Monday, February 4, 2013

Duffy the Disney Bear Adventures: Duffy gets an oil change

Sometimes in life...things are boring. This becomes more obvious the older one gets that things aren't are fun and games. It can't all be trips and movies and vegging out in front of the TV. Even though I try to make it so. XD No sometimes you have to do "adult" things like grocery shop or mow the yard or pressure wash the house.
Weeee bigger than the rims.
However it is possible to have some fun in the midst of "work". Insert my lovely Duffy Bear. Duff seems to take everything in stride, even when things seem relatively boring. So when I had to go in to get an oil change (seriously folks it has been like 7 months) Duff was like....we can make this fun yes?
Checking in to get our oil change. Duffy was sitting there forever as the man behind the counter was trying to figure out what a computer was. XD Just kidding. I guess they got a new system and me and my free coupon threw him for a loop. I don't get paid in gum folks, I get paid in oil changes.
Duffy has found an interesting magazine to pass the time.
Looking around the waiting room. A lot of advertising going on.
Duffy is not quite sure what to make of this.....thing.
No thanks without all these extra things. Just give me my free oil change so we can go out and have some fun.
Windows that you can't see out of make sense eh Duffy?
There is a strange.......thing in the window. Can we take it home?
Duffy finally admits that all this waiting is super boring. He decided to borrow my DS.
Duffy trying to beat White 2 (or do I have Black 2.....) before the newest Pokemon game comes out. Not today as the care was finally finished. Duffy agrees oil changes are boring now and is glad we won't have to do this for a while. XD Thank goodness there wasn't anyone in front of us or the wait would have been even longer!

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