Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shin Sekai Yori episode 18

Greetings from PollenLand! It looks like it is going to rain soon (because the clouds know I need to go grocery shopping) so maybe it will help wash all the pollen out of the air. Because really my car is beyond cleaning at this point. I shall accept my car is now yellow and move on with my life.
Only in their youth did they have things to fear. I see....
So anime post time instead of complaining about the weather yes? What is up first....okay Shin Sekai Yori episode 18 it is. Spoilers for Saki never catching a break.
Flawless victory.
Episode Summary: The episode switches from the leaders of the village talking about the Giant Hornets being destroyed and Saki and Satoru enjoying a fair. First things first. Satoru steps up and explains what he saw on the battlefield, that there were mutated bodies and weapons missing. Also missing from the carnage was the body of their leader Kiroumaru. Saki and her many faces keep gasping at every fact stated. Shisei and his lovely mask want to go last in the explanation of what happens as is his is the most outrageous. Various people talk about how the QueerRats are way too smart for their own good and must be getting information from someone. Saki's mother talks about how it is possible they found a Fail Eevee ( a portal library) and that the QueerRats from Yakomaru's colony gained some information about weapons of mass destruction. For some reason they all assume weapons of massive destruction mean bombs and clearly that is not what happened. Hino and his creepy doesn't seem to understand the threat of what is going on. Shisei then thinks that the QueerRats were taken out by a human and their power. Saki's eyes grow huge as Mari and Mamoru are brought up as possible suspects. Granny is like um no. DNA matches up, the bones were human, and no other human would help the QueerRats. It it decided that Yakomaru and his people will be taken out. Hiromi suggests that they put off the upcoming festival in the face of all this drama but everyone is like um no.
Um...someone has run out of calm...
The festival comes and Saki is upset that Satoru didn't meet up at the specific spot they agreed on. There are some people dressed up as monsters and Saki finds it cute that there is a kid sized one even if Satoru doesn't see it. They walk by some booths and it brings back memories of when Saki and Maria went to a festival together. They won gold fishes and freed them later and was generally a good time. Saki looks up and thinks she sees Maria and runs after her. Satoru catches up to Saki and knows what she thought she saw. But since this is a festival that deals with ghosts returning and such he thinks it is obvious that Saki wanted and thought she saw Maria. The two share in a moment to “mourn” for their friend. When they return back to the festival to have fun they see a child monster suit give an adult a drink and the adult dies. Satoru says it must be the QueerRats, that they knew they were going to be taken out so this was their last ditch effort. Satoru tries killing some of the QueerRats but Saki wants to run to the center of town where everyone else is. There are some causalities but most of the town makes it to where Shisei and Hino are. They have made a forcefield and basically tell everyone they got this. However Satoru has figured out they are coming from a certain direction to position the humans. The wind is turned around which kills tons of QueerRats. But somehow they manage to outsmart Hino and he is mortally wounded. Shisei takes off his mask revealing his...different eyes and instantly takes out the nearby QueerRats. He then does a mercy killing on Hino who wishes he could have seen Shisei's beauty. The citizens take time to cheer about all of this nonsense but are told to not let their guard down and to regroup in their teams of 5. If they aren't a team of 5 anymore join up with a bigger group. Saki's mother runs by and states the father is okay and is taking the lead giving out medical help. Granny walks by and basically says she is going to cut Yakomaru into tiny pieces as Hiromi has been killed. Saki then thinks back to Maria's goodbye letter and how Maria says she loves Saki but guesses it couldn't work out even if they stayed because two girls can't have a baby. THE END!
Weeee! So happy yes?
Well well well. I am guessing that this is a giant pile of poo for most of the people in this show. Good job in making sure the past tragedies aren't repeated guys. Instead of focusing on the growing number of QueerRats we made sure to take out any kids who looked at us funny.
Also you suck!
I like how during this meeting all pretenses were dropped. Well mostly anyway. All the adults know the truth and can really say what is on their minds. None of this niceness and pretending. Maybe they do that on other occasions but when your biggest...”support” has been taken out you have to realize that you are screwed and it is time to put all the cards on the table.
I like the term Fail Eevee better.
