Monday, October 22, 2012

Sword Art Online episode 15: Oh I See.....

Holy crap? Has it really been an entire week since I posted last? What the heck is wrong with me? X___X I did celebrate a birthday this week (I AM OLD FOLKS) and I did have a special experience at the Doctor's Office but other than that I was functional. Why do I have 5 posts in various states of almost doneness and didn't post any of them? I have no idea. X___X Sorry about that folks. So expect quite a few posts up in the next few days. XD I will surely make up for the lack of posts last week this week. You will be like oh snap slow down please.
Some things never change.
So finally up now is Sword Art Online episode 15. I would give you spoilers but I forgot what happened because I typed this all so long ago. I think there are elves though folks. Elves.
:( I hope Kirito doesn't have this dream every night.
Episode Summary: Kirito and Asuna are enjoying time at their cabin in the woods. Asuna is asleep and Kirito looks content. Suddenly the game falls apart with Kirito looking on in shock. Suddenly Kirito wakes up back in reality. He wipes the tears from his eyes and tells Asuna he is such a crybaby now. He gets ready for the day and sees his cousin outside practicing her sparing. He watches her for a while and thinks about the two months that have passed since the game ended. He was taken care at the hospital by his cousin and “mom” and went to physical therapy so he isn’t looking quite so bad now. But he still has some trouble adjusting to real life and has some mannerisms left over from the game. His cousin/sister Suguha notices that he was watching her and gets all embarrassed. Kirito comments about the kendo sword not weighing that much and suggest the two have a match. They gear up and onward to battle they go. Kirito has a weird fighting stance and shows off some weird moves. Suguha ends up winning the match and Kirito has no hard feelings. They go back inside talking about the match where it is mentioned that Kirito is leaving after breakfast to visit Asuna. Suguha gets a little quiet. There are flashbacks of Kirito being in the hospital. The mother informs Suguha that Kirito is really her cousin and not her brother. Kirito found out when he was 10 but never said anything. Suguha is really shocked and now…might have feelings for Kirito.
And you are creepy-kun?
Kirito bikes to the hospital where he tells the viewers that he exchanged information about the game to authorities so he could find Asuna. Asuna is laying in bed all coma like but doesn’t look all skinny. Kirito starts talking to Asuna, about how sad he is when the father walks in. Things seem friendly until the father’s business associate Noboyuki Sugou walks in. Noboyuki greets Kirito warmly about ending the game and all. Then the father and Noboyuki start talking wedding dresses and moving on in life. The father leaves and Noboyuki gets all creepy, touching Asuna. Noboyuki has his sights on this company and Asuna being unconscious is actually helpful because Asuna never liked him. So Noboyuki is going to “marry” Asuna and get his reward for helping keep the Sword Art Online servers up. He says all this hot mess to Kirito and leaves. At home Suguha tries talking to Kirito who is on the verge of breaking down. He cries in front of her and Suguha tells him just to try his best. Suguha ends up holding Kirito all night which causes some craziness in the morning. Kirito smiles through it and decides that he will not give up on the Asuna matter. He gets an email from Egil. In it contains a picture of someone who looks like Asuna in an online game? THE END!
What the hell did I just watch? Between the elf ears, marriage to coma girls, and brother on sister/cousin crushes my little brain has been fried to pieces. But not fried enough to go back to the scary clinic of doom so maybe I will just deal.
I think I would still be crying but that is just me.
I am glad that there was SOME scenes showing what life was like for Kirito while he was in the hospital and shortly there after. But of course most of the scenes were from two months after Kirito beat the game. I guess showing Kirito looking like a skeleton and relearning how to use all his muscles again might have been a bit boring or hard to watch. At least for me anyway. I don’t deal well with hospitals or sick/hurt people. Good thing I am not a nurse.
:( We know about Asuna. What about the other people?
So since this is set 2 months after Kirito woke up we didn’t get the immediate aftermath of the game ending. Kirito “woke up” alone in a hospital with no people? I doubt it. Most of these people must have been in nearby hospitals. If 1/3rd of Japanese people living major cities like Tokyo and Osaka I am sure there must have been several people from the game in each hospital. Probably even more than that.
And then I guess life moved on....
Again I would have liked it better had there been chaos, happy faces, and tons of people around Kirito while he only focused on finding Asuna. Even if it was just brief TV news programs, interviewing survivors, I would have liked to see more than Kirito. I understand that he is the main character but he is only focused on Asuna it seems. I want to see how others have dealt with this tragedy, how they might have lost jobs or family members, how they might be suing or have resulted to drinking/drugs to deal with their pain.
:( Poor Kirito misses his sword.
Over in main character land things seem to be okay. Kirito was able to walk after waking up so physical therapy might have been a little easier for him. His family consisting of his “aunt” and cousin Suguha are acting like nothing has happened. And Kirito seems to be handling the fact that his cousin Suguha can kick his butt at kendo. Granted she has been practicing the sport for a lot longer than he has and he has lost a great deal of muscle mass but he is a boy. Sometimes boys have a hard time dealing with the fact that girls are stronger than them (regardless of the circumstances). Since Kirito is used to being the defender of woman I was wondering how he was going to handle that. Good job Kirito for not having a tantrum.
