Monday, February 7, 2011

Nendoroid Excelica playing in Lego Town

Well maybe Lego Town is too nice of a word. More like Lego Mess? XD And I don't want to use Lego Land because I think that is an actual place? Maybe more Lego Mess.

But yes it is time for another Nendoroid post. XD I do love making them. Although I wish I made more Nendoroid posts that were outside the house. Fresh baked cookies (eaten by me XD) to the person who can point me in the direction of a decent Nendoroid carrier. I know Danny Choo has something neat looking but all I got is a pokemon tin and the fear I will mess up the preciouses!


Behold my dinning room table! And no I say nothing about this...lovely work area. Because the rest of the house is covered in figurines, Hello Kitty, and plushies. husband can have one spot in the house. XD

Anyway on with the post. With a special appearance by Needy the Special Head Cat. XD I do enjoy my new Christmas Present Nendoroid Excelica. Hopefully she had fun too! Because she is ALIVE people. ALIVE.


Excelica is Queen of the Lego Mess. Apparently there is some competition to build a spaceship or something to win a huge lego set. I don't know. But there is a slow organizational process happening. Couches are better for eating food at anyway.


Excelica wanted to play with this little space craft. But it seems to be hauling dead Lego bodies all around the table so maybe it is best if it stays put. Poor dead Lego bodies.


Woohoo more space on the floor. Also I have no idea what any of these sets are called despite buying like 75% of them. Doesn't matter because Excelica is having fun.


WEEE!! Excelica is used to driving these kinds of things yes?


Excelica is commanding an army folks. An army of Legos that all look alike. Wait what is that in the background?


Oh I see how it is baby kitten. You want attention when I am over THERE. But the second Excelica drives over to your silly self you ignore me? XO


Excelica let's leave this rude kitten behind. Obviously she has better things to do than play with us.


See that in the background? That would be el baby kitten doing the attention dance. I SWEAR PEOPLE. But no. Excelica has moved on to bigger and better things. Like dragon ninja things.


Are we blasting off at the speed of light?


Behold these little green bug looking things. Blast them!


Or ride them. Whatever is more fun.


Excelica! Don't go over the speed limit. Momma ain't paying for your tickets.


Many of these Lego vehicles are perfect Nendoroid size. XO Maybe after making the spaceship my husband could make them a house?


Um there is a little alien thing driving the manna ray thingy. Don't you think Excelica would look cuter driving that...thingy? XD


Excelica would wave goodbye to everyone but she has been buried under a mountain of Legos. Maybe she is helping the husband organize them. But at least she looks happy? Thanks for stopping by!!!

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