In the end it had to be brought back from out of the box factory style. All of my Japan pictures were already on discs but AWA 2011 has been lost. Thank goodness I put some pictures on Facebook and in my Walmart cart. Guess this teaches me a lesson to save pictures the second I get home from anything. The laptop is still missing.....basically everything. XD Don't even have word to type this up on. So catching up on anime posts before I go out of town is probably not going to happen. XD
Still I shall try to do something. I decides that Guilty Crown was getting put off long enough so on I went. Episode 3 was amazing folks. Okay I lies. Spoilers for Shu's classmates all being otaku.
Episode Summary: Right before Inori walks into the classroom the teacher does make an effort to talk to his class about the recent Funeral Parlor mayhem. Most students know more than the teachers though with their access to all the latest internet stuffs. All that is forgotten thought when Inori walks in. Some people recognize her because she is in a band and that helps cover up the fact that Shu freaked when he saw her. The classmates continue to ask her questions and what not but Shu’s friend Yahiro tells them to back off and treat her like a normal human being. Shu knows that Inori is there to recruit him but decides to ignore her and go on with life. One of Shu’s other friends nearly has a meltdown when Shu makes fun of Inori. Shu has to ride home in tears because his friend called him stupid. The fun times keep on rolling when he arrives home and Inori has taken it upon herself to move in along with the crazy robot. Elsewhere Antibodies has decided they need to hire someone extra psycho to stop Funeral Parlor. They walk on over to Code Geass and get a crazy to do the job. After randomly undressing in front of Shu Inori explains that she is there to protect him. Shu is not down for this plan and voices his concerns. Yahiro comes over to watch a video with Shu. Shu tries to hide the fact that Inori is there but she prances out and demands Shu comes with her so they can talk to Gai. I see. Gai is dressed to be the hottest escort in town because sometimes that is what “terrorists” have to do . This is not a recruiting meeting though. Apparently when Shu had his glory moment the other day someone from his school was in “that” part of town scoring some drugs. Since Gai is amazing he knows what the person’s Void looks like. So obviously it will be easy to track down the person and kill them yes?
Shu memorizes the rules of Voids which include the person getting….voided forgetting about the encounter which shall help in the mission. Shu plans on voiding everyone in school until he finds out who spied on them. Only things do not go well when his first attempt has him grabbing a girl’s boob instead. Video hits the internet fast and Shu declares his life over. Inori teaches Shu how to look people in the eye without doing so and his Voiding attempts go much smoother. Shu tries asking why Inori has a sword shaped Void when Voids are supposed to represent some sorta…trauma inside a person? In any event her answer is interrupted by boob grabbing girl trying to kill Shu. Yahiro helps to hide Shu and Inori. While doing so he reveals (on accident or on purpose) that he is Code Name Sugar, aka the druggie that saw Shu being all Voidy. Yahiro gets all pissy and defensive on why he takes drugs and Shu voids him to avoid a fight. With the correct Void shown Inori goes in for the kill. Shu begs her not to as Yahiro is a friend. Yahiro promises not to tell anyone about Funeral Parlor and Shu will not talk about the drugs. Only the very next day Code Geass Crazy is outside the train station and Yahiro gives Shu up without a second though. THE END!
There wasn't too much in terms of "terrorist" attacks today. Of course that doesn't mean they weren't the talk of the town. On the contrary they were. Gai doesn't have to run around blowing everything up to prove a point. Getting the organization Funeral Parlor on everyone's minds and putting thoughts in their heads that HEY this might not be so bad is also important.
So it would actually be better for the Antibodies if they didn't give Funeral Parlor the time of day. That of course will not stop the youtube and Facebook pages devoted to Gai's speech. But they could try and minimize how much is broadcasted on TV. You know, so the adults don't find out.
Not that anyone in Shu's class really care. Because YAY new transfer student time. In current Japan transfer students are rather exciting as classes tend to stay the same the entire time someone is in high school. But in this post near Apocalypse world I am not sure how WOW this is. I am sure at one point or another people got displaced due to the crazy.
Inori might be there to protect Shu but I am sure Gai wants Shu to eventually get recruited into Funeral Parlor. Inori is going to involve him more than actually protect him. Or at least that probably would have happened had Shu's best friend forever not narced on him.
Inori seems to be suffering from "Human Emotions are What?". She doesn't get why Shu is upset or why she seems to be a big deal. Oh I am a member of a famous band? So why does that mean you think I am a big deal? What do you mean it would be bad to kill one of your friends? What do you mean getting undressed in front of you is uncomfortable? She has a major case of the DUHS. I am super all of these CUTE characteristics are supposed me make me say AWW but really I feel bad for Shu.
The rules of the Void were just randomly thrown at us. Like oh Shu since we are sitting here waiting for a victim let's make sure you remember the rules. So the audience can hear them. I find it interesting that Gai and his people are so well versed in what a Void is. But I guess if they have been spying on Antibodies for so long they have learned all the secrets and what not.
The one rule I am interested in the most is why everyone has to be 17 or younger to have a Void, Once you turn 18 you no longer have insecurities or what not? By then you have already turned in your V-card? Poor innocence of youth.
I like how he didn't even question why Inori wasn't there. Please be more obvious next time writers.
It seems as if Inori knew that Yahiro was the one who saw Shu at the battle. Which means all the random Void pulling was just...for fun. And to show off how boring some Voids can be. Good thing Inori has a useful Void yes?
I am not sure why Yahiro was dropping hints on who he was. I mean....if he was out scoring drugs would it not be in his best interests to hide who he was too? To keep up his appearance of being the perfect student (which is everyone else's fault of course) would it not be better to keep on hiding?
In the end it seems as if Segai (straight from Code Geass) either tortured Yahiro for the information or promised him tons of drugs. However I enjoy the fact things weren't all peachy in the end. Sorta like how Shu did not automatically join Funeral Parlor. Yahiro didn't magically become less bitter and afraid about being caught and he turned in his friend.
Was that evil? Yes. But that is more logical than everything working itself out after such an intense showdown of feelings. Not that Yahiro is in the clear. Usually people who turn on their friends are killed by the enemy eventually.
You really shouldn't take a call when you are in the middle of torturing someone. Rude. Now Yahiro has to do more drugs.
So we got Segai the super spy and Gai who can see Voids inside of people. Sounds like some people were affected by this super virus yet the effects were positive. Now that Shu has been captured I suspect the next episode will be devoted to rescuing Shu which will make him join Funeral Parlor yes?
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