What video games? Why are you acting so weird? You haven't been gone for two years or anything.
Oh Suguha? Who is that? Well since this episode was practically devoted to her I guess we better know about her right? When Kirito talked about his cousin in the game I pictured her being a more serious person. Like she stepped up and did what grandfather wanted and did this serious sport. Didn’t see grandfather now that I think about it. So anyway I was expecting a super serious person who maybe was taking care of Kirito a bit too much due to the fact she lost him for two years.
No what I get is a cousin who is in love with someone who was raised as her brother. Like what the hell is this!? First off….that is some serious mom fail. If you want to keep it a secret that’s great. Well maybe not but if that worked it worked. But when Kirito found out the truth maybe Suguha should have been told too. But that is besides the point again. WHAT THE HELL! If someone told me today that my brother was really not my cousin I wouldn’t go OH well…now he is sexable. See I want to throw up just typing that nonsense. SO GROSS! They were raised as siblings and are still related now! Yes some cultures say it is okay to marry your cousin but when you are raised as siblings?! My one functional eye is rebelling against this nonsense.
It was hard to focus on the rest of the episode involving Suguha. Because of the crazy incest thing trying to happen. I feel as if she wasn’t really understanding Kirito and what he had gone through. Yes he has been awake for 2 months at this point but two years of his life were spent in that game. I am sure a lot happened to Suguha in that time period so why is she making it very awkward for Kirito when he already feels awkward? Trying to put his sword up and stuff. She needs to not call attention to that. Be nice to Kirito. However given all this…cousin loving going on in her head I was a bit surprised that Suguha wasn’t saying crap about Asuna. That would be horrible though, given that the girl is in a coma. So Suguha get a tiny bit of credit for that.
I think that Kirito could have traded for more information but perhaps he wasn't thinking straight. He deserves more than that right?
Lets talk about Asuna then. According to Kirito and his traded information (WTF is that all about?!) 300 players have not woken up from the game. That sounds a little special to me. There were rules in the game and if you died in the game you died in real life. Yes Kirito is alive but when he came “back” to finish Heathcliff he died second. So maybe that explains that anime magic. But homegirl Asuna was super dead. And what about the other 299 people? I don’t think that all those people died within that tiny bit of time frame that Heathcliff was dying in. So what is up with them? Hopefully there will be an explanation for that because it seems very…special. HMMMM I wonder where these people are stuck at.
I notice that Asuna looks okay and Kirito looked like crap when he woke up. HMMMM!
Kirito visiting Asuna was rather sad. I wanted to give that boy a hug. But then things hit the fan and they were not good things. Very bad things. While Kirito and Asuna had a rather fast romance it was still there. And Asuna did die for Kirito. So that is all sad to begin with. Asuna’s father walking in was a bit stiff. Thought he was going to be part of the drama. Or the major factor of it. I guess in a way he is allowing it to happen so he is awful too.
Um....can we poll the mom on this issue or am I destroying the entire family?
What is the awful thing I am talking about? Noboyuki Sugou. He walks in with the father and at first is all woohoo I see a hero. But things go horrible for Kirito. For some reason Asuna’s father has decided to marry his unconscious and barely legal daughter off to someone who works for him. What the hell?! Why would you want to do that?! Shouldn’t you be crying tears because your kid is still unconscious and may never wake up? I guess that you have no one to pass on your company to and that might be a thing in Japan. BUT WHAT THE HELL?! Then just adopt the dude. Just adopt him. Don’t go through all this song and dance of a wedding ceremony. What if your daughter does wake up and is like what the hell is that?! Are you going to get her impregnated while in a coma too?
People are not up to pay debts sorry!
This is all horrible without the factor that Noboyuki Sugou is an asshole. Stop touching unconscious people like that. Did he really have to shove it in Kirito’s face what he was planning? He could have just walked away and thought things to himself. But no let me talk about how Asuna hates me and how I am only doing this because I am owed something for keeping the servers up. Like look at you big man picking on a 16 year old boy who just went through hell.
Almost as messed up as the game I know!!!
The aftermath of said revelation made sense. Kirito was trying to be strong for his cousin for some reason. Maybe because he is the older one or because he is the boy. Suguha, whom I hate typing her name for some reason, had some jealously on her face but hid it well. Kirito deserved to cry and Suguhu needed to be his rock. She might have pushed it a little too far with the do your best because really what could Kirito have done if this was a normal situation? Well normal is relative so you know.
That screenie looks worse than mine!!!
The episode ends with Egil (everyone is still friends WOOHOO?!) sending Kirito a message. Apparently in another game Asuna has been spotted? What?! Now we have material for the rest of the episodes! I do think it is odd that Asuna might have been stuck in this game for two months and made no mention to anyone GET ME KIRITO! She knows his real name. If Egil was able to post pictures of this game to Kirito that means that this game isn’t Sword Art Online material, people can log in and out. Well if they are not in a coma. So…what is up with that? And am I ready for elf ears and flying around? I doubt it. But…well I guess I don’t have to deal but it will be interesting to see what happens next. Well except with the Yui poppin up..


eternia said...

