet we'll only see them more in the second season.

Samuel said...

Why did it post as Unknown? DX

Christina said...

Samuel- I think it was a huge jump from struggling Rin to Winner Rin. But maybe she only won because Ryuu has ZERO magic abilities. That and she didn't really do much but blow up something. And as we saw in the episode she was only good at blowing up things. So had it been any other task Rin would have failed and died. So good job Rin! You being a poor mage (naturally at the age of 5!) saved your life.

It is hard feeling anything for Kariya as he is barely on my screen. Yet out of all the Masters he seems to have the purest intentions. Or at least method in going about it. Saber has a hard time convincing her Master to save a dozen kids while Kariya is focusing on one. And he is doing so at the expense of his own body. Of course....he is mainly in love with the momma but knowing that this will probably kill him and he is willing to try anyway speaks volumes about him. Less about the family that gave up their little girl.