It was nice seeing Saki's mother do something for once. I realize that she does have an important job but so far all we have really seen from her are a few tears about past kids and warning Saki to smile and look cute. Okay maybe not the cute part but still. Saki's mother must have been on edge all those years thus making her personality much weaker than it actually was. Now that Saki is out of danger I am sure those two (and the father) are closer. That Saki's mother has moved on from her sense of fear and dread because her daughter has made it out of this situation. I do wish that Saki's mom got more of a chance to talk instead of the focus being on a pointy mustache. Bombs aren't the only weapons of mass destruction.
Are you a class A liar or are you being tricked too?
So....what is going on with Maria and Mamoru? Or really what is going on with everyone else in regards to those two. They aren't really dead....are they? I mean all signs point to at least Maria being alive with a Mamoru kid in tow. I know that Yakomaru said he was going to come up with some convincing bones (in a creepy way of course) but then Granny went above and beyond keeping this a secret. Maybe she really wants Maria and Mamoru to be okay or keep the peace in the village but she almost convinced me that she believes they are really dead. Which makes me think....are they really gone?
Saki needs to hurry up and succeed Granny so she can get her memories straighten out.
Saki wearing the mourning kimono as it were and the way Satoru talked....were their memories altered AGAIN?! Or are they just pretending to go around missing these people. All this talk about Saki wanting to see her friends at the festival that is centered around lost loved ones....they do know they left alive right? Maybe I am reading WAY too much into things but Granny was so believable it makes me question everything. What is going on?!?!
Perhaps we should take this slightly more serious....
I do think though if it wasn't Maria and Mamoru who were helping the QueerRats it was a human. Oh you humans now have tons of powers and can do magical things and this event seems magical? Clearly the rain from Resident Evil killed them all then. No really folks why not believe what is the most likely event? Humans aren't allowed to kill QueerRats but if someone went all fiend on us this could have happened. Why were they so quick to dismiss what could have been going on? But since this is the society that was like OH lets make a huge servant workforce/kid killing army when a few hundred would do...maybe it is not good to question their motives.
Always so much fun in this village til someone ends up dead.
The festival itself looked like it might have been fun if not creepy. You know, all the kids running around having fun when in reality a lot of them will be taken out in the upcoming years. Like look how quaint village life is oh dead body. Add in that Saki probably can't enjoy anything in life and the festival looked pretty on the surface but was probably just a mask to hide the truth about the village. At least Satoru got to look hot?
Good thing we didn't do something silly like postpone the festival.
The QueerRats attacking the village made sense and the humans were too cocky to realize this. Like oh our main QueerRat force gets taken out and we aren't going to have the proper defenses up because we think we are so much better than those animals. Had they been prepared causalities could have been lowered. But things could have gone much worse if Shisei had been taken out so at least the humans have something going for them. Saki should have let Satoru kill more of the QueerRats though.
Death to the gross animals!!!
Despite all that Saki has been through it looked like she thought she was above what was going on in the square, with everyone cheering when the QueerRats were poisoned and all. Like...I can see why that might be perceived as gross, cheering that other intelligent life is being taken out because you have enslaved them and think you are better than them. But from most of the villagers standpoints the QueerRats probably have it pretty good and how dare they go against them. So cheer on. Saki should be cheering too since she knows the most but she is like is this the world we live in?!?!?!
Well hello there hottie. Maybe he is blind?
In the end a few key people in the village were taken out in this attack. We got to see Shisei without his mask on. He must wear it to keep the ladies from jumping on him. We got to see Granny really pushed to her limit. I will torture him as much as possible before I end his life indeed. And we got another reminder that Satoru and Saki really have lost a lot in this village. Team of 5? Not really.
So very, very subtle.
The episode ends with a not so subtle hint that Maria had a baby and that is what adult Saki was talking about in the future, that Maria will cause the deaths of many people (or however the wording was). Whether or not Maria is still alive (or Mamoru) is still up in the air but yeah. Pretty obvious at this point. Also their love wouldn't have worked out because they couldn't have a baby. Because true love is not as important as being with the one you love. Even if Saki never loved her that way.....poor Maria. Her life basically sucks yes?

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