Whoa! Just how many "What the hell?!" over there, tenchi? But it's not so strange too, considering this is Shit Farts Online.

This is far from the end, you know. Suguha is going put even more effort to jump unto Kirito's lap and taste his sword. Also, that 'mama' and 'papa' creature makes a comeback. Seeing her once again makes me want to punch the LCD screen.

About the other 299 people, they are not dying in game or anything. The scooby-doo villain randomly picked them up, not allowing them to leave while all other players logged out successfully. Why would he do that? Well, let's say that, he's just a scum, as you can see.

Anonymous said...

Hello @Eternia and @Tenchi

I think I've lost all interests in this show. The characters, especially the protagonist, are just too unlikable to me. My opinion of course. They are either mary sue/gary stu or just plain boring/annoying.

At least with Black Rock Shooter, there were "interesting" characters. Sure, Black Rock Shooter is too flawed for a great show, but the characters managed to hold my attention to end.

eternia said...

"The characters, especially the protagonist, are just too unlikable..."
THIS. Actually I am very tolerant person. I don't mind whiny and weak main character. I don't mind harem. I don't mind fanservice. I don't mind rape and gore. I don't mind overpowered protagonist, in general. Something about Gary Stu - Kirito makes me really, really hate him. His personality. -> The way he looks down on his opponents.
-> The way he treats women.
-> The way he thinks too highly of himself (in game).
You have to see his behavior during the last several minutes of next episode. That smug face! I want to jump into the monitor (if this were sci-fi). I would pummel his face so that even his mom/aunt can't recognize him anymore.

Anonymous said...

*gasp* I have time to comment!

Er anyway, during the last few episodes, I'd developed a habit of yelling very loudly while watching SAO, and alot o things in this episode only perpetuated it.
Those elves are going to take a while to get used to, I'd be ok with them if the ears were small but goodness, they're friggin' huge!
And the incestuous tones! Do we rally need that?! After shoving KiritoXAsuna down our throats, they're going to throw in a love triangle? And a love triangle with a boy, his cousin and his virtual wife who is in a coma? That's messed up. I hope there's not too much triangle action, that would really ruin this arc for me =/
On second thought, as much as I like Kirito, he's not good enough for either Asuna or Sugu--they should both dump him and go for Klein XD

The show took a really drastic turn though. Between the new opening, ending, and magic elves, I barely recognize it. I thought Crossig Field and Yume no Sekai worked well with the fantasy theme, and AT LEAST were memorable. The new songs(especially the ending) feel very anime drama generic, and I have a hard time even remembering what they sound like.

Regardless, I'm still watching the show. XD

icebrooks said...

Well I believe that anime girls are the best and if given a choice I would be a Neko MIMI. Yes.
If you agree with me mplease send a real letter to PO BOX 769 Micanopy, FL, 32667.
A stamp will cost you $0.45.
If you would like to donate to promate male to anime female transformation, it would be wonderful, but just sending a real letter is enough. Thank you.

icebrooks said...


icebrooks said...


Christina said...

Eternia- They really should change the name of this show. One because....Sword Art Online ended. And two...What the hell?! Seriously what the hell.

Yui coming back is no bueno. What the heck is bluenose spell check?! But cousin on cousin but we were raised as siblings is even worse. Is Suguha really going to get jealous when Kirito starts rescuing other girls? Because I might puke and die.

I feel bad for the other 299 people. Like haven't they been through enough?! Asuna is lucky to exist still so I don't feel as bad for her. XD

It's weird though...I love Resident Evil the movies (well the last one was almost too special for me) and Alice is just like Kirito. Probably even more magical. But I am okay with her for some reason. Maybe because she doesn't act better than everyone else. She is just like okay I saved you time to move on. XD

Anonymous- With Black Rock Shooter I think the characters were WAY too interesting. Like losing their minds all over the place. With Kirito he makes scared faces but I am like bitch please you gonna win every battle why you worried? XD

NotNeverOutGrewToys- This show is totally different now. Spending all this time learning and understanding one game and now it is time for a new one! With different classes/races. Like oh okay let me relearn all this new stuff.

Just say no to incest. I should make bumper stickers and hand them out to otaku in Japan. Because this is not sexy.

icebrooks- Anime girls can't hold your hand or eat the lovely dinner you prepare for them. And shopping trips would be so boring and quick without real girls.