Friday, October 5, 2012

Curse you ConFlu!!!

Why won't the coughs stop?!?!?!
So why haven't I been blogging up a storm lately? Another case of the lazy Tenchi? Not exactly. Despite all the precautions I took at AWA to NOT get I am. With a bad case of ConFlu. Le sigh...and then cough some more.
Lets chuck Tenchi's phone out the window so people can stop calling and asking why she's not at work!
Maybe I have the weakest immune system in the world! I mean...I went to bed earlier than I usually do, didn't drink from water fountains, made sure to actually eat food and not only pocky, and made sure I was nice and toasty in cold panel rooms. So why is it I am holed up in bed with tissues and NyQuil and the husband is happily skippin off to work? LE SIGH INDEED. So needless to say I am probably dreadfully behind on all the new animes that are coming out for the Fall Season. I will get to them as soon as possible. Let us all believe in the power of awful tasting medicine and chicken noodle soup. Off to bed I go again. ACHOO!


Anonymous said...

I wish you well.

Get better soon :)

eternia said...

conflu = flu that turns you into con-artist?
I wish you get back to normal soon~

Christina said...

Anonymous and Eternia- Thanks for the well wishes. The ConFlu is a sickness one gets after attending an anime convention, mainly because one is exposed to a large group of people in a tiny space. XO Despite my efforts to protect myself I have fallen victim. Why can't my husband take a turn getting sick!? All the animes I am falling behind on :(